Rust Monster

Tetanus's page

9 posts. Alias of Drowblade.


I shapeshift into a rust monster and enjoy a crowbar appetizer.

GnR gets stabbed with a rusty ogre hook and catches some horrible disease that comes from rusty metal.

I tried. But they all were busy on the latest "X is OP.", "Paladin fall cause of X", "Ask X your questions here", "Is GoatToucher my Baby Daddy?"
I wish more people could use some common sense when reading a rule book and save the FAQ's for real rules issues. Like can my gnome summoner mate with my dwarven slayer to make avatar death summoning gnarf?

Sadly this is true. *sniff* I just want to make little noise, and get down tonight.
The next poster was the shark on the left for Katey Perry's SuperBowl half time show.


86. trans fats



9. Me