
Thrask the Trandoshan's page

170 posts. Alias of Jing the Bandit.


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Apologies, I left some of this fairly...obscure mostly because I'm not remotely an expert in Starfinder. I've played a minor bit, at the level 1 to 2 in homebrew which means I know nothing of Starfinder canon. There is also little for me to really grab off of to know what's a rare creature, ecology, and the like so I didn't want to assume things that either don't exist or untrue. On top of that, I don't have access to a Bestiary to look over enemies that I may have killed.

I fear, this is the best I can offer with the information that I know and is current of Starfinder. While I wasn't exactly attempting to show him as a loner, I fear I may have done so. What I was trying to do was illustrate how competent he is as a soldier not just against sentient dangers but those of ecology and other less intelligent life. A survival expert able to notice dangers of the world around them from a first hand experience would be vital for an exploration crew. While there are those who would be able to speculate what dangers exist, it's different from being able to make the decision in a short period of time and react with military expertise.

I would lean that he is well known as a hunter, but could also make an excellent wilderness xenoranger...if he didn't himself enjoy the thrill of the hunt. For an extra penny, he would have done Guide work for the wealthy and go deeper in the jungles and flush game out towards them but it would typically violate his code of honor to give a creature such a dishonorable death.

Backstory for Vitaliano's Character:

Standing at a staggering 7'6", Thrask was fairly typical for the Vesk species. However, despite the large size and considerable strength, he had a couple of other things going for him. He was skilled, he was a bit more intelligent, and he was exemplary for even a Vesk at combat. Combine this all with a good eye, resilience, and even the ability to pilot, he made for excellent candidate for war. The only unfortunate thing for Thrask, he was a warrior without a war.

He spent only a small portion of time before the war ended doing what Vesk love, war. He proved himself on the battlefield even in space but all good things must come to an end and Thrask had to evolve or find himself at odds with the galaxy. It was in this time that he took to the skies and went from dangerous world to dangerous world, spending only a season at a time in the depths of the jungles, the deserts, and the plains of the known galaxy's most dangerous ecosystems and he came out the other side, scarred and feeling a sense of pride.

He turned in trophy after trophy to anyone who'd buy, medical companies, wealthy tycoons, even criminal overlords. He didn't care where the money came from, only that his expertise was acknowledged and lucrative. But the fame and the thrill of the hunt slowly became mundane and boring. He had hoped the hobby would help him pass the time till the Vesk inevitably broke the arrangement and war began once again. It was at this time, that he began to notice the advertisements for experts in various fields to apply to enter the unknown and survive and learn. Well, he could do two of the three at least.

Thrask dressed in his military uniform, complete with his decorations, and adorned himself in the trappings of his more impressive kills. He submitted a video interview as per requested and awaited their response. He received a response eventually from a yet doughy at least by Vesk standards, human. Miss Nadia Von Kember sent details for him to conduct the second interview and he showed up in response. A small range where she showed up, in fatigues. He raised a brow and snorted in her direction. It was time to test his skills apparently. Perhaps his word was not worth enough, but he entered the exercise and proved readily that he was more than competent. And as he was exiting the trial field, he turned to the nearby wrecked vehicle that littered the field and opened his maw wide spraying and melting the vehicle with a large gout of acid. He snarled and licked his lips free of the tingling acid.

It was later that he learned that Miss Von Kember was in fact the First mate of the ship that he was applying for, and from what he was later told of human females, she was a ten. Serving as the voice for the ship and her captain in all things monetary, the sultry little Envoy had pulled the wool over his eyes with her importance, ability, and prestige. While he had proven his worth to the woman and had put himself somewhat in her favor, her lack of transparency of her position lead him to be cross and on his guard with her. This had began an unusual relationship.

Apologies for the incorrect species in the name. I tend to attempt to reuse dead profiles to save up a bit on what all I have to scroll through. Though I can of course make a new one if needed.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Saddening to hear it stop but understandable. Have a pleasant one.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snorts and points at the repulsor sled "Think you can fix an adjustment knob on that thing. I'd rather try to not fill the place with weights and the like when cargo works fine given that you can control the weight. All this standing about in a ship is giving me an itch and I don't need to try and scratch it in an enclosed space if you catch my drift..." he said trying to give himself the appropriate vent to keep his blood's desires at bay.

Thrask just wants to make the repulsor sled into something more useful than just cargo running, a nice high tech weight bench ^_^

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask moves to the cargo bay and starts fussing with the various pieces of gear attempting to look for something. He finds the old repulsor sled and wheels it to a open spot before getting below it and giving it a few test lifts.

He shakes his head and goes off to find two empty crates and puts them on the sled and tests again. He seems aggravated as he stops off out of the cargo bay. He goes from room to room, poking his big ugly head in before he finally spots the Sullustan. "You, come here" he says without actually waiting to see if he will follow.

He makes his way back to the repulsor sled, something most anyone could easily track giving the man's lumbering way of walking about the ship. He stares at it angrily for a bit and waits till the Sullustan shows.

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Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask is 100% a force user, he enjoys using force over persuasion any day.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Is still here as well

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask just turns his head back and forth between all the others. This whole talk was honestly starting to go way over his head and he began to slump a bit more and more as it looked like any kind of fun was way out of the picture. He shook his head, if this weapon, this sword was that interesting surely there would be some knowledgeable tinkerer somewhere. Or a bounty hunter with one on their belt.

After what seemed like forever, the trandoshan's attention span wavered and he shuffled off to his section of the cargo bay he set up as a sort of gym. He still needed to talk to someone about setting a dial on the repulsor sled so that it could be turned into a proper bench press and squat machine.

Note: This particular trandoshan's attention span is about five minutes when it comes to stuff he doesn't understand.

Ready to move on as well

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask doesn't even look at her. "They were mindless beasts fledgling, considering they can pierce my flesh with just their claws...That'd put them on the level with just about any beast on Dosha." he said, trying to bring the point to bear. He hated when others belittled the enemies one had faced less they weren't worth anything in the eyes of the Scorekeeper.

He smiled wickedly "No, no you will wish that you were bloody by the time we are done. Maybe one day I will show you a proper workout. No, we shall work on your strikes and your endurance. No gloves, no armor, no heavy clothes, no boots...just flesh pounding on flesh and bone." he said before taking a heavy breath as if he could already smell the sweat and pain in the air.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

:p, you're being dragged into it.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask grinned a bit as Kara walked away. It was good to let the anger and adrenaline drop after a fine fight. He turned his attention towards the other two who had slipped away and appeared to not have any fun. He slipped his arm around Djebelle's head and secured her before grabbing up Aneria in the other arm.

He grinned at them "You two need a workout though, can't have anyone sitting out on the fun today. Get your gear and meet me in the cargo room or I'll tear your mattresses to shreds. You both could use a bit of sparring if you've got so much energy to run and spit venom at your teammates." he said with zero hint of joking about the consequences.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Well, RP wise he is a bit on the simpler barbarian side of things. My favorite star wars character I wouldn't be able to do in this time line as Xell was definitely built more on the teachings of the Jed'i and was a flirt, a romantic, and was a wild card on the battlefield. Everything on the battlefield was useful as an ace in the whole and I loved combat with him. He was a Shadow.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Lovely RP, I semi hate this character as he's a bit of a violent dumbass so he doesn't have a lot of finer points RP wise.

Personally, if there ever was a time for venting frustrations RP wise, it'd probably be now. However, it's your character and how they feel not how we think :P

Edited my post a tiny bit. I like to think Thrask is a bit cultured on other warrior races.

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Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask grinned at Kara as she chastised him, the way she summed up the fight only told the tale to fittingly but it was a good fight and being a quart or two lower on blood and swimming in the adrenaline of the aftermath of a good fight always made it hard for the trandoshan to really be all that angry.

However when the blade appeared, his grin disappeared and his teeth showed as he stood up with some difficulty and came up behind Kara with all the grace and stealth of a rancor in a forest. His clawed hand reaching over and enclosing over Kara's blade hand. He snorts "Fighting is fine to get your point across, but blades are reserved for enemies. If you're gonna fight do it with your claws like the Echani, go get in your workout gear and speak to each other proper." he said standing over them, blood dripping from a wound or two emphasizing the point he was trying to make.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask stood at the loading ramp watching the beast escape. There was a look of sadness falling upon his face as he watched the worthy foe disappear as the loading ramp closed.

His eye twitched and the moment passed, the Scorekeeper had done well to provide a worthy adversary today and both teams had fought well. Blood was shed and some were fallen but today both teams had won in their own sense. He hissed softly and muttered under his breath "I swear upon the blood that I left on this planet that I'll return to finish this hunt." he said before turning about.

The tiny female was running about frantically trying to take care of the others and when she came to him he stared at her for a moment. "Do we have another hunt soon? If not, then I will take only the cleaning of the wounds. It is an affront to the foe we faced to so quickly heal the injuries of a worthy adversary " he said as he stood there.

He looked around at the others "Did we accomplish our mission?" he said as he looked at the old Sullustan. He had a bit of gained respect for the man as he took a blow that would've felled most and managed to stay conscious.

I'm assuming there would be a couple days rest or more given travel in the Star Wars universe. Though that really depends on the destination and the urgency of the group. Basically Thrask would prefer natural healing for as long as possible before stimming up as Trandoshans' heal unnaturally quick. I think if I remember by lore it takes three or four months to regrow an appendage.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask blinked as he attempted to figure out what just happened. He looked down to see a new wound that had not been there before and looked up to see the big behemoth still going.

His free hand groped around to get himself a bit of support to stand. He stood up breathing heavily and his eyes darted before settling on his vibrosword which he picked up before he limped up the ramp some.

Ouch, just quite the slam dance. Maneuver to stand, Action to grab weapon as a maneuver, and then strain to move away from the beast.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask strained under the strike of the beast and felt his ribs crack from the blow. He pulled away and pulled back towards the ramp some to give himself a bit of room to prepare for the next strike.

He braced himself and adjusted his stance so that the vibrosword led.

[Url=]Two slices and a crit[/dice]

6 this time so 15 each, Pierce 2 on the Vibrosword, crit with the Vibrosword.

When the beast lunges forwards again, he crouches down and shifts his weight springing up into the cuts in it's hide.

Crit: 1d100 + 40 ⇒ (19) + 40 = 59 20 for the existing two crits, 10 for the vicious quality, and 10 for the lethal blows. At least a 59 makes it's rolls a wee bit more difficult. Three difficulty dice and two setback dice now to attack me ^_^

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

I placed my action as best I could narratively I think O.o

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask stands there waiting, preparing his blade for when the monster is within range.

Will take the two strain to intercept the big guy for a double move if it gets within medium range of him.

Swift Double Slice

Thrask charges in to greet the monster with his Rykk blade braced against his chest. He slams it into the monster before using all his strength to turn so the blade slices across and free. His left arm bringing the Vibrosword down to bear as he does so to tear another cut into it's hide.

Using the one advantage to activate the other blade from the paired quality. Crap forgot to roll the two bonus dice for the Accurate trait of the Vibrosword.

Accurate 2

Use the 3 advantage to crit then with the Rykk blade cause it just sounds cooler how I drew it up in my head and typed out. So that is 7 base for each + 4 success + 2 Feral Strength= 13 damage from each, Pierce 2 on the vibrosword.
Crit+Lethal Blows 1: 1d100 + 10 ⇒ (75) + 10 = 85 Crit should be Winded on the Crit table unless it has something to adjust the crit rating or the gm needs to upgrade a dice or the like and the crit gets canceled

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Forgive me in my dalliances on what the Scorekeeper is and her doctorine. There is honestly not much information on her as she's a single species based deity.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask grins and looks upwards towards the big one. He licks the vibrosword. "The Scorekeeper would allow such a thing, but she is a fickle goddess and if you do not worship her and put yourself in her service then she will not reward you in the forever. This matter...would reward incredible bounty if taken as a solo hunt but it would prove a matter of life and death, even with help that may prove to be true. I should force you all inside..."" he began as he started to step towards the creature.

His heart beat faster with each step. The fear, the anticipation of the fight to come. He stood in the clearing, waiting for the beast and giving the group time to gather again.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask turns about at the bottom of the ship's ramp and runs a hand across one of the scratches and licks the blood from his hand. His hand goes to the vibrosword still in it's sheath and pulls it free. They had earned his full force now.

He let out a guttural hiss in challenge back to them.

Attempt at Intimidation/gathering their attention towards him in case the other PCs show up as well

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask jumped forwards after dodging the creature's attack and slammed the blade into the creature's check trying to rake as large a gash as he can in it.

Finally a hit 7 base, 3 success, 2 feral strength=12 damage and use 3 for crit and leave one open for others.

He jumped back towards the group after a good hit and looked over his shoulder towards the others "Start retreating to the loading ramp, nail em as they come in and I'll get any that get through." he yelled trying to get some form cover setup for the others.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Also the difference in silhouette makes it's a harder difficulty to hit. I can't say by how much but I think it is at least 4 dice of difficulty as silhouette of a humanoid is on a different scale than of a starship. But for every two silhouette the difficulty goes up by one and assuming you can't go negatives, a human would be a size 0 on the silhouette scale for starships.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask let out a yelp as the beast raked him. He lashed out with the rykk blade but the beast was too nimble for him. He rolled with the weight of the blade onto his feet and retreated slowly backwards, keeping his blade up in an attempt to keep the claws at bay.

I...I don't even know what to say

I'll use three to get an extra defense to melee, two to get an extra movement so I can do more then just stand up...and one to look cool doing all of it >.>

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snarls as he is bowled over and he can feel the beast locked down on his shoulder. He wraps the arm holding it's fellow beasts head around the creatures body pulling him closer and he attempts to clamp down his own teeth on the beast.

Struggle snuggles

He unfortunately can't get a good grasp with his own teeth.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask let out a roar in anger as the beast manage to pierce his scales. He swung the Rykk blade at the one who attacked.

Snick 7 base, 2 success, 2 Feral Strength +crit.

Following the strike, he turned and ran back towards the entrance of the cave to keep from getting surrounded. If the creature falls, he is gonna pick up the corpse and then move. With the two additional advantage he will be able to do either a double move or pick up the body and move

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask stops and stands still trying to get his bearings and let his eyes adjust. He taps his comm "We're not alone, many beasts...." he said as he let his Rykk blade tap the floor and start to scrape. He was getting annoyed at their ability to hide so perhaps a little noise might bring one in for him to examine.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0


Thrask licks his lips when he saw the creature. He heard over the comms the furry little bothan and clicked his comm in the affirmative. He hunkered down a bit low and began to stalk after his prey, at least something might appease the Scorekeeper on this planet.

Attempting to track

His hands moved over the floor attempting to find the tracks, it was rough.

He tried to rely on his senses to get him along but the sounds bouncing off the cavern made it difficult.

Attempting to listen

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Indeed, Thrask is vacating the area. I did place off the idea that he stopped paying attention to the group as he heard the shrieks.

He is antsy and unhappy with this place and as a big brute who doesn't cope well with fear or proceeding to do what he knows....murder something that makes noises.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask listens intently, there was nothing like a tale of the hunt to pass the time. His eye ridge raised and he looked off towards the first noise and his nostrils. His hand goes the the Rykk blade and checks the lashings.

He looks up at Juviest "I can survive a quick look...that shriek could've been the tiny one." he said as he started walking down towards the first scream. " Stay together, if I have to sniff you all out, I'm gonna be pissed if I'm walking all over this planet" he said not noticing the red female leave.

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Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snorts and stares down at Djebelle sizing her up for probably the uptenth time since the group has been together. His jaw clenches as he looks at the tiny female then up at the building then back at her. A long low hiss leaks out before he finally says something.

"I charge extra for waiting, and even more for running after better be able to pay up" he said staring her down.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask body shivers slightly and he lashes his Rykk blade in place. When he sees the small female move forward, he can't let anything like fear hold him in place.

He strides forwards and becomes Djebelle's overgrown shadow. "Nothing doing, I was hired as a bodyguard. I'm not staying outside and having to possibly carry a corpse home...well not one I don't create"" he said with a bit of aggression that he shouldn't have. He already seemed on edge and expecting a fight.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snorts and shakes his head "If it's a trap, it will be fun to turn it on their heads and hunt them all down....every last one of them." he says as he makes his way to the engine room.

He was more then eager to warm up as quickly as possible. He never understood why people tried to live on ice planets, it makes you slow and careless.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

While I for one have enjoyed the in character arguments and roleplay...Thrask finds it deplorable that you would do so in front of someone you may work for and that you do it without drawing blood ^__^.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask had been sitting in the back but at this point he was beginning to get annoyed. Had these fools have no sense when it came to how to act in front of someone whom they viewed as a potential client. It's bad enough dragging him to a world that even the Scorekeeper would damn, but to subject him to unprofessional behavior let alone the aggravating annoyance that is bickering...he lips pulled back showing his teeth and he moved forwards putting a clawed hand on each of the women's shoulders.

"This kind of behavior might be best done on the ship when we have nothing to do but get on each others nerves..." he said sneering and looking up at the old Sullustan as well.

He looked towards the Captain and licked his lips "Do you have a job, my friends here are getting heated and in the mood for blood it seems...and I for one am ready to get off this planet." he said as his hands left the shoulders of his comrades in arms.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask shudders as he moves off the ship. He made his way to lean against one of the heating machines. He waved off the droid when it came to him and he rubbed his clawed hands together waiting for the Commander to arrive. He hoped this foolish quest was quick.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snarls as he hears the warnings, taking the pelts that were his war trophies and lashing them to his body in an attempt to provide a thick enough layer to prevent his body heat from leaving him. He could do nothing in the bowls of a ship to deal with this situation.

He lashed his blades to his side, and shouldered his bow and arrows. Hopefully this day would see no hunt, for the cold is no place to hunt but if he should see any blood spilled this day, he prayed to the Scorekeeper that it be worthy of the cost. He walked up to his idol and spilled a small bit of his blood in offering to his prayer. He left the hand to heal on it's own time, a trail for the mouse droids to follow.

He made his way up to the deck and looked out the craft upon the world as he waited for their arrival proper.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask looks out the window and stares "I don't do well in the cold....this better be quick, I don't plan to hibernate."

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snorts at the others recommendation before walking over to Aristi and towering over him. He stares down at him for a few seconds before a big four clawed hand comes down on his shoulder and he squats down a bit " could always use me for what I was hired for, when you can't do yourself, bring someone who can." he said before standing up straight and laughing as he walks away.

He finds a bit of space on his makeshift mound and lays one of the blades across his lap. He pulls out a bit of oil and a stone and goes to work on keeping the maintenance up on his weapons. Cleaning away any signs of combat and wear and tear.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask shakes his head at the ending result. He looks back at the female and raises a brow ridge "We could possibly set up half the cargo space as a range, it'd be short but not like most of this crew can carry anything that would hit for range." he stated as he thought about the space down from his quarters.

He brought a claw up to his chin and tapped "For that matter, we could get some stun weapons and use the cargo as a space for simulated combat." he began to chuckle a bit thinking how stun rounds always bring out the most comical of screams and injuries.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask when asked to help with combat training for the bothan walks around him for a few moments and takes a clawed hand easily wrapping it around the bothan's bicep. He looks at Kara "He would not survive any training I could give him." he states simply before moving to the side and seeing what she makes of the furball.

It's not that I'm an ass or Thrask is an ass...well he is an ass but basically Thrask has nothing he can really teach a 1 Brawn character that isn't gonna get them killed.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask made his way back onto the ship and got a quick look around seeing two of the crew incapacitated by the extra package they received. He shook his head and walked over to the box and gave it a once over. He was not surprised that Trandoshan delicacies were not in the box, after all it was hard to keep worms fresh and wriggling after all.

He stepped over and looked down at the smaller female who appeared to be having a seizure and simply slipped a clawed hand down and picked her up like a sack of potatoes to go throw her drooling and bleeding self into a bed to get over whatever it was humans did.

Once he was done he checked the cargo bay to make sure that everything was situated and that his portion of the bay was untouched. Once satisfied that everything was in it's place he picked up a few weighted items and began his routine for the day, going through the swinging motions of saber play.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask snorts and looks at Kara. He let's out a low hiss as the other start to head towards the door "You want to watch the kids or should we watch the merchandise... " he said, his voice trailing off as the others came close to the door.

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Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Never let a Trandoshan starve...that's how you lose pets and/or neighbors

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Still here and still Thrask mean mugging people by the door ready to wade deep into a bar fight if needed.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask paused when the hand came to rest on his elbow and he waited for a brief moment to make sure that one of the others would go to "work" on this group in the corner. He wasn't sure if pretty words were really going to do well enough to impress a boss such as this but he relaxed back against his post, clenching his teeth and raising his lips on the side the commando could see showing his irritance at how slow moving it was to make contact.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask's eyes stop and stare at the Gran that has begun to star down him and Kara. He lets out a low hiss and turns his head towards Kara. "The one in the corner looks like he has two guards, the Gran, and an adviser.[b/]" he said keeping his voice low. A small pause as he watches to see if the Gran will look away from them before continuing. "[b]We've been watched from the moment we posted. I'm better with my claws and up close." he said as he started to turn his body towards the group and it was obvious that he was about to head their direction.

Sorry, if that doesn't read overly well. I am trying to give a chance for Kara to stop Thrask or for other's to be called into action otherwise, Thrask is gonna go after the seemingly mob boss like character and see if he can get some kind of talking going.

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Thrask shakes his head and makes his way down the street towards the bar, once inside he gives a small nod to the Bothan before just leaning against the door and scanning the room. He preferred to stay close to the noticeable exit in case someone tried to make a break for it.

Trying to spy a Twi'lek

Male Trandoshan Hired Gun (Marauder/Heavy) Wounds 3/23 Strain 7/11 Soak 7 Defense 2 Deflection 0

Aristi if you are trying to bluff that's deception not Coercion