Shalelu Andosana

Tashik's page

12 posts. Alias of Kjob.


Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

I offer my humble apologies, my aliases are death for PbPs

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Tashik rolls his eyes and exhales a sigh of frustration. Casually crossing his arms, Tashik backs away from the group, mumbling, "Ya know, I coulda just unlocked that..."

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Tashik pulls out his bow and quickly strings his, making sure his arrows are within arm's reach. Prepped for danger, he assumes a defensive posture as he slinks behind the group, doing his best to go unnoticed.
Stealth 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Yay I was a rogue and didnt even know it, and reading comprehension fail.
Tashik smiles to himself as the lock clicks into place and the door swing open. "After you, my friends [/b] Tashik continues with a smug grin.

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1
Ashbek wrote:
Old Redeye wrote:
Cuu wrote:
"Ways to get in?" Inquires Cuu, "Just that door?"
Redeye shakes his head. "Nay. We can't berge in. Trap may be sprung, but 'e's 'ad time to reset it. See tha' chimney? Thet either means ther's workers in 'ere, er some'un else. This'll require finesse. So 'ere's what we'll do: We knock nermal like, at the deliv'ry . 'f knock the special way, he'll re'lize 'e's been caught. We see who answers. If it's a half-elf, we get 'im. 'fits a worker, we ask some questions. 'fits nobody, then we berge 'n."
"Aaah.. the boring way, then." he remark with a smile at Cuu.

With a huge grin and a comforting hand, Tashik addresses Ashbek, "Fear not my large and unwieldy friends, there be plenty of heads to bash in and places to break and enter, yet."

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Apologies, missed all of yesterday in its entirety it would appear!
"Hmmm....I know a thing 'r two 'bout traps, let me have a look at this door...see what I can find...But first, let me don my 'gear'." Tashik mumbles a few word, and moves his fingers around in an arcane gesture; as he completes the spell and relaxes his posture a blue glow shimmers down his body before disappearing as Mage Armor envelopes his body.
Tashik moves up to the door area, taking his time and examining every area of the door.
Taking 20 for a 27 to find traps; if I do find a trap 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 to disable. If there is no trip, or if I disabled it: "Seems to be clean, I'll knock all nermal like," Tashik says with a chuckle, "if no one opposes, of course."

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Tashik drinks a generous amount of ale with Cuu, and anyone else who cares to join in, and begins to pull a few random pranks; including offering his had to Senuset after spitting in it, emphasizing that its how his people shake hands back home.

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Tashik laughs at Cuu's most recent statement. "You's an interesting lot. Yea, Ill be lending my hands to yea. And you, Cuu, was it? You deserve a drink. From the looks of ya, you'll be havin' some of that Orc swill I see get ordered from time to time...good 'nuff for me, if you can drink with an elf." Tashik finishes his last statement with a playful grin and a wink, with that he motions toward a server for two drinks.

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Tashik idly plays with his hands while half-mumbling, half-humming some goblin song he'd heard long ago, Goblins chew and goblins bite....Goblins cut and goblins fight..Goblins race and goblins jump...goblins slash and goblins bump....
Tashik snickers at a few of the rules Shalelu list. Addressing the group with a sly grin, Tashik introduces himself, "Oye! We's be fightin' Gobos, then? Dem's tricky bastards, need to be taught a lesson for their assault on Sandpoint, as I understand it. "

Male Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 1

Sorry to intrude, just curious as to when you think Tashik will be joining your ranks, if you still plan on recruiting him?

Bad news, abstract...due to real life circumstances...
Just kidding:

Tashik "Kjobs character" its pretty much done. Just need a few minor tweaks, equipment and a feat mostly, and he's ready.
Character sheet is ready for review.

Tashik is all updated in the character profile! Just finishing up weight/encumberance.
Looks...pretty much like the profile picture.

5'6", dark-skinned, lean, and abald head he keeps shaved every week. Probably has a relaxed pose with each hand resting on the hilt of his rapiers, when he walks, he saunters fluidly to wherever he's going. His face wears a boyish grin and happy eyes that belie a scrutinizing stare intensly searching for his enemy's most vital weak spot.
A Look away for too long, and you may not know where he is when you look back.