Thomas LeBlanc's page
RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32. Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Champion Voter, 7 Season Champion Voter, 8 Season Champion Voter, 9 Season Champion Voter. Organized Play Member. 3,016 posts (3,226 including aliases). 3 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.
I would think any nation with such a shard would create lanterns to ensure only their country is covered and not share with the neighbors. Except a few good places would share.
In situations where I can't story the character out for the session, when GMing I run them in combat like the player normally would, but don't allow them contribute out of combat unless someone else in the party is unable to perform a task.
Currently, I am running a game where missing players are just background crew on the ship. In another game, the character is off on cult business and I let the player RP something out via DMs. Only my 3rd game has them played by me.
AARP (Alternate Ages Rules for Pathfinder) 2.0
No rules for aging in the CRB (DMG maybe?) and the first game I am running plans on skipping levels/time with one player in particular wanting aging rules. I wasn't much fan of any aging rules as they pretty much only covered stats and not skills. So many videos of old strong/dextrous people showing up on AGT. Seldom do I see people getting wiser, smarter, and more charismatic with age. Rarely happens, especially not with my family or neighbors...
I will be using the same age categories as PF1. Just changing the benefits/drawbacks of aging. So here is a rough first draft:
Middle Age
Your character can no longer gain ability boosts to Constitution when leveling up. Increase the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. You may not increase that skill to Master or Legendary rank.
Old Age
Decrease your character's Constitution score by four points. Increase the proficiency of two different skills by one proficiency rank. You may not increase a skill to Legendary rank.
Venerable Age
Decrease your character's Constitution score by four points. Increase the proficiency of two different skills by one proficiency rank.
Death {Optional}
After hitting venerable age, the GM rolls to determine your character's maximum age. Death and Dying or Lowered Ability conditions affecting on your character may result in death. Roll a Constitution check against the DCs listed below whenever your character suffers from the following conditions: clumsy, doomed, drained, dying, enfeebled, stupefied, unconscious, and wounded. If the character fails the check, the player decides if the character dies instantly or during their next rest.
Venerable age - 25% of maximum age = DC 0
26% - 50% of maximum age = DC 5
51% - 75% of maximum age = DC 10
76% - maximum age = DC 15
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Too bad I won't be able to earn another Champion Voter tag...
Sounds like a great idea!
Can someone please make some hex bases for the ships please?
In order of who posted first.
Mike low, Charles high
1d2 ⇒ 1
Jay low, Marc high
1d2 ⇒ 2
Pygon wrote: Still no sign of a response from the admin. Not sure what's happening. The system is down!
1) Are fey as prevalent on other planets as they are on Golarion?
2)Since fey predate the Material Plane and the Elder Gods are hinted to as well, are any of them actually fey?
3) Do any of the Elder Gods exist in the First World?
Thanks again for participating in this thread James!
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I think Mark was eaten by the raptors when he ventured into the warehouse area. Now his simulacrum is having enough problems keeping up with his public appearances and can't take the extra load from this thread.
James, which Runelord would you most want to see in Starfinder?
What is the possibility Golarion disappeared for Starfinder due to Rovagug escaping or almost escaping?
What if Atlantis was another example?
Or the great flood from so many cultures for which there is no geological proof?
MannyGoblin wrote: I heard this about the lore
** spoiler omitted **
IIRC: Each time hyperspace is used, it grabs a piece of one of the planes and imports it into the hyperspace plane. In the example given, I think they listed two planes from the Outer Sphere and the First World, so I am not sure if Inner Sphere planes are grabbed as well.
I don't recall anything about time being affected though.
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I also hope gravity rules will be available. And simple...
Will this book contain the rules for traps like the PF CRB? Did they get an update?
Are there rules for hazards as well?
Thieves cant has a long storied history in RPGs. Been around for decades in dozens of rules. I seem to recall someone from the design team at PaizoCon said they didn't want to include it.
Just learn Canto. Better than thieve's cant because it's not a spoken language.
Did you forget about meat pies? They are the best pies!
Timitius wrote: I am actually surprised that we haven't done an issue on Andoran. Well, we sort of did for #7, with the open theme, with a few articles. But, A FREEDOM! issue could be fun, and a return to one of the areas that started off Pathfinder CS is long overdue. Thoughts? I like the country themed issues the most as a GM. I can grab an issue mark off stuff I will use for my game and ask players to read certain sections of the issue.
As a writer, I find I have a harder time writing for something with a broad focus. Plus, Andoran has fey, druids, the Lumber Consortium, and hobgoblin attacks in the northwest. Finally, the Andorens have a colony on Arcadia, making that potentially encompassed in the issue (the colony that is).
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Quick question about creating a petitioner. When adding that template, pretty much everything gained from character levels is specifically called out as being lost, except ability score increases. Are they meant to keep ability score increases?
I can see the rational for keeping the score increases, more power in life leads to a minor advantage compared to other petitioners.
Moonstonian wrote: I can say for myself the the holiday/broad theme combo tripped me up. I don't run/play full adventure paths so none of my idea-seeds seemed that gripping. Narrower themes work for me. That pretty much sums up why I didn't submit this issue. While I own the APs, I have never read/played through any completely. Furthest I have ever made it has been part 2 on three different APs.
While the idea for a PFS issue is good, I don't see sanctioning a whole issue ever happening due to the amount of review and work a Paizo staffer would need to do. Plus, Wayfinder would loses its roots as fan written, editted, developed, shilled, etc.
Plus, I like fey.
James, have you placed The OA on your list of shows to watch?
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Isaac Volynskiy wrote: I think a big part of the discrepancy in entries may be tied to publicity, as RPGSS is hard to miss for most forum users, while contests in 3rd Party Product Discussion are really easy to miss, lost among the actual product discussions.
Perhaps Paizo could create a forum section for Contests, if we could get the ball rolling at some critical mass.
That would be nifty!
1) Remove makes adventuring easy magic items.
2) Remove makes adventuring easy spells.
3) Revamp the trap system to make them a real threat again. Just using Perception and Disable Device on traps makes them boring and not really memorable.
4) Revisit hazards; the CRs are too high for most of them. Oh, and add more.
5) More flumphs. Flumphs in power armor, mutated flumphs, hive mind flumphs that have been twisted by cosmic horrors, mimic-flumphs, parasitic flumphs, and, of course, a kaiju space flumph (created by overexposure to a strange radiation found within the Drift) that emerges into regular space to rampage about with needles infected with Drift Zombie Plague...
What if the successful bull rush indicates a 20 ft. push and the victim is at the edge already?
I allow the combat maneuvers to move creatures into dangerous spots in my game. But I don't allow saves to prevent the outcome. I DO allow a +2 or +4 circumstance bonus to CMD in such times though.
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Congrats to the finalists!
EDIT: I know which too I like the most. Now to nitpick them until I have a favorite.
So far, aberrations are ruling the field...
Mikko Kallio wrote: Aaand done. 2,635 words altogether! You are clearly in training to replace Neil Spicer as the wordvomit magician...
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Jacob W. Michaels wrote: ...I blame Mikko for eating it. Does he eat anything?
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Jacob W. Michaels wrote: For those of you who are into stats, here's a look at some of the details from the entries. Tried to leave a comment on the blog post, but it keeps gettin' ate!
Surprised a couple phantoms were submitted...
I like their concept and think they are pretty cool.
Mike Welham wrote: I'm finished with my reviews. Many of the monsters had spiffy space-themed abilities or flavor, and it was great to see how many different directions entries went with the theme.
That was pretty darn fast!
Umbral Reaver wrote: For natural space-dwellers? Of course. I think they will really need it, if not to just simplify stat blocks. Immune to low pressure damage and not needing to breathe at a minimum probably.
Aroden's Death. A time traveling AP where the party must try to stop Aroden's disappearance...
Please add a void creature subtype!
james014Aura wrote: Starflight speed varies from creature to creature, is one thing (that I discovered when looking it up) Saw that as well. Was going to add it, but wordcount wall and all...
I am also looking to see if Starfinder will add a void creature subtype.
Jeffrey Swank wrote: I just submitted the winning entry... I don't mind showing its inspiration: AMAZING SPACE ALIEN You, good sir, are mistaken! For my entry shall be the winningest one. After all, I watched Arrival on Thanksgiving Day and it gave me enough inspiration to surpass your tepid bid (whatsoever it may be). Good sci-fi movie inspiration trumps gag inducing sci-fi movie inspiration any day of the week...
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Welcome back James! I missed your thread, as it is ~40% of the reason I visit the Paizo site.
What is you favorite GameMastery/Pathfinder map pack? Flip mat?
Zmar wrote: Bah! We need Werexenomorphs! Can you imagine ship's first mate transforming to alien queen occasionally? :D Or some other extraterrestrial. Thinking of something similar to the hybrids between humans and Deep Ones...
James, what was the setup behind your favorite CoC adventure that was not pre-made?
Once again, thanks for your Q&A availability!
Hey James, incoming dinosaur & deity questions:
1) What is the preferred sacred dinosaur for Valani?
2) What is the preferred sacred dinosaur for Zevgavizeb?
3) From what dinosaur does the holy symbol of Ayrzul derive from?
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Kerney wrote: Article one (archetypes) done.
Possibly foolish question by a first time submitter.
I would like to find a beta reader/editor for feedback. How do I do this?
I would of course do the same for others.
Now onto my Weal or Woe article.
I can't speak for other Wayfinder editors, but I am susceptible to bribery via treats.
James, what would a lich resurrect if it was killed by a final blade?
Is there anything Shimmy does that you adore and others find annoying? How did she get her name? What's her favorite toy?
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Adam Daigle wrote: City of Lost Children for favorite foreign-language film. You're alright people Adam. That and Ikuru are tied for my favorite foreign language film.
Oladon wrote: Hey! You take that back! I take back the old part, but it's still your fault.
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Should Starfinder have flumphs wearing biomechanical fighting suits?
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James, what did you buy in preparation for the storm? Is there an office betting pool on whether the weather will cancel work on Monday? Is your kitty afraid of bad weather?
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Snorter wrote: Has anyone had their contributor copy of #15 yet?
Asking because my attempted purchase of a color edition fell flat (all sold out).
I have not received mine. My most recent sub shipment email did not say it was included in the upcoming shipment either.
But I did finish editing an article you wrote for #16...
Mark, the slow and steady dwarf racial trait says that their speed is never modified by armor and encumbrance. So they still suffer the max Dex bonus and ACP since those are not considered speed if the dwarf is affected by armor and/or encumbrance?
I can't believe I have been playing for so long and never thought of that before...