
Strange Doc's page

Goblin Squad Member. 64 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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I think that you are experiencing the power creep that all published games go through over the years. I should say successful, published games. Unless it is a non-profit company, the name of the game is supplements, supplements, supplements! And with each one, they try to appeal to the munchkin out there that's looking for that all-powerful tweak that will put their character over the top.

I for one, loved most of the editions of D&D (Except 4 Ed., which seemed to be a straight money grab, IMO), but they all would eventually wander down the same power-gaming path. The worst being 2nd Ed. (I'm looking at you "brown books").

So, I think no matter how pure a game starts off being, creep will always show up eventually. If that company wants to continue to sell products, that is. I think that Paizo just cut out the middle man and beefed it up from the get go!

I treat all RPGs like a salad bar, take what you like, leave the rest.

-Strange Doc

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Seranov wrote:
Strange Doc wrote:

You all have perfectly good arguments. I agree, haste is powerful as well, but where the difference lies is in the flexibility, spellcasting benefit, and the instant stand feat (I know, I know, this is minor for a 4th level spell, but I was surprised how much this aspect has been used).

You're right about nerfing this spell. I think maybe I should try just making it a swift action to switch applications and see how it affects use before coming in with the hammer.

Perfect. A small change that doesn't gut the spell, but gives it a distinct weakness that brings it more in line with what you want.

Now, if your players complain, you can tell them to thank the Paizo forums, because if you'd had your way, they'd be lucky to have reason to ever cast the spell ever again. ;)

This is the reason I came to the forums to air my frustration. I feel that a majority of the opinions expressed here are measured and thoughtful (not always). I want to hear good arguments and not make a knee-jerk reaction. Thank you all for this!

Goblin Squad Member

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Where are all those doom-and-gloomers now!

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Does anyone know how to permanently delete the cmpt files. I can overwrite them, but can't delete them. Also, when you click on the "add condition" sub menu, how do you delete the spell quick tabs?

Thank you in advance,

Strange Doc

Edit: I am using the app on an iPad.