Steven's page

28 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Has anyone tried to convert the cast of the BBC Radio 4 drama series into D&D? If you have not heard it, it is set in modern times in the UK. It tells of William Palmer who was cursed by the king of the grey (faerie) folk to walk forever between the worlds of magic and men, in the year 1185. (Can now buy on Audio CD from the usual places)

I was thinking of William being a Knight of low level with ranger levels and eventually the Horizon Walker Pr Cl. He has a great knowledge of the grey folk so looking at expert levels in the greyfolk and also books as he has a book shop for a series or two.

Thinking of getting the modern d20 rules for this conversation as the D&D 3.5 books I have don't quite capture the feel of the character.

When I go into my account (after having signed in) and then clicking on my orders to check the staus of outstanding orders, I have to wait a while and then sign in again. When I then try to go into my account I have to sign in again. This has been happening since the update on the web site. Please fix asap.

I emailed last week but no reply, so here goes, can you tell me when my order will be shipped? its been three weeks and no news.

Thank you.

Bit late on seeing this, been researching a lot on this subject, see the following for many spells with cold descriptor -

I am trying to place an order but I keep getting bounced to the log in section again. please help.

Mage killer - magic of Faerun.

Thats excellent will look into those resources, thanks very much.

I have been facinated with the concept of Force magic recently. To that end I have been looking for monsters that use Force energy or are made of Force.

So far I have found two.

The Force Dragon from ELH and the Force Golem from MM 5.

Am I missing anything in the other MM's? or PFRPG or any other 3rd party.

Obviously there is spell casters Arcane and Divine but I really want beasties to terrorise the world.

Thanks for that. Will see if the PDF's come with maps.

Is it possible that Paizo will be printing hard copies of these maps in future? I note that the Top Left map from Dragon 287 is no longer available and neither is the Dragon Magazine.

I am trying to place an order but a error message keeps coming up.

Tried three times now - no luck.

Does anyone know if there was a an article on schools of magic teaching combined schools? ie necromancy and evocation.

Does anyone recall a Dragon mag article where two schools of magic were taught as a specilisation?

I was going to look at creating my own schools on this basis but thought there might have been some work done like this already.

Ironic - not just saw date this was started.

Check out D&Dtools on line there is 100 plus Force spells listed.
Ironic as I have been playing round with a neutral group of planar spellcasters who specialise in force spells / magic.

me too

Code does not work for me either.

I am trying to place an order for 92 items but every time I try to go to check out I have to log back in. Tried 8 times now, whats the problem.

Same here, loved all the add on's. Never got round to looking at the Al-Qadim stuff, but did want to combine with the Calimshan area at one point. Who knows maybe my collecting instincts will get me onto Al-Qadim.
Thanks for the links as well.
Although I dont know if my loft will take much more stuff...

I have a soft spot for the realms, looked at 4e but it dont seam right to me. Also love OA, been hunting all the articles on it. Think now have got the lot.

Excellent resource, I had found some of these maps but did not know so many had been done. Really appreciate your help.

I now need to find maps of Shou-Lung and Tu-Lung and one know of any?

Many thanks to dungeonmaster heathy they are fantastic.

doh just found out what PM is, have contacted Markustay.
Thanks again for your help.

Hi Ya
looked on link that is the best seen so far, now for the dumb bit, I hardly ever go on message boards so what is a PM?

Thanks for your help as well.

Thanks to Digitalelf though.

Got the OA4 OA6 OA7 modules. I am after a complete map of the main Wa Island, if any one knows of one with the provinces displayed.

Hi All

Does anyone know where I can get a provinces map for Wa like the one for Kozakura in OA1, It is really is fantastic resource.

Also is there province maps for Shou-Lung and Tu-Lung?

Any help much appreciated.