Giant Gecko

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If I want to reduce a small sized monster to something the size of, say, a sparrow, would that be Tiny, Diminutive, or Fine? I'm thinking Diminutive. What would I apply to make the stat adjustment?


OK, so, another thread got me thinking. If I have a small fighter that is hit with reduce person, he becomes tiny, with a 2.5' square base and 0' reach. What if he uses a reach weapon, would he then have a 5' reach?

I have done a conversion of the warlock/dragon disciple for my game, but it's too wizardy for my likings. Does anyone have any suggestions as to druid like effects that would not be uber overpowered being at will?

Thanks in advance for the advice.


Hey, in the sea serpent entry it talks about making CR 18 one, but I don't 100% understand how to advance it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Hey, I'm looking for any 3rd party products related to a jungle/rainforest setting. Plug away publishers!

I know this is against the rules, but have any of you tried it? What cost did you charge for doing so? I was think about charging 1-3 effective character levels, depending on the template. Does anyone have experience with this, or an opinion on it? Thanks.


So, we all know that there is is a power disparity between the combat classes and casters (even with Pathfinders fixes), and a lot of groups try and fix this by bringing the casters down to the full BAB classes power range. I, personally, don't have any issue with the power level of casters (though I will admit I don't run past the mid teens often), but I DO have a problem with them overpowering everyone else. I'm starting a new campaign, and I was tossing around ideas to keep the balance longer.

Before I get into that, let me tell you I do have a few house rules in place.

Fighters pick their highest bonus to a non physical stat and can add that number+1 in class skills. So, a fighter with Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1) can take his Wis bonus (+1)+1 in additional class skills, for 2 more class skills.

If you have full BAB progression, or are a Monk, you can move 5 feet for each attack you have and still full attack. So, a fighter with +15, +10, +5 (15th level) can move 15 feet and still full attack. A monk with +13/+13/+8/+8/+3/+3 (also 15th level) can move 30 feet and still full attack.

I am thinking of doing a half gestalt for the fighting classes, so every even level a fighter gains, he gains a level in another combat class. I obviously need to limit the options, or I will have fighters creeping past the wizards, at the high end (Or wont I?). So, what I'm thinking is, Barbarian, Cavalier, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, or Ranger will get one level of one of the other listed classes at the even levels. Pathfinder puts a lot into you keeping your first class straight through, so I don't think there will be too much of an issue keeping this work.

My question is, do you see a hole in this? is there a point where it will fall apart, or where the fighter will become the tier one class over the wizards now tier two status? I would think a Fighter 20/Paladin 10 would do his job VERY well, but a level 20 Wizard is obviously a beast it it's own right. Lastly, what if a player wants to stay single classed? I am inclined to say no, because the progression would be:

Wizard: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Fighter: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21*, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30

*If I allow straight fighter progression, this is where the capstone ability comes into play, and where a forced multiclass would occur. The next level is also where a Wizard gets 8th level spells, the level before where the Wizard got 7th level spells.
I know that's the same level progression of the Fighter/Paladin, but they would get access to the high level abilities and feat earlier as a single classed 'gestalt.'

Should I hold it off and start it at level 6 instead of 2? That makes the progression:

Wizard: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Fighter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28

This has the split right at where E6 stops progression, where the caster creep starts. This also has the capstone (If I allow single class gestalt) to hit right when the Wizard gets 8th level spells.

As I write this out, it actually makes sense to me to allow single class gestalt, because those over 20 levels, which would be 1-10 or 1-8 of another fighting class, give things like BAB and saves, but the low level abilities and spells they get really won't matter in a epic level game like that, if I even made it that high.

Am I missing anything?

So, looking at Inner Sea Magic, I see the basis of magical schools, but I am not quite 100% on how to design one of my own, or what PP awards to make available. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.

The school is carved into the side of a cliff, with a small area of land at the bottom, before it hits the ocean. The school the magic branch of a large military academy, and the city it's based in is one of the largest cities in my home brew setting. (The players, level one caster all, received invites to the school on scholarships, and they have no idea why). The school can hold up to 400 students, and the accompanying professors, staff, etc.. It is all carved out the cliff, as one continuous carving. Rumor has it that if you figure out the secret of the school, you can use it's structure as a major magical conduit, if it does not tear you apart in the process. The headmaster is a high level wizard, with some samurai from his youth (3 wizard levels or so for every one samurai. I'm thinking wizard14/samurai 4.) He is very strict, and the school allow for very little failure.

What I need help with is:

What should the difficulties be of the education rolls?
What kind of special things could you have as benefits of being a student, that would fit a military academy?
What should you gain if you figure out how to channel the building? I'm thinking X amount of metamagic feats allowed to the roll, but not sure how to execute it.

Thanks in advance for the help. If I left anything out, feel free to ask, I'll gladly clarify.

SO, my group of 5 10th level PCs is currently raiding a pyramid in my Darksun/Osirion mash up world, but I am at a loss as to what to put in the tomb. They are about to enter the Pharaoh's tomb, and I am writing the pharaoh as a CR 14 sorcerer with the Osirion Mummy template.

What goodies would you give the pharaoh, either on his person or in the tomb as burial goods?

I’ve been playing DnD for 20+ years now, and one thing has bugged me the whole time: Vancian casting. As a kid, I accepted it for wizards, (we didn’t have sorcerers then), but it always bugged me for Clerics. Shouldn’t they be praying for their spells in the moment, as needed? Maybe they had a set few tricks up their sleeve that they had learned through repetition, but most of their spells should come at the moment they need them. I felt the same way with Druids, Paladins, and Rangers. So, after being out of DnD for the better part of a decade, I went back to 2nd edition (I’d skipped 3rd and what came after), and then a friend turned me on to Pathfinder. I have some issues with the insane wealth that comes with levels (which is a topic for another post), but I’d like to see if anyone can spot a balance mistake in some of the changed I’d like to make. Note that my concern is balancing among the classes, NOT balancing my revamp to its original class.

1) No more Prepared casters. That means no more Wizards, with their role being replaced by Arcane Sorcerers. The feat Imbue Sorcerous Item is an added feat for Sorcerers. This is not a bonus feat.

2) Changing Clerics, Druids, Paladins, and Rangers to Spontaneous casting. Clerics and Druids follow Spontaneous progression.

3) Clerics retain Channel and domain abilities and spells, and continue to work of Wisdom. The feat Imbue Holy Object is an added feat for Clerics. This is not a bonus feat.

4) Druids stay mostly the same, including still casting off Wisdom. If they choose to gain extra casting instead of a companion with Natrue’s Bond, the domain abilities and spells work as normal. The feat Imbue Wild Object is an added feat for Druids. This is not a bonus feat.

5) Paladins and Rangers will have a custom spells known and spells known list. I’m still working on that one. Paladins gain access to Imbue Holy Object once they are able to cast 3rd level spells. Rangers gain access to Imbue Wild Object at the same point in their spell progression. This is not a bonus feat.

6) Imbue object feats: These feats each have a requirement of 3rd level caster and Scribe Scroll for Clerics and Druids. Further requirements for Paladins and Rangers are noted above.

A) Imbue Holy Object. This feat will allow Clerics and Paladins to pray to their god for aid in the form of a spell trigger item. They may imbue an object with any spell that is on their available spell list, and they may imbue any masterwork item already in their possession, or create an item in the using of the feat that will work as they spell trigger item. A sacrifice of gold, incense, or items of personal and material value must be sacrificed in the creation of these items, and the cost is equal to the cost of creating a scroll. The time requirement is likewise the same. Imbued items may only be used by their creator.

B) Imbue Sorcerous Item. This feat will allow sorcerers to study arcane tomes to create a spell trigger item following the same requirements and rules as a Cleric using Imbue Holy Item.

C) Imbue Wild Item. This feat will allow Druids and Rangers to pray to the wilds for aid in the form of a spell trigger item. They may imbue an object with any spell that is on their available spell list, and they may imbue any masterwork item already in their possession, or create an item in the using of the feat that will work as they spell trigger item. The creation rules for this feat follow all rules of the Imbue Holy Item feat.

7) Holy monks. I like the idea of holy, mystical warriors, and if a Cleric gives up all armor and weapons, they gain Monk Flurries, Wisdom bonus to AC, unarmed strike, and such. Note: since Monk flurry is full BAB 2 weapon progression, the Holy monks progression needs to be adjusted to good BAB, not full.

8) Imbue Totem feat. This feat will allow the creation of a spell completion item that is not a scroll, but functions in the same way.

9) Any martial class may use a spell completion item that is created specifically for them. A caster does not need to intimately know the martial character in question to create the item (though they must have met personally), but once a caster has created (10-caster level) items for the martial character, the UMD skill used in triggering the item is the casters. This still allows for caster to be paid to make items for martial characters, but not as well as party members.

10) The Arcane feats (i.e. Shield) also become divine feats.

11) The Spell Expertise feats are slightly adjusted. When taken, the character may elect to take a spell not currently on their Spells Known list. If they do take a spell from their Spells Known list, they may immediately choose to remove that spell from their Spells Known list and replace it with a new one.

12) Warlocks, which are now called Invokers. I know they’re not Pathfinder legit, but the conversion will be easy. However, a dedicated ranged blaster is really pretty weak in anything other than an arena fight against a fighter. Yes, they can always fly while invisible, but their damage output is WAY below the damage output of any other dedicated damage dealer of equal level. So, I am going to make a few changes to this class before allowing them:

A) Move blast progression to sneak attack damage.

B) Add an invocation every level.

C) I am going to allow iterative attacks to be blasts.

D) I will be removing the alignment limitations, and renaming/reskinning the ‘demon blast’ part of their class.

E) I will be allowing most Dragonfire Adept invocations.

F) Warlocks will be reskinned into three classes; The Holy, the Fey Touched, and the Warlock.

The Holy will be the Cleric/Paladin match up, and will be members of the church blessed and cursed with channeling the holy power of their god. Their blasts will be holy power (fluff, not magic item quality). I need to design some appropriate invocations, probably cribbed from the cleric list.

The Fey Touched will be the Druid/Ranger match up, and will channel the raw change of the wild. Their blasts will be pure change, growth, and mutation. I need to design some appropriate invocations, probably cribbed from the druid list.
The Warlock will not change much in crunch, other than removing the EVIL. Obviously, the new/changed invocations will be arcane in nature.

G) This class STILL doesn’t fill the role I want it to, which is a fighter that uses magic as his weapon. At 1st level, the character gains a familiar as a sorcerer with the Arcane bloodline would. At 6th level, the animal is blessed by a god/mutated by the wild/infused with arcane power, and becomes an animal companion, with an effective druid level of Invoker level -3.

Thoughts from the community?