Wut in tarnation iza Bo Zar
Enny buddy els smell patchouli?
*feeds hippeh into the wood chipper*
It shore iz kwiut out here
Ayup, an keeps yuir shotgun handee if it moves again.
Goddang hippehs. How come they alwuz gotta come round whar they ain't wunted?
Ah dunno, but they make fer some gud-eatin' stew.
Stew...Oh man that sounds good, can you spare some for your brother from another mother.
Dang blast it! Uhnuther dang hippeh! Sumbuddy blast it!
Gah dang, I gotta get me one them thar Bo-zars
*pops head up out of grass in pasture*
*Lifts head up from his chest Wha...huh
Goddang hippehs! Cain't we do sumthin bout 'em, Mammy. Mebbe summin up wunna thuh old 'uns tuh et a few uv'em?
Inhales Man, why you rednecks always trying to harsh my buzz exhales huge amounts of smoke
Take thet, yuh dang dirteh hippeh!
Mebbe a summinin. Sounds like it mayhap be wurth a try.
How bout summoning me up some doritos
Whar's CH, when ya need 'em? He wuz alwuz uh good shot.
*harshes Hippeh's buzz*
*by eating his leg*
Thet's uh good boy, ol'Grue.
some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade
Aberzombie wrote: Whar's CH, when ya need 'em? He wuz alwuz uh good shot. *wakes up from where he was snoring on the rockin' chair*
Wuzzat? Hippehs?! Whar?!
Mammeh! Summin somethin' big!
Hippeh wrote: How bout summoning me up some doritos And some cheese dip would be sweet
Goddang hippeh!! Ah'm uh gonna skin yew uhlive n'make wunna them drums!
Your gonna make me a drum, right on I play some mean bongos.
*Hands zombiehick a hit of his joint
Yesh I shink yer shid gishemm shumbishes in megga drum wisher ashesh!!!
Ah ain't gonna puhloot muh bodeh with yer marryjewanna, yuh goddanged hippeh!
*crashes into the hippeh's solar plexus*
*Rolls around on the ground with grue and feels no pain, starts licking grue* "Man that dog tastes like chicken"
Mebbeh it's tahm to git that hippeh wit the chainsaw.
Hey did you know if you like run a chainsaw over a rock, you can light a joint...hehhehehehehehe...
Ah'm gessin yer raht, CH. Chainsaw awtuh fix em whut fer. If'n thet don't work, mebbe uh summunin up wunna thuh old ones.