
Thoranin's page

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Sissyl wrote:
Thoranin wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
It doesn't matter. Spikes are stuff you can put on shields of any sort. Like dual-wielded spiked tower shields. You should also be able to put spikes on staves, bows, greatswords, pistols, bracers of armor, and everything else including rings. Massive spikes on helmets are almost per definition awesome. You're overthinking things, see?
Well yes I agree with you they should be on everything (you forgot boots btw). :( My problem is why not on bucklersas well ? From all the shieldy things it would be the most useful and there it is explicitly forbiden by the rulebooks.
Ok. I agree we need spikes on bucklers too. Plus spiked tiaras, earrings, ioun stones, gold pieces and trail rations.

*_* Stilettos made out of spikes would be to die for!

And who did not dream of wearing a spiked tiara? D: Not having them in game is a crime to humanity! A travesty! And spiked coins would so save the problems of not having pockets like many creatures "like ents" have. Trail rations ...spikes almost the same as fibre :D makes you poop like a God! And your poop becomes a weapon if need be. Think of the added + to monkey mechanics if this were implemented ah...we are some sort of geniusses♥

Ashtathlon wrote:

That is usually a GM call for magic item upgrades..in our campaigns its not a big deal..and there are rules for it..but again its a GM call.

Fairest of all the answers.

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Owly wrote:

I put together a couple of props for my table: a bag of 1000 coins (pennies). It filled a plastic grocery bag to the size of a large grapefruit, and weighs several pounds. I showed it to the players and let them pass it around "This is what Field Marshall Kroft hands to you (albeit gold pieces)"...we were playing Curse of the Crimson Throne. My point was, that 1000gp is bigger and heavier than you probably imagine.

100gp? I put 100 quarters into a dice pouch. It's a bit heavy, and is about the size of a tangerine.

My advice: Use weight and encumbrance as a kind of logistical puzzle for the players to solve. Piles and piles of coins? Get a wheelbarrow or invest in a handy haversack. Gotta transport a lot of wealth? Buy gems. Found a whole warehouse of trade goods? Run back to town and get inventive with who you hire or sell the contents to.

The idea is that it should be fun to solve weird problems, and sometimes those solutions can lead to new relationships in-game, or opportunities for adventure or trouble. They should help make your game world more real to the players. Don't just hand wave things away unless they threaten to bog down the flow of gameplay.

I presume you used US pennies in that experiment. Copper is a bit less than 2 times less dense than gold ~19.5g/cm^3 (copper something over 8). And Murican 1 cent pieces are actually Zinc...well all copper money is zinc (which is even lighter at 7.something g/cm^3) now a days, with high copper prices they are just copper plated (actually sheet welded but lets not be technical). Your penny bag was almost 3 times lighter than a gold bag would be.

As for gold coins They are officially stated as 0.02 lbs makes a roughtly 9g coin thats roughly the size between the 10euro cent and 20 euro cent coins. (smaller than quarters larger than dimes) Which is a pretty decent size for a gold coin compared to historical ones.

Still hope I can trade for gems. :I Carrying 4Kgp is heavy did convert it into platinum pieces...although I do have a bag of holding I prefer not to put it into the bag...too afraid of our DM putting some divine damage to my bag and me loosing all my gp