Cleric of Iomedae

Theocrat's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 216 posts (247 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Organized Play Characters

Shade of the Uskwood
Sovereign Court Gen. Goldfrapp the Trebuchet

Male Halfling Rogue 3 / Bard 1 / Fighter 2 / Druid 1 / Cavalier 1 / Battle Herald 1 (11 posts)
Sovereign Court Blue the Vengeful Mite

Male Gnome / Mite Fighter 4 / Cavalier 2 (0 posts)
Sovereign Court Praga Khan Taldan Noble

Male Human Cleric 1 (0 posts)
Sovereign Court The Trooper

Male Half-Orc (0 posts)
Sczarni Hideous Moby the Midwife

Male Hideous Looking Dwarf Magnus (0 posts)

Sovereign Court King of Leon's Taldor
(6 posts)

Sovereign Court Kiedis

Nagaji (0 posts)

Sczarni MarilynManson

Wayang Witch (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Da La Rocha the Galtan Flag

Male Halfling Tiefling Inquisitor (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Van Zant The Make Believe

Male Tengu Gunfighter (0 posts)


Pilts Swastel
Sovereign Court Exiled_Taldan
(14 posts)
(0 posts)