So I bought a Nebula Capsule mini projector and I want to use it to project maps on to my Table of Ultimate Gaming. I'm hoping someone here has come of with a clever method/good product they can share. My quandary is how to set up the projector. Stand mount, table mount or ceiling mount. The projector is the size of a can of soda, it has a camera mount screw on on its base. I would prefer a stand or table mount with a boom that extends about 5-8 feet. Any of you camera folk got any ideas?
I'm looking for Pathfinder Tales, or Forgotten Realms books, (Or Raveloft, dragonlance, greyhawk I guess) about Necromancers. I have a new player bringing a Arcane Necromancer to the table, and I find reading novels a good source for RP/understanding the means and motives of character types and tactics. So any good Necromancy novels out there?
Lane_S wrote:
Of course the Fapple is 500 credits BEFORE the Fapple store markup. But 500 by the rules.
Styrofoam wrote: The Complex Control part isnt quite right. You need a complex control for each unit you want to control. You want to control a remote 700cr pistol? You need a 70 cr complex control. Your Roomba is a 10cr drone? Control it with a 1 cr complex control. So you can have multiple complex controls in a computer. So for 71 credits I can mount a gun to my roomba. I see this as a good investment. The roomba kills my cat and cleans it.
Computers do stuff. I designed 2 computers. The Fandroid for 150 credits, and the Fapple for 525 credits. You can tweak stuff (Increase the range of the Fandroid from 1 mile to planetary for 50 more credits) but for now I consider these pretty basic/solid designs. How do they look? Did I miss something awesome or get my maths wrong? What else can they do?
5 Comm unit
It has a +2 to: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive And after 2 min you can take a 20 on a bunch of skills. -------------------------------------
5 Comm unit
It has a +4 to: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive And after 2 min you can take a 20 on a bunch of skills.
So I am an invisible rogue. A mean caster I stabbed casts glitterdust. I am not blinded because I rock. But no save vs glowy twilight sparkles. I now look like a tween movie vampire. Can I use silent image to hide the sparkles?
I am pretty sure I can silent image a big rock and just duck inside it and cant be seen regardless of sparkles. Signed,
toastedamphibian wrote:
Just love how our heroic role playing game requires us to know how long it takes to suffocate a kitten. Just sayin. I do have vanishing move, and am invisible quite often. But that just means he kills another party member while under the influence of merderous command. Still a lose/lose situation. Unless he kills Fritz, screw that guy. :) I did find 2 ioun stone/wayfinder interactions that could help. Wayfinder interaction: Dusty rose prism: +2 insight bonus on CMB and to CMD.
Wayfinder interaction: Clear spindle: Protection from possession and mental control (as protection from evil).
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Lots of good stuff, looking into some of it.
So my dirty SOB GM (and I say it with love) Just pulled out the army of grapplers who lock down everyone, and clerics who chain cast murderous command. We have one player who min maxed the bejesus out of their barbarian and can regularly do 100+ points of damage, compared to my 70 hit point having self, this could mean permanent death from a 1st level spell. I am a blade master rogue/trickster level 7, with 4 mythic levels. And about 2000 gold. So, with magic, alchemy, and tactics: How do I Break/Avoid Grapple and Pin. How do I shut down murderous command. (Last time I pulled an NPC out of my bag of holding and placed it in the way of the barbarian. Alas, Monsieur Bœuf de Tête died a painful, and permanent death.)
I am looking for a Catti Brie pre painted plastic miniature for my Companions of the Hall display. Any suggestions? Description:
Drizzt is easy, Wulfgar has at least 2 models, Bruenor's official mini sucks as it doesn't have his trademark broken horn helm and round shield. I am using the Halfling Sneak from the Underdark set as Regis.
Please help me expand my list of quotes to use in games. I have gathered a few thus far that I keep on hand while I GM and play to add more depth to NPC/PC conversations. "Insulting"
With 5+ players you dont have to split if you as the GM can put some efficiency in place. Whether the party splits into 2 rooms or stays together, go around the room, and let each person do one thing, IE I search for traps in this square. You as the GM deal with the result, and move to the next player. Try to cut down on the off topic/task discussions, cut out some rolls and replace them with story telling. IE: if the ninja, rogue, and bard has +20 to tumble, only have the fighter and cleric roll to tumble out of the way of the rolling bolder (Dont use this option too often, as dice rolls are a part of the game, but if its 3AM and you havent got to the sessions big boss, remember it is a tool the GM can use in home play). Use a single initiative roll for every round that battle instead of rolling every round. If you encounter a situation where the group is unsure of the rule of a task, instead of spending 20 minutes looking up the rule, just make a decision, and run with it. Look up the rule after the game to know it for next time. If you have people that are slow at math, use a dice roller like DiceTools that do all the math for you. If the players are taking forever to solve a puzzle, have some players roll knowledge checks and give them hints. (If you have the time, let the discussions play on, this can be the fun RP parts of DnD) If the rogue is 100 yards from the enemy camp, dont have him roll 8 stealth checks to get to them, just have him roll at the last 30 yards. The key to DnD night is everyone having fun, but with big groups you may need to use some of these efficiency tactics sometimes. Not every action has to come down to a dice roll, much can just come down to good Role Play and Storytelling.
I would love some high DC craftable items to bring into my Pathfinder game. Steampunkish, also cool. Or if you can find glaring holes in my math on the cost or DCs lemme know. Please add your own, or any source I can look into to find more. I have built a character that can reliably reach craft DCs of 35+. So I was thinking of high difficulty engineering items to make. So I designed a pair of handcuffs called Praying Cuffs, named so because they are the shape of 2 gloves pressed together. Made of metal, with the lock on the side with the pinky finger (So ya cant use yer teeth to pick it). Inside the wrist of the cuffs is razorwire, so if you succeed on a str check, you cut your hands off. Praying Cuffs:
These can be made mithril for +1000g
Unfortunately I am not in your area, but I do have some input. I am also apprehensive about inviting strangers into my home, so I first get to know folks over message boards or Email or VoIP, then we usually meet up at a diner somewhere to BS and to ensure they are not serial killers, or the non bathing type nerd. I have had limited success with meetup dot com, I suggest giving them a look. Go ahead and make a facebook account, maybe not of you, but of a DM/Character persona so no real information gets put into the ether. Facebook is also a way to gauge potential players. Put up a recruitment card at your Friendly Local Gaming Store with your new fake Facebook account and a new recruiting Email address. Ultimately my gaming groups end up consisting of friends I make at tech seminars, bookstores, and work friends and friends of friends. I just lost two of my long term players, and am in recruiting mode as well (Shameless Plug:In the North West Denver area). If I find any more efficient ways of recruiting I'll try to pass them along. Good luck, and may our tables soon be full. SE
We are seeking 1-3 more players for our table top Pathfinder group. We are located in Westminster Colorado, North West Denver, South East of Boulder. We are all tech professionals, 30+, prior military. We are looking for honest, drug free, fairly reliable folk. Tech folks and prior military a plus. We are willing to be patient in finding the right players. Good people. We have recently lost two of our players in our 5 yearlong gaming group. We play every other Saturday from 6PM to midnightish. We play homebrew Pathfinder, high fantasy stats. I am a GM, we would welcome another GM to swap GM duty with (Individual GM campaigns). Post here if you have any questions or just want to BS. Or shoot me a paizo mail message with yer info and we can chat about stuff.
MattR1986 wrote:
It honestly doesnt come up that often. I get no financial perks from it, no tracts of land, no bonus skills. In fact, to make the character more RP I have Sense Motive maxed out, when there are other skills that are more advantageous, as well as the points I put into profession: Judge, which has no game value in my sessions. If the title came with a +1 to sense motive and made it a class skill I could see it being a trait.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Being a Judge isnt the driving force of the campaign, because it could deter from the other players if it is made too big a time sink every town. Its just a minute or 2 that the GM uses to give us a little background of the town, I do a sense motive (Maxed out) and assign a ruling. I did drop the money for a masterwork sword, but instead of just buying it from a vender, I was presented with it from the Judges association. It bears a signet identifying my character as a judge. A Judges Sword (I duel wield them, and I have named them "Law" and "Order". I also have a Lucerne Hammer I have named "The Long Arm" (It has reach). I also keep a blank book and ink and quill to note all court proceedings and annotate judgments and fines.
My Dwarven Cleric did not believe in undead because "His mudder says thar aint no such thing as ghosts". Skeletons were just animated, and Vampires were just stinky blood magic users. My Half Elven Ranger took points in Profesion: Judge, and settles disputes in whatever village he passes through. My Halfling Rogue is maxed out in cooking and makes the best doughnuts in the land.
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
The winged buggers do pose a bit more of a problem, but I have a army of gargoyles and harpies in a couple of em. I'll get some pics this weekend, I sent you a message via paizo mail.
Everthefool wrote:
Yo, Everthefool, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but these are the best hardware store cases for minis of all time! &colid=VZI3EA1X6U7L&coliid=I1OZOK73IZGCRG &colid=VZI3EA1X6U7L&coliid=I1CSOS6HN0GQW0 No really, these are good cases for mass, non carry around, non display cases. Just label the front of the drawer. These can easily hold 300-600 minis.
1. The obvious answer. Games workshop miniature army transport, or equivocal: I have 6 Games workshop cases, 3 huge ones ($75) and 3 medium ones($45). I have 1 for underground monsters, one for horde monsters, one for undead, 1/2 of one for underwater creatures... So on and so on. They are pricy, but well worth it. 2. The economy method. Hardware/Craft storage drawers (For bolts and screws like stuff, $28). 32 drawers for 10 medium minis, and 12 drawers for 4 large minis. Get a label maker and label the front of the drawer "Orcs" and ya have yourself some quick access storage. 3. The better homes and garden method. I have a library of bookshelves, each shelf has a 3 foot x1 foot display (2 dollars and some tools and paint) I made out of offset layering then screwing 4 1x4 pieces of wood together and painting them like the underdark, the beach, the mountains, etc. I keep all my Drow on the underdark one, all my undead and demons on the graveyard one, and all my dragons on the very top of the shelves. If ya don’t get what I’m talkin about I can get pics and links and PM them to ya, I don’t think Paizo wants me linking a bunch of amazon stuff on their boards. Good luck!
We send the kinder rogue ahead to scout the cavern, he climbs up and into the cavern, he then yells back down to us "Hey guys, there is a big white dragon sleeping up here!" Ice cracks and coins jumble. "No wait, there are two of them sleeping up here!" Two white dragons awaken to see the kinder peeping over the ledge.
Wolfgang Baur wrote: Good discussion. I think maybe we'll call out the cost discussion in a sidebar in the next installment. Maybe have a cost for the dead monster(1/4), the skinned hide(1/4), and the crafting(1/2). .So the closest thing to the Kyton Chainmail is Mithral Chainmail, so let the math begin. Mithral Chainmail:1100, Mithral chain has +1 max dex, -10% magic failure, -3 Armor Check, always masterwork. 1100 -100g(1 max dex) -100g(10% magic failure) -100g(Armor check on chain shirt -1), -150 (Not masterwork)=650g So, without the special ability the Kyton mail has a base price of 650g. Armor spikes are only 50g, but they only work on 1 attack (standard action) a round. The Kyton mail special ability: Auto hit on attack back vs every (Grapple, Natural, and Close) hit on the wearer. I figure grapple(Medium deal 200g), natural(Medium deal 200g), and close attack(Small deal 100g) (All 3 attacks = big deal 500g). So Kyton chainmail base 650g+Special ability 500g=1150g(+150 for masterwork) I figure the cost of the dead monster is 1/4 the 1150g cost, the hide is 1/4 the cost, and the armor crafting is 1/2 the cost. If I kill and survival check the monster, I would have to pay an armor smith 575g to craft the armor (+150 for masterwork=725g). Maybe Kyton chainmail is like Mithral where they are always masterwork? 1150ish (1300 masterwork) gold for Kyton Chainmail. I would pay 1500g for this, or 750 since I already have the hides. Maybe someone out there can fine tune my math, disprove it, or flat out correct it. Or maybe it is pretty close.
GM_Beernorg wrote:
Thanks for the clarification, I will try to conform the Kyton Chain to the Magical Item Creation rules to gold ratio and run it by my GM and my ranger should be sporting it soon. Thanks for the resposes and the great ideas!
GM_Beernorg wrote:
My character is the only character in our party that collects trophies (Non monetary) from the enemies we slay, including a lot of skins/hides. I have adorned my armor with a young red dragon skull shoulder plate (No game value), I wear a red mantis assassin sash around my scabbard (No game value). I was trying to think of a way to incorporate the kyton chains into my characters ensemble and I love the idea of the chains being made into armor, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I know there are formulas for making magical items, (I dont know them too well), and I wonder if the 500 gold price tag for the Kyton Chainmail is in line with those rules. If it is I will probably be able to talk my GM into letting me make them. If the Magical item creation rules put the chain more in line with 1000 gold, I would still probably do it. I know that to add a additional magical property to a magical item, the second property is 1.5 times the cost of the new enchantment. But it seems that the Monsterous Hides are not magical enhancements so they would circumvent that rule set adding to their power level. Like I said, I dont know the magical item creation rules too well, these may fall well in line for them, if they do, then I can see some of my trophies coming into play a bit more.
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Isnt the pricing for the material AND labor? If the 500g is in addition to having the materials, then I could see these being a bit more in line with cost. Either way, I encountered 3 kytons a few months ago and happened to keep all their chains.
I posted it in both places, in the advice forum so I can get advice on the costing and usability, and on the product page to get the developers input on costing out the build. I encountered 3 Kytons a few months ago and just happened to keep all their chains. So if I can get this past my GM I will be getting on this train.
Kyton Chainmail Shirt seems way too good to be true for 500 gold. Am I missing something or is this in line for 500g?
Kyton Chainmail Shirt
So, for 500 gold, you no longer have to make a grapple attack, removes the penalty of being a martial weapon, and does damage to attackers making grapple, natural, and close attacks. Spiked armor
Kyton Chainmail Shirt seems way too good to be true for 500 gold. Am I missing something or is this in line for 500g? What price seems like a actual price? Taken from the "Wonderous Items, Armor Made From Monster Hides"
Kyton Chainmail Shirt
So, for 500 gold, you no longer have to make a grapple attack, removes the penalty of being a martial weapon, and does damage to attackers making grapple, natural, and close attacks. Spiked armor
The Forums have not failed me this day. There is a lot of good stuff here I hadnt heard of before and concepts to help. 1: The ring of Force Shield: Can I weild this while weilding 2 swords? 2: Jingasa of the fortunate soldier, I think I am going with this, +1 Luck Bonus to AC and the ability to negate 1 crit per day is good stuff. I was looking at dropping 3k to make my +1 breastplat +2. I may do both. 3: Kill it! Kill it quick! I do pretty good damage as is, I have +2 equivilant swords and a belt of giant Str +2. I dont think there are any more cheapish ways to raise my damage output. Please correct me if I am wrong.
What is going to be the most survivability for the least gold? I am looking at regeneration, mirror images, phasing, Armor Class, Damage Reduction, Saves, anything to make me more survivable. I already have a Ring of Protection +2, a Mithral Breastplate +1, and a cloak of resistance+1. I am a lvl 9 ranger, so the natural armor necklace wont stack with my barkskin. I have about 5000-10000 gold. Under melee these scorpion chicks show:
So, is this 2 spear attacks OR 2 claws + grab, OR sting during 1 round: Or is it 2 spear attacks AND 2 claws AND Sting every round?
I dont tell the other players I am playing a cleric. I RP my intro and describe myself in Bulky dwarf in plate with a shield, and a spiked mace (For tripping of course). The players then assume they have no cleric and get potions and wands of CLW. I then play the character like a fighter tank until undead show up or someone gets pwnt, then I break out hte channel or heals and save the day. I have played a Cleric for a combined 20 levels or so and I have healed during battle less than 5 times. I dont play a healer like an MMO, just spamming heals, I dont think Pathfinder is built to maintain that kind of healing uptime.
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Locksmith. Treasure recovery specialist. Bodyguard. Intrusion prevention specialist. It takes a theif to catch a thief. Like a white hat hacker.
When my players critically fail on an attack roll, I have them make a reflex save, if they fail the DC 15 reflex save, they drop there weapon 1d8 feet away (1 or 2 squares) in a random direction (1d8 equating to the direction on a compass). If they critically fail on a skill check, I give them a save closest to the appropriate skill. If they fail a Kn: Nature roll, then fail the DC 15 Will save, then they truly believe that sunlight will turn a troll to stone. If they critically fail a swim check, then fail a DC 15 fort save, they drop 10 feet further under water.
Deep in the jungles of Chult (Or wherever your jungle is) there lies a rare breed of macaw (Parrot). One of these macaws was brought to the beast habitat in Waterdeep (Absolam/wherever). A couple months ago, the bird brings in crowds that stand in awe at the splendor of the deep greens and purples in the macaws plumage. It has also come to the Lords of Waterdeeps’ (The Pathfinder Society) attention that the molted feathers of the macaw can be used to make quills that can transcribe scrolls with fewer reagents than normal.
The players must travel to Chult and acquire a female macaw to bring back to the beast habitat. (The Hook) While in the jungles of Chult, the players are constantly harassed by overly aggressive winged creatures. Ravens (Swarm of birds that steal), steal baubles earrings, keys, and whatnot. Jungle harpies, winged snakes, maybe a roper tree, and possibly some sort of non combat situation like quicksand. The jungle harpy tribe discovered an idol (Cursed Maltese Falcon) a couple weeks ago, it causes the winged creatures in the area to freak out. Most of the other animals on the island seem skittish and afraid, while the winged creatures wreak havoc. The players have to discover the source of the aggression and destroy it before the macaws will come out of hiding (Unaffected by the idol for some reason). The next session should include:
Oh, and some horrible advice I can give you to help your fight descriptions... Get in a fight. I used to do SCA wars and I remember taking hits in the arms, banging up my legs, getting tired 15 minutes in wearing chain armor, having sweat running into my eyes, taking hits from my friends when they "Roll a 1" and accidentally hit me in the back, scrambling to my feet after getting knocked down, deep dark purple bruises, not being able to move the next day.... All that happens to my players, because I know thats how things go from experience.
I have been playing a while, I have played with 30 or more GMs, including one of Gygax's GMs. I have hundreds of random encounters in my head, and monster quirks, odd weapons, and NPCs to draw from. So I don’t do randomly rolled random encounters anymore. If the PCs decide its easier to go through the swamp 20 miles than through the mountains 50 miles, I immediately have to rewrite my adventure. Instead of the hill giants and the harpys they were to encounter, now I throw some trolls and a clan of lizardmen at them. Some ways to make this non typical is to have the lizardmen out looking for food or slaves, so the lizardmen try to capture, not kill the PCs. Use nets, trips, traps. And to mess with the partys caster, put a captured villager in a net on one of the lizardmen so if the party caster uses fireball, they risk killing an innocent. Enemies have goals and needs too. Some want to die in glorious battle, some are just hungry, some are just working for the only person hiring. Bad guys make camp too, they have potions, they know local terrain and dangers. They know where that snake nest is and may lead the PCs on a chase by it. Maybe the damsel in distress is merely leading the party into a ambush she orchestrated. Find 5 NPCs, maybe out of the NPC codex. Think of a reason the party would get in a fight with them out in the world, maybe they stumbled upon a secret ceremony, or a hidden digsite. Then just keep them in the back of your head for random encounter time. Remember, each one of those bad guys, be it the coniving damsel, or the lowly goblin, they are YOUR (The GMs) player characters. That is YOUR goblin attacking the players. How does YOUR goblin plan to reap the rewards of this attack? Is he going to kill one player and run off with his shiney new sword, or is he defending his home. If things look bad for the goblin, how will he try to get away or hide? That Goblin, lets call him Squib, is the GMs character.