Star Shadow's page

33 posts. Alias of RHauglin.

Scarab Sages

Is there official Pathfinder information on becoming a vampire?

When a PC becomes a vampire:

Do their eyes turn red? Do their skin turn pale? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, says, "They look much as they did in life, often becoming more attractive, though some have a hardened, feral look instead." Nothing about red eyes or pale skin.

Do they have to sleep in a coffin? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says in an example, "If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed." Does this mean that all vampires must have a coffin? What if they were made into a vampire on the road and no coffin was used?

Can a vampire drink mammal (animal) blood and not human blood? The Bestiary 1, Vampire, Creating a Vampire, says that a vampire can drink blood to heal itself. But, it does not say that a vampire must drink blood daily or that they must drink human blood.

Can a vampires eat "normal" food?

Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages

Is there any way of getting 5 ranks of stealth before 5th level, to become an assassin?

Is there any race, class, feat, talent, etc. that would give me one or more ranks of stealth?

Thanks in advance.


Scarab Sages

I just received my kickstarter Emerald Spire minitures. They look better than I thought they would. I do not collect the prepainted plastic minitures, due to them being poorly painted. These are nicly detailed.

Scarab Sages

My group just finished book two of the Second Darkness. I have a few questions about the noqual:

1) How much noqual does it take to build a longsword sized weapon? Should I just let each player have one weapon? The noqual golem is mostly iron with very little noqual.

2) Would the weapon/ armor look lime-green alike the noqual golem?

3) What would a weapon/ armor special abilities be, without additional magical added? Pathfinder wiki says noqual is as strong as iron but half as heavy and it is spell resistant.

Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages

In all of the role playing games that I have played, a wizard needs two hands to cast magic. I now have a player who says a wizard only needs one hand free for the material spell components.

I can not find a ruling in Pathfinder. Can someone help?

Scarab Sages

I have a player who would like to have a summoner with a spider eidolon, over time/ levels make his eidolon into a drider.

First question: can you save unused eidolon pool points?

Second question: can you create a drider-like eidolon? If you can, how do you work out torso?


Ray, Here is where we will hold the game.

Below this box, "how to format your text" button, you can do various things to your text. I'm not going to hold anyone to this, but I thought you might want to know...

Scarab Sages

My daughter is in the band Candy Warpop. They are doing a Kickstarter to put out there first album. If you are interested, here is the link: ngth-album

I ordered, among other things, DEMOM IDOL DIARAMA PACK (INCLUDING DEMON IDOL) OWMDD1A for $45.00. What I received was just the Demon Idol. Nowhere on the order form was there any note about the rest being shipped separtly. So, I need the rest of the DEMON IDOL DIARAMA PACK sent to me.