ThatWeirdGeckoGuy's page
185 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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At the time, when my design chops were...inexperienced compared to now, they had a rule called "Spark of Life" which let them heal as living creatures. It was simple, and balanced, but not good design, and kind of lame/boring. They're more souls in non-meat bodies than automations.
Here are some of the rules I've used at my home table, depending on the game, and how I want the feel of the campaign.
1) Healing works on them if the healer qualifies as an ally, as defined by Inspire Courage.
2) Healing spells work on them, but the dice are limited by the casters Craft: Construct skill rank. A Cleric casting CMW with a Craft: Construct of 5 ranks can't roll higher than a 5 on each of the d8s.
3) I use the warforged healing rules from Eberron.
4) They only heal by being repaired, but they can repair themselves. Again, using Craft: Construct.
I also allow all of those rules to be bent. For example, with the Artifice domain, or for sure the Construct sub-domain, can heal them.

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Thanks, I'll add these to my list of needed errata.
1 round. However, you could use Lockjaw from Improved bite with Thrash from Vicious bite to maintain the bite, and therefore the shaken condition, for multiple rounds. The canid fighter being played in my game uses this combo with Improved Trip to take opponents down and flail them about very effectively.
I would say yes. 2 feats for 2 steps damage is in no way overpowered. Again, my players canid fighter does this as well.
My intention for the Dwarven Bully is that it loses Racial Diversity and Quadruped, and gain Slow and Steady. This is balanced out by gaining Darkvision.
You are correct, you could not take it. My mistake, I haven't designed a canid in a long time. (This is intended to show that a Bully breed can still walk on all fours at their base speed, not at a crawling speed like a normal biped. I could have worded that clearer, and will fix that in errata.)
[Response to edit] If you mean the racial points, ala ARG, I view them as a guideline, but not law. Numerous threads point out major flaws in some of the design rules. When I build a race, I write down what I think it should have, and then compare to Human, Elf, and Dwarf to determine if it's too powerful. While there is math to race design, some of it still has to fall to feel and gut instinct.
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I have to get some edits done, but I've been working a lot at my day job and have not been able to get them to the publisher. If there's any questions you have I will gladly answer them.
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Cure light wounds is the only viable answer.
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For monks I've always allowed 5 feet of movement for each attack in their flurry, and works well. Doing similar for a fighter shouldn't be game breaking.
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I, for one, am outraged. ;)
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Zerzix, did you ever get my email?
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Can you list the race combos for the Honorables? I can guess some, but not all, and I want to KNOW.
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The fact that Giant Space Hamsters have not been brought up is a travesty .
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The host by little red goblin games is exactly what you're looking for.
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I will plan a long campaign, in a flow chart, from start to end, and then note where levels will fall. The game I'm running now has probably spent 12 sessions at level 8. They spent 4 at level6.
It's what works with the story, not the xp, that matters
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The Host be LRGG is pretty cool and different.
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Ah. As of now, there is nothing from paizo.
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I am currently writing up a "Dog-man" race for Fat Goblin Games, in their Racial Ecologies line. I'm about 75% done with the text.
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Wild shape is HUGE for a Druid. To some, it is -the- feature of the class. If you're campaigns go into higher levels, it will be a serious detriment to lose wildshape. I'd say let him take what he wants, but pull, say, elemental options from wildshape.
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I spell and grammar good on my smart phone
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I never read the replies in these type of threads, do excuse me if this has been said, though I'm sure it has. If you're asked not to curse in my home, and you do, you're out. If you don't pay your way, you'd better make up for it somehow. IF YOU TAKE SOMETHING YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO, YOU'RE OUT IMMEDIATELY. You saying, they said no and I did it anyway, because I don't respect their feelings on the matter, shows whet a awful guest you were, without a doubt.
Yes, you were a bad guest who deserved the boot, because your own statement shows you did not respect the opinions and feeling s of you host. Asking if you were bad enough is splitting hairs and shows deep down you know it.

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Heymitch wrote: Neither Paizo nor WizKids have any obligation to make unsound business decisions just to prove you wrong. You're right. Neither you nor the rest pf Paizo fandom has to believe everything you're told either. I find it unusual that gamers, a normally inquisitive lot, are 100% accepting of everything Paizo says, because Paizo says they should. When the person making the money is telling you why they're being 100% honest and transparent, Take that with a grain of salt.
Heymitch wrote: It sounds like there's a real opportunity there for an enterprising gecko breeder to start up a business with his brother the plastic pusher, and show Paizo and WizKids how it should be done.
Wishing you the best of luck with that...
If I had the set up and the market that Paizo does, this would be a valid challenge. If I worked for White Wolf, or Games Workshop, or WOTC, this would be a valid argument. I don't. I don't think Joe Blow could make a non random pre painted line work. I DO think Paizo could, because I think they're big enough, and I think they have the market share for it. WOTC did too, but their figures looked like s#!t. The first non random set is SEXY, and I planned on buying two, one to keep and one to re-paint, to see how a re-paint worked on Paizo/WizKids figs.
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drumlord wrote: This is not customer friendly. It is not an ideal experience to have.
If Netflix didn't send me discs on my queue but chose a random selection of somewhat related movies, some of which I may not want, to send to me, people would not be happy. If I clicked to watch a youtube video and instead got rickrolled, I would not be happy (and I propose getting the paizo mini you didn't want should be called "gnome-rolled"). If I hoped to get steak from a restaurant and they brought me a head of lettuce, I would send it back.
Drumlord, You are wise beyond your years. I don't know how old you are, but however old it is, you're a smart one. Thanks for taking the nerd rage out of this side of the argument and putting it in a well spoken and polite manner.
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I am confused why my questioning of Lisa, or my questioning of their transparency in their marketing plan, makes me bad, or a conspiracy theorist. I work at a huge, national company, and I see how our marketing goes. That's what marketing IS.