Skeletal Technician

Superstigs's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Yep, received it and everything is perfect. As of yesterday 9/21 the tracking information was not working. Thanks, as usual, for the quick follow-up and assistance!

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Hi, I haven't received this order for:

1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Promo Card: Improvised Dinosaur~
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Promo Card: Valais Durant~
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 5: Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth

I got a shipping confirmation email, but the tracking number doesn't come up. I noticed that there were others experiencing a similar issue, but that they received their stuff late, however in my case I have not yet received anything.

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I also added a post to the customer service boards. :(

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I am one of the PACG subscribers whose WotR Adventure Deck 2 was missing this month's promo card. Seems this happened to a lot of folks as I saw a thread in the PACG boards.

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I also did not get the promo card. It shows on my subscription order, but did not arrive in the packaging at all.

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'B) I don't think the price is right to say "Oh the miniatures are just bonus!" or "Oh the cards are just bonus!" You're paying the high price because of cards AND minis - you have to want both to buy this product. And I don't.'

When I bought the Iconics I didn't even realize there were Promo cards so it was a pleasant surprise. I bought them to have minis for the PACG ROTR. My 8yo bought a plastic Amiri and so my daughter really wanted a Lini (with the snow leopard as a total bonus).

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My 13, 10, 8, and I play PACG from ROTR to S&S and now to WOTR. It is fun to play with them!

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Unique Gifts and Games - Grayslake, IL

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This last Friday we started a new campaign through Brigandoom, and in it our friendly yet grounded Paladin Sheelah had managed to acquire a pet dog. They visited the farmhouse and while exploring, Berry (the dog), didn't make it and sadly had to bury Berry at the farmhouse. We failed to complete the scenario, and on our second run Berry survived and is now a traveling companion of Amiri.

Sad note, failing the first scenario stunk though I blame it on random chance....we had Ezren, Sheelah, Amiri, and Kyra in the party. Kyra got stuck by a cave-in at the Prison for a while and that slowed progression down greatly.

Dark Archive

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
KidDangerous wrote:
Erixian wrote:
I need to work a little on my DM-ing skills. Speaking of which, do all of you find that you are the DM of the group, and explain encounters? I have started doing that a little more in my group, which is really adding to the flavor.

I am the DM for our RPG group and I am the owner of the card game so I think there is a bit of an overlap, sure.

I am also the only one who knows the ROTRL story from the RPG so I do often end up explaining certain bits or grabbing the AP books off the shelf at particularly exciting moments (to show off Nualia's womb scars for instance). But I wouldn't say I 'DM' the game in the usual sense.
Yeah, see, that is the problem for us. None of us have ever played RotR the RPG. So no one has the book or anything. One guy has the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiaries. He thinks he might have played RotR a long time ago but isn't sure. And he's the only guy in the group that has played an RPG in the last 15 years. So we don't have anywhere to go for more info.

Our gaming group has just started the ROTR RPG path. Tonight they are trying the PACG with my kids and I. So far I'm typically playing with my three kids (11, 9, 7). The 11yo plays in our RPG group, but this has become an intro to RPG for the younger too. I throw story elements in (or sometimes they are starting to) so that we all kind of act as GM and really forge the story together.

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Pg 22 of the rulebook, reminds us all; "Don’t force the cards to fit your story; let the cards tell you their stories."

In another thread on scenario / flavor text it came up as to stories told from the cards so thought I would start a new thread.

I'll start with a quick one. My current adventure group of my kids and I, playing Valeros, Harsk, Lini, and Amiri were working our way through the Burnt Offernings Scenario and Amiri managed to come across a Bunyip in the General Store. We came to the conclusion that the store owner must have had a small Bunyip in an aquarium that had just outgrown that home...

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We just had Habe appear in Habe's Sanatorium during Undead Uprising scneario. Convenient....

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Erixian wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
Because Chicago is awesome. I lived there for ten years.
I guess you do have a point there. Would still be a good time to be in Seattle this weekend...

Agreed, I'm in the Chicago-land area as well. Going to a local game store to see what they have in store. We're playing PACG tonight.

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I skipped the adventure and scenario text for Burnt Offerings when playing with my kids, as our gaming group are playing that path and my DM wants to keep it as Spoiler Free as possible. We do read the location text upon closing, and we've started to weave our own stories in regards to banes and boons found in locations....that Bunyip in the General Store that was in the aquarium until it grew to large....

As my kids are becoming more aware (specifically my 7yo) of the scenario and adventure texts I'm sure we'll be reading those.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but I also look at it that if you are having fun then you are doing it right. Of course I try to adhere to the rules, and that may or may not always happen. Unless we are talking sanctioned play then if I'm DMing I feel free to adapt DCs, adjust rules, or do things on the fly if I don't know the full rules. That's always been a draw of Pen and Paper, even with the rulebooks, etc there is a lot of flexibility in how you follow through on those.

To date PACG is the closest I've found to a DM-less RPG experience. My kids and I played the base adventure and half-way through Burnt Offerings before they realized there was location text that helped tell the story. Just recently my youngest realized that the scenarios, adventures, and adventure path have flavor text as well. They are having fun, in what I would consider an RPG light system. AND that makes me happy. Thanks Mike, Lone Shark Games, and Paizo.

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Orbis Orboros wrote:
Yeah, making everything instant speed would be too good with how damage works. Things are never instant speed in this game, there is no "chaining."

Yeah the difficulty for me mentally comes in that using the cure spell to reshuffle your discard before the damage applies sounds like it would work because it's not being used to affect damage or a check since Cure doesn't work for either of those. Thanks again for the replies. My kids and I are really enjoying the game, but want to make sure we are playing it right too (of course to some degree I look at it like an RPG in that if you're having fun then it's not too wrong.) ;)

Now on to completing our second go round of Undead Uprising. 5 Blessing left and two location with us knowing which location the villain is at.....

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Right the question isn't so much about damage reduction, but more about reducing the effect upon the character. If I play a spell before damage is applied, but after the encounter occurs then I can get use out of the card since I'm discarding it anyhow. But it makes since to me that it would put a spellcasting character out of balance if they could do non encounter effects before damage was applied (Strength, Speed, Cure, Augury, etc being spells that come to mind). Putting it to the RPG "swift action and the MTG "instant spell", the thought being that you play the spell before damage is applied. I understand the rules based on Hawkmoon and Orbis, thanks both! We will correct and hope that Lini survives playing it correctly.

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Just a clarification. My daughter is playing Lini. She fails to defeat a monster by 3 so should take 3 damage. In her hands she has a cure spell, and two other cards. Can she cast the Cure spell before taking damage thus having to only discard 2 cards? I believe the answer is yes.

Next step of the question, if her 3 cards are all Cure Spells can she cast them all? She is not casting them on a check so the one card type per check doesn't really apply, but it is all in the damage resolution step so....Again, I'm pretty sure from my reading of the rules for taking damage that she could play all three cure spells because she is not playing them to affect the check.

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An online version of the game would be pretty sweet. Something like Ascension or Carcassonne where you get the base set so Lots Perils and AP1, and then have to buy the other APs as add on. The downside to any deck building game (and some tile games) is the setup which an online version would take care of. And with multiple save slots I could easily see playing this in multiple instances at the same time.

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Hey Superstigs. Saw your question on the "Snapshot" thread. Mike had asked that thread be kept to a specific format because they were going to mine the data out of it, so I'm replying to you in this new thread. (Not sure if they are still mining that thread or not.)

Thanks for passing along your thoughts. I'm sure from a data mine that kind of information will come up and provide lots of insight for future adventure paths and characters.

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So my kids and I are currently in Burnt Offerings so a while before I'll be posting (just got the game and all expansions on March 8th). I'm currently playing Valeros with the rest of the group being Amiri, Lini, and Harsk. As I looked through all of these posts it seems to me that everybody playing Valeros has gone Weaponmaster, and I'll admit it's the path I'm looking to go. I was wondering if Mike, Vic, and team had any insight/thoughts as to why that might be? Being still early into the adventures it does seem there are less armor boons to be acquired so that could be a symptom, but to me it came down to the benefit of using melee for ranged was greater than the benefit to reduce damage to my party. Especially since we often spend time in separate locations unless somebody desperately needs my 1d4 bonus.

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Superstigs wrote:
Where is this stated in the rule books? I like this ruling, and had heard it in other places, but am having a hard time finding it in the rules. My memory is such that if I can't find it written down then by the time we get to Hook Mountain I'll have likely forgotten. (My kids and I just started Burnt Offerings - I know we're latecomers to the game.)

NM, found it in another Thread. It's on the ROTR adventure path card. Thanks anyhow!

Dark Archive

Where is this stated in the rule books? I like this ruling, and had heard it in other places, but am having a hard time finding it in the rules. My memory is such that if I can't find it written down then by the time we get to Hook Mountain I'll have likely forgotten. (My kids and I just started Burnt Offerings - I know we're latecomers to the game.)