Snorri Nosebiter's page

Organized Play Member. 149 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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scroll of miracle
scroll of Wish
scroll of Power word KILL

I'll just place them on the photocopier a couple of thousand times ;)

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it's deadpool?

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

unfortunatly, most players I know know the deathtoll in those campaigns, and most are too fond of their characters to play a campaign that'd pose severe risks to their survival

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Jaçinto wrote:
Here's another reason I am, at least for now because I can't tell the future, opting out of pathfinder. How fast is this game getting on par with 3.X supplement bloat? There is simply getting to be too much to deal with now. I am aware of things like the SRD but still it's just too much. You can barely do anything without someone saying "Well in this supplement here it says that is supposed to work this way while this book here says if you do that, this also happens." And then I have to get the Tylenol. I tell you, all the arguing I have had to deal with from people about multi-book spanning RAW and RAI has actually caused me to have to get fillings from the tooth grinding just so I don't deck someone. Yes I have considered sending the bill to my group.

oh come on! 50+ books for 3.5, 15 for pathfinder...

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I'm quite certain they have RPG's. without RPG's, society can't endure.

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I want film (and series-) makers to finnish their script first, then start filming. create a story, decide in how many parts it should be made, make it, and move on to the next project.

not make a half-arsed script, film it, see it is hugely successfull, make a bunch of half arsed scripts for sequels, film those, and continue to milk untill it flops...

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guy with a negative dex modifier, fullplate, and encumbrance, totaling his sneak skill modifier at around -15, was going to sneak past a few dwarven defenders to steal their casks of dwarven ale...

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Courtship and mating among silver dragons is always a civilized and decorous affair.

Andy Collins, Skip Williams, James Wyatt - Draconomicon, The Book of Dragons, D&D3.5

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if you want to play crazy, play Call of Cthullu...

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you want to kill everything easily

therein lies the problem for the DM imo.

if you've min-maxed your Zen archer so badly that YOU kill everything easily, there's nothing combatwise left for the rest of the party, the DM has nothing to do but place monsters, and place them away again, and you're the only one having fun.

Try finding out WHY he's using weird wind rules. If the reason is as I guessed, maybe try toning down your character's power a bit, or if the other players also have min-maxed characters, ask if he can't simply level up the enemies a bit

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you know, in Belgium, we have a saying: "Ieder huisje heeft zijn kruisje".

freely transelated, every home has it's house-rules.

if the person I'm visiting doesn't allow smoking inside, and I go there to participate in an RP, I'll ask if he's ok with me bringing a small ashtray, place it outside (terras, backyard, whatever) and take a sigarettebreak once or twice.

if he/she doesn't allow alcohol, I'll give it a try, but probably not be an enjoyable player. I tend to not get into it without having at least one beer.

(when playing, I usualy have a beer every hour)

if people come to my home to game, I warn them upfront:

get drunk before the end of the session, and I'll throw you out on your arse. You're allowed to drink, to smoke, to whatever, but if you can't control yourself, you're no longer welcome.

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children, children, please. Can't we all have a beer and calm the f-word down?

I'll start.

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MrSin wrote:
Summoned Creature wrote:
Hama wrote:
That's why I never play PFS.
My home group can't match schedules often enough to satisfy my PF fix. And my schedule isn't regular enough to start a whole new group.

You wanna know a real nightmare? Those guys have been my home group!

You forgot a few btw. Don't forget that one guy that brought some form of intoxication and tries to get everyone to join in! Or that guy that doesn't just go to get food, he wants to take 2 or 3 people with him. There's also that guy that says he'll show, but he doesn't really mean it and he's all like "Hey bro... BRO! Not going. Out with that one dude you know! YOu know the dude right? Dude? Why you hatin' on me dude?" and this is you calling him like... half an hour later, with no tell he wouldn't show. and oh my gosh so many more I could rant about.

I really dislike the one that brings some form of intoxication, and doesn't share :s

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today, I played a game. My sexuality did affect my enjoyment of the game in a significant way. I was playing doctor.

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roysier wrote:

3. GM taking part in many and/or long side conversations with non-players. Please stop wasting everyone’s time with your side conversations. It’s you job to keep the pacing of the adventure at a pace everyone enjoys.

the moment I get paid to DM for selfentitled brats, you can make that comment. Untill then, it's not my JOB. It's a hobby, and I as DM have just as much right to fun as you do. When players are constantly going ooc, I stop listening.

sry 'bout picking out your comment, you're not the only one claiming it's a DM's job to abase himself for his players, who ofc are deities that should be served at their every whim.

it's the DM's job to take care of annoying players? really? how about the other players? a DM has enough on his plate.

(this partialy to prove I wasn't just refering to you.)

For me, there's only one thing that annoys me in a GM, and that's when he forgets that he's there for the same reason as the players, to improve eachother's chances at passing a fun and agreable evening.

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a good scifi needs nudity. lots of it.

tripple nipple female aliens for the win!

a decent story and relatable characters don't hurt... but still... boobs.

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party paladin:

I'm a verry likable chap

Party rogue:

shouldn't he lose his paladinpowers now? isn't lying against his code?

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I myself am a heterosexual male.

My characters I play are all over the place. Depends on group dynamics.

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"I've been DMing for so long, the first adventure we did had dinos, and everyone was nerdraging about that being a scifi element!"

"I've been DMing for so long, we used the big bang to signal the end of our first campaign"

"I've been DMing so long, the only races we could choose from were amouba's"

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a lot of these problems with "bad GMPC's" comes from playing with bad GM's. Bad players in general even.

there's this vry interesting thread on these boards, concerning what makes a "master roleplayer" or something along those lines.

If you're in it for personal glory, you're playing the wrong f-in' game. player characters are an adventuring party. They're supposed to work together.

If a DM brings in a character that is better at everything than any playercharacter, he's not DMing. He's nerdsturbating. If a DM bring in a character that goes with the party, sometimes saves the day, mostly just does his part (be it spitballing ideas to get the players going, heal some, whatever) and by doing so fills in a niche that helps everyone enjoy the game, then he's doing it right. not just GMPCing, but also GMing, and playing.

because frankly, wether you're being a GM, or "just" a player, your first concern should be: is everyone having fun, or is it just me?

and if the answer to that question is the last one, you're doing it wrong.

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one of our players has printed a complete spellbook with explanations of the spells, "the magic words and gestures" (actualy drawn the armmovements step by step for each spell) and given me a copy so I know what the hell he's doing. He prefers my rolling the dice for it, and telling him what happens

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EntrerisShadow wrote:
pres man wrote:
I think the guy is a bit cuckoo for coco puffs, but you do have to give him some mad props.

The craziest thing about Kucinich is that he is naively optimistic about our politics and how much 'We the People' can affect change. But he is also way ahead of his time (he warned us about the dangers of privatization before Enron - actually a big factor in why he didn't win reelection that year - and supported gay marriage at a time when speaking for equality was political suicide) and, having met him, I can tell you he is infectiously pleasant. Kucinich perfectly demonstrates the difference, for me at least, between looks and charisma.

Being chiseled, tall, and having a deep timbered voice makes things easier. But there are things that will always matter more than all of that combined. Hell - look at Prince.

I don't have much to add to the topic that hasn't been said already. All I can say is that every time a woman points out the sexism that is a major problem in our society, the MRA guys dismiss it and whine about how bad men have it. It's as inevitable as a white person crying from the halls of privilege about reverse racism. It's embarrassing.

just a quick point I'd like to throw in here: I find it a lot more embarrassing that the only way our society seems to come up with to battle racism, sexism, and any other ism out there, is to do the exact same thing, in reverse...

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Rincewind, a sorceror - cleric - mythic theurge as cunning as a cow, as bold as a weasel, and as fast as a snail.

Used prettymuch all of his feat selections for crafting, hardly ever did anything usefull during combat (or at least, not usefull at first sight) but by the gods, did partymembers like him :)

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oooh, almost forgot: Talisman! :) utterly epic, but if you use all expansions, you'd better set aside a full day for this one :) Last time we played, we started at 9 am, took an hour break for a BBQ around noon, another BBQ break around 6 pm, then continued playing well into the night, and still didn't finnish :P if all players focus on preventing the other from winning, instead of focussing on winning, this can take almost as long to finnish as a pathfinder adventure path :P