Theocrat's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 216 posts (247 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

For those of us that have been left behind in the Print Add On Limited Leather Edition of the Emerald Spire, we've been offered what amounts to a $15 credit.
Goblinworks is saying that we can take the regular printing of the Emerald Spire book (and the rest of the print addon pack) and a one month credit.
Thus, they're saying that the Limited Leather Edition of Emerald Spire is only worth $15 more. If this was the case, they wouldn't have sold out so fast.
For me, that's not fair. We've waited three months to get a solution. I think they should make things equal. We waited three months to get a solution, so we should get three months of added game time. That's $45 and that makes the books comparable in a cash value ratio. However, I also asked that they sign my book. Authors and employees of Goblinworks. Make our books (or at least mine, since I'd want this) to be as limited edition as the leather bound ones.
GW and Paizo dropped the ball on this one. I'm OK with getting a regular edition of the book. I just want to be fairly compensated for my backing of this project from day one and not getting what was offered.
Paizo CS -
I need to cancel all my subscriptions for the month. With the haphazard way things are charged, returned to my bank and then charged again I have to get a CC that isn't tied to my bank.
Hopefully I'll get this resolved and re-start the more important subscriptions.
My Paizoian Masters -
I just ordered a few items, including the non-mint Flip Mat Warehouse.
I already have a non-mint Warehouse (non-mint from excessive use). Would you please remove this item from my order and either apply the credit to my subscription or keep the credit for a later purchase.
And I think the payment is to take out on Thursday, can you make it Friday so that it goes through and I don't have to email you to fix it. I bought other awesome goodies with the money.
Thank you.
I got my Combat Tier box in my last subscription but left it in the box until our game this past weekend. Nice stuff. But wa-la, one of the shelves was broken. It wasn't just cracked it was broken, and I'd thought that odd being a hard acrylic. I'm not sure of who to contact regarding the piece.
Hi CS Team.
I would like you to hold processing and shipping of my order until Monday.
I want to add another subscription or two and would rather just have it all come out at the same time. I worked a ton of extra hours the last two weeks and figure my Paizo collection should benefit. I'll pay for the items in my cart over the weekend if it's possible.
Hi all -
I have a very large collection of RPG's. I have some very rare finds from all editions of D&D - and many 3PP of each edition as well. I'm unsure of how many books I have - but with all the systems and materials it's enough for 4 large book cases. I've taken pictures of the book shelves and books - but never cataloged each book or determined condition. I'd never really considered selling my gaming collection, but now - after 32 years of gaming - I think it's time to call it quits. I think since I just bought a brick of mini's on Friday!
I'm sure it's worth to me is $10,000 - while someone else would likely only pay $1,000 - but I'd like to see how best to determine value and if it's worth selling by the piece or just the entire collection.
Thanks for any thoughts.

Hi all -
I've been working on my design for a coat of arms for a long time. I had someone draw the concept which was pretty spot on. Now I've had another person give their adjustments to it and it's pretty close. But I want ideas.
The image is - HERE .
It's not final. The design for the Theocrat's crown wasn't what I wanted so when I was coloring it in with my markers to get an idea for myself - I blackened it. The colors for the crown will be gold and white (if it'll show up nicely). It might not show up well on the scan here - but that is the Sun with a d20 at the top of the crown area.
The keys are silver and gold. I just added the X on the gold key to match better what I had in mind.
This is definitively gaming related. The Sun and Moon are from Pholtus's One True Path and the blue and green field are from TALDOR! And lets not forget the d20 in the center. It will have all the numbers showing as well.
But as this is intended to go on my left calve soon, I'd like to get some thoughts on it - a redesign - why something isn't right or would look better.
Thanks for you thoughts and ideas.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I love those map packs. I brought the majority of mine with me to GenCon.
But not all, thus when I had one of the two or three chances to get down to the Paizo store and pick up cool things, I ended up getting 4 I already had. I only realized this when I was unpacking and putting together the things I need for the home PFS stuff this past weekend.
I have Hellscapes, Temples, Boats & Ships, and Lairs. They are still all shrink wrapped but since I don't really need duplicates, I'd like to return them for packs I don't have (or credit). What can I do?
I have a few items in my sidecart that I picked up at GenCon and although I love me some damnable Item Cards, I don't need more Urban NPC's or Enemies cards. How do I remove them before the mid-October ship date?
And thanks Cosmo, Liz and Sara (via the phone) for all the support at GenCon.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
On Saturday during the evening session I was gaming with the group of guys that said they were lawyers and tossed away their dice. They wore the bright orange shirts that said GamerHole.com and names on the back. During the module, I looked up the grapple rules and then placed the book under or next to my chair.
One of the players had an issue and left very quickly. When you leave like that, you often just grab your stuff and go. Our things could have been near enough that picking up the book was not even recognized.
If it wasn't the group I was GMing, I'm sure the same case is true. Someone just saw it and thought it was theirs.
However, my book looks nothing like anybody's. I have a tan paper bag protector. The cover reads in big marker - Pathfinder Core Rules. The top, bottom and sides all have cream masking tape to further protect the book. The spine says Pathfinder and Las Vegas Lodge. Somewhere there, it also says Theocrat Issak.
The inside of the book has a sticker that says Theocrat Issak and my phone number, email and 2736 (my PFS Number). The front title page has many Paizoian's autograhs and says Congratulations NeonCon 2010 Winner. In addition to my name being in several places, two pages in Chapter 1 have drawings of my characters names, Hideous Moby the Abortive Midwife, and of course Gen. Goldfrapp.
Many of the pages are marked up with notes on the margins relating to the topic. (IE. grapple will list information about the condition and affects).
I don't tab my books, but I do mark the pages. Each section is color coded with spells in black at the top and combat in red at the bottom. Each section is coded at 1". This is to facilitate easy access to the right section.
Because my book has a protective cover and all my notes on the spine, outside pages and inside, it should be pretty clear that it's mine. Easy enough if you look at Chap.1 and see the two character names. The Gamemastering chapter has my 2nd and 3rd GM Stars cards glued/taped to the pages.
If you accidentally picked it up, I would greatly appreciate getting it back to me ASAP. It was bad enough not having it for the rest of the combat in the module I was running but worse during the next day. Plus, a Venture-Captain can't be without a Core Rulebook.
You can either contact me with a post below or personally at PFS Theocrat gmail (no spaces and of course @ and a Dot Com).
Thanks and I appreciate any assistance in returning my book.
Theocrat Issak
Hi All -
My orders to be picked up at GenCon and charged this week are going to have a hangup. I lost my wallet and credit card. The bank said I will get a new card on Friday. Thus when you charge me this week, it will be denied. I want to make sure my shipments are still there at GenCon for me, but I'm worried this hang up holds them up. What should we do?
CS -
Please recharge for this order.
Thank you
I am hoping I'm not too late to have the above order combined with
Order 1663291 that an e-mail said would be shipping Friday.
If I missed it, then please charge my CC and hold onto the items for the next shipping. This way I know I have the money already spent!
I would also like to cancel my Novel Subscription as well as the next AP issue - I realize that the one shipping on Friday might be too late to cancel (unless it isn't), but having not even cracked open any of them other than the first three of Second Darkness, I don't need an actual copy anymore. And with reading the novels via my Galaxy Phone - the ePub is better than dead tree for me.
Thank you Cosmo, Liz and everybody. I appreciate it.
Customer Service -
Can I have order number 1633741 charged on Friday 2011.03.11 and combined with 1642582?
I appreciate it.
Hi all -
When an NPC (named or not) is killed, do you video game it and they blink off the board or do they litter the battle field like food for the carrion crawlers and vultures like the 14th Century?
In my PFS Games, dead bodies litter the battle field preventing charges and whatever else that would hinder PC's or NPC's from making moves (5' step) - because a body is a hindrance (this is different that a 'prone' character/opponent).
Just want to know what other people do. I'be played with both at home games and conventions. But in both that's what I do. After the scene is played out and combat is over, sure the bodies can blink off the board and go to their respective places of afterlife (because then until they loot the bodies, it doesn't really matter).
Here's one of the reasons I do leave them on the board. Traps. If you end up leaving a body on the board this one time, the players will know something special is up.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
I've gone from just two of us at our local Vegas Game Day (2nd Saturday of the month at the library) in January to having six tables at this upcoming October Game Day.
Most of the new people are from all over the Vegas Valley, hearing about the game from someone. I'm running at least one additional game day at one of the three main stores here in town (Little Shop of Magic, Avatar Comics and BattleZone) in a rotating fashion as well as running several games a month for various groups that are interested.
The Game Days used to be filled with 4e tables, and now that is down to one table. I am most proud that Pathfinder Society has become so active - but I want more. Nobody has yet been announced for our region - but I've applied and I've been doing a lot for the region. I'm also with NeonCon this year as the Asst. Pathfinder Coordinator and with NeonCon coming up in November, I want to make sure PFS is well represented at the Con with Vegas players.
So I want to promote Vegas Game Day and PFS more.
Has anybody done an Illustrator or MS Publisher flyer for PFS? I've got some experience from my days as a Marketing Coordinator and can edit either - but I would like to see what others have done or used. Logo's, designs and such are important. I will be putting these out from my pocket - so the less I have to do design wise the better. Since it's for PFS and Game Day, should I list 4e, Savage World and the board games that are played? What do you do to generate new players?
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I need some help. I have the GM Screen - but I prefer a lower one that is landscape. Plus, I have these dividers that I've had for about 10 years that I've been wanting to put together as a homemade customized GM Screen.
I like what the standard GM Screen has - but it needs some new things. It needs Use Magic Device, Knowledge and what each one does in terms of knowing a monster type, add the new maneuvers from the APG, and list Tiers for PFS play.
I've worked with most of what I want - copying the first page from the GM Screen into an excel sheet, but the formating isn't what I want. Nor is it complete. I want three pages landscape and I'd like to see what others have done for a customized GM screen.
Heck, after that I'm going to want some landscaped pictures for the other side. I appreciate any help and seeing what others have done for a custom GM Screen. Even if it's not in landscape if it's in a spread sheet I think I might be able to modify it.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
I have a character that is multi-multi-multi-class.
3 Rogue, 2 Fighter, 1 Bard and 1 Druid. With the Druid at 7th level, I took Boon Companion giving my Lion some bonuses.
Now that I want the PrC Battle Hearld, I need to take a level of Cavalier.
How will the animal companion aspects stack or not stack from the two classes as well as the Boon Companion feat.
If I lose my companion, am I able to get a new one within 24hrs or must I wait via the Cavalier aspect (I understand the waiting of 1 level for the benefits from the Cav). Does the Animal Companion go up a level from the Cav or only if I take another level of Druid?
I'm all about taking multiple classes because that fits the Goldfrapp method (and with a 10 Wis, the only reason to take Druid was for the Animal Companion) - and with no reworking of PC's in PFS, it's staying.
I appreciate the feedback and rules - as some of it might or might not jive together the way I would prefer.
Goldfrapp the Naked Taldoran Trebuchet.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I've got a couple questions regarding languages.
I've been looking at the Bestiary looking for any languages that aren't available via Linguistics. So far, all I've seen is Dark Folk that the Dark Creeper and Dark Stalker speak. There could be another - but I haven't noticed it.
So is Dark Folk language just missing because the Core Rules came out before the Bestiary and was forgotten? Or is it not a language I can take? Are there others that I've missed, and are those able to be taken?
Next is the language of Aklo and its association with Derro and not Mites. Aklo is the language of Derro and evil fey. The Mites are evil fey, but they speak undercommon. Just wondering about this, as it seems that it would be perfect for Aklo to be the language both would speak (although they both speak undercommon). It's just their close association from Devil We Know series that makes me think of Aklo and not undercommon.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I have a couple questions regarding things our Vegas Gamers Group have seen.
1st - Ioun Stones. Can they be implanted into the arm like the picture per Seeker of Secrets? The PFS Guide doesn't list this as being a no-go, but with the concept of cracked Ioun stones, I'm unsure. If regular Ioun stones can be implanted, can cracked?
2nd - Can a holy symbol from a 1st level cleric become a bonded item for a 1 Cleric / 1 Wizard? Can that holy symbol/bonded item become enchanted? Can that enchantment be increased at a later point?
Thanks for the answers. I appreciate any clarifications.
Theocrat Issak
I knew I had changed credit card information too soon.
OK to charge card listed now.
Thanks CS Gang.
Cosmo and Gang -
Any way I can get you to charge my credit card for this order? I'd really like the PDF of the Kingmaker Map Folio and won't get the actual product before Friday (since it says it's due to ship in 2-4 days, and I just added two flip-mats and Friends & Foe cards). I've been trying to edit the darn maps with Illustrator to utilize the larger size I want but its such a hassle. Figure at least with the PDF of the folio I'll get further along than as I am via each booklet. Even if you don't ship it - I just want that download.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
I need some help. I'm going to be playing a Wizard in our upcoming Kingmaker campaign with the overall goal of becoming King.
In that - as a support character and overall King - what's the best style to get that goal? I originally considered being a crafter, making items for my party to further our overall goal. But I thought about being a specialist in ranged touch attacks standing back and blasting behind those fighters (I know there will be at least two archers, however).
I will not be limited to only spells from the PFRPG, I will be able to use WotC's Spell Compendium, Necromancer Game's Eldritch Sorcery, Monte Cook's Eldritch Might and even Mongoose's Renegade's Wizards Spellbook and any other WotC's spells lists.
So with this massive opportunity for spells - what's some of the best wizard (generalist class, I don't like specialists) spells and styles to look at? It has been a very long time since I've had the chance to play a wizard - would like some help on choosing a concept and potential spell ideas.
I have 25 points in which I created the ability scores and we use 4+int mod for skill points and I'll be human of course. I have to take a flaw, and I'm taking a flaw from Dragon Mag - light weight, so I'm undersized and under weight, which will grant me an additional feat. So I'll have my 1st level feat, a human feat and a feat to offset the flaw.
I'm pretty much interested in sticking with the wizard class for pretty much all the levels, with maybe a class of something else here or there - maybe even a Prestige Class, but generally, I don't care for them - so those shouldn't be the overall goal. But if taking a level of fighter or rogue or another 3PP class which will help me in an extra feat or ability, then by all means I'll take that into consideration.
Thanks for the potential help up front. I do appreciate it.
Be Well.
Theocrat Issak
CS -
I've modified my credit card information - thus a charge can now be made on this order.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I have an ongoing Chronicles Subscription, however as I haven't had an Adventure Path subscription in a while (until I just renewed it for King Maker), I do not want the Council of Thieves Map Folio. I was disappointed to see these in the Chronicles area previously, but don't think that I should have to drop my subscription every 5-6 months just to make sure that I'm not blowing $20 on something that I don't use.
I've been unemployed now almost two years - and with my desire to get items that I want with my allowance, I'd really rather not get something I'm not interested in, just because it's part of my subscription.
If I'm not able to remove one item, do I then delete my overall subscription to remove that, but renew it so that I get the NPC Guide?
Be Well. Be Well Removed.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I got the notice on 08/01 that you'd be charging my credit card for my order. I believe that went through but it seems that I now have $70 more on my card that I did yesterday, that means that something went wrong.
When I added the Pathfinder RPG subscription, I know that the security code was entered wrong (my WifeFIEND gave me the right code for a different card).
I've redone my credit card information and believe there should not be a problem. But I wasn't asked for the security code.
I'm hoping that I can still get these books before next weekend.
If they haven't yet been sent out, I'd discussed it previously in e-mail about having Cosmo signing my book (and of course, I don't want to miss out on having Alison McKenzie sign it as well). If that's still possible, please feel free to do so.
Thank you for your help.
Be Well. Be Well Signed.
Theocrat Issak

Hi C.S. -
This order was placed on June 11. I was held up awaiting the Second Darkness dice. I posted to have that part of the order canceled. But my total came to 77.50 and I believe that included the dice. Am I correct in understanding that I've already paid for the dice and will have them shipped with whatever order is to be shipped around the time that they come.
Next, and most importantly is that I have yet to receive the order. I did have the address for this order go to another address (than my normal one on file), but it should not have affected the shipping. I've used the address for several other things in the past, esp. with my moving.
Do you have tracking options?
Lastly, I cannot find an order for Pathfinder Companion for Taldor, yet it is in my downloads (and I didn't buy just the PDF). Was it with the above order (that I'm missing)? If so then maybe that is the Pathfinder Companion Subscription and adds to the total for the 77.50 which then means that the dice have not been pre-paid.
Thank you
Hi all -
I've ordered a ton of books but also the Second Darkness dice. Since it seems that things with the dice aren't yet ready to ship, I'd like to remove them from the order. This way I can get my books without having to wait for them and my one shipment per order rule. I'll just re-order them when things are ready.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
This Saturday we played our first Second Darkness session.
Party consists of John playing an Elven Summoner (Warlords of the Accordlands), Foust playing an Elven Wizard (PFBeta), Andrew playing an Elven Archer (Sovereign Stone CS), and Mike playing a Gearforged Eudrite (warforged, Comp. Psionic).
Robin and Gene weren't there.
The characters played a few rounds of bounder (all winning for the PC's), an when the thieves struck, they were blinded as well. However, one PC was able to get a look at both Angvar and Thuvalia. After the heist, he cast Minor Lasting Image (Eldritch Might) of them both near the door of the GG.
Later, when Saul hired the PC's to work for the GG, he tasked them with handing out 1CP valued chips around town to promote the GG.
Well, two of the PC's have Minor Lasting Image. Foust first went to the docks and later went to the area near the Dragon's Hoard, the Watercress and the House of Nabin. The first day, he past out chips as he was told. But he also cast MLI of a Dragon Getting Banged by a Goblin in the middle of the road. The next day he cast a Dragon with a head of a Goblin with the tag - Who's your daddy now? (from the concept from Shrek with the donkey and dragon).
Of course this drew the attention of the Overlord and tasked four gendarmes to follow the PC's (1 each).
Because the gendarmes followed the PC's - and warned them not to post any more magical illusions (a law was quickly passed) when they went to Lymas Smeed's house, they were not able to use force. However, one PC did have some money and paid 250GP to pay off Saul's debt.
They returned to Saul to explain that they believed that it was Bojask that killed Larur. After torturing Bojask and finding out that it was most likely Saul that was behind the assassination of Larur, they confronted Saul. Here, Saul explained that yes he did have Bojask kill Larur and attempt to frame Lymas Smeed because the GG was still in massive debt and he couldn't afford to owe the massive debt.
Saul asked the PC's if they'd kill Lymas for him - but also make sure that the balance book was found and that he had paid his debt a while ago, as well as change debts paid to non-paid for several people. Saul didn't know anybody in particular, but said any random person makes it better.
Because the gendarmes are always following the PC's they went through a few intermediaries to buy potions of alter self. They had 4 of the normal people from the GG take the potions and take over their image, thus getting the guards to follow the "PC's". They then took 4 for themselves, and took the image of 4 gendarmes that were off-duty. They made sure people saw the fake gendarmes (as well as the PC's image out passing 1CP chips). They entered, and murdered Lymas Smeed. I was truly shocked.
So of course they murdered Lymas, framed a poor schmuck, and possibly framed 4 gendarmes, and then burned down the house.
I also added in a random encounter earlier of 4 were-rats attacking the PC's, as well as Jakob the Gearforged trash collector (he's from Skip and Penny Williams from WotC's site for 4e). Jakob was already planned before Mike said he was going to play a Gearforged but he was his contact and reason for coming to town. I put the Gearforged as being from Numeria and part of the automatons - but as one of the few that have decided to leave the nation.
None of the party members are "good" and all feel that since the majority of the town is CN, that murder and other bad things isn't really illegal (slave trade and all). Thus if they freed slaves, they would be indeed breaking the law. So this is why they felt that some of the actions they did weren't out of line for the city. However, as they're mostly all elves, I feel certain that they'll work with the elves later in the module. Plus, I have it that there is a "warrior caste" among the elves. I'm allowing one player to be a Catfolk (Robin) as I've modified it that Shifters (Ebberon CS) and Catfolk are part of that "warrior caste." The archer is also part of this caste, which I've named Mil-wanroan to mean "homelands defense."
I do believe that Lasting Minor Image is a great idea, and it allowed me to have them followed. And it made the Overlord notice them. We haven't yet done the Foamrunner attack and when the place gets attacked and an attempt to burn to the ground (and the gendarmes aren't there they'll know they helped cause some of the issues).
I will attempt to post a "blog" like post regarding the game after each if others are interested in the antics of this merry band.
Be Well. Be Well Imaged.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
Someone was kind enough to make a calendar for the years 4707, 4708 and 4709. In so using the 4708 calendar, I used my Foxedit Pro to edit the PDF's by putting the dates.
The Tournament starts - according to the signed notice provided to the PC's - that they are signing the document on this Oathday the 14th of Ardous, 4708 AR.
Well in doing this I've come to find that the Oathday in Ardous is not the 14th but would either be the 11th or the 18th. The 14th is Sunday.
Of course I could be wrong in placing my dates, but I'd like some verification. Has anybody else actually done the 12 months, besides the one calendar that I found (it was fan made and referenced elsewhere).
I've uploaded the one I've modified for my upcoming SD game here:
I just want to know that I didn't do some whack-a-doodle mistake.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I must cancel all my subscriptions at this time. I've been unemployed for 10months now and have been able to keep getting my Paizo goodies, but now that all our backup money has been used, I can't afford the money now.
However, when a good chronicles comes out, I hope to be able to get that at least. Like the Dragons Redux. But we'll have to see.
Thanks for suspending my account ASAP.
Be Well. Be Well Uncanceled.
Theocrat Issak
Customer Service -
I received an e-mail on 2009.01.14 that stated that there was a problem with my credit card. I had my card lost and replaced. The next day I replaced the credit card on file with the new one, but I still haven't had the lasted order shipped.
I'm wondering when it would be shipped - and if it will be within the next week or so, if it would also be around the time that February's shipment would be going out. If it's towards the end of February then I'd rather have my shipment separate, but if possible combining shipping and timing at this point I can wait an extra week or so.
Thank you,
Hi all -
I was hoping to post this message in the Product Discussion, but as this isn't a product.....If this isn't the place for this, then please let me know where this should go.
With 5 sets of various Map Packs and 18 cards each, I'm hoping that Paizo will see the need for something to hold these in.
The cards fit in a typical protector sheet, but are a bit small and thus "slosh" around and fall out. Typical card protectors such as those for MtG and such are of course to small. We need something that will allow us to use something other than rubber bands to hold these things together. Sure, maybe Paizo won't be able to make these, but maybe they can connect with BCM or some other protector company. As this been considered?
If not considered or even an option, then what are other gamers using to carry their cards around in?
Be Well. Be Well Carried.
Hi all -
I just finished reading SD1 on Sunday in preparation for my Jan. 2009 running of the SDAP. As my daughter got married on Tuesday, I've been swamped and just started reading SD2/PFAP14 tonight. While sitting on my stool and letting the girlie dogs in the yard, my SD2 split open at 14 and 15, leaving those two pages as loose, with several others beginning the loosening process. I'm unsure if others have experienced this with this issue or previous issues. I didn't with SD1, which I carried around for a while as I read it. Is there a process for returning this issue for a new one?
Be Well and Thanks,
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
I'm preparing to run SD for my group and have a few questions.
1) - Lymas Smeeds house pg. 27-28 - The map has A1-A7, but in the description, there is only A1-Reception Room, and A3 the Kennel Area listed. Am I missing something.
2) FoamRunner - Pg30-31 - What is Hauser? Am I missing something, or is that pretty much as strait forward as it seems?
3) The Boneyard Ambush - On the map there is "Recommended Approach" and Projected Approach. Who is/has recommended these approaches? Saul gives the recommended approach, but then what's the projected approach? The description also says that there is a marking on the map for the cockroach swarm, but I don't see that listed. Where are the ships and other debris piles marked on the map? From what I see, the "land mass" areas wouldn't be the debris areas, as it says the debris areas are 2x movement cost.
Thanks for your help, I do appreciate it.
Theocrat Issak

Hi all -
Our group has been playing 3.5 with Pathfinder for a while now. Many of you have had the chance to read the Beta much faster and point out errors that I'm sure I see but I want to do my part as well.
I'm hoping that you all can give me answers to some of the questions or point me in the right direction for a reason or two. Of course some of the things that are part of Beta have been part of the game for a long time, but that doesn't mean that it's right.
This isn't in order for the Beta - just how I wrote down questions and notes.
- Brew Potion: If it is half price from the DMG to make a potion, then why does it cost 50gp to make a potion of healing yet cost 50gp to buy it. It seems like the economics of scale for this wouldn't work. Even churches would want to make a profit.
- Craft: Fletcher/Bolts - Would this fall under Bow making? If so, what would the DC be? Would bolts fall under weapon smithing or also under bow making?
- Leadership - spelling error
- If Hit Dice went up based upon combat ideals, why don't skill points also go up? A barbarian gets 4 points while a wizard only gets 2. A typical wizard should have a much higher Int than a barbarian, thus they should be smarter and quicker to learn new skills thus giving them more points per level. I'm sure there is some sort of reasoning here, and I'm not saying they are wrong I just wonder what it might be.
- Is Toughness backwards compatible? Thus if I take it at 3rd level, will I get the extra HP for 1st and 2nd level? Or does it only take affect from the point of taking it forward?
- In the glossary section I think "Once Per Day" should be listed. This was a sage advice from Dragon 338. Also the new conditions from the Paizo Crit/Fumble decks (i.e. until healed).
- Move Action - I believe it is missing the statement that you can draw a weapon as part of your move action if you have a +1 or greater BAB.
- How do you add/modify new domains? From the many 3.5 books there are tons of gods and domains and I'd like to be able to use them. How were the domain powers chosen?
- Several pages have a chart and don't say exactly which spell or other aspect that they belong to. Pg. 257, pg 379, and many more. Pg 381 is a chart which I believe is for the Necklace of Fireballs which is on pg 382. For the beta this is irritating, but OK, however, for the new core book I hope this isn't going to be the case.
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power are a classic staple of the game. Yet as I seem to understand it, they are now a belt because all strength items are now belts. If so, why is this? I can understand if it is an attempt to make sure that someone doesn't have gauntlets and a belt (but can't it just be made that two strength item bonuses can't stack?)
- Auto Hit/Miss - pg131- I believe it should say (see crit hit/fumble)
- Orc Double Axe - should it say "if large size there are no penalties for wielding with one hand?
- Coach/Cab - Description says "1CP usually takes you anyplace you want to go." The list says 3cp = 1mile. By my figures it should be about 3 miles = 9CP, and 39 miles would be 1GP. Wondering what the actual distance differences should be. 1SP may be the right number, but I'm not sure.
I'm sure there are other errors/questions that I'm not aware. Is there a fan/Paizo created update for these? Under Alpha versions the reporting and following of the errors and updates seemed a bit easier to follow. I'm not certain this is even the right place to post these finds and questions.
Thanks for any help and answers.
Be Well.
Theocrat Issak
Hi all -
After attempts to get a keeper league for fantasy football dedicated to the D&D/Pathfinder campaign settings I formed a public league at NFL.com.
The league is dedicated to D&D/Pathfinder settings with names from the campaign settings - such as the Keoland Cavilers, The Witches of Chelix, Shadowdale Magisters, or even deities, monsters or other things that make it a D&D / Pathfinder style league. I don't like seeing goofy names like the shytcanners of the smoking hot butts.
I hope to see some Pathfinder Society members as well as Greyhawk fans.
Live Draft is Aug. 29 1215PM EST/ 915PST.
go to D&D / Pathfinder Federation or http://freemeeting.6.football.nfl.com/meeting/view-league/391314
Organized Play Characters