
Thaddeus "Chief" Mora's page

51 posts. Alias of Spazmodeus.


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Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Appreciate you running the game Daniel.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

The Chief mingles with the patron of the bar, sharing the occasional story with those of obvious Navy training.

Int 2d6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 1 - 2 = 3

And obviously makes a horses-ass of himself :)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"Or Mr? " Chief Mora says with a smile "I'll see you on board, I want to see if those monkey's installed that new engine properly."

Mora then boards the ship and begins a thorough inspection of the drive systems. He also takes a moment to check on the status of his ship boat in the Navy yards.

Engineer -Jump 0 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 = 9

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Merry Christmas to you all! Enjoy your friends and families !

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"Poaching is theft by another name! Chief Mora declares, indignant "We'll run these rascals down!"

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora leans over Myrian's shoulder, "Your algorithm here may need a tweak ..."

2d6 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (6, 3) + 1 + 1 - 4 = 7

"Bah, what do I know!" he mutters in disgust.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Having successfuly deployed the umbilical, Chief Mora leaves the control to return to the loader.

"Ok, you hunk of junk, let's reach an understanding, you hear?" he mutters as he goes over the servo-initialization routine once more.

Battledress-1 Education 2d6 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 - 2 = 7

Face palm :)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Cursing the designers of the loader's systems, Chief Mora jumps down and frowns up at the collection of hydraulic lines and servos.

The chatter over the radio brings his head around and he trots over to the umbilical controls. Verifying that the two vessels were in correct position, he pressed a few buttons and the flexibly tunnel began to emerge from the Jeremiah.

"Beginning umbilical deployment." he says over the comm.

Mechanic-2 2d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 + 2 = 8

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Pulling open the loader's cockpit, Chief Mora grabs the instrumentation guide from beside the cushioned seat. Poring over the complicated instructions,nodding to himself he climbs in and begins familiarizing himself with the controls.

Battledress-1 Education 2d6 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (5, 1) + 2 - 2 = 6

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora nods where he sits on the command deck. Reaching over he keys in some commands that starts the ship's boat departure protocols. "Just in case." he says to himself, then rises and joins the others in the commons.

"None and none" Chief Mora responses. Seeing a couple surprised looks, smiles "I know, 20 years in the navy,you'd think I have at least some training in either of those, but cooped up in engineering didn't have much chance for shenanigans outside the hull."

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

And to you all as well!! :)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora walks over to where Myrian was cursing amongst several tendrils of smoke rising from her instrument panel.
"Unfortunately, I'm more of a grease monkey, Myrian, all valves and magnetic containers and such. I'm not much use around ciruit boards."

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"Indeed, Charlotte. A great mystery that one, no one ever did find the source of that transmission." Chief Mora says looking up from his astrogation charts.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora pores over his computations and notices a small error : he had not taken into account the presense of a super dense quasar on the edge of thier planned route, its influence is small but will result in a minor mis-jump.

Red-faced the Chief informs the Captain.

This will give the Chief 1 skill in Astrogation.

Otherwise, he will make nice with the crew, help Cindy around the ship, catch up on some sleep...

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"Acknowledged." Chief Mora says in response to the Captain.

With a tight smile at Charlotte's superstitious nod to the gods of hyperspace, he key's the ship wide comm channel once again "Astrogation...transition to hyperspace in 5....4....3....2...1"

He reaches across and activates the J-drive, the only indication that anything had happened was the steady hiss replacing the near constant radio chatter and the dull grey field of boiling hydrogen that had replaced the brilliant star field outside the view ports.

Jump! 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7 mis-jump
Time in hyperspace 148 + 6d6 ⇒ 148 + (5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2) = 169 hours

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora nods when Solomon returns with the Captains' compliment.

Turning back to his console, he keys a command to upload the flight plan to C&C. After a few moments, a muted beep indicates that the plan had been approved and filed.

"At least they'll know where to salvage us...if needed." Chief Mora says quietly.

Keying the ship's comm, Chief Mora voice echoes through the ship "Astrogation....Power diversion to J-Drive commencing, cease all non-essential power drains. Jump in 5 minutes."

Reaching across the console, he starts the dangerous power build-up in the J-drive necessary to punch a hole in reality and thrust the Jeremiah into hyperspace.

Divert Power 2d6 + 0 + 1 + 2 - 8 ⇒ (2, 6) + 0 + 1 + 2 - 8 = 3 Effect on Jump.

The lights on the ship flicker a bit as the energy subsystems adjust to the new demands for power from the J-Drive; a low sub-sonic vibration slowly emerges into the crew's consiousness, a thrumming indication of the unspeakable energies harnessed behind the containment fields down in engineering.

His eyes scanning the instrumentation before him ,seeing all was in the green, Chief Mora comms the Captian "Captain, ship ready for Jump on your order."

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

After a brief consultation with Cindy about a small variance in output from the port-side conventional maneuvering drive, Chief Mora bid her farwell and walks up to the bridge.

Settling into the astrogator's chair, he runs his hands lightly over the controls, re-familiarizing himself with the layout.

Nodding, he brings up the charts, pings the central nav network for current stellar coordinates and begins the computations for Jump.

Astrogate 2d6 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 + 4 + 1 = 12 Not sure of jump distance modifier

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora greets the captain and crew with a professional cheerfulness "Captain, Po, Hartham" he says nodding at each in turm "Thaddeus Mora, Master Chief , retired at you service. I can serve as your astrogator if you like, as well as giving Ms Hartham a hand around engineering."

With a nod, he joins the others securing a berth. He then takes a few minutes to walk the ship, getting a feel for how well maintained it is, before joining the others in the common room.

Mechanic 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4) + 1 = 11

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora crosses his arms and grunts "hmmm, an old Telemon...always had a twitchy drive core, hope they've retrofitted this one.."

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"That's right, I'd noticed a few of the standing around looking a bit out of place. I'd intended to make their presense known to the authorities but they acted before I could."

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

To make sure the good Captain understands the import of the situation, Chief Mora also uses his call to inform Captain Jemasie of the groups incarceration.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Sry guys, crazy couple of days

Chief Mora peeks around a chair, amazed to see Ben leaping through the haze to engage the terrorist with his sword.

With a shake of his head he thinks He's no too much younger than I and look at him....don't get any delusions Mora, that's not your game."

Not trusting his untrained shooting skills at the moment, Mora instead raises to a crouch and moves to different cover closer to the action.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Having noticed the strange men about the concourse, Chief Mora was about to mention them to his companions when thier attack caught him completely off guard.

Struck in the chest by a hail of slugs, Mora utters an "oof" but does not go down as his clothing absorbs and disperses a considerable amount of energy

8 damage - 5 protection = 3 damage to END.

Once he realized the danger he was in, he jumped into cover. Pulling his own weapon from under his vest, he thought to himself "Well now I wish I'd taken up some of that weapon training the Navy offered, but no I had to squirrel myself away in engineering. Well no help for it now, but I'll have to spend some time on the range...if I survive that is "

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Sry, busy couple of days

Initiative 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

IQ - 2 2d6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 1 - 2 = 9

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5
Daniel Stewart wrote:

A female voice on the other end answers you.

"Ah, chief. We have her berthed in section J of the naval yard's decommissioned vessels dockyard. She is scheduled for retrofit and release in 2 weeks. Dock fees will be paid until this is completed, then she will be released and placed in the public yard. We will notify you of the final location of the vessel, and will continue to pay docking fees for 1 month after release. Can you give us a comm number where to contact you?"

"Acknowledged. I will provide comm number once I have one. " Mora says, then closes the connection.

He then joins the other waiting for the shuttle to High Port.

Oh and Free Trader is fine with me ;)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mora finds a public comm centre and makes a comm to the Navy Procurement office.

"Master Chief Thaddeus Mora , retired. Service Number 8443-BRRG-0032-N. Requesting status and location of surplus ship's boat." he states in a clipped, military voice.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Can Mora arrange to have his boat sent to High Port for pickup? or is it already there?

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Mona signals back that he understands and will stand ready.

Hearing the Scouts mentioned, Chief Mona's interest is piqued, as he served with them for 4 years, more than 20 years ago that is.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Chief Mona enjoys his High Passage voyage granted him by this possession of a TAS card.

Disembarking with the rest , he follows the others to the ship yard, frowning at the guard's lack of etiquette.

Once in Rone's office, he nods when introduced, then leans against the wall and allows Drake to continue.


Where would Mona need to go to get his boat?

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

0 shares here

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

"Sounds like a sound plan of action, the sooner we check this derelict out, the better. Works out even better for me as I have a little going away present from the Navy in the docks at Efate. " Chief Mora says with a small smile.


Thanks DM ;)
Just realized I forgot to gear up the Chief. I asked in an earlier post what the TL max was for buying gear, didn't see if you answered.

Also, I can use my TAS membership for passage to Efate as well, I think.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

After giving the other's the once over, Mora sits and listens to the introductions.

After Charlotte's story, he says "Ah yes, the Navy life can be exciting " smiling, he takes a drink then continues "Been with the Navy most of my life, toiling in Engineering, keeping those finicky j-drives purring. Navy was good to me, but when you get to be Master Chief and as old and rickety as me, there's no where to go but out. So here I am, good with a wrench and pretty much nothin' else. ".

Mora sits back and waits to hear what the voyage will entail.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Yay, it works now.

As the sailors leave, they almost run over an older man, but his scowl and assumed air of superiority seem to cow the enough that they make way for him , then flee.

One of the more belligerant sailors notice the Navy tatoos on his forearm and nods with respect "Chief..." he mutters before chasing the others out the bar.

The man's scowl followed them, then turned to the bar, eyebrows raising when he sees the bartender's shotgun.

His scowl disappears as he sees his friend Charlotte "Ah Charlotte, there you are. Seems I missed something interesting!"

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5
Solomon Drake wrote:
@Thaddeus - Not sure what you've already tried, but I've run into 'posts won't go out of preview' even though I'm hitting submit and not preview. I think I've never done anything more than restart my browser, though you may try signing out of the site and signing back in if restarting the browser doesn't work (or try a second browser).

Yeah tried all that, even tried with my Spazmodeus alias, can't post to that thread. Grr... waiting to hear back from customer service.

Gratz, Whtknt !!!!

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Yeah you only show up as a player once you've posted to the gameplay thread.

Sent a message to customer support, we'll see what happens.
You don't need to wait for me, just assume he's there, just a strong , really silent type :)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

nice idea, but nope, my posts to gameplay just show me a preview.


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

well that didn't help...just shows me a preview
i'll have to contact customer support i guess.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

weird...can post here but when i post to gameplay i get the "you can change your profile name up to 10 posts" message , but it won't take the post...

If you don't mind, I'm going to post 8 more times here to get that condition taken care of.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

testing....having issues' dotting gameplay thread.

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