Alerienne Sakharov |

Alerienne Sakharov wrote:Crap! Is it too late to get a potion of feather fall?Nope it's not to late, and chances of falling are next to nill.
I was just joking around, since you said you'd 'drop us in' and then grinned. Going to try and draw up something decent for a picture if I can, though it might take me a while.

Taldash |

Hello people, looking forward to playing with everyone, and thank you AZ for taking me on board for this one - Telderen here with a small twist. I decided to change the character's name is all (hope it is ok) :D
DM AZ, I did not replace any SLA with stat bumps, but might be interested in doing so if it is allowed.

Kira Lastras |

Just thought I'd let you guys know two things.

DM Azure_Zero |

Its a Masters in Divinity, studying to be a Pastor. I'm doing an internship for the 3rd of the 4 year program. Of course that all males it comical that I'm playing a Tiefling
So what's your view on the Coming *Tetra (4 blood moons on Jewish feast days), and Rev 12:1 occurring on **Sept 23, 2017 at about 11:00am
*This Tetra is even more rare in that a solar eclipse is in the middle of the Tetra, and it's last Blood Moon is also a Super Moon on a Jewish feast day, and the last Blood moon is on Sept 28th 1015 (7 years from 2008 crash)
**Oddly this day is a Golden Jubilee (50 years) from the 6 day war (1967) and 70 years from when Israel became a nation again.

Kira Lastras |

kira wrote:Didn't decide this before, but I kind of like the idea that she's a taller woman, fairly thin and with an obvious grace. Perhaps... 6' tall, but definitely doesn't look comfortable in her armor.So by fairly thin, you mean lithe or below average curves?
Sorry for the slow reply on this. I meant lithe. She still has curves in the right places, but not what you mmight call "child bearing hips"

Alerienne Sakharov |

Hmm, her skin is a bit darker than I envision, but it's a passingly good likeness for now. If I get the time, I might take a stab at drawing her so everyone can see how I picture her in my head, but it might be better to wait a couple levels and see how she develops as a character first.

Halloran Westover |

The Ultimate Equipment Guide has several listings that should prove useful here.
For 12gps we can get a Campsite Kit, which consists of 4 bedrolls, 4 blankets, a day's worth of firewood, a flint and steel, a tindertwig, 4 mess kits, a cooking kit and 8 days of trail rations.
A Cot costs 1 gp and weighs 30 lbs, but we should be able to load them on our horses.
And a Cooking Kit, costs 3 gps., an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of seasonings.

Halloran Westover |

According to the Ultimate Equipment guide, the following items have the following prices:
2 medium tents: 30 gps.
3 mess kits: 6 sps.
4 cots: 4 gps.
3 silk ropes: 30 gps.
1 bedroll: 1 sp.
5 blankets: 25 sps.
2 shovels: 4 gps.
Handaxe: 6 gps.
Total: 77 gps. 2 sps.
I don't know what Oleg will have in stock, or what prices he will charge.

Halloran Westover |

And once again Halloran proves he can't hold his liquor, now I see why you were so interested in making sure EVERYONE had a drink.
I'd make some comment about evil GM's, but the truth is I didn't just walk into that trap, I built it and through myself into it.
Still in paying homage to the age old tradition of the adversarial relationship between players and GM's, I will say this, Bad Azure, no pizza for you.

Taldash |

Hello everyone, I would like to let you know that I will not continue playing this game with all of you.
It is with a lot of discomfort, and a sense of having bitten a lot more than I can chew that I realized I cannot keep up with all the games I am currently involved with - I think it was maybe a 'noob to the boards' attitude that got me applying to way more games than I can actually keep up with.
PbP, even more than other games requires commitment, and players that can keep the game going forward - unfortunately I cannot be that kind of player for such a massive amount of games, so I will step back and allow someone else to step in, someone that can be as proactive as this game deserves, as well as the others, with an actual rich and valid contribution - that is the stuff RPGs are made of.
I want to offer my apologies, and vow I will not fall into the same mistake again. I have learned my lesson, even though I harmed the games I am currently leaving... I hope there will be a chance to play again wth all of you, in a fashion that actually allows me to 'play and participate' as I should, honoring the effort from the other players and GM.
All the best to you.

Halloran Westover |

Was it the Love Wine? But seriously Taldash, don't take it to hard, your not the first person to leave this game and you probably won't be the last. Maybe someday in the future we can play again.
So Azure, it looks like we might have to recruit some of the NPCs for our boar hunt, Alkaid is the logical choice, with Happs and Kressle as possible extras.

Kira Lastras |

Who needs real life anyways?
JK. I'm mostly able to post only while I'm sitting outside my daughter's room as she's falling asleep, so I feel lucky to have that time set aside.
Thanks for letting us know that youre leaving Taldash. I know not every player gives enough consideration to inform others when they're leaving. Usually life g gets in the way and they just disappear. As one of my elders told me while I was growing up, You are a gentleman and a scholar.