Monster Hunter

Thomas Chance's page

103 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.


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No problem. Shadowrun games here don't survive contact with combat anyway.

Thomas, careful to stay a good distance away from whatever Skullcrusha's aiming at, makes his way towards the target room.

Just moving and staying out of any firing lines this round.

Initiative: 6, 5, 1 Two hits, for a total Initiative of 9. EDIT: Remembered I had two more dice, nothing changed.

But Fleeing Ganger is on the other side of the building and running away from our general direction, how can you even see him?

After Skullcrusha tells him Winston's down, Thomas drops the Invisibility on him. He heads to the now-open door and looks in, concentrating on the guard.

Moving inside and using Stunbolt on the guard, if possible. Spellcasting: 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, for one total hit. Drain: 1, 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, for one hit, no Drain damage taken. Still have 2 stun hits.

Just checking, Winston is dead/gone, right? So no point in me continuing to sustain his invisibility?

5, 6, 4 2 hits, for an Init of 9 total. (Including penalty for maintaining mine and Winston's invisibility.)

Wait, we're up to next round already? Didn't realize, sorry.

Thomas stands there, waiting to see what happens.

In other words, Full Defense, since the gangers are going to either start fleeing this round or the mage is going to come around the corner and shoot at me.

Just confirming, I did already turn myself and Winston invisible, right?

Hey Tarlane, remember that naval campaign we were in? It's starting again, if you got the time.

While invisible, Thomas attempts to stun the nearest ganger.

Casting Stunbolt, including -4 from sustaining two spells. Check to actually cast: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14 2 hits on that. Check to resist Drain: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 4) = 14 Failed that, 1 more Stun damage for me, bringing me to 2 total.

Initiative: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) = 7 No hits. Guess I'm going last.

Sounds good to me. So me and Winston go up first, then Neon and Skull, and Rick is just staying back with the van and keeping watch? Also, which side are the ganger with some cyberware and the shaman on?

First Invisibility: 6, 5, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6, for a total of 4 hits (Note: Just remembered, 7 dice for spellcasting not 8). Drain resistance: 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, for two total hits and thus 1 Stun damage for me. Invisibility 2: 4, 3, 1, 1, 6, for 1 total hit. Drain resistance: 5, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, for 3 hits and no Stun damage. Note: -4 to all rolls while sustaining these, so I'm not going to be doing much.

So, who am I actually making invisible? I assume Neon and either Skullcrusha or myself.

Now that I'm looking at it, did one of the gangers split in two or did you put an extra one in?

Winston wrote:

Thomas can you do some quick recon out on the water, just to see if there are in fact any boats out there with any hostiles that might want to move in on us?

Tarlane, any chance of getting a map to help us get a better sense of the layout of the place?

"Sure, I'll take a quick look out there." Thomas slumps back down in his seat.

Taking a look at the nearby bay astrally.

"I can't tell anything from the auras from under the booth, they must be using something to block it. So, are we ready to go?"

Winston wrote:
Thomas did you notice any astral activity?

Thomas returns to his body with a start. "Alright, four gangers outside, one's a shaman and on something, and there's one who's got a decent amount of ware. Inside, there's three guards, but only the one in the back has much ware. Also, there's at least one more person hiding in the guard house than before."

Further information depending on when the GM gets around to telling me.


Assensing, on the people/auras in the guard booth. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, for 1 totsl hit.

Perception: 6, 4, 1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 1, for a total of 1 hit.

"Gladly. I could turn some of us invisible, but I could only manage one person, maybe two tops. I'm guessing you're the best candidate for this part, Winston."

I'll just do the rolling now. To get through the ward: 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, for a total of 3 hits. Assensing: 6, 5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, for a total of 3 hits. Note, I am making sure to take a look at the guards out back too this time.

Tarlane wrote:
Sounds good. How do you guys approach? Where do you park? Any preparations I should be aware of on the way there?

I'll handle the spray paint, I'm not that great at shooting and I don't want to be leaving my astral signature all over the building.

Tarlane wrote:
I was waiting for any other posts before moving on, but it seems we are hitting another quiet period. Is the plan just to hang low for a few more hours and see if the mechanic can come up with anything? Is there anything you all are going to be doing during that time?

Let's see, no contacts that can help out with this, just going to wait.

"Everyone, one word of warning. If the top brass knows who's financing this, they're not going to just send a couple cars. They're going to be sending good, old-fashioned SWAT teams. Since we're blowing a hole in the place anyway, well, let's just be sure get out of there as fast as we can.

4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 5, for a total of 3 hits. So close to a critical success...

"Hey, there's no need to pulp everyone who chases after us. After all, people usually stop after getting shot a few times, whether they're alive or dead."

Lone Star Procedures, how likely are they to send a mage first? 4, 5, 5, 1, 4, 2, 3, for a total of 2 hits.

Winston wrote:
Yes, Thomas tell us what you know.

"Not that much, actually. A few Ragers attacked a guy who was looking around the warehouse, Lone Star picked them up, guy came up clean, he left. Of course, only two types of people walk around the docks; people who have records, and people who should. Let's face it, we got competition."

"I got a Manhunter, a passkey and autopicker if we run into something we don't want blown down, and, of course, magic. Anyway, it looks like we're going to be having some competition on this run. Someone else scoped out the place too."

Still here, just being lazy about posting.

Thomas walks in and takes a seat. "Morning, everyone. So, hear anything interesting?"

Roll for something: I think it's a nice, family-friendly eatery.


locked, cocked, ready to rock on my end...

i give everyone a ring...

hey guys, its me, crusha, you ready to roll? got all your ducks in a row? lets meet up in the parking lot outside of the bar from last nightsomeone help me out wiht the namewe'll quickly go over the game plan, ill look over what each person is bringing to the table, and i have a suprise for each of you. youll like it, i promise i finish with an evil laugh...

"Hey, Crusha. You do realize you sound like you're giving us a truck-load of explosives with a lit fuse, right? Well, see you then."

Ready to go on.

uh oh, i think we lost neon...think the matrix sucked his fragile mind into the mix, and wont let it go... ohh the horror...sniff...dibbs on his stuff!!! oooo shiney!

It looks like seeker's going on another unintentional hiatus. He's probably going to come back eventually.


"Well, if you happen to run into either of them, see if you can get a decent description of the guy, alright? No need to go out of your way for this, though. See you soon."


"A guy was scoping out the area? You wouldn't happen to have a description of this guy, would you?


Thomas heads back to his apartment. After a quick meal of bland soy and a glass of synthahol, he takes out his comlink and makes a call. "Hey, Dimez. Sorry about calling so late, just need to ask you a question. You ever hear of a place called MetrX?

Rick Roe wrote:
Winston wrote:
I don't think I've ever seen any kind of hot sauce in anything close to a 1 gallon container, but who knows what the future will hold.
Never been to Texas, eh? ;)

Either that or a Sam's Club. Even in the future, people are still going to want to buy things in large quantities for cheaper prices. On a side note, how much did the two (soon to be three) taxi rides cost?

EDIT: Oh, and does anyone else think Skullcrusha's making explosives from common household ingredients or just realized he was running out of baking ingredients?

"Need I remind you two that we're breaking into a chem lab here? We don't even know what they have stored in there. We start burning the place, who know's what's going to happen."

"We should get some masks too. No need for anything fancy, just don't want to be linked to this because someone had a camera."


i call thomas and winston on 3way

winston? thomas? you all set with what you want to get? im good on my end...

"Yeah, I'm ready to go."

Meanwhile, Thomas continues to loiter near the warehouse, gazing into the astral plane.

Looking at the area around the warehouse with astral perception. Assensing, if I need it: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2, for 1 hit. That was way too close to a critical glitch for my tastes.

Tarlane wrote:
I haven't heard from Thomas in a little bit, so I'm going to assume that he is planning on catching a cab and you two are going to follow him over there.

That I am. Sorry, I wasn't entirely sure if I was, so I just ended up doing/saying nothing. Let's face it, I'm just too indecisive.

"Good to see nothing changed in the last five minutes. So, now what do we check out?"

Rick Roe wrote:
Thomas, I'll split the cab with you if that's how you're getting there.

"Sounds good to me. So, everyone ready to go?"

Well, he could be saying that in the five or so minutes I was out.

Thomas stands up and takes a look around the room. "Alright. Does anyone here have a car?"

Thomas suddenly sits up and adjusts his glasses. "So, anything happen while I was out?"

*A Short While Later...*

"So, here's what I found out. Overall, it's just an average warehouse. A few gangers standing outside, a main entrance with a rolling gate and a side entrance, and any wizard worth his spells could get through the wards. Inside, there's storage in the front and offices in the back. There's a guard patrolling the catwalks above the storage, but there's only two guards total and they're nothing special, just a few augmentations. Now the clean room, that's a completely different story. Room's warded so hard you'd have to be in the second circle just to have a shot of getting through. Trust me, if they're paying enough to get a ward that strong put up, they're not going to be skimping on other types of security. So, any questions?"

Map of the building.


Alright, room K3-M7 is the clean room, correct? Anyway, Assensing for the people and clean-room ward, the Magic/Charisma to get back out of here: 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 2, 4, 4, for 2 total hits for Assensing/ 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, for a total of one hit to get out. Assuming nothing happens to stop me from trying again, my second attempt to leave: 5, 6, 4, 6, 2, 1, 4, 6, for a total of 4 hits.

Well, since I just noticed that I can go through the ward without having to punch it down, time to see what's behind the main rolling door. Magic/Charisma: 6, 2, 1, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, for a total of 3 hits.

Assensing: 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 1, 1, 5, for a total of 3 hits.

I'll inspect the outside of the building, and take a look around the inside if it isn't warded.

After a few seconds, Thomas wakes back up. "Never mind, forgot this room was warded. So, will one of you please open the door again in about five minutes?" With that, he gets up, opens the door, sits back down and slumps over again.

I am thinking of this right, right? The ward is bound to the physical objects (walls, floor, door, etc.), and thus by opening the door I have basically put a door-shaped hole in the ward which I, and any other astral beings, could go through as long as the door is still open?

"Alright. Just give me about five, ten minutes, I'll take a look at the place astrally first." Thomas takes one last drink before he slumps back in his chair, his spirit heading out to the target.

Local Area Knowledge, what do I know about the neighborhood? 5, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4, 6, for a total of 2 hits.

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