Danse Macabre

The-Silence's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts (110 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


I no longer require my subscription as I mostly gm online

Thanks Alex

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

Since my rapier has a 15-20 Crit range, i will roll to confirm.
Confirmation: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 142d6 + 4 + 16 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 + 16 = 28


Krell44 wrote:

Want: Aasimar Boon

Trade: Paizo Gift Card

How much is the gift card?

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

sorry, but i will have to cancel my involvement as i amplaying this one IRL, sorry for messing you around.


nosig wrote:

I'd like to trade for an Aspis Defector boon...

PM me if you have one you would be willing to part with and we'll see if I have something to swap for it.

I will be getting one if u want to trade.

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

What is dotting?

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

Sorry for the terrible formating I'm still learning

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

May I change his name?

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

If I had to choose it would have to be my Musket Master Gunslinger

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

I have multiple characters builds I would like to try, but I'm pretty easy as to what I play as

Same here

I would like to join if space avaliable

I'm the same as BartonOliver as I play local PFS regularly, but I have never played PbP, I have lots of concepts I would like to try out if recruitment is still open

I'm interested, but when I click the link I just get "not authorised"

im looking at the kineticist pregen, and it looks like they took out the per level wording and now says "For each point of burn she accepts, Yoon takes 1 point of nonlethal damage. This damage can be healed only by a full night’s rest, and it can’t be reduced or redirected."

Folkish Elm wrote:

Just downloaded and flicked through this. Am I right in thinking there is a typo on page 22? ** spoiler omitted **

Looks great. Can't wait to run it :)

i bought the waterfront map pack and was like wtf is the one i want?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

One of the members in the try to buy an intimate picture of Zarta Dralneen, and then another party members said this beautiful quote
"500 gold is a lot of money for a wank, Jade Feather".

May i join?

Male Android/Human Chef 8/Thief 20/Kiss-Ass 10

is recuitment still avaliable

Duiker wrote:
Four and a half years ... Paizo was just waiting for a second vote on this thread, so now it's totally going to happen.

There is no need to be snarky, he was just showing his interest in this topic, and I also would be interested in this.