
Strange Doc's page

Goblin Squad Member. 64 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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Very Good, but not Great!



• Mostly liked the mix of rank-and-file figures with unique characters/monsters Brineblood Queen only one, but had 6 Chellish marines. However, rarity based on the adventure could have been better. For example, got 3 Shimerae (only one encountered in the AP), but got only one Daughter of Imerta (encounter 6 in the AP). I’m pretty sure Wiz Kids decides the mix based on “coolness,” but wish Paizo could have more input into that.
• I did get a full set in the one case (batting a thousand so far…)!
• Just as always, I don’t need a bunch of “character” figs, I prefer more “monsters” in the mix. However, in this instance, because I don’t have a lot of generic pirate minis, I will make an exception.
• As far as the choices that were made for inclusion into this set I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars. Excellent!
• It’s probably just me, but I don’t want any more dragons for the incentive figure for a while. The rune giant was the best so far. More stuff like that!


• Overall, the paint jobs were good, about a 4 out of 5 stars, but a few of the medium figures were terrible (iconic gunslinger the worst)!
• Really enjoyed the tattoos on Isabella Locke (how did they do that?)!
• Sculpts were very good for the most part, but I still wish they were more dynamic (great examples are; the wererat, sentinel devil, Tessa Fairwind, Jakaw Razorbeak, giant wasp, seacat, Cyclops, The Eel, iconic magus, Isabella Locke, Daughter of Imerta, cannon golem and Captain Riptooth).
• My favorite figures for overall quality (sculpt, paint and impact) were; the wererat, Kerdak Bonefist, giant wasp, sea troll (my absolute favorite of the set), drowning devil, duppy, The Matron, Daughter of Imerta, cannon golem and Brinebones of course!
• I only had one damaged figure in the case (the hammerhead) and it had broken where the clear stand met the base.


• Second best set, IMHO, after RotRL.
• As I said before, I may be in the minority, but I would like to see something other than a dragon as the incentive figure… Just sayin’.
• More monsters, less human/demi-human figures. Save the high quality sculpts and paints for a set like Beginner Box Heroes.
• Why no other sealife (giant crab, octopi, squid, mermen, locathah, charda, etc.)?
• MORE HUGE FIGS!!!!!!!!!

-Strange Doc