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![]() Had a silly encounter with a silly thought but did not dare fully to implement it. Ended up being a bard in a desert fighting a gigant sand scorpion that happened to use as echolocation. For a moment I had the idea to use sculpt sound on the soil beneath him transforming it into chiming bells, confusing it for a bit.
How do uncountables behave in this instance? Does 1 lb of sand = 1 object ? I grain of sand = 1 object ? 1 square of sand ? A little help would be advised. PS: Might still need this we are crossing Raurin the long way round so sand will be a thing for at least 2-3 more sessions. ;) ![]()
![]() Recently (at lvl 5) got a strange custom armour, am lvl 6 now. I do play a Archer type Bard [the slightly grumpy kind that still did not get to attain masterpieces due to a DM's dumb rule and hence going almost full archer now] Did get a bespoke made armour though crafted from the very finest of basilisk leather.
Would you say this is a keeper or ought I slip into a Mithral chain +1 as soon as I can find one. With this vest my AC is 16. To be +1 once I reach lvl 8 and +2 AC once I get to buy a buckler +1 (possibly next town) And is there any common parler on how to enchant these things? Or am I purely at the mercy of the DM when it comes to enchanting bespoke gear? ![]()
![]() As a Bard one walks into many strange adventures. Amongst them skinning a basilisk and giving it to a gnome tailor produces a "Basilisk armour vest of many pockets" (Wt: 2 lb, 2 AC, DEX 6, ACP 0, 10% spell failure) The vest also besides looking sexy and fit (Also a reason why my Bard would reluctantly take it off) gives me the ability to store up to 50 lb of up to potion and dagger sized objects in it's many pockets without them weighing anything. The thing is just. I don't have much AC. Being an archer bard, it does not seem like a bit problem though. Do plan on taking up a +1 living steel buckler for +2AC and even play around with a ring of protection idea. But my question is, would I rather invest in a ring of protection / replace this armour with a mithral shirt / or try to enchant it till it sparkles. Also any ideas what to do with Ice Elemental essence?
![]() Got into a bit of a problem. Playing a bard at lvl 6 (soon lvl 7) in the campain. And so far things are going well...apart for one bit, I don't get any gear apart from a +1 keen bow (please dont ask why it is keen the GM said "deal with it" to me and I reccon I just should) and a leather vest of many pockets (2AC and I can carry up to 50 lbs of small items in it without them having any weight) I love the bow, and the vest is well...useful, but by now the rest of my gear is 3-4 lvls behind the rest of the group. I did however get to save up 12.500gp through trades, luck, and smart investments. Now I need to spend it before the rest of the group finds out how much gp I really have by now. (Or the GM notices and tries to compensate by giving others yet more player specific loot) Did try to spend it twice but so far one City got bruned down by a wizzard gone mad. In the other city we did have the luck that of the many options to do we managed to pick the one magic shop first that the wizards friend runs and he noticed the curse upon us and began to call the mad wizard to do their wizzbizz on us. City no.3 Might actually have wares and be safe...ish...I hope. So any tips what to get with 12.500gp as a Bard? ![]()
![]() Discordant voice... how does it go with critical hits? Another thing, as a post lvl 7 bard. May I free action to maintain a bardic performance (Dirge of Doom), Standard action (cast spell, intimidate, anything I'd like the -2 on saves from DoD to still apply), and than use my move to start a different performance? Also not fully sure I understand the 2 round 2 full rounds differentiation. Some bardic masterpieces say X rounds to get the effect, some X full rounds. Is there a difference or just duplicated semantics ? Do the same rules for disrupting performances apply to masterpieces? And I've seen (The Rheumy Refrain (Sing) say The Rheumy Refrain (Sing) wrote: ... If the target fails its Will save, whenever it attempts any action other than moving up to its base speed or making a single melee attack (but not both) in a single round, it must succeed at a concentration check (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier) to avoid wasting its action because of a fit of coughing and sneezing." How does concentration work on swift, full round actions, or any combat maneuvers, melee don't seem to have concentration, do they? ![]()
![]() Just about to hit lvl 5 on a Bard. Mostly a buff bard with a bow but well..here is my question. I have heard far too many say that Deadly aim is the way to go as it grands way more Dmg quicker. But so far our DM has been sending us monsters with AC of over 20. Only a few had 18 and only one had less. At lvl 5 that is a hard to hit target. (we have a dex fighter that our DM wants to educate on why building a dex fighter that way is bad or at least unhygienic) Long story short. In this case would you still advise towards the Deadly Aim with its -to att or arcane strike that only gives a straight dmg + without the att - ? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Right, not fully clear about this, nor could I find the answers on the forum. I suppose one cannot use bardic performance while using bardic masterpiece unless one of the two is done with Exquisite Accompaniment. It should work as bardic masterpieces are bardic performances after all. EDIT: Could Dance of 23 steps be an exception? It only takes a free action, so could I continue a oratory performance while making this little dance? Now the bit I don't fully understand. Lets say Vindictive Soliloquy. It costs 5 bardic performances and takes 5 full rounds to get the call thunderstorm effect.
I mean from my standpoint I'd love the last option the most, otherwise I'd find it useless and I'd be angry at the developers for not thinking of people who like to recite or sing as they cut peoples heads off. :I Just not fully clear on this matter. If anyone has an idea I'd be sooo glad. Hugs and Kisses in advance ![]()
![]() Right, not fully clear about this, nor could I find the answers on the forum. I suppose one cannot use bardic performance while using bardic masterpiece unless one of the two is done with Exquisite Accompaniment. It should work as bardic masterpieces are bardic performances after all. Now the bit I don't fully understand. Lets say Vindictive Soliloquy. It costs 5 bardic performances and takes 5 full rounds to get the call thunderstorm effect.
I mean from my standpoint I'd love the last option the most, otherwise I'd find it useless and I'd be angry at the developers for not thinking of people who like to recite or sing as they cut peoples heads off. :I Just not fully clear on this matter. If anyone has an idea I'd be sooo glad. Hugs and Kisses in advance ![]()
![]() Right, honestly I am quite new to Pathfinder, but did read nearly all the How-toos and whatnots of being a Bard.
Am a Ranged Bard. And currently own a shortbow +1 and a normal Studded leather armour. (also some stuff) Any tips on how to buff up my att or more importantly AC in the following levels via items. Any items you would advise me to Hint the DM I want by searching various bazaars for them? ![]()
![]() Our DM seems to be giving me pretty strange loot, well us but considering that most other loot is pretty char specific (shadow armour or weapons they can use) and I so far have not fallen into this char specific slot yet as a Bard im left with the odd nicknacks. It is not bad stuff at all might I add. A Bottle of Air which seems almost too prophetic of things to come of an item to sell. Or the Bag of Holding type 1 which I pocketed when everyone else was busy with their new gear. (Instantly regreting it as I have become the singing sherpa of the party now... also should I charge them for it and how per day? per lb? ) The strange loot in question is: Bottle of air
:I ![]()
![]() The other session (we just jumped from lvl 2 to lvl 3) I sold a brass steam golem hooha, bearly use--er blessed by a mythic dwarven runecaster with intricate batterns and etchings round its outside and still in perfect functioning order regarding it's use. Sold it to a kinky gnome potion merchant for 800 gold. Have I been conned? Should I have sold it for more?
PS: (If you are wondering I used my engineering skill to find valuables within the remains of a huge brass steam golem we somehow managed to slay. Upon which the grumpy DM mentioned that I found that brass hooha... which I pocketed of course. Advanced looting +50 points) ![]()
![]() A bit stuck with feats. Being a ranged bard I do plan on keeping at least 3 bardy feats.
The rest ought to be ranged dmg and atack ones.
Am defs taking manyshot. But honestly I don't expect the story to outlast lvl 15. So my other options are pretty limited.
Almost taking clustered shot out as I wont have enough BAP for crazy arrow storms. At 15 a max of 5 arrows (If many shot and rapid shot can be used in one full round action...to my understanding they should work) Focused shot I cannot use in a full round neither can I bullseye but both have a +4 (in my case) add, one to dmg one to att. My questions are, can arcane strike be used in a full roudn action? And is Deadly aim a good investment if our DM likes puting high AC monsters to kill our Dex fighter with almost no Con ? -Thoranin |