Taliesan's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. * Pathfinder Society GM. 100 posts (197 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

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Xenagog wrote:
Anguish wrote:

Sure. You can roll dice outside of a VTT.

Sure. You can use a paper character sheet and then start typing stuff into an online roller outside of a VTT.

Both of those are annoying. Annoying products aren't used as much as convenient products.

What proportion of D&D/Pathfinder players use VTTs?

I'm not asking that sarcastically to minimize the issue. I'm honestly wondering. I've never used a VTT in my life, and it didn't seem to me like something that was that ubiquitous, but I first started role-playing more than forty years ago so maybe I'm kind of an old fogey out of touch with current ways; I'm getting the impression VTTs are a lot more popular than I realized...

They're very popular, and definitely approaching the mainstream. After all, its incredibly difficult to play with friends on 3 continents without the use of a VTT. Or even just those a few countries over. I personally still prefer play in person, but am very glad VTTs are a big thing now.

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Got mine today. Either their delivery estimates for Ireland are really off, or I feel sorry for some of the Southerners. According to the package, mine was sent by UPS next express by Amazon fulfilment. So hopefully it's a case of their delivery estimates are just overestimating by a mile. That, or I was exceedingly lucky.

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My dad's allergic to cats, so we have 2 dogs instead and they always strike me as far friendlier than my aunts cats. Even when they come in from being out in the garden, and immediately turn around to go out again, over and over and over again :D

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
It also adds to my techs' workload every time...thin clients that are set to automatically update their time for DST changes that then don't actually update. So now the remote users can't log into their VDI environments because the time on the thin client doesn't match up with the time on the VDI so the DC rejects the VDI login, and the time is locked down so only an administrator can change the time on the thin client.

Gee... those thin clients don't happen to be running Windows, do they?

Gods, Microsoft! Can't you even get a basic time update right?

Uh, I never had a problem with time update on Windows, even taking into account different time zones, and the fact that I moved one time zone since buying this laptop.

Same. All the computers in my house run different windows OS's and they all switch perfectly.

I should also add that 637 posts is hell, and I will never understand how Tac did more than 1000

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Male Samsaran Oracle 0.1 | HP 4/4 | AC 14 Touch 12 FF 12 CMD 12 | F+0 R +2 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

Seeing the goblin cut Vorin, Talsin concentrates on the goblins weapon, willing it to become red hot, hoping that this helps keep his friends safe.

Burning disarm on Blue. DC 13 reflex save to drop his weapon, or take 1d4 ⇒ 4 damage. If it can't drop the weapon for whatever reason, it takes the damage

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NobodysHome wrote:

OK. Now it actually IS February 5 (stupid time machine) at 1:54 pm PST, and it's frigging 75° F outside (23.9° C for you furriners)!

I repeat, "What the frick, California?"

Congrats, you have it warmer than it usually gets here in the summer. Did California shift hemispheres while we weren't looking. I suppose we get all the rain though.

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It's got stuck in a backlog, it'll be about a month and a half arriving

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At least you're not buying from Games Workshop. The amount they charge is criminal, no matter if the model is resin, plastic or metal.

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I need to get round to making a loaf of soda at some point. I got the ingredients and the recipe for Christmas, I think my family may be hinting.

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I don't think you'll need to worry about swarms for the arena, unless someone summons one. However, soloing versus black tentacles, yeah, not fun.

Baby GMs are good. Just watch out for when one ends up being the GM for that group foreevvver. I have only literally just managed to persuade someone else in my online group to try GMing so I get to play for once outside of PFS.

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Just a Mort wrote:

I wrote a pathfinder kit that you might find handy. The post was done on July 17, 2013.

Back then Psychic casters weren’t out yet – so I suspect you’d use the arcane list or whatever that’s applicable.

Of course this is compiled from my numerous…GM and play runs. If you find it too cheaty to look, then don’t.

Note that a lot of the list is to help your teammates if they get into trouble – like a scroll of protection from evil isn’t very helpful since by the time you’re dominated in solo play, its too late.

Some of it is also more for adventuring and not applicable to arena runs...like you probably shouldn't need that 10 ft pole. Also for you - since you're flying you'll need to watch your encumbrance.

I'm noticing a distinct lack of wands in your kits. In Ireland, the first 2 prestige is usually always spent on a wand of cure light, no matter what class you are. I also see a lot of players carry wands of mage armour rather than bothering to prepare it, or monks that carry it hoping for an arcane caster in the party. The starter kit is nice, but I'd also add some chalk and string to it, to mark the way through dungeons.

Also shakes your paw thanking you for the congratulations.

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That sausage sounds as if someone saw bop-it, and decided to work out how to make it creepy as hell.

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Good luck Limey. Keep your arms intact at least, otherwise how will you type to us.

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Don't argue with the border agents just seems like good life advice in general tbh.

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Good on their choice of oysters. Although I don't think I'd ever choose to eat mussels on ice as opposed to cooked in a white wine and garlic cream. That menu looks amazing however all round.

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Just a Mort wrote:

That's why I asked for separate gameplay and discussion threads for a reason.

Also I am very fond of the sound of my own voice...

I'd probably put it as move action to pull out dagger, free action to drop it, was I GMing.

That's what he gave me the answer as. And it's also why unless I manage to succeed at a hover check he's not getting it back anytime soon.

I noticed that as well. I popped over to your discussion thread for a bit, and just thought, "Well Mort talks a hell of a lot more than I do"

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I did mention in a post asking was it not the rakes turn. Although we really need to shift discussion to the discussion, rather than continuing using the recruitment thread.

I also acquired the scar at 15 months old, in church, so a wet dishrag was out of the question.

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Everyone in my family gets heat resistant hands, cook or not, because my granny sticks her plates in the oven. You develop a resistance quite quickly when you need it to be able to move your plate at Sunday dinner for whatever reason.

Personally I blame this scar for any resistance to heat I've developed in my right hand.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
A Agent of the Inquisition wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Its always heresy this heresy that with that one^ You should be a space marine.

*Brandishes inquisitorial rosette*

The inquisition would like to have words with the both of you...

*Pats the grip of his sacristan pattern bolt pistol*

slaps inquisitor with semi frozen spanish mackerel


Fish for the fish god!

Chips for the chips god!



Fish for the fish god!

Chips for his chippy throne!

Would work better. It'd also be more reflective of how it's served. And now I want to go the the bloody chippy again. This isn't good

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Saturday, kids, and entertainment:

  • Is there any food we should provide beyond soda, beer, and hot cheese?
  • Have you considered letting the kids play something like Little Big Planet? It's a video game, but it's more of a, "Look around and solve puzzles" game than a shoot-'em-up or platformer. The advantage is that you can really control their time easily: "Ok, it's been 90 minutes. At the end of this level you're done." The disadvantage is that we'd likely lose the Impii to joining them.

  • I am bringing a big pan of shepherds pie (beef, though, not lamb, because the lamb was too expensive), roasted Brussels sprouts, and the good bar nuts (fresh rosemary, butter, a little brown sugar and cayenne). I'm planning on bringing everything cold and throwing it into your oven when I get there because it's easier that way.

    It's cottage pie if you make it with beef instead of lamb is it not?

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    Well, one of the participating sides was the english. They probably just looked at any mud present on the day, shrugged, and decided they get worse at home.

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    captain yesterday wrote:
    The kids showed amazing restraint, waiting until 6:58 to wake us up.

    My sister actually managed that today as well. Usually she has me up at 6:30 and our parents up at 7.....

    N.B. She's 17

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    Merry Christmas everyone

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    Limeylongears wrote:

    Epoch-making happenings.

    * Ma Longears threw doggo's new fetchy-toy about 30ft up into a tree yesterday, so this morning, Pops Longears and I had to go and fetch it down using an immense pole, which was quite the task.

    * Tiny nephew has been watching 'The Blue Planet', which means that everyone who comes within earshot will be able to take 20 on subsequent Knowledge (creatures of the deep) checks after only a couple of minutes in his company.

    * It's pigeon pie for tea!

    Anything narrated by David Attenborough automatically gives ranks in Knowledge (nature) imo

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    Orthos wrote:

    It took me all of last page and most of this one to realize Trinam was not TOZ.

    I'm going to blame still being sick.

    You're not the only one to make the mistake. I thought he was as well during skim reads of post backlogs

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    The best use of free time, ignoring all other obligations in order to treat yerself to some fun

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    GM Mort wrote:
    Drejk wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:
    Yeah we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi. It was nice if uhh unrealistic at some parts(bad guys spend too much time bragging).
    Taking into account the amount of times Nazi leaders bragged around... There is nothing unrealistic about that part...
    Really? I didnt know that! I thought ebul villian monologue was just confined to stuff run by GM Mort, because GM Mort watches too much Disney and cannot resist doing an ebul villian monologue before (unsuccessfully) trying to murderhobo the adventurers.

    In Gm Mort's games, the players aren't the murderhobos, they're the murderhoboed :D

    *Looks down, realises he's nekkid, shrugs and goes to bed*

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    I have never once taken a myers briggs test, so it's funny watching you all bandy letters about like there's no tomorrow :D

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    Poor kitty. Halloween and other firework heavy festivals must be hell for you

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    gran rey de los mono wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:

    Happy birthday Freehold, hopefully it doesn't get marred by flaming bikes.

    Is there a reason why the artillery fires bikes and not something else?

    Because Freehold rides a bike. I think. Maybe. I don't really know. Luckily though his hatred of math means he can't calculate trajectory very well and so you're not in much danger of being hit.

    An inability to accurately calculate trajectory is made irrelevant by a sufficiently large barrage fired at enough different angles

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    Happy birthday Freehold, hopefully it doesn't get marred by flaming bikes.

    Is there a reason why the artillery fires bikes and not something else?

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    Limeylongears wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Terrinam wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:
    I didn't answer to Terrinam's question because I wasn't sure if he was a political thread poster who would post political stuff and get this thread locked. Some people were talking overnight about some people who posted political stuff on obama.
    I assumed this was a pure social topic. As in, don't post politics period. I've been looking for one I would feel comfortable talking in.


    And since Freehold and Tac are grossly remiss in their duties (*ahem*), and trusting Captain Yesterday to describe rules is just an invitation to chaos unimaginable, here we go:

    (1) Calling this sea of random thoughts "pure" anything indicates an optimism I find delightful.
    (2) No politics.
    (3) No sports.
    (4) Posting at the top of a page renders you naked.
    (5) I'm old.

    OK. Maybe #5 isn't a rule, but still...

    Rules addendum: No one really understands European politics (or, as it's commonly referred to in Europe "Futball") or sports ("Flibberdegibit") so as long as you're not too obvious you can usually get away with it.
    Indeed. Should you wish to discuss Bingley Titan's shocking performance in this year's Poundworld League Murglethigh final against Athletico Smithybridge (what did Singh think he was doing? I mean, really?), or rant at length about the creeping neo-Progressivism in the most recent pronouncements by Mrs. Glynn of the Plantagenet Campaign Group, this is the place to do so. The Americans won't have a clue! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    The sad thing is the least realistic part of that is the idea of poundworld sponsoring anything

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    Tacticslion wrote:

    I have to list a bunch of party games kids can play without getting hurt or intoxicated or otherwise damaged, and also can be played without making a mess (so food games are out). I've got 15 minutes. So far, Simon Says and Dodge ball (and I'm iffy on the latter); freeze tag remains possible, but the space is small and the mass chaos of tag is right out.

    Edit: I don't even know.

    Some variant on port and starboard? Using whatever terms are most appropriate for the area? Although it can still get rather hectic http://www.gameskidsplay.net/games/mental_games/ship_captain.htm Doesn't need to have all the other stuff other than the 4 directions to make a workable game

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    Scintillae wrote:

    "Miss, do you want to play Monopoly with us?"

    looks between the Monopoly table, the Coup table, and the Bang! table
    "...could you have chosen three games with more need for refereeing to salvage friendships?"
    "Oh, come on, it'll be-"

    At least they don't have family business. That one truly can lead to some friendship issues. *Has flashbacks to last night*

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    Scintillae wrote:
    ...one of my children has managed to stay so on-top of everything, including bonus questions on prior tests, that they could literally ignore this essay and finish the semester with 100%.

    Something just sits wrong with me about this. Does that mean it's possible to finish with more than 100% then?

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    Limeylongears wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Speak to me of this....chess pie...
    it is literally the single best pie ever created.

    That's an odd way to spell steak & ale.

    #piewars, LIVE on www.paizo.com.

    Only if the alcohol used in the pie is a good auld guinness

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    Scintillae wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    The Princess Bride had a major hand in shaping my sense of humor, along with Animaniacs and Looney Tunes. These are probably not the things to show your impressionable child if you want them to grow up to not be a sass elemental.
    Our kids grew up on Animaniacs and Monty Python from a very early age. I am proud.
    I was about 4 when Animaniacs came out. I never had a chance at being normal.

    Never seen Animaniacs. I did enjoy Looney Tunes when I could watch videos of it though. And things like Mr. Bean and Some Mothers do Ave em went miles to forming my sense of humour. All videos however, since they're all far older than I am

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    Freehold DM wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    doctor_wu wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    Gambitbear wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    I'm making a Skittermander Solarian named Buttercup.
    Watch out for Humperdink.
    I was thinking this instead.
    Therein lies the differences in our upbringing =)
    You make it sound like I wasn't raised on that movie.
    I didn't see Princess Bride until I was 19 >_>
    I still have not watched it but do not watch movies much.
    consider yourself lucky.
    ....... Don't tell me this is yet another thing you hate.


    Very low ranking, however.

    This was the only movie my friends could agree on on weekend movie days.

    Princess bride just about every weekend for roughly 2 years.

    There was a time I could quote the movie verbatim.

    Can most fans of it not do that anyway? I guess it would be annoying if you don't like it though

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    Scintillae wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:
    Gambitbear wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    I'm making a Skittermander Solarian named Buttercup.
    Watch out for Humperdink.
    I was thinking this instead.
    Therein lies the differences in our upbringing =)
    You make it sound like I wasn't raised on that movie.
    I didn't see Princess Bride until I was 19 >_>

    I'm gonna be in the same boat as Orthos or worse. I'm 19 and I still haven't seen it

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    Hrmm, could try it with plaice or lemon sole then

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    Unfortunately there's only 1 Asian market in the whole of Belfast, and it's too far to go to to shop. And if Asian fish isn't fresh in the US, I imagine it will be even less fresh here

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    captain yesterday wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Checks thermometer. 37, which is about as low as it will go this year, with the exception of maybe a week in the high 20's.

    What is this "snow" and "ice" of which you speak?

    I don't know what thermometer you're looking at but ours says 1 degree.

    Which is actually 2 degrees lower than when I woke up.

    It's been around 0 to -3 here for the past couple of days, so I'd like NH's thermometer as well. Although those temperatures would be worryingly warm for winter in Celsius
    I was going by Fahrenheit.

    Bloody Hell thats cold

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    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Checks thermometer. 37, which is about as low as it will go this year, with the exception of maybe a week in the high 20's.

    What is this "snow" and "ice" of which you speak?

    I don't know what thermometer you're looking at but ours says 1 degree.

    Which is actually 2 degrees lower than when I woke up.

    It's been around 0 to -3 here for the past couple of days, so I'd like NH's thermometer as well. Although those temperatures would be worryingly warm for winter in Celsius

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    Drejk wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:
    Drejk wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:
    Drejk wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    I'm at work now, brewing my first pot of tea.
    Be doing the same myself in about an hour.

    Just a few minutes ago, my tea pot imploded.

    When I was washing it.

    And my hand was inside...


    Now I have a few cuts, and can't make myself a pot of tea, having to make it one glass at a time, like an animal...

    Who drinks tea in a glass? Surely a mug is a better idea?
    I have a 400 mL (I think) glass. I don't like drinking tea from cups, glass has much more neutral flavor and thinner wall (thicker wall of typical cup disrupts my enjoyment of tea). Well, at least at home. Everywhere I go, I am surrounded by savages who use cups.
    Is a glass not rather hot to hold when filled with tea? Surely the advantage of a mug is the handle. Also, the fact that pint mugs exist. No point drinking out of any mug smaller than a pint
    I have at least two glasses that have handles.

    TIL people make glasses with handles. Neat

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    Drejk wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:
    Drejk wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    I'm at work now, brewing my first pot of tea.
    Be doing the same myself in about an hour.

    Just a few minutes ago, my tea pot imploded.

    When I was washing it.

    And my hand was inside...


    Now I have a few cuts, and can't make myself a pot of tea, having to make it one glass at a time, like an animal...

    Who drinks tea in a glass? Surely a mug is a better idea?
    I have a 400 mL (I think) glass. I don't like drinking tea from cups, glass has much more neutral flavor and thinner wall (thicker wall of typical cup disrupts my enjoyment of tea). Well, at least at home. Everywhere I go, I am surrounded by savages who use cups.

    Is a glass not rather hot to hold when filled with tea? Surely the advantage of a mug is the handle. Also, the fact that pint mugs exist. No point drinking out of any mug smaller than a pint

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    Just a Mort wrote:

    Guys...Sambal stingray!

    We do it all the time here!

    If you're lazy just use a bit of salt and dump on a tablespoon of Taho Sambal Balachan.

    Stuff it into the oven to bake about 20 min, then take it out.

    Warning: Spicy!

    Some people would squeeze a bit of lime on it, like the way Caucasians squeeze lemon on their fish and chips.

    Alternatively chop it into cubes and fry it with ginger, fishgravy and cilantro. If you can take a little spiciness, add some fresh chillis. Otherwise you can give the chillis a pass.

    But scallops and rays taste vastly different and their texture isn't the same either...

    *scratches head*

    That looks amazing to cook. I'm just not sure if the fish kiosk in the supermarket even sells ray....

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    Most Valuable Player. Usually the person thought to have contributed the most to a team.

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    Drejk wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    I'm at work now, brewing my first pot of tea.
    Be doing the same myself in about an hour.

    Just a few minutes ago, my tea pot imploded.

    When I was washing it.

    And my hand was inside...


    Now I have a few cuts, and can't make myself a pot of tea, having to make it one glass at a time, like an animal...

    Who drinks tea in a glass? Surely a mug is a better idea?

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    Tacticslion wrote:
    Taliesan wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    No snow yet, but it feels imminent.
    You can have some of ours. Not sure how we'll get it across the Atlantic, but we'll manage hopefully
    Not a fan of snow, or just have too much?

    Bit of both. Like looking at it, hate being out and about in it

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