
Spawn of Pazuzu's page

12 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


Circles the Thread

Swoops in and catches the win

Burning Straw Man was for roasting the Chickens of Pazuzu, my chickens dammit.

Little Skylark is banned because his personal colors are murder to my eyes.

Some days I really need to know if a bird in the hand is really worth two in the bush.


Feed me!

Eeehehehehehehehehe! Sounds like a challenge to me.

Tossed Slaad wrote:

Have fun, Potato!

And Spawn of Pazuzu, aren't you from the Abyss? I thought we were all Chaotic Neutral here.

I though this was a chaotic neutral to chaotic evil thread. Anyways, I'm just passing through here, chaotic-ly.

Flies off to another thread

Chanting in a disharmonious key....


Six demon-birds exit the warehouse and engage in martial combat with Solmyr's statuette. A seven bird-fiend, invisible, rushes towards Solmyr's flank with disastrous results. Solmyr points his finder at the Vrock and a single beam of energy strikes it dead on. The demon explodes in a hail of thunder, feathers, and gore.

Alderyk, King of the Fallarin wrote:

It's a small world! Rawk! My ex was a harpy...

So how is ol Pazuzu? Just keep in mind, we don't get into any interdivine feuds here. We're just all about the knowledge, the Winds, the integrity of the shrine, and the offerings...esp. the offerings.

Same as always, thinks he roosts over the Abyss and he won't let Lamashtu out of her cage. The nerve of some Demon Lords.

My mother was a harpy. Does that count for membership?