Senses: Low-light vision, +6 Perception
Hit Points: 12
Initiative: +7
Armor Check Penalty: -0
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 14 (18 w/ Mage Armor) (10 + 0 Armor + 4 Dex[+4 mage armor])
Touch: 14
Flat-footed: 10 (14 mage armored)
Fortitude: +0 (0 +0 Con)
Reflex: +6 (2 +4 Dex)
Will: +1 (2 -1 Wis)
Situational Bonuses: +2 vs Enchantment spells and effects;
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee Attack Bonus: 0 (0BAB+0 Str)
Range Attack Bonus: +4 (0 BAB+4 Dex)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: -2 (0 BAB+0 Str) CM DC: 14 (10+ 0 Base + 0 Str + 4 Dex)
Longbow: +4 Ranged (1D8; 20/X3; P; 100 ft)
Longsword: +0 Melee (1d8; 19-20/x2; S)
Morningstar: + 0 Melee (1D6; 20/X2; B, P)
Acrobatics (Dex)+ 9, Appraise (Int)+4, Bluff (Cha)+0, Climb (Str)+0, Craft (Int)+4, Diplomacy (Cha)+0, Disable Device (Dex) +10 Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex) +9, Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) + 8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)+8, Knowledge (local) (Int)+8, Linguistics (Int) +8, Perception (Wis)+5, Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex)+8, Stealth (Dex)+8, Swim (Str)+4, and Use Magic Device (Cha)+4, Spellcraft +8
Special Abilities:
Sneak attack 1d6; trapfinding
Arcane Bond (ring)
School bonus (divination---Enchantment and Evocation restricted)
Forewarned (Always act in surprise round, + 1/2 wiz level to initiative)
Diviner's Fortune 8/day + 1/2 Wiz level to one skill, ability, attack, saving throw roll for 1 round
0 -DC 14-All
1-DC 15- Identify, Mage armor, grease, obscuring mist, true strike, chill touch, Protection, Reduce Person, Color Spray
0 -Acid Splash, Read magic, light, detect magic (school)
1-Mage Armor, Grease, True Strike (School)
Feats and Traits
Magical Knack (+2 Caster level up to HD)
Totem Spirit (Hawk Clan)
Point Blank Shot