Smoke Haunt

SterlingEdge's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 358 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Sovereign Court

So I bought a Nebula Capsule mini projector and I want to use it to project maps on to my Table of Ultimate Gaming. I'm hoping someone here has come of with a clever method/good product they can share.

My quandary is how to set up the projector. Stand mount, table mount or ceiling mount.

The projector is the size of a can of soda, it has a camera mount screw on on its base.

I would prefer a stand or table mount with a boom that extends about 5-8 feet.

Any of you camera folk got any ideas?

Sovereign Court

I'm looking for Pathfinder Tales, or Forgotten Realms books, (Or Raveloft, dragonlance, greyhawk I guess) about Necromancers.

I have a new player bringing a Arcane Necromancer to the table, and I find reading novels a good source for RP/understanding the means and motives of character types and tactics.

So any good Necromancy novels out there?

Sovereign Court

Computers do stuff. I designed 2 computers. The Fandroid for 150 credits, and the Fapple for 525 credits. You can tweak stuff (Increase the range of the Fandroid from 1 mile to planetary for 50 more credits) but for now I consider these pretty basic/solid designs. How do they look? Did I miss something awesome or get my maths wrong?

What else can they do?
Can I use them to remotely hack the power grid and turn off street lights?
Can I use them to remotely start music, lower the lights, and turn on the roomba in my apartment?
Can I hack into the hanger bay's door control and close the doors to block off the invading hordes?
Can I turn on a TV?
Since these have Comm Units and 1 mile or planetary range, am I able to stay connected to the infosphere from anywhere on the planet?

The Fandroid
50 tier 1 Computer
5 10% Artificial personality
5 10% Control, Complex
5 10% self charging
5 10% mini (Light Bulk)
5 10% mini (Negligible)

5 Comm unit
10 alarm
10 Secure data, Average
50 range 1 mile
150 credits

It has a +2 to: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive

And after 2 min you can take a 20 on a bunch of skills.

The Fapple
250 tier 2 Computer
25 10% Artificial personality
25 10% Control, Complex
25 10% self charging
25 10% mini (1 Bulk)
25 10% mini (Light Bulk)
25 10% mini (Negligible)

5 Comm unit
10 alarm
10 Secure data, Average
100 range Planetary
525 Credits

It has a +4 to: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive

And after 2 min you can take a 20 on a bunch of skills.

Sovereign Court

So I am an invisible rogue. A mean caster I stabbed casts glitterdust. I am not blinded because I rock. But no save vs glowy twilight sparkles. I now look like a tween movie vampire.

Can I use silent image to hide the sparkles?
Can a silent image be an image of a lack of sparkles?

I am pretty sure I can silent image a big rock and just duck inside it and cant be seen regardless of sparkles.

Seriously Hates Sparkles
from Waterdeep, Castle Ward

Sovereign Court

So my dirty SOB GM (and I say it with love) Just pulled out the army of grapplers who lock down everyone, and clerics who chain cast murderous command.

We have one player who min maxed the bejesus out of their barbarian and can regularly do 100+ points of damage, compared to my 70 hit point having self, this could mean permanent death from a 1st level spell.

I am a blade master rogue/trickster level 7, with 4 mythic levels. And about 2000 gold.

So, with magic, alchemy, and tactics:

How do I Break/Avoid Grapple and Pin.

How do I shut down murderous command.

(Last time I pulled an NPC out of my bag of holding and placed it in the way of the barbarian. Alas, Monsieur Bœuf de Tête died a painful, and permanent death.)

Sovereign Court

I am looking for a Catti Brie pre painted plastic miniature for my Companions of the Hall display. Any suggestions?

Human Female
Red or auburn hair
Bow, or Long sword, or possibly a caster.

Drizzt is easy, Wulfgar has at least 2 models, Bruenor's official mini sucks as it doesn't have his trademark broken horn helm and round shield. I am using the Halfling Sneak from the Underdark set as Regis.

Sovereign Court

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Please help me expand my list of quotes to use in games. I have gathered a few thus far that I keep on hand while I GM and play to add more depth to NPC/PC conversations.

You are either an imbecile, or a genius at impersonating an imbecile.
Ignorance is a long way from stupid, but left unchecked, can get there real fast.
My common sense is tingling! (Spider sense)
Some babies were dropped on there heads, you were clearly thrown at a wall.
If you were any more inbred you would be a sandwich
I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap a better argument than that.
Shhh, dont ruin this with words..... Those sound like words.
I spent the last few years on facebook building up an immunity to stupidity.
I am so happy for you, sorry, not for you, I am so happy I am not you.
I am so smart, I make smart people feel like they are retarded.
If you want to get peoples attention you need to get more aggressive or more attractive. Pick one.
I dont dislike you, I nothing you.
your answer was so wrong it almost became right again.

If violence is not solving all of your problems, you simply are not using enough of it.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies 6 feet under.
If you sass me one more time, Im going to hafta go Super Slap-a-Fool on your ass.
Sit your 5 dollar ass down before I make change.
I see "about to be dead" people...
Russel... Likes to hurt people...For Peace.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hollow points expand on impact.
In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you
I dont trust anybody I am not close enough to kill
I think its time we settled our differences... Violently.
If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
--Niccolo Machiavelli
Finish the sentence in the next 2 seconds or start running.
Let me show you what I learned last week in my crotch punching class.
Hows the weather? Sunny with a chance of ass kicking.
I like my people like how I like my coffee... I dont like coffee.
You wanna move or ya wanna find out what fine Italian footwear taste like?

The only honest people in the world are children and drunk people.
Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity.
I dont forgive. I understand and move on.
I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
it is better to be judged by 12, then to be carried by six
Fire, Water, and government, know nothing of mercy. -Albanian proverb
Religious people are looking for reward, spiritual people are looking for understanding.
For those who believe, no proof is necessary, for those who dont believe, no proof is possible.
What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
--Albert Pine

*present a lady a rose, then say "You see?, Oh, I just wanted to show this rose what real beauty
looks like."
I visited the Virgin Islands once, now they’re just "The Islands"
1+1=1, they have a word for that.--Path to Zen

My super power is turning alcohol into regret.
I cant help it, I am even a bad influence on myself.
Jack dont fashion good. Jack dont fashion good at all.
Anything they can break, I can break broker.

Sovereign Court

I would love some high DC craftable items to bring into my Pathfinder game. Steampunkish, also cool. Or if you can find glaring holes in my math on the cost or DCs lemme know. Please add your own, or any source I can look into to find more.

I have built a character that can reliably reach craft DCs of 35+. So I was thinking of high difficulty engineering items to make. So I designed a pair of handcuffs called Praying Cuffs, named so because they are the shape of 2 gloves pressed together. Made of metal, with the lock on the side with the pinky finger (So ya cant use yer teeth to pick it). Inside the wrist of the cuffs is razorwire, so if you succeed on a str check, you cut your hands off.

Praying Cuffs:
250g and 2x dc 30 rolls to craft. Smith+trap.
DC open lock dc 35 (DC28 str, success on str check cuts off hands at +20 to hit)
DC Disable trap wrist dc 30
Optional, poison the razorwire.

These can be made mithril for +1000g

Sovereign Court

We are seeking 1-3 more players for our table top Pathfinder group. We are located in Westminster Colorado, North West Denver, South East of Boulder.

We are all tech professionals, 30+, prior military.

We are looking for honest, drug free, fairly reliable folk. Tech folks and prior military a plus.

We are willing to be patient in finding the right players. Good people. We have recently lost two of our players in our 5 yearlong gaming group. We play every other Saturday from 6PM to midnightish.

We play homebrew Pathfinder, high fantasy stats. I am a GM, we would welcome another GM to swap GM duty with (Individual GM campaigns).

Post here if you have any questions or just want to BS. Or shoot me a paizo mail message with yer info and we can chat about stuff.

Sovereign Court

Kyton Chainmail Shirt seems way too good to be true for 500 gold. Am I missing something or is this in line for 500g? What price seems like a actual price?

Taken from the "Wonderous Items, Armor Made From Monster Hides"

Kyton Chainmail Shirt
500 gold
Armor bonus +4
Max dex +5
Armor check penalty –1
Arcane spell failure 20%
Movement 30 ft./20 ft.
weight 20
Special: Deals 1d4+1 dmg verses oppenents who grapple, natural or close attacks.

So, for 500 gold, you no longer have to make a grapple attack, removes the penalty of being a martial weapon, and does damage to attackers making grapple, natural, and close attacks.

Spiked armor
50 gold
Armor bonus: As Armor
Max dex: As Armor
Armor check penalty: As Armor
Arcane spell failure: As Armor
Movement: As Armor
weight: As Armor
Special: Deals 1d4(S) 1d6(M) dmg on a successful grapple attack, counts as a martial weapon.

Sovereign Court

What is going to be the most survivability for the least gold?

I am looking at regeneration, mirror images, phasing, Armor Class, Damage Reduction, Saves, anything to make me more survivable.

I already have a Ring of Protection +2, a Mithral Breastplate +1, and a cloak of resistance+1.

I am a lvl 9 ranger, so the natural armor necklace wont stack with my barkskin.

I have about 5000-10000 gold.

Sovereign Court

Under melee these scorpion chicks show:
Melee mwk spear +15/+10 (1d8+7/×3), 2 claws +9 (1d6+2 plus grab), sting +9 (1d6+2 plus poison)

So, is this 2 spear attacks OR 2 claws + grab, OR sting during 1 round:

Or is it 2 spear attacks AND 2 claws AND Sting every round?

Sovereign Court

Make a framework (Just a paragraph or two) for a one night adventure.
Any of the listed items can be antagonistic, helpful, conniving, whatever. The idea should include a hook, a problem, a resolution, and consequences for failure. Add anything you need to complete the session, but all the listed items must be in your framework.


Unarmed smallish town (No crafted weapons).

Well meaning religious leader with a bad direction.

A kobold, who is, or thinks he is helpful.

A homeless guy with a catchphrase (Insert catchphrase).

After your shortish explanation of the framework, make up 3-7 ideas for the next poster to put into a new framework.

This should challenge you to tie all the aspects together in one session that makes some sort of sense, and give all the rest of us some ideas for some one night adventures.

Sovereign Court

So I am trying to change the flavor of the Animate Dead series of spells for my Cleric with the Artificer domain. Instead of Animate Dead, it will be Animate Clockwork. I am doing this to circumvent the “Evil” requirement of Animate Dead, and a bit of RP. My cleric doesn’t believe in undead. His mama always said there are no such things as ghosts.

I am trying to keep it just a bit underpowered compared to animate dead so I can still sell the idea to my GMs and not upset game balance. I have stripped the skeleton of the Improved Initiative feat, darkvision, and most of its combat specs. Unlike the skeleton, if my clockwork is destroyed, I can rebuild him. I did give it +2 HP per level, and I am thinking of adding Alarm, see invis, darkvision, or possibly a feat of some sort. I am making him to be my lab assistant/C3P-0/Jarvis of sorts.

So my GMs have signed off on the basic idea thus far, but I would like this communities ideas for finishing out its abilities and keeping game balance, and some fun RP angles.
Animate Clockwork, lesser:
Domain: Artificer, or Class: Artificer. Level 2.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (A Masterwork Clockwork of at least 25GP in value per size catagory:25 tiny, 50 small, 75 medium)
Range touch
Targets one Clockwork touched that must have been built by the casting Artificer.
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
An Animated Clockwork is a mindless automaton that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The clockwork can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. The clockwork cannot climb or swim (though it can walk under water). Its base speed is 30 feet, and cannot run.
The Clockwork cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it
breaks/deactivates if it takes 6 points of damage. Repair of the Clockwork requires ½ the initial material cost.
It gets no saves against attacks. You can have any number of clockworks made, but can only control/command one at a time.

XP 10
LN Medium construct
Init -4; Senses Perception -4
AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (+0 armor, -4 Dex, +0 natural)
hp 6 (1d8+2)
Fort -4, Ref -4, Will -4
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, construct traits
Speed 30 ft. No jog or run speed
Melee, Unable to attack or comprehend battle tactics
Str 2, Dex 2, Con —, Int —, Wis 2, Cha 2
Base Atk -4; CMB -4; CMD 6
Environment any
Organization any
Treasure none
Animated Clockworks are animated constructs given drive by Artificers or Clerics of the Artificer domain. The most basic of which can only perform tasks at the most basic level such as a unseen servant.

Animate Clockwork:
Domain: Artificer, or Class: Artificer. Level 3.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (A Masterwork Clockwork of at least 25GP in value per size catagory:25 tiny, 50 small, 75 medium)
Range touch
Targets one Clockwork touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
An Animated Clockwork is a mindless automaton that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The clockwork can perform only simple activities, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 6 (so it can lift 60 pounds or drag 300 pounds). It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 12 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. The clockwork cannot climb or swim (though it can walk under water). Its base speed is 30 feet and can only run at x2 speed.
The Clockwork doesn’t attack effectively, and can only use simple weapons. It cannot be killed, but it
breaks/deactivates if it takes 12 points of damage. Repair of the Clockwork requires ½ the initial material cost, or magical mending.
You can have any number of clockworks made, but can only control/command up to 4 HD at a time.

XP 135
LN Medium construct
Init -2; Senses Perception -2
AC 8, touch 8, flat-footed 8 (+0 armor, -2 Dex, +0 natural)
hp 12 (2d8+4)
Fort -2, Ref -2, Will -2
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, construct traits
Speed 30 ft. Can only move at 30 or 60
Melee Simple Weapon -2 (1dX), claw –2 (1d4-2) or 2 claws -2 (1d4-2)
Str 6, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis 6, Cha 6
Base Atk -2; CMB -2; CMD 8
Environment any
Organization any
Treasure none
Animated Clockworks are animated constructs given drive by Artificers or Clerics of the Artificer domain. The most basic of which can only perform tasks at the most basic level such as an unseen servant.
The standard clockwork can record and playback simple messages (25 words)
Animate Clockwork, Greater:
Domain: Artificer, or Class: Artificer. Level 4.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (A Masterwork Clockwork of at least 25GP in value per size catagory:25 tiny, 50 small, 75 medium) (+200g for a voice module, and +300 for a sentience confinement module)
Range touch
Targets one Clockwork touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
A Greater Animated Clockwork is a sentient automaton that performs tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The clockwork can perform only simple activities, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 10 (so it can lift 100 pounds or drag 500 pounds). It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 14 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. The clockwork cannot swim (though it can walk under water). Its base speed is 30 feet and can only run at x3 speed.
The Clockwork doesn’t attack effectively, and can only use simple weapons. It cannot be killed, but it
breaks/deactivates if it takes 24 points of damage. Repair of the Clockwork requires ½ the initial material cost, or magical mending.
You can have any number of clockworks made, but can only control/command up to 6 HD at a time.

XP 1200
LN Medium construct
Init -0; Senses Perception -0
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, -0 Dex, +0 natural)
hp 24 (4d8+8)
Fort -0, Ref -0, Will -0
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, construct traits
Speed 30 ft. Can only move at 30, 60, or 90
Melee Simple Weapon (1dX), claw (1d4) or 2 claws (1d4)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk -0; CMB -0; CMD 10
Environment any
Organization any
Treasure none
Animated Clockworks are animated constructs given drive by Artificers or Clerics of the Artificer domain. The most basic of which can only perform tasks at the most basic level such as an unseen servant.
The greater animated clockwork has basic sentience. Int, Wis, and Cha of 10.

Sovereign Court

So a Huge (9 squares) T-Rex took a bite out of me, and the GM said next round it will swallow you whole. I was a medium creature under the effects of Enlarge, so effectivly a Large creature (4 squares). I argued that the T-Rex could eat my medium buddies, but not a large me.

The GM aggreed, but I would like to know for sure. Can a Huge swallow whole a Large. I guess, it could also be worded, could a large swallow whole a medium?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So there I was mindin me own bidness when a demon done come along and grabbed me. This was not a pleasant experience. So in the future, how do I keep grappelers in the hurt locker?

So how can I raise my defense against grapple, damage the grappeler with spikes or fire or ice or somethin.

The way I am reading Spiked armor is that I have to return grapple at a -4 to use armor spikes... Though as I see it, if I am covered in spikes and you touch me, yer boned either way.

Wasn't there a scarf that aided in grappled defense checks?

Additional info: Dwarven lvl 1 Warrior/8 Cleric in spiked dwarven plate with a tower shield and circle of protection from evil active.

Sovereign Court

Scene: Bad guy drops a smokestick, granting himself 20% concealment thus negating sneak attacks.

Enter the rogue with improved blind fighting.

Can the rogue sneak attack the bad guy? Assuming surprise or flanking of course.

Improved Blind-Fight (Combat)
Your keen senses guide your hand against hidden foes.

Benefit: Your melee attacks ignore the miss chance for less than total concealment. You may still reroll your miss chance percentile roll for total concealment.

Sovereign Court

I consider myself a kind of boring battlefield GM, I sometimes use cover, move large enemies to THEIR threat range and not just get face to face with the PCs. I feel I am missing a lot in the "cunning" enemy department.

I get that a bunch of low intellect low level gibberlings may just run up and attack, but what about when drow attack? Or a dragon? How do cunning enemies make use of the battlemat?

So I was looking for a youtube video of good to advanced battlemat tactics and there doesn't seem to be one.

I would like to see a video of a GM using some battlefield mastery tactics that can really put the players on their heels.

So if anyone has a link to this type of thing, or can make one, I can offer you cookies. Well, virtual cookies, zero calories...

Written table tactics are good too, but I can't give you cookies for those.

Sovereign Court

Note: If you are one of my players, don't read ahead or I will give your character permanent intestinal distress!

So I am in need of some advice on how to create an item to pull mobs to my location. Like Mortal Combats "GET OVER HERE!", or a WoW Death Knights pull. I was looking at a 15-30 foot or so pull. Either a hook, or tied off net.

Is there an item already out there that fills this requirement? Or how might an item like this work? I would like to be able to launch this AND pull to location in the same round. I don't want to be unfair to my players by making it too strong, so it may have to be a 2 round action.

Sovereign Court

My partys Sorcerer just got Spiked Pit last level, and used it to devistating affect against some frost giants. I can see this (and Create Pit) becoming a regular thing, and it seems very BBEG breaking. I dont want every climactic battle they go into to start and end with "He is in a pit and we throw stuff at him till hes dead".

I like to reward ingenuity and all, but it looks like its going to get alot more boring for me to GM.

I dont want to completly negate this spell line, but I dont want to attack with flying creatures from here on out either.

Am I missing a simple idea, is climbing out of a pit actually really easy? Its 30 feet deep, effectivly trapping the mob for 2 rounds while my players are in no danger and my mob is getting pummpled.

Sovereign Court

So is this type of ability a standard action, full round action, or free action?

Aura of Protection (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot
aura of protection for a number of rounds per day equal
to your cleric level.

Sovereign Court

Exactly how much alcohol did you consume at PaizoCon to necessitate this…

Sovereign Court

So let me get this strait. I cast this, and my party can just whale on this guy for 7 rounds if he makes his save or not?

Terrible Remorse
School enchantment (compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting];
Level bard 3, cleric 4, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target 1 living creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You fill a target with such profound remorse that it begins to
harm itself. Each round, the target must save or deal 1d8 points
of damage + its Strength modifier to itself using an item held
in its hand or with unarmed attacks. If the creature saves, it is
instead frozen with sorrow, can take no actions, and takes a –2
penalty to Armor Class.

Sovereign Court

So I have a cleric with the protection domain and resistance touch. At the moment I can give +2 to all saves via touch.

?#1 - So, if my buddy is hit with a charm person (or similar affect), can I give him my +2 to all saves and get him a new save?

?#2 - What items can protect me from charm or dominate, or give me additional saves or re rolls?

?#3 - Who took my cookies?

Sovereign Court

I embark on a sea voyage on tomorrows eve. As a dwarven warrior of faith (Fighter1/Cleric6), in my dwarven Plate, and laden with weapons, I cant say the open waters are my friend. As I search the local shops in Absolam I am not finding much to aid me in my preparation for the trip into the roiling salty sea.

Have any of you, my fellow adventures, have any suggestions for a land lubbin dwarf to ensure he dont wind up at the bottom of the sea?

TLDR: I cant find many mundane items for seafaring in my books. I picked up a swan token, and have about 2k gold. Are there any cool items I'm missing? Reference if ya can, but all suggestions welcome.

Sovereign Court

Does the Mirror Image effect on Shadow Clone count as concealment for Moonlight Stalker? Moonlight Stalker says "When Concealed" you gain good stuff, and Shadow Clone "Conceals your true location" but never gives you a concealment percentage.

Moonlight Stalker Master (Combat)
You leave your opponents swinging at shadows while you slide elusively through the darkness.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Stalker Feint, Bluff 9 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial trait.
Benefit: While you have concealment, your opponents' miss chance against you increases by 10%. If an opponent misses you due to your concealment, you can spend an immediate action to move 5 feet, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step.

Shadow Clone (Su): The ninja can create 1d4 shadowy duplicates of herself that conceal her true location. This ability functions as mirror image, using the ninja's level as her caster level. Using this ability is a standard action that uses up 1 ki point.

Mirror Image
School illusion (figment); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level

This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you.

When mirror image is cast, 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total) are created. These images remain in your space and move with you, mimicking your movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment.

An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).

Sovereign Court

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So I have a bard in my game who wears cestus to keep from suffering attacks of opportunity while making unarmed spell touch attacks.
(Do spell touch attacks provoke unarmed AoO?)

He also uses them to make attacks of opportunity on bad guys provoking AoO from moving in threatened squares.

Can someone cast spells while wearing cestus?

By RAW it looks like all 3 of these things are totally legit.
Why doesnt every player do this to avoid AoO and get their free AoO on others while being unarmed for the most part?

Cestus: The cestus is a glove of leather or thick cloth that covers the wielder from mid-finger to mid-forearm. The close combat weapon is reinforced with metal plates over the fingers and often lined with wicked spikes along the backs of the hands and wrists. While wearing a cestus, you are considered armed and your unarmed attacks deal normal damage. If you are proficient with a cestus, your unarmed strikes may deal bludgeoning or piercing damage. Monks are proficient with the cestus. When using a cestus, your fingers are mostly exposed, allowing you to wield or carry items in that hand, but the constriction of the weapon at your knuckles gives you a –2 penalty on all precision-based tasks involving that hand (such as opening locks).

Sovereign Court

I'm not seeing the mini to dollar ratio being very good for random.

Sovereign Court

This, I want an army of them. 100+ goblin dragon worshipers. Fear them.

Sovereign Court

So a human monk/barbarian (I know they cant) The Monk has +10 move, the Barbarian has + 10 move. He is also wearing boots of striding and springing (+10 move), and has the fleet feat (+5 move), and has had haste cast on him (+30, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed).

Like bonuses do not stack. So the greater of the 2 from barbarian/monk, which is +10.
The Feat, +5 movement
Magical bonuses, greater between boots (+10) and Haste (+30)
So this guy has a 75 movement?
Or does Haste having a max 60 (2x human movement) movement come into play making it 60?
Or does Hastes 60, add to the feat, and the class?

My final query is concerning what happens when my gnome player (20 base) with the fleet feat (+5), boots of striding and springing (+ 10), gets hasted (+30). What speed is that little bugger? (40?) (50?)(65?)

Sovereign Court

Question 1:
Can I have a circlet of Charisma +2 and a ring of Int +2 and a ring of Charisma +4.

Basically, will a +4 stat item override a +2 stat item of any stat,

Or will a +4 stat item override a +2 same stat item,

Or will a +4 stat item and a +2 stat item = a +6 in that stat?

Clarification 2:
I'm pretty sure that a ring of protection +2 overrides a cloak of protection +1 making it a +2 total deflection bonus.

Clarification 3:
Not 100% sure about a +1 sheild adding to +1 plate mail, but I think that it works?

Sovereign Court

So the Summoner lost controll of his Eidolon due to some nefarious rage inducing mists. Eidolon started wrecking the party, then the summoner dissmissed the raging Eidolon.

I allowed it because I wasnt sure if that would work and I didnt want to slow down gameplay looking it up. But now, was that a legit tactic on the summoners part or should I have given the Eidolon a save to resist being sent away?

Sovereign Court

I saw a chart somewhere that said what faction quests the 5 new factions should take from the season 1 and 2 faction quests. They have since rolled stealth and I cannot roll a perception to find it. I need the charts location, or just the info.

Sovereign Court

What book or online resource gives a good description of the various factions ideals and goals?

Sovereign Court

So you had 5 friends stop by and say "DM for us!" and they brought cookies. Post your easy 1 page adventure. Dont worry about the details too much, just the plot and fun stuff.

The “Where the hells are we?”:
A newly established farming community a day and a half south of a mountain range. Most farms and central town are along a river that runs north to south. Town and outlying farms population is under 125.
Central town has:
Inn/tavern ran by a couple and a friend. (Describe the man and wife as you would describe your parents or some other couple your players don’t know, and the friend who helps describe as you would describe your 9th grade English teacher. This method often results in very memorable NPCs)
General Goods Store: Has the basics a farming community would need. A sword or 2, but mostly tools. (Describe the owner like you would describe that happy fat friend you had in college)

The “Oh Noes!”
A local boy, Pip Mc Pippins, age 14, goes missing. (Describe the family as a semi obscure TV family, the Keatons for instance, wherein the 14 year old would be Michel J Fox. Family Ties for those that didn’t get it.)

The clews:
Didn’t come home this evening, his horse did, with a claw mark on its hide. Pip wanders the outlying areas, one area in particular is a bamboo patch a couple hours walk north of town.

The Antagonist/s:
Lizard folk in the bamboo patches, CR to your party.
The Lizard folk use the terrain, shaman behind a 4 foot tall rock, others jump from concealment, one with a net and 2 with weapons. If they net a PC they will run off with the PC while the ones with weapons hinder the PCs while the other escapes with the captured victim.
In the area where the PCs are jumped, some of Pips personal effects can be found. Toys, food, whatnot.

The PCs eventually find “Base camp” The lizard folk are out and about hunting/gathering with a few holding down the fort. The PCs can fight their way in/out, bargain for Pips release, or stealth him out. Barganing may result in some sort of trade or co existance with the town, fighting will increase the violence, sneaking will probably confuse the lizard folk.

The lewts:
Whatever the lizard folk have and a reward from the town, a month free stay at the inn, and fame.

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo Web Monkeys,
Please make the “My Downloads” page more organized. I’m sitting around 100 items in my downloads and it’s making my OCD dizzy not being able to sort by Pathfinder>Second Darkness>Children of the Void. I would like to be able to click Pathfinder> and see APs, Modules, and Scenarios. Click APs and see RotRL, CotCT, SD, LoF, and the like.
I understand that my OCD does not constitute a front burner situation, but I can sweeten the deal with cookies. But the only cookies I can offer are virtual cookies, not a lot of flavor but they do have 0 calories.
Go go web monkeys!

Sovereign Court

So I just started a new campaign with a few folks (If you are my few folks leave! I’m going to talk bad about you.). I created a magic item kinda spur of the moment for a quiet player to give me more DM/Player interaction with said player to bring her more into the game.

Her circumstances: Teifling rogue, chaotic neutral, literally fell out of the sky into a lake. Doesn’t remember anything prior.

The magic Item: NikNak (name derived from the names of the 2 skulls) - A pair of small skulls. An imp skull and a owl arcon skull. Sentient. Think of them as a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. They can speak out loud, but usually speak in the owners head. This telepathy seems to only work one way. The owner has to speak to the skulls, often making the owner seem crazy. The skulls may just be messing with her though.

Nikari - Imp skull abilities: Knows language abyssal/common. Grants owner +1 to listen checks.

Tanak - Owl arcon skull: Knows language celestial/common. Grants owner +1 to spot checks.

As a pair, grants +2 knowledge planes, and you can reroll a knowledge planes check if you succeed in a diplomacy check (dc 15 for easy questions, 20 for moderate, 25 for obscure, and 30 for secret) with one of the skulls. If you ask one skull the other won’t help you because it’s offended. When attempting diplomacy checks the player suffers a -2 penalty if they don’t refer to them using the skulls full name.

I want to have the items get more powerful as she does, and need to give them personalities. One kicker is Nik and Nak know where she is from, and won’t tell her.

I started the group at 3rd lvl. 3.5 Forgotten Realms by the way. I have a Monk with mad tumbles, a Ranger with a bow (duh), and a teifling rogue. No one picked a healer.

So, I would like help with:
1. Personalities for both skulls and arguments they could have with each other, funny stuff a plus.
2. Why won’t they tell the girl where she is from and about her past. What is her past?
3. What kind of bonuses should the skulls get as she gets higher in level.

Sovereign Court


I am looking for a quick explanation of the factions motives and goals and general demeanor. If someone has a background in Vampire the masquerade Id kinda like to see how the factions equate to clans. Particularly which faction is most like the Ventrue.

Sovereign Court

Off a goblin.

You find 3 silver. Boring.

You find a few silver coins, a scrap of cloth holding a molding peice of cheese, and what appears to be a polished mouse skull.

Sovereign Court

Dealing with Meta-Gamers and players trying to get away with murder.

Meta Gamer – A player who uses rules knowledge or OOC (Out of Character) knowledge to try to drive game play situations.

I'd like to put a Q&A together for common and not so common DM annoyances do to meta gaming, rules lawyers, and just messed up players. Try to keep the posts in a consistent format for ease of use. Basically if you have a player problem, post what they are trying to pull off and us learned GMs will try to post a appropriate answer. If you have a common issue and answer post it as:

Joe player: "I XXX to YYY for ZZZ.”

Joe DM Says “Dude, your not there! You’re inside getting drunk!”


Joe Player: “Hey, I saw this wheel of cheese in Waterdeep for 2 gold a wheel, its only 2 silver up here in Icewind Dale! I’m going to buy 100 and put it in my bag of holding and go to Waterdeep.

Joe DM: “So, you want to retire the character and have him become a merchant. Ok, re-roll and make an ADVENTURER.”

This response also works for:
Joe Player: “I have 3 ranks in profession prostitute.”


Joe Player: “I Detect traps on this 5’ square… I take 1 step, I Detect traps on this 5’ square…ect”

Joe DM: “You pull out your thieves tools and pull out the pressure rod, drag the rod…..” This explanation should be long drawn out and boring. Indicating that this level of paranoia would drive even the most devout rogue insane.


Joe Player: I cast Grease over there, next round I light the grease on fire burning them all.”

Joe DM: “Grease may be flammable but it is beyond the scale of this spell. Mayhaps it’s not literally grease, just a grease like substance.”

This response also works for:
“I cast whirlwind/hurricane/tornado (Or whatever) and I throw caltrops into the wind to cut our enemy to bits.”


Joe Player: “I pull wand and cast mage shield because the DM just rolled the die/asked me to roll a die”

Joe DM: You should roll the die for no reason and ask the players to every now and again. If your party warrior starts this, have the enemies start getting the sunder weapon feat for free.


Joe Player: “Hey guys, come over here and roll spot because I failed mine”

Joe DM: There are many rolls the DM can make for the player. The player simply doesn’t know when they make or fail some rolls. Spot, Listen, Appraise, Search (Find trap). One of my favorite responses to Find Traps is “You don’t THINK you find any traps”

This response also works for:
Joe Player: “I rolled a 3 on my appraise, I’m not going to sell this till someone else appraises it for me.”


Joe Player: “The rogue sees treasure? I go over there.”

Joe DM: “Really? The rogue told you he sees treasure? You have cast Mind Vision on him? You have no clue he sees treasure, put your mini back next to the spike trap, roll reflex.”


Joe Player: “I wanna stick my XXX in the YYY to ZZZ”

DM rule 0. “No, I say so.” Try not to rely on this rule too often, but it is there.


What else am I missing?

Sovereign Court

I have inadvertantly picked up almost all the peices from my FLGS. I still wantthe Crit Fumble deck though.

Sovereign Court

So I was originaly sold on RotRL and Pathfinder from the Goblin Songs in the book. I got a MP3 from these boards and played it during

the Goblin attack on Sandpoint
Well I wish I could go back and substitute it for this. This is the BEST rendition of a goblin song EVAR. GMs, imagion starting the event and having the players revel in distress from this aboratious cadence.

Safe for work, it is at youtube.

Linkie! Goblin Song OF DOOM!

Sovereign Court

At which point did you realize what film I'm parodying?

Sovereign Court

See review for the other half of this discussion

Adventure Breakdown

Front cover/Back cover and:

10 pages of text info, 2 of them have 1/3 art prints, all of them have 1/3rd of the page dedicated to a blank "Notes" section. So close to 6 actual pages of info.

2 1/3 pages of ok art.

2 pages of cool little NPC character sheets, 4 per page. (1 page ok, 2 pages = fluff)

1 page OGL (Umm, words, prolly going to be 1 page of every adventure)

1 page little ninja tokens (Neat, but Fluff)

3 map pages, 2 well detailed maps, 1 DM Map with baddys placed, 1 Player Map without baddys, 1 legend page (Legend page = fluff)

And thar ya bee, Arrrrrrrgh!

Sovereign Court

So I popped over to WotC to see what the hype is about and all I can find is "Log in or click here to join" Why do I want to join? Whats so cool about being a geek among geeks? A couple articles and a T-Shirt? Are they vague because its really nothing or is it just bad site design? Really, sell me on this.

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