
Strange Doc's page

Goblin Squad Member. 64 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

I am wondering why the campaign coins I ordered in February didn't ship with my March subscription shipment? When checking out I chose to combine the order with my next subscription shipment, which was March 11th, to cut down on shipping costs. If I had known I would have to wait til April, I would have shipped it.

Please let me know why.

-Strange Doc

Ladies and Goblins,

My order #2488713 seems to be hung up in Orlando, FL. The order lists as shipped on March 11th with a 4 to 8 business day ship time. The UPS tracking #32256PZO00000517288 shows the last entry is "Ready for Post Office Entry" as of March 14th and nothing after that. Could someone track down my shipment please?

Thank You!

This question is for the GMs out there. I am running a special, one-time adventure with nine PCs taking part! The most I have ever run at one time is seven (and that was in 2nd Edition D&D). Has anyone out there regularly run adventures with that many characters, and if so, how did you do it? Specifically, since challenge ratings are usually based on four PCs, how did you scale something with more than twice the PCs? Also, did you tend to build your encounters with a bunch of minion fodder to whittle down the party, or do you just beef up one or two baddies in each encounter?

I have used the fantastic adaptions of the Kingmaker AP for a six player party, but it just seems that it will reach the law of diminishing returns at some point. I have a feeling that ramping up the encounter strength by 125% will not end well for the party, or my sanity.

Please give actual examples that have worked in this situation, not “Try <blank> and it should work.”

Thanks in advance!

-Strange Doc

Edit: By the way, it will be first level. I know that definitely makes a difference.

Edit, Edit: I already have the plot, I just need the mechanics.

I currently use Combat Manager from Kyle Olson and LOVE it! However, I need something that I can create NPCs easily for my Pathfinder game. I bought Hero Lab and even though it's very nice, to get all the Pathfinder content, you have to buy module after module which adds up pretty quickly.

I heard about CharacterFolio as an app for my iPad, but can't seem to figure out what is included as far as content. Is it only Core, or do they add all the supplements as they come out? Can you create non-traditional PC races, a la URG?

Please, if anyone out there has this app, can you tell me what it can do?

Thanks in advance,
-Strange Doc

Just want opinions on the cleric/oracle spell, Blessing of Fervor. I GM a Kingmaker game where one of my players runs a cleric of Serenrae. Once he reached 7th level, he has been beating me over the head with this spell! I understand it is a 4th level spell, and its duration is 1 rnd/level, but it affects the entire party (7 targets minimum), helps spellcasters as well as martial combatants, it lasts the entire combat (I very rarely have one go longer than the 7 rounds minimum for the spell) and each recipient can change its benefits each round without even costing an action! I try to GM in a way that uses common sense and rule on things based on the "smell test" and this spell stinks!

Now don't flame me if you're a player and LOVE this spell, but try to take an impartial look at it from a GM perspective. I just want well-reasoned arguments for and against this spell. I am probably going to change the spell or disallow it, but maybe someone can convince me of its validity.

Thanks in advance for the responses!

Strange Doc

PS. I don't get to look at these message boards very often. Sorry if I don't respond to your posts quickly.