Taldash's page
54 posts. Alias of Edeldhur.

Hello everyone, I would like to let you know that I will not continue playing this game with all of you.
It is with a lot of discomfort, and a sense of having bitten a lot more than I can chew that I realized I cannot keep up with all the games I am currently involved with - I think it was maybe a 'noob to the boards' attitude that got me applying to way more games than I can actually keep up with.
PbP, even more than other games requires commitment, and players that can keep the game going forward - unfortunately I cannot be that kind of player for such a massive amount of games, so I will step back and allow someone else to step in, someone that can be as proactive as this game deserves, as well as the others, with an actual rich and valid contribution - that is the stuff RPGs are made of.
I want to offer my apologies, and vow I will not fall into the same mistake again. I have learned my lesson, even though I harmed the games I am currently leaving... I hope there will be a chance to play again wth all of you, in a fashion that actually allows me to 'play and participate' as I should, honoring the effort from the other players and GM.
All the best to you.
Whose saves are we missing?
Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
As far as Taldash is concernem, all are welcome to partake from the wine, however it is not his to share ;)
Halloran Westover wrote: If anyone is short of funds, Halloran will make up the difference out of the party fund.
After paying Oleg for the gear he has, and placing an order for the equipment he doesn't, Halloran says to the group, Well that's taken care of, so since we are welcoming some new people to our group, I believe this calls for something special. I've got some bottles of liquor set aside, let me go pick one, so we can toast our new partnership, over dinner.
Thanks Halloran - Taldash has got like 7gold on him :D
"You are a true host friend Halloran - I will take you up on your offer, as long as you agree that the next time we have the time to partake in such fine drinking, it will be on me" - the tiefling adds with an open smile.
"Having a pool of common resources seems like a wise decision Halloran" - Taldash nods - "So... Lets see... An axe, one or two extra coils of rope, I count... 3 waterskins, bedrolls, I am in doubt regarding tents - I am usually able to stave off the cold, and I enjoy the tranquility of the nightsky" - the tiefling smiles.
Taldash nods at Halloran's suggestion - "Very well" - placing his backpack on the ground and producing a mess kit (includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin), a silk rope, six trail rations and a waterskin - "I usually have no issues with the cold, it is a part of my inheritance, but I believe a blanket should be in order" - he adds, lookng at his gear.

Taldash bows politely at Svetlana and Oleg - "Well met to you both, and thank you for your hospitality - it is not common to meet with such willingness and frontal honesty in welcoming strangers into your fold, mainly out her in the wilder regions. You will not regret it" - he adds - "My name is Taldash, and the stable will do perfectly fine" - the huge tiefling also introduces himself.
Turning to the others, he listens with attention to their words, and the description offered by Halloran on the immediate surrounding area - "We are just newly arrivals friend Halloran, but I agree with your assessment - I'll be upfront and admit I am not particularly comfortable in dealing with kobolds - I have found their perspectives in life to be a far thrown from my own, and most of those of good-will. But life is all about opportunities, and even though I do not speak Draconic, I would assist on evaluating their true intentions to the best of my abilities, and offer my blade if they plan on backstabbing us"
Looking at the map - "Tuskgutter - the name bears weight, I have to admit it" - the tiefling wonders - "But it may be a perfect opportunity to address two simultaneous tasks in the best way possible - if we manage to take down this creature, perhaps its pelt can be used as proof of our intention to trade honestly with the kobolds? As far as proof, I am assuming we can bring back its skull? It may not be to everyone's taste, but maybe Oleg would like it to decorate his establishment?" - he comments with a smile to their host.
Are we meeting with Svetlana and Oleg already? From Halloran's posts I had the impression we were going to be introduced to them...

The tiefling had been silent up to this point, his eyes observing the new acquaintances with a visible intensity.
Dismounting from his horse, he sports a massive frame, apparenty not weighed down in its movements by the gear, armour, or polearm he carries.
His light brown irises are flecked with red - as if flames danced in his eyes, while his blond reddish hair seems to show the same tint. He stares momentarily at the group, his tail snapping behind him as if it had a life of his own, an undeniable testament to his fiendish heritage - but his visage softens, as well as the grip on the polearm he holds on his left hand, while he extends his right one to greet Halloran with a smile - "Well met friend - I am Helgash, and much like my travelling companions, have been following the information that one of the chartered groups had decided to head in this direction - I guess the details were correct, since here you are"
As they exchange a strong handshake, his clothing dislocates somewhat, revealing a longsword symbol around his neck, crested by a stylized depiction of a shining Sun - "It is unfortunate that your companion has met with such a demise, but I congratulate you on having brough this banditry under control, and even more so at offering them the opportunity for repentance" - he nods gravely - "Oleg and Svetlana, I believe those were the names you have indicated, would be the owners of this trading post? I would enjoy meeting them, and present myself appropriately since I am on their property" - he adds.
Apologies for the hold up people - been having a crazy week. Dotting for now, will have a post up in a couple of hours.
That's ok, I'm sticking to what I've got.
Still need to finish up on gear, then I should be done.
Hello people, looking forward to playing with everyone, and thank you AZ for taking me on board for this one - Telderen here with a small twist. I decided to change the character's name is all (hope it is ok) :D
DM AZ, I did not replace any SLA with stat bumps, but might be interested in doing so if it is allowed.
Thanks for the heads up :D
Titania, I saw the note about the thread looking for a GM - the group of players looks great, and I would love to GM an AP, so I got reeeeeeally tempted.
But I have got a lot of games running at the moment, so I need to tone down a tad before I throw myself at that adventure - mainly since I never GMed in a PbP :D
You guys had any luck so far?
Everyone seems to be blowing the Diplomacy out of the water so:
Taldash takes advantage of the protective positions taken by Ihro and Saravyn, but does not hesitate in kneeling down next to the fetchlings.
"Are you ok? What is going on here? Why are all these accusations being thrown at you?" - he asks firmly - "Speak truthfully, in the belief that truth is what we are looking for. Deception will offer you no help now"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
While his companions are addressing the crowd, this time Taldash remains silent, but he does seize the opportunity to move towards the center, where the captives are located, and gain a position there.
Even amidst the confusion, Taldash smiles at the kid – ”Of course child” – he answers while taking to one knee, and bowing his head for the youngster to touch his horns – ”There”
Standing up and trying to get the attention of one of the adults around, he speaks a tad louder – ”We are strangers in town, but we carry the missive of Lord Titos Tiboros – assigned by his command and request to visit, and offer our respect and honour to Lady Anyas's household and family. As we travelled to meet her, we were drawn by the commotion – apologies for the intrusion, but I cannot help but ask why is a young child...” – he points to the fetchling youngster – ”About to be hanged?”
Where are the authorities...? - Taldash looks around, looking for someone that may represent the law - a sheriff, mayor, or similar.
He also approaches one of the locals - "What is happening? Who are these three?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? :D
As they trudge towards town, Taldash listens to Dario's words, and replies - "As of yet, I cannot take sides, or even pretend to understand what is going on in this settlement - as far as we know, the ones being executed deserve it"
Shaking his head, he continues - "What concerns me is the callous tone which the ones we have just met used to address the whole situation... It immediately sounds like prejudice to me, but I am no one to judge anything before we witness the situation with our own eyes"
Taldashs' eyes open wide at the response he gets from the two men - "Hanging dance... They are going to be executed... - he whispers, eyes flaring red at the lighthearted and jocose way how they addressed the death of another.
He welcomes Saravyn's recount of his vast knowledge, as it serves not only as learning, but also as a way for him to calm down - "Saravyn and all, shall we get going? I want to see with my own eyes exactly what is happening"
As he turns around to leave, he adds to their interlopers - "Thank you for your information, and I do hope you get better from your ailment soon, lest you be doing some grave dancing soon..." - his voice now much colder.

Dagor Morthis wrote: The logger who remained silent tightens the grip on the splitting axe he is holding. He looks at you, suspicious. “Boy, there ain’t one normal fella among you, ah?” he says “coupl’a pointy ears, we don’t see many of them ‘round here no more… and what in Kuthon’s name are you, boy? Are those horns?” his voice sounds raspy when he adresses Taldash.
The one that greeted you seems a bit friendlier. He swaps the sweat from his brow while listening to Taldash “Now, now, Gordon, that’s no way to greet trav’lers! You gotta a tall stunning one here, too… from oop North, seems to me… bet’ya don’t have a beef with her, ah?” he winks at his companion and makes a sorry excuse for a bow towards Titania “You gotta forgive me friend, he ain’t too well these days. My name’s Brecht, and this ol’ grump is Gordon.”
** spoiler omitted **
Brecht continues “There’s nothing festive about them fires, fellers. They’re there ta scare off the shadow fever. Not a time for celebration ‘round here, no sir…” his mood darkens a bit “Unless you call a celebration what’s happening to them three shadow people in the big square. Heh!” he smiles a dark and cynical smile “Wish I could be there ta see them basterds kick the bucket, but I gotta work… c’mon Gordon, we need’ta take down them four pines ‘fore comes lunchtime.” he tips his hat “Nice meeting ya, fellers!”
Taldash nods - "Yes sir, these are horns. As to who or what I am, I guess you could call me many things - half-breed, outcast, bastard of a she-demon. Personally I would rather you would simply use my name, which is Taldash"
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
The tiefling speaks in a frontal, matter of fact way, no irony and no threat in his voice - "And what about you Master Gordon? What are you? And what is that around your neck? Are you hurt - we may be able to help"
At Brecht's comments, Taldash retorts - Shadow Fever? I apologize, but I do not know what you are referring to... Could you perhaps explain a little more in detail?"
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
"Please, before you leave friend, if it is not imposing with too many questions - what do you mean by shadow people? And what is going to happen to them exactly?"
Turning to his dwarf companion, he comments- "I think you are probably right Ihro"
Sorry Saravyn, didn't mean to barge in...
Taldash greets the loggers openly - "Well met friends, and please accept our apologies if we have startled you in some way. We are in fact not from these parts, and have definitely moved from the path as you have so indicated"
Moving closer, in an unthreatening manner he continues - "You say then that the path lies just over yonder - we will follow your information, as we are indeed travelling to Karpad. We have also noticed a large number of bonfires from the distance - is there some sort of local celebration being held in the village?"
Diplomcay: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Having actually not found a real reason to stay hidden, Taldash takes note of the sideglances and the eye-rolling from his companions and smiles - "Apologies friends" - then strides confidently towards the village.
"Stealth is not my strongest point friends..." - Taldash whispers as he lumbers close to the others, his eyes fixed on the distant lights for any additional clues.
Stealth: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (1) - 3 = -2
Wow.... :D
"I agree with Saravyn" - Taldash comments as he looks to the distance - "I can imagine many reasons for those lights to be there, some of them joyful. However, those we should worry about are cause enough for us to investigate"
Standing up from his seat, Taldash begins gathering his gear - "Will that be all Sir?"
Taldash nods - "I agree. It is time"
Yep correct, I am sitting on a 19 point buy- Not yest sure where to drop that last point - will update it today :D
"I am sure something is absorbing Lord Stepans' full attention - it is the only reason I can fathom to not spending every single moment of your time in the upbringing of your own offspring..." - Taldashs' voice seems to trail off ever so slightly, but clearing his throat he continues - "I expect us to be able to assist in whatever issue is causing such distress"

With a grim look and a deep bow, Taldash speaks openly - "Milord, I have been in your service for some time now. I have learned much about principles I believed to be written in stone for me, and in the process I have learned much about myself"
Looking at the nobles directly he proceed - "Also, I have come to respect and defer to your family, as I recognize your honour and good intentions. I have no qualms in saying, even if risking being out of line, that it pains me to see the impact this whole situation has had on this household - I will do whatever is in my reach to find how this can be alleviated"
After speaking, Taldash resumes his seat - he is an impressive, outwardly ambivalent looking creature - a tiefling with fiery hair, and blood red eyes that flare up whenever he is upset, a demonic half breed sporting the symbolisms of a goddess of valor around his neck, serving as a defender of what is good and right in the world, while his fiendish heritage is clearly evident.
Standing tall, he carries himself proudly and assuredly, though he tends to keep to himself, and is not a creature of many words. Whenever not armored, he wears plain travelling clothing, but when he dons his combat equipment, he takes on the looks of a armored hulk, sporting multiple implements of combat all about himself, his holy symbol dangling freely about his neck, for all to see.
Taldash re-crunched.
I still have some gold to spare for some minor gear purchases but he is 90% ready :D
I'm almost there, though some doubts are popping in my head - one of them is, do we have a declared healer? :D
I am re-crunching Taldash - I will stick to the concept, but its simply a little harder to juggle the numbers around, when he is getting bonuses to stats that are not primary for the build itself :D
Taking a hit to Charisma as a Paladin is an example :/
Thanks for taking me on board Airon87, and Double dot ;)
Though in the end I got a tad confused about my character submission being accepted as is, namely being a Demon Spawn :D If I understand correctly that still needs correction.
You are absolutely right - I stand corrected - Apologies for all this runaround about something that was clearly explained since the start ;)
No apologies needed - I was using it since I read in the recruitment thread that, if we had any stuff not from CR, APG, UCo, UM, ARG, to put a link to the srd document - agreed I did not do it, my bad :D
But all of these are actually in the SRD, right?
Variant Tiefling Heritages and Alternate Racial Traits
In any case, if the Demon-Spawn is out of the equation, nope, I cannot have those stats :)
I am using the Variant Tiefling Heritages, to make him a Demon-Spawn. Is that not ok?
I removed the alternate tiefling racial traits, not the variant heritage.
Did you mean no content at all from Blood of Fiends?
No problem whatsoever - Alternate Tiefling Traits Removed ;)
I don't really have a submission since I do not have a firm grasp on mythic rules - played a couple of PbPs usint it when the playtest came out but they were short lived.
However, whenever the word Planescape comes up, it catches my attention - played that setting without ever getting tired for looooong years, it caused a lot of player character death due to the nature of it all - you need to learn a thing or two, when you chance rubing shoulders with some of the most powerful planar entities while having a beer at the tavern :D
Ok, don't want to sidewind anything here - carry on with Recruitment.
P.S. And now I am curious about the Ruins of Pathfinder :D
Taldash is definitely more Paladin than Oracle.
I won't beat around the bush much about it - there are obvious mechanical reasons behind that Oracle choice, but it is also tied up with how Taldash came to be an emissary of Torag in the first place - his is not your average indoctrination into the tenets - albeit an important one, this was one of many things he picked up during his apprenticeship.
As I see it, not being born with any evident divine inspiration, he was first a student of his Gods' ways - only later, and dramatically he become his servant.
EDIT: And on second thought I believe the most fitting Campaign trait for him will be In service of the Tiboros family
I guess this may be the place for Taldash - I would like to throw him into the mix.
Name: Taldash Erdessar
Lawful Good, Tiefling, Oracle/Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Short description: High damage dealer self-sustainable tank - he should be able to keep himself up and running quite decently, and when Shield Other comes into play, assist strongly whenever he is not the main target. I am expecting him to be a solid damage dealer to keep the bad guys from ignoring him :D
Campaign trait picked: Most likely Old friend of the Tiboros, but I must admit his crunch is not fully fleshed out as I would like to finish it completely after seeing how the group turns out, and if he is selected.
Background and personality: I have to apologize, but got carried away here and I think I overdid it, but since Taldash is a concept I have been mulling around in my head for some time, his background got a little extensive :D I have placed the background info in his alias.
Taldash still here :D
Belltrap wrote: @Edeldhur
Equipment looks a bit sparse.
I assume you traded in your racial SLA for 16 on the Tieflings variant trait list, which you've listed as Powerful Build?
Equipment is sparse since I was waiting for the approval on the character itself before making the final gear adjustments - since we are only level 1, if he gets accepted fleshing out his gear takes but 5 minutes ;)
Correct on the Tiefling options - I use Herolab, and sometimes it is hard to keep track of exactly where this and that is coming from - since I am using only official modules, and it gives me no errors, most of the time I assume the character is correctly built :D
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