Nightmare Bat

The Paizo Parrot's page

44 posts. Alias of mwbeeler.

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Checking message board functionality from new Kindle.

...they were cutting large (important) pieces of my neck out. I haven’t been around much lately due to financipocalypse making work busier than ever for those of us left, but I thought I’d take a moment to stop by and say thank you to everyone.

I really appreciate all the patience, kind words, thoughts, and prayers sent in my direction last year during my cancer (and other) surgeries. Your time did not go unappreciated! Still not 100% who I used to be, but I’m alive and chugging right along, so good deal.

Since these days "cursive" is only something you do at people:

I woke up to the clanging bells atop my clock, just managing to catch it before it marched off the nightstand. Judging by how bright it was outside, I’d forgotten to wind it up before bed. I snapped on my favorite a.m. station, then wolfed down a quick breakfast of Ghostbusters’ cereal and bright green Ecto cooler. Index finger out, I carefully dialed the seven digits to my friend’s house, fidgeting as the dial dinged back into place with each number. He wasn’t home, so it just rang and rang; I gave up after ten. We were supposed to meet to play lawn jarts, but now he’d never know I was running late.

I picked up the phone receiver and set it on top of the modem (I need a new cord, this one is all tangled), cringing at the hissing and popping noises, until it finally connected to my local bulletin board. The radio switched to advertising 8 track albums while I was checking for new posts, so I clicked off and jangled my keys until the black and white T.V. turned on. Nothing but “I Love Lucy” and PBS, but “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” was coming on later. I wouldn’t be home, so I stuck a piece of scotch tape to an old VCR tape and popped it in, spending a few minutes to program the proper channel and time. I wanted everything to be perfect, so I wrapped a little tin foil around the rabbit ears for good luck.

I rattled off a quick print out of the instructions for some new game, “Doom,”on the dot matrix, tore off the perforated edges of the paper, and ran out the door. I left so fast I forgot my keys, but I don’t usually lock the door behind me anyhow. I jumped onto my bench seat bicycle (pausing to laugh at the one kid riding around with a helmet on), and pressed “Play” on my beat-up walkman. Pedaling past the corner gas station towards the library, I could hear a new driver grinding the gears of his stick shift even over my Van Halen cassette. There was a new movie coming out at the drive in, so they lined up at the pumps, white dials with black letters whirling like tops as the leaded gas pouring into their tanks. Eager children sat in the middle of the front seat or bounced around in the back, and I waved back at a little girl who looked out from the rear-facing seat of the family station wagon.

I stopped at the record store on my way across town, forking over a two-dollar bill and my last 50-cent piece, the clerk’s fingers clacking away at the abacus. Apparently, they haven’t caught up with the times; it’s all solar-powered calculators now. The wait was worth it, as I managed to get the very last record I needed for my collection, except this was a 78 and all the others were 45’s. A sign on the way out advertised they were carrying classic movies on Super 8, but I don’t own a projector. Maybe I’ll write out a nice letter to my grandmother in longhand and ask for one at Christmas. I’d have taken a picture of it so she’d know what to buy, but I was all out of flashcubes.

When I got to the library, I had to put my bike around back, as there was a man out front pushing a mower, and I didn’t want the flying grass shavings all over my ride. He had a good rhythm going, with the constant back and forth whirling of the DNA helix shaped blades in a horizontal cylinder. Walking inside, the sound of the mimeograph quickly drowned out the mowing, and I smiled at librarian, who waved back with blue stained fingers. According to the index, my book was out for a few days, but the librarian mentioned she could call around and try to find another library with a copy if I wished. I thanked her and headed off to my friend’s, but not before making a quick pit stop at the five and dime to pick up a spare typewriter ribbon.

Was looking for anything non-election related when I passed by a picture of him in front of a billion copies of State of Fear. Flipped passed (more election crap, cripes), then thought, wait a sec, there was a -2008 on the end of that. Flipped back; sure enough, apparently he passed away today due to cancer. Bummer; super talented, I never read a book of his I didn’t enjoy.

That whole “search and seizure” thing was so pesky anyway!”

Apparently, they got tired of us just being a "job free" zone:

I see the Paizo offices are covered too: Map.

Planet Stories love at IO9.

Just getting around to opening everything as I get caught up after multiple surgeries, and I discovered there was a pack of Item Cards included in this order. If it was a promo, much obliged. If it was an accident, I left them unopened and would be happy to return them.

You've been marked with the Sihedron, and your time is up.

The runelords don't share power.

Where is your soul headed?

Any possibility I could talk you fine folks into rolling the entirety of Pathfinder blurbs on the Paizo blog into Pathfinder Web Supplement #1?

I have a question regarding the wording of Pathfinder’s OGL. Included in the exclusions are the words “concepts” and “language.” Not sure if this is deliberately vague, but what would be considered a concept, and what is meant by language? Please give an example if possible.

In addition, PF #2 specifically includes creatures, while the other Pathfinders do not. Intentional or oversight?

Available via download in .mp3 format, or via .torrent in other codecs.

Free Album.

Creative Commons licensing, freaking awesome. Haven't listened to it yet as I don't want to wake up my wife and son.

I honestly like what is happening with the Pathfinder RPG, but in many places, the alterations seem…overambitious. Is it possible to have a small section included in the back of the book devoted to quickly transitioning a 3.5 group?

Patches for the largest offenders (the CMB section would be ideal here), skill amendments (description repetition not likely required, a page reference should be sufficient), and the sections purposely omitted from the SRD (xp + creation) would be perfect, without all the spell / item / class / race changes. If desired, the players could easily read through and choose to implement the upgrades in their entirety later, but in the meantime some “quickplay” rules updates would be heavenly.

People come and go, but still, just wondering.

Haven't seen him since he was laid off, assuming maybe he posted from work. Hope things are going well with his wife and the pregnancy. I understand he lives around me somewhere.

Huge glut of books lately; any chance we’ll see a “yearly wrap-up” volume of all the Pathfinder materials (say, the 2007 materials at the end of 2008, 2008 at the end of 2009, etc…) with errata (if any)? I’d shell out for a single hard-cover easy (or better yet, get it out by Christmas, cough). I’m guessing it would be sans adventures, but with maybe a synopsis of the goings on in the paths + the stuff Nick is doing.

It’s a pun. Get over it.

Post a period; I'll open a fortune cookie for you and spoiler your fortune.

At 107 calories each, this could get ugly.

We recently lost one of our group members due to personal time constraints. If you are interested, please let us know below.

At your option, you could join immediately as Anders, or create a new character to be encountered shortly.

Thank you.

Finally got some time last night to read through the .pdf (printed it out, I have to have my dead tree), and I’m still very optimistic. Despite a serious power up trending, the overall concepts are very sound.

I haven’t playtested yet (now that I’ve read it, I can start), but here are my preliminary nitpicks:

There is a huge gaping hole, likely due to OGL restrictions: Once the player’s guide goes out of print, how does one create a character?

Psionics. Where is it? Every single edition has treated psionics as an afterthought, so people avoid it. Time to cowboy up and put psionics first. People will warm to it if you lead with it.

LA: The level adjustment rules for 3.5 are just horrid, a tweak here would be greatly appreciated.

Repeated SRD information. The alphas are in desperate need of either a changelog, or new concepts in a different font or color.

Races: Not sure if I like the idea of racial tweaking, but we’ll see how it goes.

Now that dwarves are even more ingrained into the cleric role, is it time to reexamine their role as favored class fighter? Seriously, what is +2 wis getting them as a fighter? In addition, encumbrance is “never” modified? Not sure if I like the word never here, as it implies if a dwarf can lift the statue of liberty, he can still move at 20 a round.

Giving half-elves secret door perception…eh. Might work.

Orc ferocity generally implies orcs will choose barbarian, but that doesn’t seem to be as likely now given the stat changes. I’m more inclined to give them a single daily use of rage, or simply giving them die hard for free.

XP Tables: Very interesting. Should be fun to experiment with.

Hit points: Double at first level is way, way too much. Maybe racial, or flat, although maximum plus standard hit point roll could work, or simply rolling twice instead of max.

Favored class bonus: Nice. I like it. Discourages dipping, rewards staying the course.

Clerics: Adding favored diety weapon = excellent. The orisons thing, honestly, considering the whole turn healing concept, 4 cure minor wounds a day is unbalancing? Pfft. I do like stabilize though.

The fighter: Oiy. Yeah he gets a lot of power up combos, but yuck. The fighter is NOT SEXY. Especially when you compare it to the new rogue and wizard, ouch. The last two powers are really nice, but are out of place. Personally you should only be able to take them if you focused on a single armor type or weapon group. In addition, he loses jump, but doesn’t gain acrobatics! The new knowledge skills were a nice addition. Personally I’d rather see a more flexible fighter. Something like the warrior class from UA, where you can pick your good save and skills. Another nice option would be options like hold the line (preventing ground based monsters from passing) and nerves of steel (something like “mettle”).

The rogue: Anyone who doesn’t dip one or two levels of rogue is probably an idiot. The new rogue is too good. D8 + ramped up Sneak attack + skill monkey + trick + traps + evasion? Crazy…. At the very least, leave the hp at D6.

Magic: I’d like to see the option of choosing two cantrips once a day each for minor, and a single second level spell a day for major.

Resiliency: This doesn’t sound like a rogue ability at all, but would be nice for the fighter.

The surprise attacks option should really be an advanced talent.

Wizard: D6 = awesome. Holy power up! I can see wizards carrying a ton of utility spells now, because very few of them need to learn any blasting spells. They will definitely not be out of things to try. Arcane bond is a lil’ funky, but could be cool. The casting from prohibited schools deal, very interesting.


Skills: Very funky directions on this one. I’d almost rather see instead of gaining new skills at higher levels, the ability to instead learn new uses for existing skills. The new skill checks are crazy high. I’m wondering what the justification was for this. It seems like PC’s will almost never fail a trained check now, especially with synergy bonuses.

Concentration touches many items. What do people who need to concentrate do now...will saves? The same applies to use rope. Honestly, it was a needless skill to begin with, but knot tying is definitely a knowledge type skill.

The following skills can also be merged: Climb and Escape Artist into Acrobatics. Perform, Profession, and Craft. Disguise into Deception. Disable Device into Theft. Swim into Survival. Intimidate and Diplomacy, especially seeing as they are both still charisma based.

Acrobatics: I’d like to see the “Special” rules on a sliding scale, as you get the bonus with only a single skill point.

Deception: Perception checks should also let you decipher hidden messages.

Diplomacy: Attitude adjustment caps = BRILLIANT. Bout’ fricking time.

Fly: This has no business being a skill, at all. Should be moved to a feat.

Linguistics: Would like to see forgery creation as rogue only, and detection moved to perception. Learn language is…odd. You drop a point into linguistics and bam, you know how to speak five languages?

Survival: Would like to see terrain specific survivals, one per skill choice. Suggested: Cold, Hot, Temperate, Mountain, underground, etc…, with certain regions including swim.

Feats: Acrobatic feat includes climb, which no longer exists.

Deadly Aim: The name is all wrong for what it does. It’s a reverse power attack, but your aim is hardly deadly if you miss by a mile.

Improved turning: Why does it not increase healing as well?

Intimidating Prowess: Bout’ time. This should almost be a given for fighters.

Toughness: Much improved.

Turn other stuff: Excellent.

Arcane Strike Chain: Odd. Relies on powering up a weapon, hitting with it, casting any spell the next round on whatever you hit (doesn’t appear to have to work), then not worrying about armor for one round. Not sure if it is worth it.

Backswing: Decent.

Cleave: Liking it.

Dazzling display: “If it is higher.” If what is higher? I can infer, but would prefer specifics.

Deadly stroke: What happens on a deadly stroke crit?

Deft Shield: Any rules for wielding a shield two handed?

Devastating blow: Too weak.

Dodge: Much better.

Gorgon’s fist chain: This line suffers from awful naming. If anything, the medusa wrath might be moved to something with multiple arms. Improved unarmed strike could use clarifying in regards to what limbs you can attack with.

Great Cleave: How is this different from Whirlwind attack?

Manyshot: Is the first two arrow shot only for a single target?

Overhand Chop: Kinda sucks. This whole chain needs work.

Pinpoint targeting: Looks too strong at first until you realize you can’t use it with multishot.

Rapid shot: Same target?

Razor Sharp Chair Leg: This move sounds like it was thought up while drunk. Also, there needs to be better distinctions between melee and ranged options.

Scorpion Style: Again with the names.

Shield Master: Should be passive.

Shield Slam: Too strong.

Stunned Defense: Duration?

Turning Smite: I don’t know about you, but I’ll be using this to shoot healing crossbow bolts at my party. I’m ok with it if you are.

Two Weapon Rend: “On the previous round, you must have used weapon swap” Ugh…what? If you used weapon swap, you only have ONE weapon.

Weapon swap: Needs a free hand? Penalties for swapping a non-light weapon?

Combat modifiers: Why are there no rules for using dex? Low strength characters are going to be murdered wholesale.

Cover: Apparently, I can stab a polearm through a goblin, but I can’t shoot an arrow through one?
“If you are attacking with a weapon whose reach is greater than 5 feet, you can choose any one of your corners, instead of all your corners.” <- The words look like English, but the order they are placed in doesn’t appear to be.

Grapple: Much improved, but with one glaring error: Lots of references to “breaking a grapple,” but not a single tidbit about how to go about doing so.

Turning effects: 1d6 every two levels? Might like to see this at three, but playtesting will tell for sure.

Spells and Magic: Effects appear to be cumulative, but this isn’t explicit. Wow. Talk about a major power ramp up. Interesting.

Divination: Can Diviner’s Fortune work on you? Diviners are unreal nuts now. At high levels, you are talking about one auto success per day for every party member, plus free true strikes, without ever using a spell slot.

Enchantment: References bluff, which no longer exists.

Necromancy: How does one go about obtaining the 8 HD / level of undead? Do the undead on the 8th level power count against this limit? Do undead necros not get a bonus to spellcraft, as they no longer need to use charisma in place or constitution for concentration?

Transmutation: Do you lose the stat bonuses if you prepare spells from an opposition school? This could get messy. Is the fist power a force effect? The 20th level power should also include water breathing.

Universal: Concentrate each round…how to go about that now? Metamagic ability: woah.

Domains: Druids too now, interesting.

Animal domain: Shapechange should be limited to animals.

Magic: Hand of the mage – concentrate?

Rune domain: Rune durations? Save? Trap DC?

Travel: Dimension hop, is it line of sight, or can you pop through walls?

Trickery: Copy Cat, I like it.

Water: Less cold, more water!

Weather: Storm Burst, should be outdoor only.

Identify: The changes seem...painfully annoying. Time will tell.

Make Whole: Wizards too now. Neat.

All in all, I’m very impressed. Good hard work and a solid base. Can’t wait to play the hell out of it, and see the next phase.

As an afterthough, the alpha is the first PF product to get me even the least excited about the deities. Nice work!


Count me in.

A coworker of mine swears he remembers seeing it, but neither of us can find it in any of the books we have (other than the 2 & 3.0 Editions). Anyone out there know if there is an updated version for 3.5? Thanks!

Started for me in James' "Addled Covered Berks" thread in the Gamer Ad section, has now spread to other areas. Images are still there, but no identifier above them to tell you who has posted. Hopefully it's just me (the creepy part is, Heathy’s works everywhere)!

Anyone in the UK try this yet? I'm interested to know how it tastes; I may look for some when we fly over in March.

If I still had any faith, a priest could answer these questions easily, unless I asked which clone received the soul, though I suppose clones are probably an abomination of some sort and mostly hypothetical anyhow.

What makes us human? Our brain; our bodies; the “soul?” Are we just meat robots, or is there more? How many parts can you remove before you become something less than human?

If you had to have something taken out to save your life, but you became a fundamentally different person afterwards, would you still do it? What if that part affected how you felt about your spouse, your kids, yourself? Made you less creative? Changed your entire self-image? Would you still be you, or someone different now? What if it made things better; made you a success and people really liked you? Is that a good thing considering you had to kill the old you to do it?

Is it better to breathe your last breath as the person you know? Is it “cheating” to have to take something every day for the rest of your life to replace what they remove from you? Is it worth it to live a “slightly less active” lifestyle?

What makes you who you are? If they removed your brain and placed it in a jar of electrolytic fluid, would your brain be you? Would it still “love” without the chemicals that drive us, or simply remember love as an abstract concept?

People have organs removed / replaced all the time now. They seem normal, they go on living, and the old organs are discarded. Technically, you could go on living without quite a large number of organs, though it certainly wouldn’t be pleasant. Worth it to cling desperately to “life?”

Hopefully this isn't a repost, I've been away a few days and a friend at work just shot me this:

Indirect Link.

Has anyone watched this yet? I saw the first two episodes at work the last two nights, online at AMCTV.

I loved it. I can totally place myself in this guy’s shoes. The entire point of middle class America is to live long enough to not have to support your family anymore, and here he’s not going to make it and has jack to offer them, yet he is a total screw-up when it comes to crime.

A warning though, it’s very adult content. Prolific drug use, a blurred out shot of breasts, murders and the realities of body cleanup, lots of cursing (though the f-bombs are blanked), married people doing what married people do, you get the idea.

All in all, fantastic show. I can’t wait for the third one this Sunday.

I dropped this into my NetFlix queue behind the Dragon Lance movie, but since that is on “Very Long Wait,” I received MM first. Grabbed it on a lark, as I saw it mentioned on Slashdot somewhere in one of the comments, and I know there are some Neil Gaiman fans on the boards here.

Was wondering what anyone else thought of it? My wife and I watched it this afternoon, and we both liked it, but I don’t think either one of us would recommend it to our friends, mostly because it has a very unique sort of style. It’s definitely cute, but it has a hard to pin down age demographic, somewhere between, “I think 15 year old girls would like it,” and “this is what pretentious philosophy people mull over in coffee houses.”

Undeniably looks as if they put a lot of heart into it, but I don’t see it rivaling its muses, Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal. Still, worth watching, just maybe not sharing.

Oh, and it has quite possibly the creepiest scene in a movie, ever (the one that looks like it fell out of a Tool video).

“Why do birds….suddenly appear…”

Instead of having the e-mail display as:


Could we do something like: Don't at contact dot me, where the bbcode automatically displays the @ & . as words when you use the code?

I guess it really depends on how page parsers dig for e-mail addy's. If they're looking at just the text display, the second form would work perfect to defeat spam aggregators, but if they are reading the page source, well, then it doesn't matter how you do it.

I ran out of ideas for titles. Bail me out here people.

Less stuff to carry around.
Quicker gameplay.
Less confusing grappling.
No Gnomes (you heard me).
Easier for younger players to understand (as a new parent, this might jive with me).
Rules intended for smooth integration with video games.


“If only these adventuring groups could be turned to more humanitarian pursuits.”

Pater Sarno (LN Male Half-Elf Commoner 4 / Adept 4)

A self-made man of humble beginnings, Sarno (deferentially titled “Pater” by his disciples) is an avid reader and sometimes painter with a soft spot for children, small animals, and the less fortunate. Among close acquaintances, Sarno is quite fond of jokes about humanoids, and is exceptionally proud of having taught himself to speak no less than four of their dialects. A self-styled “humanist,” Sarno actively participates on the councils of several cities, generously contributes monetarily to public works projects, and travels extensively, proselytizing on behalf of his church.

Growing up an orphaned bastard, Sarno knows firsthand how difficult life can be for abandoned children, and often carries blankets and candy on his person. Bullied and ostracized as an adolescent, he transformed his simmering fury into a positive force for change. He works tirelessly for reduced taxes and better housing conditions for human citizens, brushing off the concerns of others for his ill health, stating it as merely a consequence of his “weak lineage.” Over the course of the last ten years, Sarno has founded a religious organization dedicated to caring for downtrodden humans, and healing half-blood humans of their ailment, though privately he hopes to one day amass enough resources to cure the “elven condition” altogether.

“What do you get when an elf fornicates with a troll?”

Smiling wherever he goes, Sarno abhors physical violence, and would never cause harm to a human (directly or indirectly). He rarely carries a weapon of any kind, preferring instead items which aid him in his travels, or which he might use to detain transgressors until suitable authorities arrive to remove the “rabble-rouser.” Inwardly he loathes personal contact with non-humans, and actively balks at the thought of getting their blood on his person, though he is not adverse to coercion and third party terror tactics is his “urban beautification” efforts. Wherever a human suffers from unemployment, hunger, or disease, Sarno is certain to be there, probing for non-human culpability.

Laws and intimidation are Pater Sarno’s weapons, and he wields them deadlier than any knife. Sarno never breaks his bond to a human, but similarly never keeps his word to a non-human (and is smart enough not to make a promise to a non-human in public). In his mind, non-humans are simply too deceitful to keep their end of the bargain in the first place. Likely to come from any altercation smelling of roses and with the law on his side, in a pinch, Sarno can count on the backing of several all human adventuring parties he personally sponsors, shelter provided by human sympathizers, and the ardent protection of the disaffected half-human members of his congregation. Given sufficient time, Sarno can garner triple the wealth for a typical NPC of his level, willingly donated by human nobles motivated by his good works.

“So the dragon says, “I said Dwarven HOARDS! …get it? Hoards?”

Adventure Hooks:


The party returns to town with their hard-earned plunder, only to discover exorbitant taxes on anything the non-human party members attempt to buy or sell, as well as a new law, which states non-humans shorter than four feet cannot roam unaccompanied by a human, “for their own protection.”

Pater Sarno is fond of hiring adventuring parties of humanoids for suicide missions, especially if it means clashing with other non-humans. As he sees it, whoever might perish, there is simply no way to lose. He may wish to hire the party to exterminate “lawless brigands,” coerce “squatters” to leave the city, or instead hire another adventuring party to defeat the pc’s, seeing them as “marauding vandals” if they are comprised of non-humans and winning the hearts and minds of the populace.

Pater Sarno has successfully researched a new version of Summon Monster which allows for the summoning of humanoids, and is giving away the scrolls for free as fast as he can scribe them. When one of the party’s contacts is repeatedly whisked away to be pressed into service as a slave or worse, an unwilling combatant, will they be able to discern the source of the magical calamity before their friend becomes unhinged?

Recently sighted outside of the lairs of chromatic dragons: Mysterious half-elven priests leaving behind scraps of parchment. Upon inspection, these notes comprise a recipe for “Dwelfling Pie,” a dish that consists of stuffing a halfling into a dwarf, and then stuffing the dwarf into an elf.

Title pretty much sums it up.

If I cared enough to bother looking at the stat blocks (sorry guys & gals, it’s hook or nothing for me), I’d be worried the judges aren’t familiar with the psionics rules (which I find just downright odd).

The cessation of movement calls you to wakefulness in the gloom, though the sweltering heat of your sweatbox and a few paltry stray motes of light tell you night has not yet come calling. You aren’t sure why you’ve stopped, and it’s unlikely anyone who knew would tell you anyway.

You, and the others, have been a “guest” here, loosely roped to the floor with giant hair cords for…ages. It seems like forever, at any rate, but is probably closer to a month, if your guesses are close.

The stench of this place is unspeakable; even acknowledging it seems ill advised. They haven’t bothered removing the bodies of the one’s who did not survive the journey, just left them where they lay, shackled and rotting. Strange, for valuable slave cargo, they don’t seem to care if you live or die. Water rations have been sporadic as well. As you watch, two of the humans lick the fevered sweat from the elf’s brow (you are certain neither the elf or the avian will last another day in this place, making this the sixth day you’ve thought so). Swaying your head achingly from side to side, you can’t imagine a more diverse group of beings in the same place for anything short of slaving away at a sorcerer king’s palace.

The customary lot of humans, two of those undersized cannibal freaks (thankfully, the ever-present mindbender kept them from more than an occasional limb gnawing), a pair of mantis men (hogging the braxat’s share of the space, you might add, not that you’d want to sit next to one), a Mul (that one will fetch good coin), an elf (funny how they don’t care about their own kind, isn’t it), even one of those unusual talking bird creatures.

There had been two of them, once, the bird men; clutch mates by the look of them. They don’t fare well in close quarters, worse even than the elves who yearn to run free. When one of the provider kanks dropped dead from the arduous pace set by the slavers, they’d tried to feed it to you, and a dead kank is just this side of poisonous. It wouldn’t kill you, but eating that putrescent meat would make you wish it would. In a daze, the avian had eaten the meat, sickening it for days. The stench of its bile still hung about the place. It had weakened, finally succumbing to the heat, and they’d fed you again for the second and last time. Funny how everything new tastes like Kes’Trekel. Bewildered from confinement and feral with grief, the second birdthing had also eaten her share. No one talked much after that, not that talking was worth wasting energy on at this killing temperature.

It’s your own fault really, being here, for making a mistake. In life, there are no second chances; anyone who tells you different is a dreamer, and dreams die as easily as the fools who dream them in the Tablelands. To your credit, at least you weren’t the only one. The others here, even those that hadn’t made it this far, they’d made the exact same mistake; stopping at the elven Oasis.

Looking back, they probably didn’t even own the place, but then the ability to secure what was yours defined ownership on Athas, so maybe they did at that. The food was cheap, the water was reasonable, and that should have panicked you right there. Elves playing fair.

You’d needed to resupply, and were planning to move on that night, but they said, “Stay,” and so you’d stayed. It was that easy. In fact, it sounded like such good advice at the time. Then again, everything someone tells you to do lately sounds like a good idea. You were free, now you are..what? A slave? Those idiots in Tyr had risen up a generation ago to throw off the yoke of slavery, only to discover death from thirst and exposure just as easily replaces death by the lash.

The food, the water, even the air, burning with incense like the swaying pot above you, all suffused with Sasuril, the drug they give the field slaves to make them pliable. So malleable all but the most inept practitioner of The Way could keep even a large group of captives like yours in line. Speaking of ineptitude, whatever hole they drug this telepath from, incompetent barely begins to cover it. You spend half your waking hours thinking calm thoughts, and the other half thinking about Broy, the fermented Kank honey the Templars drink. You’d never touched a drop of the stuff, but it certainly sounded delightful the way she made you think of it.

Aside from the bungler though, these Elves had some serious backing. The armored, hollowed out and thoroughly undead Mekillot you rode inside didn’t come cheap, nor did its Necromant handler. Not to mention they were keeping the dosage of your drugs so potent for such an extended duration, they had to be producing it themselves; must be, because they all seemed immune to it. It was a good racket they had going. Even the supplies came cheap, as you’d watched helplessly through the cracks as they bartered away your belongings to a tribe of runaway slaves weeks ago. It didn’t pay to ask questions or pass judgment in the Tyr Region.

Which raises the question, why stop in the middle of the day? Not for provisions. Not to get out of the heat, for they could rest on the dead beast. Not to give the animals respite, for the lifeless Mekillot moved day and night, and the Athasian night came with its own unique dangers for both man and beast.

It occurred to me today while I was waiting out my headache at work, I had never eaten an eggplant. Not sure why, I just never had the opportunity or the motive to do so.

So now, I have both! I’m thinking of ordering Eggplant Parmesan at the employee party on Thursday, because hey, if it sucks, it’ll still be free (I told my wife I’d bring her home the “two drink maximum” booze, but she said something about open containers. I was like, hey, I’m going to use a lid; it could spill in the car! <– this is a joke, people).

Assuming I end up liking it, how do I go about eating them at home? I saw somewhere to reduce the bitterness I’m supposed to slice it, salt it, and then rinse it. But..then what? Eat it raw like a tomato (apparently, they are related)? Bake it like a potato (apparently, they are also related)? Throw it in the trash?

I know there are a lot of vegetarians on the boards, so I’m hoping someone who likes aubergines can tell me what to do with one (oh har, har. That’s right, get it all out).

Unfortunately, two books (Advanced Bestiary and Modern Magic) flipped to unavailable while I was waiting for TC1 to flip over to "Yes, we really have it."

Could I get them yanked off my order so we can kick this bad box out the warehouse door? I don't need them that bad and I'm an impatient mofo.


So. As it stands, I will have a vote going to Ghost Hound Kinships, The Enlightened Kingdom of Vramaire, and Beria. Mr. Kogen has almost certainly cemented my fourth vote with his promise to “knock one out of the park” with his villain.

Therein lies the premise of this thread.

I have a final vote (and I’m sure many others have an extra vote lying about as well), and I’ve read all the submissions and replies. I’m leaning heavily towards Kestria, but as of yet, I’m undecided.

Sooooo…entice us, people!

Beg, plead, whine, lure, beguile, charm, or even refuse to kowtow to demands. Slap us around a little, and pick up the loose votes from the crowd that likes that sort of thing.

Lay it on me!

Game discussion thread.

Original Thread.

Looking for lots! 10ish preferably.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

Rolls: Invisible Castle preferred, but not required (I'm fairly inclined to trust all concerned).

If you want an alternative to 32 point buy, I'm also willing to let you do the old school 5d4, but you get what you get!

If you are encountering the discussion post first, go to the signup!

Now the insidious plot comes to a head at last! TC1 hasn't flipped over to shipping so you can coerce me to buy MORE STUFF!

Well, it worked. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

Is it possible to have the two EQ Hardcovers added to my order please? Much obliged!

(Oh yeah, if Anubis shows this week, throw that in too...). If not, I'll pick him up later. Thanks!

Best of the best?

1. Migrus Locker - superlative.
2. Malleus Maleficarum - warhammer option sold me
3. Torch of Solidity - Sweet


1. Nausea Pill (though there is a similar item in the DSG).

Honorable mentions: Leash of the Shadowhound, Blindspot Orb, Tinnil's Stirring Rod

Saw this game earlier today, and it looked like fun (though admittedly, etymology is a pet hobby of mine). Anyone have it at home?


As the store section is more dedicated to order issues, I thought I would place this here instead.

Shopping around yesterday morning, I discovered two options missing I could really make use of:

1. Sort by price ('cause I'm one frugal bastige)
2. Do not display unavailable items ('cause I'm one impatient bastige too).


Well worth it. Give yourself an early holiday present:

Slice of Death.

Resonant jungle drum sounds.
There they are again.
The drums; again with the drums.
Those damnable jungle drums.
I punch the console and emerge from my stasis bed.
God I could use a diet coke. Oh wait, caffeine is illegal now. Scratch that.
I still want a diet coke anyway.
How the hell could the drums have followed me here, across time, across space?

Maybe the crew knows. I’ll ask if they hear it.
Blinkie crap. Great, what now? Emergency hull breach? Hmmm, looks like it auto-sealed.
That’s good.
Wonder how that happened? No biggie, the crew would have suited up just in case.

Lord my head; those stupid drums.
I was sure the crew was making the noise, screwing with me. Always playing around, those guys.
Can’t be them now though; I ruled it out.
Around the high-backed chairs, do dee doo
Hey, do you guys hear the drums?
Of course, they stare blankly at me. Idiots.
Blank stares through frosted faceplates.
Succinylcholine in the suit tanks. Man that took a long time.
But I added it with love.
Yep, makes all the difference, like those sandwiches mom makes.
Definitely not the crew drumming.
You guys hear it too then? Shew.
I thought I was cracking up.
Set course for…away from here!
Drumming continues unabated

Oh cripes. It’s my damn phone.
That’s odd. Not my alarm.
Paizo…Golem..? Huh
“Sup Bish?”
Uh..who is this?
“Are you trying to be a smart ass?”
“I said, are…you…trying…”
I got it, I got it.
“I know you looked at the face when it rang.”
Did I win something?
I imagined you’d be nicer.
“I’m a busy man you know. I have like, 10 other calls to make this morning.”
Hey, you called me.
“Yeah, about that. I have a message for you.”
Emmit? Like the Jug Band?”
“Are you trying to be a smart ass?”
“Look, just look in the archives.”
That’s stupid.
“Did you just call me stupid?”
No, I said the message was stupid.
“Oh, well ok then.”
Is that Hebrew?
“Do I…look…like I would know Hebrew?”

Well that was odd.
Wonder if there are any new posts on the boards.
“you’re up early”
Hey love.
“Did someone call you?”
Yeah, I think it was a wrong number. It was from Pie-Zoe.
“The “Spank-It Magazine” people?”
Yeah, that’s them, but they don’t do that anymore.
“No more softcore porn?”
Nope, they do violence now.
“Ah. Violence, the new porn.”
“Love you!”
Love you too, bud.
Hey look at that. Archives.
I wonder if I can make a new post in this section.
Well, I’ll be damned.
Uh oh.
Did I break something? Gary’s going to know.
Of course he knows. He sees everything
Should we delete it?
No, it’ll be way worse
Dude, hit it with a rock. Pretend you never saw it.
I can’t. I’m stuck now. Bail man. Bail!
Uh hun, I’m going to go get more Diet Coke.
“Good idea. Can you bring home some chocolate? Not the dark stuff.”
Sure love.

Uhhh, Gary? I can’t move man.
“It’s cool. That’s the magic of it. Pretty soon, you won’t even “want” to move.”
test spins cordless drill.
So uh, what’s the hot water for?
“Your brain is all dirty. We’re just going to tidy things up a bit.”
“I like tidy.”
So you see Gary, it was the Golem made me post it.
"I get that a lot."
“Don’t struggle, ok? It makes it way worse.”
Should I have deleted the post instead?
“Excuse me?
I’m sorry about the post. I should have just pretended I didn’t post it, right?
“I can’t believe you just said that. Like I wouldn’t know.”
“Are you…trying…to hurt my feelings?”
drill spins, Gary sniffles
Uh dude. No offense, but…Cowboy up.
Gary wipes the black sharpie circle away with rubbing alcohol
“I thought we had something special here. But that’s over now.”
Gary sets down the drill, snatching a turkey carver instead.
The lights dim, then slowly fade out, as “breaking up is hard to do” plays softly in the background.

Drums. No wait….phone.
“Sup Bish!”

November 8-12, 2007

Pier 92

Looks Keegany!

Every little bit that leaks out of the development team makes me do a double take. I think they could tell me the entire book set was going to be edible now and I’d still buy it. It’s like an “April Fool’s” post gone on too long.

In that vein, feel free to post completely specious news about 4E here:

Every little bit that leaks out of the development team makes me do a double take. I think they could tell me the entire book set was going to be edible now and I’d still buy it. It’s like an “April Fool’s” post gone on too long.

In that vein, feel free to post completely specious news about 4E here.

To attract younger gamers, the core books will be pop-ups.
To attract young female gamers, the pop-ups will all be pastel.
As a nod to older gamers, the first pop-up in the book will be a broomstick handle.

Taglines will be replaced with, “It's WoW, offline, but awesome-r.”

With the 4E rules deemphasizing reliance on magic items, fighter classes will receive additional xp for beating monsters with sticks. Rogue classes will be included in this bonus if they instead stab things with the pointy end of said stick.

The stick will be a martial weapon, but the weapons group will be called something completely new, like “belligerent objects.”

Vecna suffers a nervous breakdown from keeping so many secrets, causing his portfolio to transfer to Bob, the He-Lady of Stuff.

Core deities will include Bane, Dick Cheney, and the Silver Flame, because it has bows (“shooting items”).

The new head of the Pantheon will be Finder Wyvernspur.

Psionics will become the primary magic system, with “magic magics” releasing at a later date for a significantly greater cost.

Got to keep that PC secure so you can keep reading Pathfinder (until the paper copy arrives, at any rate)!


See some meteors :)

Orionids tonight, just walked out at work to see a few.

I have two ideas for Dark Sun Play by Posts at the moment, though I’d like to run the 5th level standalone as a trial run before I start the 1st level campaign.

What I’d really like to know is how many people would be interested in this sort of thing? It wouldn’t be starting right away, I still have some prep to do, but the cogs have been turning fruitfully on this for a bit now.

The campaign would be for 4 to 5 people, but for the standalone I’m looking at a need for at least 8 people, but I’m not sure if I can get that many.

Is anyone here interested in trying out a Dark Sun PbP? Just putting out feelers for now, so if you are interested, just drop a line in the thread and I will count them up. Thanks for looking! :)