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Is there official Pathfinder information on becoming a vampire?
When a PC becomes a vampire:
Do their eyes turn red? Do their skin turn pale? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, says, "They look much as they did in life, often becoming more attractive, though some have a hardened, feral look instead." Nothing about red eyes or pale skin.
Do they have to sleep in a coffin? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says in an example, "If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed." Does this mean that all vampires must have a coffin? What if they were made into a vampire on the road and no coffin was used?
Can a vampire drink mammal (animal) blood and not human blood? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says that a vampire can drink blood to heal itself. But, it does not say that a vampire must drink blood daily or that they must drink human blood.
Can a vampires eat "normal" food?
Thanks in advance.