Solomon N'Grudak's page
87 posts. Organized Play character for xXCrusaderXx.
Organized Play Characters
Male Half-Elf (+2 Str) 75/75 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 19, F: +9, R: +5, W: +10, Spells: 1st lvl 6/6, 2nd lvl 2/5, 3rd lvl 3/3 Init +7, Pereption +19, CN Male Half-Elf Inquisitor 8, Rep. Crossbow : +8/+3 , (1d8, 19-20 x2) +1Greatsword+11/+6, (2d6+7, 19-20 x2)CI Heavy Mace+10/ +5 (1d8+7, x2)
Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (79)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 19/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)
Tholand Warmane
Male Dwarf (+2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha) 30/30HP, AC: 16 T: 16, FF: 14, CMD: 19, F: +6, R: +4, W: +6, Init +1, Pereption +7, Sense Motive +7 LN Male Dwarf Master of Many Styles/ Monk of the Sacred Mountain 3, Unarmed Strike: +7, (1d6+8, x2) MW Cestus: +7, (1d4+8, 19-20x2)
Kristoff Briarheart
Male Tengu (+2Dex, +2Wis, -2Con) Tengu Hunter1/ Zen Archer1 HP:13/13Initiative:+3AC:17, T:17, FF:14, CMB:+2, CMD :19, Fort: +5, Ref: +7. Will: +6, Perception: +10, Sense Motive +8 Melee: Falchion +2(2d4+3, 18-20x2), Beak +2(1d3+3,x2) Ranged: MW Composite Longbow +4(1d8+2, x3)
Caladrel Quinn
Male Elf (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con) HP:16/16, AC:19,T:12, FF:17, CMB:+3, CMD:15, Spells Remaining: 3/3, Domain Slots: 1/1, Surge: 6/6, Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 Init +2, Perception +9 Diplomacy +1 NG Aquatic Druid lvl 2.1 MW Trident +4 (1d8+2, x2)
John Harker
Male 14/14HP, AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 12, CMD: 14, F: +1, R: +5, W: +5, Init +4, Perception +9, Diplomacy +9 CG Male Human Wizard 1/ Empiricist 1 Sword Cane +1(1d6, x2), Light Crossbow +4(1d8, 19-20x2)
Solomon N'Grudak
Male HP:12/12, AC:11, T:10, FF:11, CMD:13, CMB:3 Fort:+3, Ref:0, Will:+3 Initiative:+0, Perception:+1,Senses:Darkvision (core)Sorcerer (Undead) lvl 1 MW Greataxe +5(1d12+4, x3), Dagger +3, (1d4+3, 19-20x2) Ranged:Sling +0(1d4+3, x2)
Male HP: 13/13, AC:18, T:14, FF:15, CMD:11 Fort:+6, Ref:+5, Will:+2 Reroll: 1/1 Initiative +5, Perception +7, NG Gnome Kineticist lvl 1 Cold Blast +4(1d6+1, x2) Form DC: 15, Sub DC: 16
Female Kitsune (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str) 9/9HP, AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11, CMD: 9, F: +3, R: +2, W: +3, Init +2, Perception +1 CN Witch(Beast Bonded) lvl 1 Sickle -3(1d6-3, x2), Light Crossbow +2(1d8, 19-20x2)
Eddie Brock
Male Dwarf (+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha) Dwarf LG HP:23 /23, AC: 20 , T: 10 , FF: 20 , CMB: +5, CMD: 16, Init: 1, Per: +3 Paladin (Stonelord) lvl 2 Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +5 Dagger+5(1d4+3, 19-20x2), MW Lucerne Hammer +7(1d12+4, x2)
Male Tengu (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2Con) 40/42 HP, AC: (17) T: 15 FF: (12), CMD: 20, F: +8 R: +7, W: (+8) Rage: 11/13, Spells (1st): 4/4, (2nd): 3/3 (Kraken Caller) Druid lvl 3/ (Scared Rager) Unchained Barbarian lvl 2Init +5, Pereption +12, Peck +9, (1d3+5, x2) Claws +9, (1d3+5, x2), Raging Gore +11(1d8+7, x2)
"Oops" Singebottom
Male HP:13/13, AC:14, T:13, FF:12 CMD: 10, CMB: -2, Fort:+1, Ref:+2, Will:+3, Init: +2, Perception: +3, NG Gnome Tattooed Sorcerer lvl 2 Burning Hands(DC:16) (4d4+4, x2) 15ft.
Sirus Blackfoot
Male 18/18HP, AC:15, Class DC: 16 Fort: 5, Ref: 4, Will: 8 Speed 25, Perception +6, NG Male Half-Orc Lvl 1 Wild Druid Attack: Spear +6(1d6+3, 20 x2 Thrown) Attatck: Sickle +6 (1d4+3, 20 x2 Agile, Trip) Primal Spells [1st lvl:] 2/2 remaining
Constrictor Companion
Female Constrictor Lvl 4 Animal Companion
Marnarius"The Vengeful"
Male Human Slayer lvl 7 HP:58/62, AC:20, T:12, FF:18, CMB:12, CMD:24, Initiative:+2, Perception:+11, Fort:+9, Ref:+9, Will:+7 Melee: +1Longsword +13/+8(1d8+6, 19-20 x2) Range: Mwk Comp. Longbow+10/+5(1d8+5, x3)
Pregen Dragon!
Male Green Dragon HP:34/66, AC:18, T:11, FF:17, Fort: +7, Ref:+6, Will:+8 Init: +1, Blindsense 60ft, Dark Vision 120ft, Low-light Vision, Perception+13 CR 6 Bite +10(1d8+4), 2Claws +10(1d6+3), 2Wings +5(1d4+1) BAB: +7, CMB: +10, CMD: 21(25 vs trip)
Pvt. Joe Chuffy
Male HP:11, AC:17, T:15, FF:13, CMD:12 Init:+4, Per:+5 Darkvision:60ft Fort:+2, Ref:+6, Will:+1 NE Goblin Melee:,Dogslicer +5(1d4-1,19-20x2). Range: Dart +5(1d3-1,x2)
Usher of Souls
Male Psychopomp Eidolon lvl 2