
TEO Aeioun's page

34 posts. Alias of Aeioun Plainsweed.

Goblin Squad Member

Are there going to be unique items in PFO? As in: Last boss in Emerald Spire drops the recipe only once with a minuscule dropping chance, requires ridiculous amounts of rare ingredients to craft, only one completed item can be crafted in the crafting process, the recipe is destroyed in the crafting process, possesses a unique name, is better than any item in the previous category of items, no better category of items exists, cannot be threaded or takes all threads, no one uses, loiters in bank. Is it too fringe an element to exist and spend our money on? What do you guys think?

I would definitely love to see unique names on items instead of +5 flaming cold iron longsword etc even though I can live with those also and unique skins. But if they are rare enough I might never see them, which is kind of the way I hope them to be...

Goblin Squad Member

Really much would like to see a full view/draw distance graphic slider or more than 2 or 3 picks for the view distance. Also cool would be a option to control the depth of the fogwall for different tastes. I was just looking at the huge draw distance of the blog videos and thinking about my poor computer :)

Goblin Squad Member

Not my favorite subject, but seeing some of the animosity-like behavior on these forums, I think it is current for some people including me. In an open world pvp sandbox game, how would this work. Being able to hide the chat and emotes of certain persons is something I would like to see. The purpose of an ignore list is in my opinion to decrease the amount of griefing(I'm sick of the word, but anyway...) in PFO.

If you have ideas and are not scared of the subject please bud in. :)

Here's an ignore list type of tool for these forums.

Goblin Squad Member

Sounds gross...

Anyway was thinking that some barbarians might want to make necklaces of fingerbones or necromancers might want to collect skulls, maybe some items require gnome body parts for crafting... Just saying. How about an option to loot pc body parts like fingers, toes, skull, heart, liver etc. Maybe a drop down menu so that it's not accidentally clicked by good guys and a gross animation of looter chopping of the head or digging out the heart.

A character would gain evil alignment points by looting body parts ofc. And upon resurrection the stolen bodyparts would just regenerate back to the victim. Whew! Of course you could loot the bodyparts from a humanoid npc also.

This idea came from the movie Painted Skin, a chinese fantasy film with a demon that looks like a thiefling, who just happens to steal human hearts and eat them.

Goblin Squad Member

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I started thinking. I'm a fan of the second edition D&D. A combat scenario I would like to see in PFO:

A group of heroes is fighting a dragon. Dragon swoops on hero group over and over again, not landing, breaths fire/acid etc, rummages the adventures with hind legs, crushes a hero under front legs, grabs him, takes flight and bites his head off.

The idea came from the saving throws and I started wondering what kind of reflex saving throw or an evasive maneuver a character would have to do to avoid being grabbed by a dragon. Could there be a possibility a character could save himself by striking the dragon's leg while being grabbed, so that the dragon would have to release the character. The character would obviously take falling damage, if he would fall a harmful distance. Would a wooden staff be able to hurt the dragon enough for him to release the adventurer or would a sword or a dagger be needed.

This kind of scenario is something I'd like to see in PFO. And I'm very interested in the saving throw/evasive maneuver to avoid a dragon's grab and how it will be implemented in PFO. Will there be saving throws and will they directly represent an attribute(strength, dexterity etc) or will saving throws come from slotted skills...?

Goblin Squad Member

This wonderfully important topic about gnomes with greatswords slipped in to my mind. In Pathfinder RPG small races are using smaller version of the same weapons as medium size races use and also the weapon damage is diminished. I started thinking about the idea of small races using medium sized weapons as two-handed weapons. Wouldn't it inherently have to mean a different thing whether your a gnome warrior with a greatsword or a half-orc warrior with a greatsword? The playstyle should differ in my opinion. I'm not an anti-gnomist but I'm looking for some kind of relativity to physical world and size for that matter besides graphics.

A gnome warrior with a greatsword is an interesting idea, but his prowess should still be based on the quickness of his movements instead of brute force imo.

Whether this can be actualized in PFO, I have no idea.

Goblin Squad Member

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I tried to brainstorm uses for core rulebook skills. Some of these have been mentioned in other threads and some descriptions are directly from the core rulebook. I've added a few extra notes too. Of course all skills are tied to an attribute and contribute to it's increase while trained. I mostly tried to think PC to PC interaction. There are some awesome ideas on these forums.

It would seem a fail if all passive skills could be maxed during character advancement, so I would suggest a max number of skill points that could be changed with action bar build, don't know though how this is handled to avoid uniformed characters, maybe through armor.

Acrobatics - dodging attacks of opportunity, tumbling like in DDO(ie. while tumbling less damage from AoE spells), jump distance, falling, crossing narrow surfaces, hindered by armor

Appraise - better NPC prices,

Bluff - feint in combat(decrease damage resistance of opponent), a successful Bluff check can give you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check while people are aware of you

Climb - climbing castle walls, cliffs, ability to use climbing hook and rope, climbing speed, hindered by armor

Craft - alchemy, armor, baskets, books, bows, calligraphy, carpentry, cloth, clothing, glass, jewelry, leather, locks, paintings, pottery, sculptures, ships, shoes, stonemasonry, traps, and weapons.

Diplomacy - organizing settlements, more settlement options/buildings/bonuses, gain reputation faster with NPC factions(could also have some bonuses from switching from one NPC faction to another)

Disable Device - disarm traps, open locks, sabotage siege engines, hindered by armor

Disguise - entering a settlement your'e not normally allowed(disguising alignment and race), would require gear

Escape Artist - escaping from some movement hindering net, traps, spells and grapple. Move through tight space. Hindered by armor.

Fly - manouvering in air, flying speed

Handle Animal - tame wild animal(companion), get a wild animal to defend you or leave you alone

Heal - heal debuffs caused by critical hits, small amount of hit points, poison, disease, self or other

Intimidate - cause debuff in combat, organizing settlements, more settlement options/buildings/bonuses

Knowledge - information on monsters weaknesses, characters, settlements, buildings, ore, skins, trees, etc quality of materials, could be tied to profession and crafting

Linguistics - learn languages, secret languages/signs, write books and scrolls, decipher languages/text

Perception - discover disguise, discover stealthed characters, traps, get PVE alerts/notices in wilderness, discover pick pocketing

Perform - play instrument, dance, sing, gain small amounts of money from commoners

Profession - architect, baker, barrister, brewer, butcher, clerk, cook, courtesan, driver, engineer, farmer, fisherman, gambler, gardener, herbalist, innkeeper, librarian, merchant, midwife, miller, miner, porter, sailor, scribe, shepherd, stable master, soldier, tanner, trapper, and woodcutter.

Ride - mount speed and armor, how to stay in saddle while attacked

Sense Motive - oppose Bluff, gain information on certain enchanment spells being cast/active

Sleight of Hand - pick pocket, cheating in cards, hindered by armor

Spellcraft - information what spell is being cast by opponent, Learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll, scribe a spell to scroll or book, decipher a scroll

Stealth - decreasing other characters view distance to see the character stealthing, hindered by armor

Survival - enemy list/bounty contract tracking(arrow and dot on map), cooking in wilderness, ignore weather effects

Swim - swim/diving speed and breath longevity, hindered by armor

Use Magic Device - use magic device that needs another race, class, or alignment to activate

Some of the skills could be used in synergy with weapon skills to gain bonuses etc. ie. sneak attack and sleight of hand etc.

Goblin Squad Member

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Here's Ryan's post

There has been a lot of talk about the different flags and I discovered a post where Ryan says there will probably be free-for-all zones where no flags are used. So I would like to hear people's opinions about this idea.

My thoughts:
I guess it's not a bad idea, but my first thought was that it will even more divide the players. Most of the flags are not RP based, therefore I would not probably go to such a free-for-all zone. In my mind the free-for-all zones would in some way disturb the cohesion of the game. I wonder if they are still to be added.

Even with war flag these kinds of zones could introduce a new play style into game. They would probably be used as battle grounds, where you bring a large force to fight for no apparent RP reason but just to get magic items from the other extremely large force that has gathered there. If no alignment changes would happen in these areas it would kill some RP. Would they be used as battle grounds for good vs evil? Would they cater to some other kind of RP purpose? PVE purpose? These areas would probably be the central points for some players or guilds. Would they change to flag areas if fully discover by players? In my fear they would become separate PVP war zones like in other MMOs. I hope this is not what the devs are trying to accomplish.

Also they would in some way be the end of the wilderness, kind of like the peak where the wilderness ends, for these would be the most rough areas of the sandbox game PVP vice.

I am not in favor of these free-for-all zones, at least not for now. Thanks for reading :)

Goblin Squad Member

This probably has discussed before. What do you guys think?

Will one character have 3 or more ability trees, one for class features, one for skills and one for feats, that can be all trained simultaneously?

Goblin Squad Member

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Found this in the core rulebook:

It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”

Armor: suits of armor.
Belts: belts and girdles.
Body: robes and vestments.
Chest: mantles, shirts, and vests.
Eyes: eyes, glasses, and goggles.
Feet: boots, shoes, and slippers.
Hands: gauntlets and gloves.
Head: circlets, crowns, hats, helms, and masks.
Headband: headbands and phylacteries.
Neck: amulets, brooches, medallions, necklaces, periapts, and scarabs.
Ring (up to two): rings.
Shield: shields.
Shoulders: capes and cloaks.
Wrist: bracelets and bracers.

I hope we get all these slots. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Just wanted to put up a list of some game play methods the devs have discussed to prevent griefing and ganking.

1. Reputation.

Said to be like the e-bay buyer and seller ratings. As your character undertakes various actions for others, those others will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the results, and you will have the opportunity to do the same in reverse.

This obviously is important whether to associate with people that have poor reputation.

2. Total safe zone

In the hexes containing and immediately adjacent to the NPC settlement, magical effects make it impossible for one character to attack another unless the characters are in war.

3. Marshals

NPC marshals will respond to acts of aggression near their settlement by traveling to the location of the infraction and killing the aggressor. If the attackers get beyond marshals jurisdiction, there will be a cooldown timer imposed, and if the targets reenter the secured area during this time, the marshals will respond again. After the timer expires, the marshals will not respond to the reappearance of the target in their patrolled lands

4. Criminal Flag

Killing someone in areas where there is law against it and breaking and completing certain kinds of contracts can flag a character as a criminal. You can't use fast travel if you've been flagged as a criminal.

When someone has the criminal flag, is he fair game for anyone to kill without consequences? Or with what consequences?

5. Bounty contract

Bounties can only be issued when a character unlawfully kills another. Killing an opponent as a part of a declared war, or in an area that does not have laws against murder, will not trigger the bounty system.

When you are murdered—that is, killed unlawfully—you will have the option to place a bounty on your killer's head. You can specify who can redeem the bounty: a specific character, a chartered adventuring group, or members of a specific player organization. Everyone who is eligible to earn the bounty receives a notification, and if they encounter a character with a price on his head, they'll be reminded of the bounty outstanding on that character. You'll be able to put a bounty on any character who inflicted damage on you within a limited time preceding your character's death, and on their companions and those who rendered them assistance.

Each time the bounty is paid, the victim has the option to issue it again.

6. Death Curse

If you are killed in a non-consensual way, such as being ambushed while minding your own business, you may level a death curse on the killer by praying to Calistria. Doing so costs you reputation, but the cost is reduced if your killer has a low reputation (and if he is a gank-happy killer, he probably will have a very low reputation). Once invoked, the death curse causes your killer's threads to become weakened for a time. If your killer is in turn slain by you or one of your specified agents before the death curse ends, more of his gear may be looted. Your killer cannot have the curse removed by having an ally kill him and refuse to loot him; it only goes away if he is slain by you or someone you specify, such as a member of your group or settlement.

7. Thief tag

When a player is killed by another player, the killer (and his group if he is in one) has looting rights to that player's husk; if anyone else loots it, they get the Thief tag and become a more desirable PvP target.

Mostly taken from the dev blogs. Obviously these leave question. Discuss and add. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Knocking a PC out, tying him down and transporting him with a cell wagon, throwing him in prison, jail time

Are these features possible in PFO?