
Tassadan's page

314 posts (1,000 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 aliases.

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Female Human Inquisitor (Living Grimoire) 1
The Archive Guardian wrote:

”Why is it that you only have until the end of the concert?”

Cassandra quickly interjects, "We have an appointment to keep this evening, Sir Guardian, where we must deliver our findings."

The Archive Guardian wrote:
Vors Aman wrote:
"Where might we locate these books, Guardian?”

”The professors brought most of those books into either set of the double doors along the south wall, they both lead to the same place. I don’t know much about what is through those doors. The caretaker is the one responsible for taking care of that area, in fact, he should be there currently, probably in his personal quarters.”

"Most excellent, Sir Guardian. Thank you so much for your indispensable wisdom and knowledge. I do believe that this Caretaker is who we must speak to next, and posthaste!" with this Cassandra begins to walk towards the double-doors along the south wall.

The Archive Guardian wrote:
"Now I think I get another question. Who asked you to research the shadow fey? It is strange that they sent such a… mundane group of people. No offense meant. I am just surprised that they did not send a more qualified group of people to do this research if it is so important.”

With this, Cassandra stops in her tracks. She about-faces and, blushing with fury, controls the next words out of her mouth very carefully...

"Sir Guardian, I understand you mean no offense, but we were chosen to come here due to our wide array of skills and life experiences. Something that an intelligent it- wait..."

Cassandra's fury fades, and is replaced by a look of deep concentration, with a hint of sadness.

"Sir Guardian, you must have had a creator who instilled in you a love and respect for knowledge, a love and respect that I share with you and understand deeply. However, your creator has rooted you to the spot, rendered you unable to acquire more knowledge for yourself. You cannot move, correct? That is a most cruel existence indeed. And to be forbidden to be told about the outside world..."

Cassandra roots around in her mind for more current events, recent history, things of interest for someone like her with an inquisitive mind and the same obsession with self-education. The plight of this Guardian now spoke to her on a personal level, and she has nearly forgotten her mission in an attempt to brighten its existence.

Kn: History: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

I know Zobeck is essentially Taldor, but I didn't want to presume that their history is the exact same. Let me know if I can use some Taldan History or intrigue and I'll happily re-skin it for Zobeck: No need to find me a specific instance for the check if you don't want to.

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Female Kitsune Lunar Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC21 T14 FF17 | CMD 13 | F+3 R+5 W+4 | Init +0 | Perc +7| Spells 1st: 7/7, 2nd: 4/4
Bear 1 | HP 31/31 | AC22 T12 FF20 | CMD 20 | F+6 R+6 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +1
"GM_Zek wrote:
No one but you six,” Borogrim glances at Bobar, “you seven, are actually charged with fulfilling the pact. The rest are there as support.”

Zeldana barely suppresses a squeal of delight as the Dwarven High King includes her darling Bobar in the count.

Bobar meets the High King's eyes, and cocks his head to once side as though he's trying to understand what the dwarf is saying to him.

Urgh, brough ruh hurr?

Wait, did he say "Seven" or "Salmon"?

GM_Zek wrote:

“We plan to check in regularly with you all via dream council. Note, though, that we will likely be unable to provide direct aid once you arrive on the island due to its remoteness and the ineffectiveness of some of our magic. For some reason, none of our divination magic can see onto the island no matter how much we try.

“If any of you have questions about this mission, now is the time to ask.”

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

"Yes, your majesty, I indeed have a question: Can we trust the information that Vernai Lain has provided for us? If powerful divinations such as yours are being blocked, is it not plausible they could be similarly fooled by high-ranking members of the Red Mantis?

What if Vernai Lain's information about the supposed mortality of He Who Walks In Blood is a ruse? One meant to draw out the enemies of the Red Mantis, group us together within their home turf, and dispatch us on their terms?

Do not misunderstand me, your majesties: I still wish to undertake this endeavor. In fact, one of my favorite ways to catch an adversary is to spring their trap. The trick is, however, to know that it is a trap to begin with.

This rather lackluster attempt at disruption by Siadril only makes me more suspicious that this may be the case. Her 'Vernai Korana' must have known such blatant deception would be discovered."

Later, at the offering of the coffers, Zeldana is delighted at the sight of the seventh!

"YOU GOT ONE FOR BOBAR, TOO!? Your majesties, you are too kind!"

She is greatly dismayed when an attendant explains that the seventh is meant as a party slush-fund.

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Female Human Inquisitor (Living Grimoire) 1

Now THIS is what I'm talking about!

Presented with such a huge repository of books, Cassandra's eyes widen in excitement. She stands at the entrance with reverence and wonder, almost forgetting about the mission. As her companions foray before her, however, she snaps back into the task at hand.

At the closest table, Cassandra lays out the reference on what she had affectionately begun calling the "Dewey Decibel System" and begins explaining it to her comrades.

Cassandra uses the reference to grant all checks in this room to find books a +2 for the rest of the adventure.

She herself begins looking for relevant texts, hoping that their answers would be found here.

Kn. (History): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23

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Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber, Trap Breaker) 3| HP 21/21| AC 19/16/14| CMB +1| CMD 16| F +4| R +8| W +3| Init +5 Per +12

As Trinket explodes with introductions, I.R. puts his head in one hand and thinks:

Gods, here we go again. That expository blowhard has already compromised our identities. Now I have nothing to talk about. Why did I settle on a name like "Splodeygobbo" to begin with? I indeed to still enjoy the trappings of combustion and it's associated sciences, yet it now carries such an undignified air... This is what I get for trying to be ironic.

Oh well. These Kobolds seem to relate to each other in common, so back to that clumsy tongue it is...

"Yah, greets to you! We haz big bonbad stuffs dat Trogs took. You seen?"

Ugh, Commmon makes me sound like a complete nitwit. I really need to get a better handle on the language.

[dice=Perception on where the Troglodytes took our gear]

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Female Human Inquisitor (Living Grimoire) 1
The Voiceless wrote:

The books prove much more interesting. You find two texts of note. The first is an aging card catalog system notes where one might find various types of information. The reference seems somewhat dated, but it might still be of use. Use this clue to learn how many clues or texts remain in any two rooms.

I see... so seeing as this is a much smaller repository, we may have already exhausted its useful resources...

She stows the card-catalog, rationalizing that it would be far more useful in a larger wing of the library. Besides, they could always come back to this room... right?

Cassandra is also mystified on the portrait of Prince Stavian, and takes specific note of the placard underneath.

Another adage? Hmmm... perhaps this one is also worth noting. "Our Monarch's Virtues Are Our Own," and "To serve Zobeck, I must first learn the history of Zobeck."

She memorizes the phrase and quietly follows Magniventris into the next room, grabbing the hourglass on her way. She inverts it so as to begin its sand falling.

Once entering the next room, she once again searches for clues.

Kn. (History): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

She is also entranced by the quote "Persevere, persevere, persevere!"

Now this is... different? This isn't even a complete sentence! Just a command! I wonder if these are actually useful. No matter, it doesn't hurt to simply record...

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Tassadan here, presenting the honorable I.R. Splodeygobbo Esq.

Idea: Splodeygobbo is a Goblin who is far more intelligent than he lets on. The result of a laboratory experiment gone too right, he was gifted with incredible intelligence which came with a strong ego and sense of ethics. Ever since, he’s been using his knowledge of chemistry, traps, and other things to do good deeds from the shadows: protecting the innocent, doling out justice, and creating a better world for all.

Mechanically, he’s an Alchemist (Firebomber, Trap Breaker) who, with a high Dex and Int can solve almost any problem in his path. He will usually choose the more explosion-laden method, however. He might be smart, but the Goblin love of fire is too strong an instinct to resist.

Backstory because I felt like writing one:
Abducted for use as a test subject for a rogue alchemist’s Cognatogen experiments, I.R. received a dose of hyper-concentrated Cognatogen directly injected into his brain. This caused a permanent increase in his intelligence with one enormously notable drawback: his ego, and an inability to escape the utter dumb simplicity of Goblin grammar.

Once I.R. Splodeygobbo became more intelligent than his creator, it didn’t take much time for him to escape: he simply nudged a tube filled with pure potassium into a bucket of nearby watter. With the ensuing fire and explosion, the alchemist didn’t notice the little Goblin climbing up behind him with a frying pan…

When he next awoke, the alchemist (who from now on we’ll call Human Prime, because that’s what I.R. Calls him) was tied to a chair, with a Goblin ranting at him. Human Prime didn’t understand Goblin, however, which made lecturing him very difficult. I.R. therefore proceeded to learn Taldan in the span of about eighteen hours. His grammar was a bit rudimentary, but he was able to come out with something like:

”Hooman Prime, you have been bad hooman. Experiment on Gobbo is no-no. You is doctor, can see diploma on wall. Had oath to “Do no Harm.” Expect Hooman Prime did many experiment on other Gobbos. No good. Now Hooman Prime has gifted Gobbo with smartness, and Gobbo must do one thing with it: Prevent Hooman Prime from doing more harm.”

”But… but… this is impossible! It’s been more than an hour! The Cognatogen should have worn off by now! Who… who are you?”

”Who are I?” The Goblin had not yet had time to address that question. He certainly was not the same as before, the impulse-controlled creature that would eat rotting ducks on the side of the road. No, with his mind changed, he was essentially a different creature altogether. One thing remained however…

”All Hooman Prime need to know is: I are Splodey Gobbo.”

He still loved fire, explosions, and everything like them.

He didn’t kill Human Prime, that would have been wrong. His newfound intelligence and Ego had come with a conscience as well. Instead, he used Human Prime’s extensive resources to try all manner of experiments. When the alchemist had nothing more to teach I.R. Splodeygobbo (which he had taken on as a somewhat ironic moniker) he used Human Prime’s library to acquaint himself with the laws of the land. Finding he now had use of an eidetic memory, he memorized all the available legal literature and added the title of “Esquire” onto his name.

Thus, leaving Human Prime in his cabin, I.R. Splodeygobbo Esq. left a signed note at the nearest barracks, detailing Human Prime’s crimes and where to find him. The Goblin has done much since then in the way of good deeds, using his species to render him unassuming until the exact right moment to strike. He sees himself as a crusading hero, righting what is wrong in the world with his massive goblin brain and knowledge of Alchemy and chemistry.

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Male Human Human Crossblooded Rager 1| VP 8/10 W22/30 T14| AC 15/11/14| CMB +5| CMD 16| F +4| R +1| W -2| Init +1 Per +4
DM Rostam wrote:
Seeing Zig getting armed, Marcus starts grabbing gear as well. "I don't know much about fighting, but you need all the help you can get."

Zig turns to him, and blathers, "Thank you, sir! I think that's an understatement."

DM Rostam wrote:
@Zig - err, you foster family Jericho and Alaina are in the Market Green, not here in the Taproot. I am sure some of the towns folk would be open to the sentiment though.

Now armed and at the ready, Zig looks at the people still in the tavern.

He does a double-take.

His foster family isn't there. He looks at the people he had said "I Love You" to, and it turns out they were simply people of similar build wearing similar clothes. He had been so stressed that he'd mistaken them entirely!

When was the last time I saw them? On...

ગામના લીલા પર, તમે મૂર્ખ છો. ઇતિહાસ પોતે પુનરાવર્તન પોતે પુનરાવર્તન પોતે પોતે પુનરાવર્તન તમે આજે બીજા કુટુંબ ગુમાવશો, છોકરો

On the village green, you fool. History repeats itself repeats itself repeats itself. You lose a second family today, boy.

Zig doesn't waste a moment. When the party moves out, he follows Claustipher out the door, then assumes a quicker pace to position him in front of the old wizard, ready to defend the spellcaster with his life. Hopefully the Sextons had made it out, hopefully Zig could find them, hopefully he could send them to the Fangwood to reunite with the other townspeople...

Hopefully I'm not too late...

Zig will gladly take the lead in the marching order

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Male Human Human Crossblooded Rager 1| VP 8/10 W22/30 T14| AC 15/11/14| CMB +5| CMD 16| F +4| R +1| W -2| Init +1 Per +4

Thank you. And sorry about the mix-up with Jericho and Alaina. In the post where I had described Zig's day, I stated that he sat down with the two of them in the tavern. I had incorrectly assumed they were still there.

I'm on my phone ATM, but should post in gameplay in about an hour or so. Love the way you're running this game, Rostam, and I'm very impressed with everyone's posts so far.

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Female Human Inquisitor (Living Grimoire) 1
Vors Aman wrote:
"We head for a library. This is your specialty, I believe. I am sure it will be no surprise to you that I have spent little time in these environs. I understand that one should be quite and not speak. Also, I would think a group would be unusual and may look suspicious. I will stay by you so as to observe the proper etiquette. We would appear to be the average couple to the untrained eye. Have you any advice?"

HA! In your dreams!

Keeping stride with the rest of the group, Cassandra gives him a curt answer: "Such deception should only be necessary if we are suspected. I'm sure you know that the most effective way of deception is via not supplying specifics until absolutely necessary. It is not wholly uncommon for research groups to enter libraries together, especially under the guidance of a more experienced academian. A couple in the library would in fact be more suspicious: any experienced librarian is always on the lookout for..." she falters for a moment, trying to find the right word, "congress in the stacks. Should we encounter others, simply follow my lead."

Upon entrance to the library, Cassandra seems at home. She takes in a deep whiff of the scents of the room, especially enjoying the mild addition of wood smoke to the composition.

Tobius Mundt wrote:
"Please excuse my absent-mindedness. Can I be of any service to you?"

Cassandra had expected there to be at least some presence in the library, but for only a single person to be here... were the festivities outside truly more interesting than the wonders of a library? Unfortunately this would make it far harder for them to conceal their activities. Thank Winlas for those illusions Lady Eshin gave us...

She puts her personal prejudices and worries aside and addresses the man in a quiet tone befitting a library:
"Good evening, sir. No need to excuse yourself: We have been given leave by Orlando, Guildmaster of the Arcane Collegium, to peruse your rare book section," she produces the scroll given to them by Lady Eshin, "Would you be so kind as to escort us there?"

Prince Magniventris wrote:
Prince Magniventris walks up to Tobius and says, "Ah yes, I am here to learn more about honor, courage, and glory. Where exactly is your section on kobolds located?"

She shoots a caustic glance at Prince Magniventris. Stay on task, damn you!

"And please excuse my companion. I've never quite gotten the hang of Kobold humor. I assure you that despite his taste in jokes, he's every bit as intelligent as I."

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Female Human Inquisitor (Living Grimoire) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Vors Aman wrote:
"My-m-m-m-Ms. Cressen, I had the inopportune need to tie a bootlace just as the door was closed and just so happened to overhear a conversation behind said door. I am sure there is no truth to it, but they suspect your abilities may be insufficient in this endeavor. You seem to be quite qualified for just about anything as far as I can discern. How can that be? Will your tasks in this endeavor be so daunting?"

Is this man so truly transparent? Cassandra thought. I may need glasses, but I'm certainly not deaf!

She turns to Vors, a somewhat terrifying smile on her face. Cassandra is not to be trifled with in such a manner.

"Indeed you're right: I am qualified for most anything, Mr. Aman. My especially keen ears, for example, allow me to ferret out all manner of useful information. So keen are they, that I happened to hear the exact statement you describe, but I fear your ears must have failed you: You were included in that statement, as was everyone else here.

Mr. Musello's sentiment does not surprise me in the least: we are a group of strangers brought together to perform a highly important and dangerous task. We've each been chosen for our specific skills, but those skills are useless if we cannot work together. Most groups of what the histories call 'Adventurers' die horrible and painful deaths within the first few days of their 'Quests.' It is only through luck, and teamwork that any survive at all."

She takes off her glasses, without breaking eye contact with Aman, and begins polishing them. She does so slowly and methodically as her speech unfolds:

"In that vein, Mr. Aman, I'd caution you against deceiving me, especially under the guise of flattery. You seem to be a man of roguish persuasion, which I mean in the nicest way possible, and most likely have never met someone like me. I don't fault you for it. Not many young women are encouraged as I was to bury themselves in their love for knowledge, throwing society's expectations to the wind.

I fear I ramble, however. My point is this: I am here to perform a duty to my Sovereign Celestial Lord. The opinions of others as to my fitness, looks, or "prospects" (as an uncle of mine once called them) are not something I concern myself with. I bear you no ill will, but that may change should behavior such as this continue."

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Alright, finally had time to work out the crunch for this campaign: I present Morodin Peakwalker, a Dwarf Wizard (Metal Elementalist) who has come to Torch in order to satiate his curiosity about the fascinating Skymetals. He casts using a small Adamantine pendant as his bonded item, which also doubles as his item for the Skymetal Smith trait.

Imagine the roughest, gruff Dwarf you can remember. Then give him spectacles and a complete intolerance for anyone less intelligent than he. That is Morodin Peakwalker. Concerned far more with knowledge and his crafts of magic and metallurgy than people and social conventions, Morodin would be perfectly fine if he never had to interact with anyone. Unfortunately, the secrets of the Skymetals and greater power over his metallic magic aren't just going to come to him in his library: he has to venture out into the world. This often makes him even more irate, and often has to resort to Charm Person spells to get himself out of a bind.

All this said, Morodin is not a bad person. He's not a good person either, but he's certainly not a bad one. He will make his decisions based upon his own moral code and values, which often do not mesh with those of others, and may come into conflict with those he's adventuring with. Most times, however, he will go with the group, however much he may grumble under his breath about the illogical nature of his compatriots.

Born and raised in the Five Peaks mountains, Morodin was always… a bit different. He wasn’t hardy, he wasn’t very wise, but he sure was smarter than his fellow dwarves. He read everything he could get his hands on in the way of dwarf lore and smithing, and became obsessed with the mighty Skymetals that had changed the face of Golarion’s metallurgical landscape. Eventually harnessing his talents to become a wizard, he forsook interaction with his family and former friends for dedication to his learning and research. Morodin was intrigued by the sudden quenching of the torch that the smith-city Torch held so dear. Perhaps by traveling to the town, he could unlock the secrets of the Skymetals, and finally find a place he belonged: a community of people who are just as obsessed with metal as he is!

Morodin Peakwalker
Male Dwarf Wizard 1
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spells and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1) and
. . unarmed strike +1 (1d3+1 nonlethal)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids, metal rending
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +7):
. . 1st—color spray (DC 15), grease, shocking grasp(school spell)
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect magic, mending
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12 (16 vs. bull rush, 16 vs. trip)
Feats Scribe Scroll, Steel Soul[APG]
Traits focused mind, goldsniffer
Skills Appraise +8 (+10 on items valued by weight when using scales), Craft (blacksmith) +10 (+12 on checks related to metal or stone), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +0 (+2 to notice unusual stonework, +2 on checks related to metals, jewels, and gemstones), Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers craftsman
Languages Custom Language, Common, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Terran, Undercommon
SQ arcane bonds (arcane bond [amulet]), iron skin, opposition schools (fire), specialized schools (metal)
Combat Gear mending paste; Other Gear quarterstaff, - arcane bond amulet -, magnet, masterwork tool, merchant's scale, reinforced scarf, wizard's kit, 41 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Amulet) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook 1/day. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Craftsman +2 on Craft/Profession checks related to metal/stone.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Fire Classical opposition school for: Water
Five-Element opposition school for: Metal

You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Fire school.
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
Skymetal Smith +2 vs. Emotion and Fear Effects
Goldsniffer +2 Perception for metals, jewels and gemstones.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
Iron Skin +2 (7/day) (Su) Increase natural armor bonus for 10 minutes.
Merchant's scale +2 Appraise for things valued by weight, including anything made of precious metals.
Metal Rending (Su) Deal extra damage vs metal armored/bodied foes. At 20th level roll twice vs SR and take higher.
Steel Soul Hardy's save vs. spells and spell-like abilities becomes +4

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Tassadan here. I'd like to submit Todin Lael, a Human Scroll Scoundrel Rogue whose overconfidence and fraudulent business practices caused him to end up in Branderscar. In three days he will be sent to do backbreaking labor at the Talingarde salt mines until his death. Needless to say, he doesn't want that to happen.

The Sentencing of Todin Lael:
"The prosecution calls Mr. Todin Lael to the stand."

A tall, well muscled, handsome man with reddish-brown hair rises from his seat. The bailiff intercepts him as the he strides toward the witness box.

"Do you, Todin Lael, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth upon penalty of facing the Shining Lord Mitra's Holy wrath?"

Todin smiles, responding, "Why wouldn't I?" An ironic chuckle rises from the members of the court. They know Todin, and Todin knows how to play a room. The gavel sounds and the protocol continues.

"Sir, answer the question."

"I swear I shall tell no lies in this court."

"Thank you.

Todin's thoughts, however, weren't so worthy of thanks: "The 'Shining Lord,' however, can go kiss his own shining ass."

As Todin approaches the witness box, his thoughts turn to an unpleasant conversation that had happened earlier in the afternoon. Three hours prior, he was sitting in a cell staring at the face of the most terrifying man he had ever encountered: Sir Balin of Karfeld, the Witch Hunter. This man alone had put to death scores of Todin's friends, family, and clients. Now he was staring at Todin, possibly looking to do the same.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Sir Balin?" Todin sneered, "I believe I was accused of fraud, not witchcraft."

The knight was very clearly unamused: "Come off your high horse, Lael. I know you, I know your family, and you're nothing more than a bad apple that never rolled far from your twisted tree of a father. I could easily have you burned at the stake for your worship of the Fallen One. All it would take is a warrant to search your damned house. I'll find your shrine to The Enemy, indict you for blasphemy, and then you'll go up in smoke like your dear uncle did two years ago. And the worst part is? I'll be in the right to do so by the grace of Mitra and the courts of this nation."

Sweat began to bead upon Todin's brow. If there was anyone who could find evidence of his infernal worship, it was the Witch Hunter. Others would not cause such worry, but Balin was not only special, he was a specialist. It took the Righteous Knight no time at all to find an unholy altar in Todin's uncle's mansion two years prior. It was behind a hollow panel in the master bedroom that not even Todin knew about. To make an enemy of Balin was to know death itself.

"So, if you're going to kill me, why not get it over with? Why not simply tear my home apart in your insane fixation upon my family."

"Because you're going to live out the rest of your life in the service of the kingdom. You're giving me a fantastic opportunity. If convicted of fraud, you'll slave the rest of your life in the salt mines, finally doing some good for all the damage your family has caused to our country. You're young and strong, you'll do well down there and probably live a long, arduous life. If I convict you for blasphemy, however, you'll serve no other purpose than public spectacle. This is your opportunity for redemption, Todin. Confess to fraud. Tell the truth, and I won't have you burned alive in the town square. Plead not-guilty, and I will bring the full weight of my position down upon you. It's your choice. Don't f*** this up."

Back to the present, the prosecutor was approaching the bench. "Mr. Lael-"

"I'm going to stop you there, sir. I would like to change my plea. I report myself to be guilty of fraud in the third degree, and will accept the responsibilities and punishment thereof. I will gladly accept my life sentence to hard labor now."

"If I'm going to go away, it might as well appear to be on my own terms." he thought, as he was carted away to Branderscar prison to await processing. Apparently he had been marked as "dangerous" and a "flight risk" by the court. They didn't know how right they were.

His Family:

Todin Lael is from an old noble bloodline that stretches back to the founding of Talingarde. They had always been very close to the royal family and often intermarried with cousins and other extended relatives of the kings, attempting to exert power over the throne but never gaining the monarchy themselves. As such, the Lael family was usually delegated the more dirty deeds of the country. Espionage, sabotage, torture, and blackmail were only a few of the duties usually ascribed to them. This all changed with the rise of House Darius.

The patriarch of the family at the time, Kalfern Lael, was smart enough to see that the old nobility were in decline and that the House of Darius was on the rise. He secretly ingratiated himself to Darius's leadership, promising their patriarch full cooperation in any action against the existing crown. In this fashion, the House of Lael survived, but in a far lesser state than before. Even though they were considered Darius's allies, their previous practices (which in some ways continued) tainted the house's honor almost to the point of public disgrace. Due to their ignoble past (and sometimes present), House Lael is often seen as a lesser noble house at best. Many regard the whole family as outright criminals. Many members have served time for various infractions against the law or executed for their heretical devotion to Asmodeus, a relic of their ties to the previous royalty.

This was the family that Todin grew up in, and he was their most talented scion by far. From an early age he exhibited a unique talent for exploiting the weaknesses of others. With a foil he could find a hole in almost any other student's guard. In school, his assigned essays would often harp upon lesser details of otherwise well-accepted arguments, showing the blatant logical fallacies in core beliefs of "morality" or "mercy." If Machiavelli existed in Talingarde, Todin would be his biggest fan.

Lesser known is Todin's skill with locks, pickpocketing, and misdirection. The Lael family teaches all of its bloodline their ancestral techniques of espionage and thievery. Well trained, extremely talented, and ruthless to a fault, few men who have challenged Todin Lael to contests of intellectual or physical puissance have left unscathed.

His Crime:

Todin was a prominent criminal defense attorney of cutthroat repute. If you wanted a harsh negotiator, Todin Lael was your man. Functioning just within the letter of the law, Lael won most of his cases by intimidation, half-truths, and finding minute technicalities by which he could prove his clients not-guilty.

He was also infamous for treating his clients as harshly as he did his opponents. If he could, he swindled every last penny from his client's bank accounts in return for his services. This was to fund his supposedly lucrative real-estate business. Due to the economy, however, many of the mortgages of his clients had gone belly up, causing him to cook the books to still appear successful.

In reality, he was using the money of several very wealthy investors in the community to keep the failing business afloat. Thinking the investors to be beneath his intellect, he thought that his personality and charm alone could fool the vast majority of those who inquired about where these funds were going and why they had yet to see returns. Todin heavily overestimated his abilities. When it was revealed that the "success" was totally fraudulent, all of the investors took heavy losses. Many were brought to the point of bankruptcy as well, some even committing suicide due to the egregious debt they now owed others from suddenly living far beyond their means. Todin ruined the lives of these men, and his crime was dealt as a felony by the royal courts.


Todin Lael
Male Human Rogue (Scroll Scoundrel) 1
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +4; Perception +6

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)

hp 11 (1d8 +1 Favored Class+ 2 from CON)

Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Current AC 14, touch 14, FF 10
Speed 30 ft.

Melee: Rapier +4 (1d6+2/18-20) or Dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20)

Ranged: Dagger +4 (1d4+2/19–20) or Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)

Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6, Trapfinding

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 16

Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Awareness

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +8, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +7, Kn: Local +7, Kn: Nobility +7, Linguistics +8, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8,

Languages- Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Necril,

SQ- Skilled, Bonus Feat

Sin: Pride

Traits: Fraud- You tried to bilk someone out of their cash. To end up in Brandescar Prison, this was no petty con job or penny ante racket. Instead, you brazenly tried to defraud someone important of a huge sum of money. And it almost worked too! +2 to Bluff and Bluff is a class skill

Contract Master: Your facility with contracts makes you good at understanding dense text and obfuscating your intent. +1 to linguistics checks

Edit: For clarity, syntax, and continuity.

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Female Human Cleric of Calistria (Hidden Priest) 2

Hah, I don't know what "wares" Syndir would be looking at. Haewyn's wearing a suit of Full-Plate sans helmet, so the only ware he can see is her face. Unless he has X-ray vision, which would mean Haewyn probably needs to roll a Fort. save against radiation damage. That stuff's dangerous.

"Heh, I'd like to think she is, but vanity doesn't get a girl anywhere. If rooms aren't available then I'll sleep under the stars outside of town. I'm no stranger to camping on the side of the road. As for origins? I myself am from Magnimar, born and raised. It's just southwest, down the coast."

Perception check to notice his distraction and Sense Motive vs. Syndir's bluff to tell his intentions.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Heh, not the best of rolls...

"You lookin' for someone? Or am I boring you?"

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What are your expectations from the GM/game?

I want my character to be legitimately terrified. If we can maintain a horror element to the game, other things should be able to fall into place, such as entertainment and a challenging level of difficulty. Allowing unique ways of solving puzzles and applications of real-life-esque actions that aren't in the rules (for example: a suddenly blinded creature running into a wall and taking damage after a Glitterdust) are fun, but I don't expect them to happen too often. These adventure paths often have very specific solutions. Half the fun is the trial and error of figuring them out, and if you fail? That's the game!

What are your expectations from other players?

To play their characters, not just a bunch of mechanics. Too many people whom I've played with and DM'ed for in the past have just used Pathfinder to assert their nerd-superiority over others. I don't want to play with people who just want to use a campaign to test out their latest build without actually making a character to along with it. RPGs like this should be a synthesis of mechanic and heart, not just decent attack and damage rolls.

On that note, I also expect people to not just play their character's strengths, but their weaknesses as well. If you have a -2 CHA modifier, you're not going to always be friendly and suave. A character who has dumped INT will not generally use 7 letter words or be able to create extremely complex strategies. This sort of thing should be common sense, and shouldn't be seen as a set of restrictions. They can instead bolster your character, making them a unique playing experience. Example: In what way is this character not charismatic? Is he socially awkward? Is he that boisterous guy that thinks he's the shit but is actually annoying? Use some creativity and create a person that you like and can be proud of. As long as the people I'm playing with can do that (and not be a dick about it) I'll be happy.

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Ceruleus wrote:

Wielding a dan bong grants +2 on combat maneuvers to grapple.

Grappling without both hands free causes a -4 penalty.

So, are these weapons, apparently designed to aid in grappling,
LESS effective than "free hand" grappling, or is there something I missed?

Very perceptive. The aspects of the Dan Bong have confused me as well.

A stricter DM might interpret the weapon such that a Dan Bong serves to lessen the -4 penalty to a -2 penalty, while allowing the grappler to remain armed or perhaps even apply an enhancement bonus from the weapon to grappling.

A more lax DM would probably take the interpretation that I do, that this weapon nullifies that -4 penalty to grappling and adds a +2 on top of that. I realize that there is no explicit language that permits this, but I think that otherwise the weapon is too underpowered to be of use.

My reasoning is as follows. A character that grapples regularly enough to use one of these most likely has Improved Grapple, a prerequisite of which is Improved Unarmed Strike. This character is then always considered armed with a lethal damage dealing attack of 1d3 at minimum. The Dan Bong, which deals 1d3 at maximum would be of no help to this character as a weapon to begin with. It would not grant this character the benefit of being considered armed, as he already has that from IUS and will actually decrease his damage dice by one step (Small 1d3 US dmg -> 1d2 Dan Bong dmg, Medium 1d4 US -> 1d3 Dan Bong). This objectively weakens the character using the Dan Bong.

So then the grappling benefit is even more confusing. Why decrease the grappling penalty from -4 to -2 by using a Dan Bong when the character is already considered armed, has a higher base damage, and can grapple without penalty by not having a Dan Bong in his hand?

There is only one reason I can think of that Paizo would institute this otherwise useless weapon that otherwise weakens the user on all accounts, and that is that the Dan Bong was meant to not incur the -4 to grappling from wielding a weapon in one hand in addition to the +2 bonus to grappling that the weapon grants.

Finally, there is the fact that the weapon has a 10 ft. ranged capacity. I have no idea where this came from, and cannot find any evidence of Dan Bongs being thrown in real life in any martial arts. This weapon is very confusing and I feel as though there were some writing mistakes in its creation. As it is, the weapon is not worth the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat it would take in order to use the weapon proficiently.

Edit: Copy/Paste error