Spectral Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 89 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I actually am running a campaign right now where one of the players is exactly that. The only oddity is because we used a 20rp because he's supposed to be a divine avatar. He's a Paladin as well so he's pretty much a bright green elf with tiny tusks who's 16 charisma makes him 'pretty'.

You can use the race builder and it works just fine. He's a little more powerful then a normal race is because of the 20RP, but you could do it with 10 or 15 just fine and pick and place what you like. Nawtyit's is pretty close to what he has.

Life expectancy I would assume just the same as a Half-elf, if not a little shorter.

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Rifles are OP though, why fear death when you can ignore a tank's armor when you're within 30 feet of it ;P

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Is there a reason all the traps are magical? You have have mechanical traps as well.

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Fire elementals are supposed to spread around the burning. That they are doing damage against multiple opponents at a time. Spring attack from baddie to baddie, making things burn. If I want a Tank-and-spank elemental, then I would go Earth.

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Charlie Bell wrote:
Supreme wrote:
A Magnum Revolver isn't any more deadly then a regular handgun (in terms of able-to-kill someone, not the size of the hole), but that doesn't stop Dirty Harry from using one.
Factually incorrect. Magnums generally have 80-100% more kinetic energy than non-magnum, non +P rounds of the same caliber, and consistently higher one shot stop percentage. You don't use one because it's scary looking, you use it because it is more effective.

A magnum is harder to aim, harder to carry (because of the size) harder to compensate for recoil, and overall harder to fire as a result. A regular handgun does the job just fine, but there is a reason why no real military force or even police force uses a Magnum over a more simple handgun. If you're facing someone with kevlar or the like, you still wouldn't use a Magnum, you would use a rifle.

A giant greatsword has way more stopping power then a shortsword, but there are the same reasons why lighter, more stabby weapons were used in combat over a horsecleaver.

But thankfully this is a fantasy game and the rules don't cover swing speed, exhaution, or any other stuff. And most media glosses over that as well.

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Because it's a difficult thing to do for Warrior McBigHuge to do.

Unlike Wizard McSmallTiny with his wizard levels flying around as a dragon and or bending space-time itself. Or turning himself into a giant able able to use your "really big" greatsword as a toothpick.

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Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Supreme wrote:

Polymorph myself into a dragon and eat everything.

Perfect melee wizard.

OK, that's fine. Show me how you pull that off at level 1 and we're good.

Use prestidigitation to glue scales to your face and eat some hot peppers.


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The Oath itself is vary different from its name anyhow.

You can't be in any romantic relationship ever, ever, ever. So no kissing or looking longingly into someone's eyes. The cheese stands alone.

I remember at one point you couldn't even sleep within 30 feet of the rest of your party. However it looks like they changed that later. Or I can't find it.

It's kind-of one the the more flexible Oaths in terms of playing the game, as having a relationship in-game is weird in a lot of circumstances anyhow. And the benefits really outweigh the negatives.