Male Orc Expert 5
It's on me im keeping it alive but I understand my own slow pace of updating is whats keeping it down. Just a combination of things. Part of it is that works been pretty hectic and we're about to be down yet another man with none to replace them so it's hard to get on the phone and update as work is when I do the majority updates.
Male Orc Expert 5
Merelda wrote:
Short answer; no. Long answer; profession would allow you to identify potential marks and even figure out a fair rate for the time, and because courtesans are meant to be charming and genuine delights to be around and not just be warm and concave probably even figure out what flavor of songs and anecdotes might catch their attention or conversation topics might clue you in on their interests. So you could definitely find someone with a cart who'd be up for some after curfew back alley excitement. Getting them to do it is a different roll entirely. Diplomacy, Bluff, or even Intimidate will work depending on your approach and desired outcome. Youre not really gonna find anyone outside the ravens who will trust you with their cart and horses (likely representing their entire livelihood) without them around without shenanigans on your part.
Male Orc Expert 5
Lemme make sure I understand the order of things here. We can say variel had enough time to shop for the things needed. Beorn is gathering hoodlums to distract some guards away. Pollux is seeking out an appropriately debilitating substance for theriocide. Mereldas trying to courtesan(?) her way to a wagon for purposes of a getaway. Variek and litsy are securing disguises and???? Will this be taking place before or after curfew?
Male Orc Expert 5
Purchasing a building is always possible yes. Running a business is a whole other can of worms. As it is everyone's effectively unemployed vagabonds so it would change the dynamic of things drastically if you went that route. Not against it, mind. But it's neither cheap nor easy and comes with it's own brand of challeneges. Afterall this is opening a business in a facist regime.