![]() WOW you improved it a lot thanks... A last thing I would like to see added is the list of places where you can find the NPCs. You could use Sandpoint map reference numbers for that. The first number should be the most probable (home, personal shop...) the following ones where they are used to go (tavern, friends....) However good work, I'll use that. ![]()
![]() Haladir wrote: What I had put together was... Thanks a lot Haladir I'll try your suggestions and I'll update my playlist... For the problem of bandwidth you mention of course you could be right but I want however to prepare this list then I'll see if I can use or not that without ruin the play mood. In every case it's funny for me as a GM to prepare such a list and even of it will not work for the real play it could help me to prepare the adventure taking myself in the right perspective... Listening the music thinking to the specific game events sometimes helps me to imagine new possible RPG evolutions... ![]()
![]() Moonbeam wrote: Sneaky: is that your Rise of the Runelords campaign you're concluding this week? No still I have never really started RotR AP.... I have read all the books probably three times, read every single topic regarding it (and still some new good idea is coming from messageboard) and two complete campaign journal (your and Jollydoc's one)... Now I'm trying to define a background music for that and voices and image for each NPC... I remember a dragon article that suggested to GM one single rule... don't prepare a game too much... I have not followed that I fear... perhaps when JJ hard cover release will be out I'll finally play that ^^ The campaign I'm finishing (24th last session in two days) is Price of Immortality, while I should start Kingmaker as a player at the end of the month. ![]()
![]() I plan to adopt MorphVoxPro for my Virtual Table Top campaign and so I planned to use also music as background as suggested for example by Riptide for Carrion Crown... At the moment I'm focusing on Burnt Offerings. I have defined a preliminary list but still I have some holes and I would like to receive some good suggestions for new entries or substitutions to what I adopted. If you need more details on the songs to find them contact me Part One: Festival and Fire
Part Two: Local Heroes
Part Three: Glass and Wrath
Part Four: Thistletop
![]() Eric Zylstra wrote: I'm still reading. Zeeva's voice will be missed, but I appreciate that these things must take a long time to write up. Thanks for continuing the story! Same here, this week I'm finishing my mastered campaign began 8 months ago, and I'll have a month before a new AP starting (KINGMAKER but not as GM this time) so I'll have time to listen all the TTS parts of moonbeam CotCT campaign I have on my mp3 reader... thanks for that moonbeam ![]()
![]() Cpt_kirstov wrote: While not finished, pathfinder wiki has an Art index that I've been working on. You can click the product column to sort by product/page. Right now it's only complete up to the end of CotCT and a few of the modules/chronicles though. Thanks a lot kirstov, that wonderful as all pathfinderwiki and I wasn't aware of that specific page... however that piece of art was on of the few Untagged art in your list :( ![]()
![]() Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
I have always though it was representing a generic founding of a remote city done by pathfinders just to illustrate their adventuring life, perhaps this is the simple truth behind that image... Thanks a lot however, I'm sure I'll have more requests in next days because usually I have doubs on image identities once every week ^^ ![]()
![]() Urath DM wrote:
WOW thanks a lot Urath you are right, I still have to review that volume even if it's already on my shelf. On the same RotR first module I have another doub this time perhaps a little harder. 2) Which city are the two pathfinders visiting in the image on page 81 of Burnt Offerings? ![]()
![]() I really like to go through my quite big Paizo collection and look at the wonderful images of Golarion, but sometime I really don't know what it is there represented... I would like community to use this post to Q&A on this topic... My first question is.... 1) What is represented on page 72 of AP1 - Burnt Offerings? Thanks a lot in advance ![]()
![]() Ryan. Costello wrote: Good news: We will have space for our entire audio archive again and years of more content. First of all let me thank you and Perram for your work, it's fantastique and I'm listening you since the beginning without losing an episode. Does it mean you are going to repost first episodes of Private Sanctuary? ![]()
![]() Moonbeam wrote: That's it for now... Stay tuned for the conclusion of our campaign, next summer. :) Gratz Moonbeam and thanks for the effort you have done and that could be useful to anyone who will have to start a new Legacy of Fire campaign (But you have also wonderfully reported Rise of the Runelords, I still use it for my home game, Curse of the Crimson Throne and the module Hangman's Noose... am I forgetting something?) Did I mentioned you that JJ told me in a chat that he is reading your story hour for the work he is doing on the upcoming revision of RotR? Ok I'm joking but he should do that and this could add a lot to his next year must buy hardcover complete AP. ![]()
![]() Ok I have just finished the Worlwound Gambit... what could I say... fantastique, thanks a lot Robin.... Here my idea aimed to understand which of the books have been preferred by the other readers... 15 point to be divided on the Pathfinder tales books you have read... (it doesn't matter if they are less then 4 (or if they will be more), the single votes will be higher but that's not a problem, it's just a way) For me these are my preferences: Prince of wolves 4.5
![]() Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote: Could you please just copy and paste the feat information only into a seperate spreadsheet (best to just "Paste as" "Values".) This way it will also be small enough to e-mail. Thank you, I look forward to seeing the work you have done :) Sent it the way you suggested... (I hope) ![]()
![]() Smarnil le couard wrote: I concur on the enhancement that a campaign log can give to a campaign. As a DM, I like 1) that my players can rely upon my written words to make up for their deficient memories (goldfish brains, all of them!); 2) that they strive to roleplay, utter memorable sentences and act like heroes, just because they want to look good in the campaign log (glory hounds and braggarts, all of them!) 3) write down memories also help myself as a GM to make situations that were presented in a not so interesting way during play (due to my lack of skill/energy on the moment) epic as they should be to adeguately regard Paizo work. And also enhance my thoughts on the story helping me to prepare something new to surprise my players... ![]()
![]() At the moment I have only time to get everything you are writing, and put that in a similar format as Pathfinder fiction (these books at the moment are taking with my campaign and some other Paizo books all my free time) and then I have just few time remaining to give your writings only a quick look... but I'm so happy knowing that this summer I'll have your printed story to read carefully as it was for RotR before and, from what you say, I start to hope also you'll end LoF (this is the thirth year of summer play... wow). I'm sure that if you don't get too much comments is just because you write so much good materials that read it as it is written is quite difficult with so many new materials coming from Paizo... but if some1 has to play those APs there is nothing better around... ![]()
![]() Have you seen this tales-of-darkmoon-vale? It's a wonderful summary of a campaign set in Darkmoon Vale... ![]()
![]() Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote: Prerequisites is certainly one area that will be very helpful on feats. Don't worry about any feats that will need cell references, I will code them when the info is sent to me. Hi Kor, looking better at the "Feats_DATA" sheet I discover the AZ Column (Other Custom) so probably I could be able to put specific reference to cells too and so mainly (I hope) put almost all the data in... So I started filling the info (for prerequisites) and I think I could finish with APG data quite soon... then I'll send you that sheet by mail and you could give me indication about how to improve that work or expand it for other sources. P.S. Kor, why when "Precise Shot" is requested as a prerequisite you also add "Point Blank Shot" that is already a prerequisite of the first feet? Shouldn't the reference be already automatic with the specifing of the first one? ![]()
![]() Helaman I have some questions for you? 1. You asked me to insert all the APG Feats in the same format... Well in the Feats_DATA hidden sheet there are all these feats reported already with a lot of info... what is still missing I think are just the prerequisites for almost all of these feats... then do you need I just insert the prerequisites? 2. Assuming the answer to 1. is yes then I have a problem, how the sheet is working at the moment, if I'm not wrong, I could be able to add only about 50%-70% of the APG feats prerequisites because to add the others I should need to change the sheet format to add specific references to races-generic caster level... Do you want I start adding what I can or is better if some1 who is knowing better all the references to this sheet (KOR?!?) prepares before the main format and then I could help him with this job? 3. If the answer to the 2nd question is "start adding what you can do" this seems a quite simple task and I could do it in very few days. If instead the worksheet expert (KOR) tell us that I can add some rows to the prerequisites checks ("AZ:BK") without making any trouble to macros or other references I could also try to insert new specific APG prerequisite categories by myself. 4. If instead you prefer I can do other tasks... ![]()
![]() Helaman wrote: Hi Sneaky, want to try entering ALL the APG feats using the same format? I am still working with the traits. In the afternoon I'll try to see if everything I should do is well clear for me, if not I'll ask for some explanation if instead is everything ok I'll try to understand how much time I could need to perform the task and inform you with that ![]()
![]() Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
WOW KOR I turn on my PC just to see if there was some news about your sheets... I use it still for my campaign and to see that you are going to continue supporting it is a great fact. Thank a lot for your effort. ![]()
![]() I really liked your idea and how you are dealing with that... thanks a lot and please make it a regular podcast. It's very useful to ear Golarion explained in another way from gamers...
![]() Before loving Paizo I was attracted by Necromancer's adventures... They were years I was away from D&D (taken by PC games/family/work...) and then I found someone of your wonderful book in a shop where I causually stepped and from that reading I knew the awesome quality of Necro tomes. Then, if now I could enjoy everything Paizo is doing with Pathfinder, it is also due to the hours spent reading The Crucible of Freya mini adventure path and then dreaming to run again a game in Rappan Athuk (and I still hope to do that one day). So I'll continue supporting your efforts in the future as I did in the past and as I'm doing now with Paizo because when the quality and the love behind the produced material is so high this way is how I like to waste my time and money. ![]()
![]() What you put down were the kind of info I was really looking for, because I still have not read the guide to Cheliax and so I was not able to catch some of those reference [even if I put the book in my backpack for a next weekend reading (and Nicklod and Pontia were on my character to be found list)]. I really love the introduction of later to come NPC before their official appearance and this is something I use as well on my adventures (I think Paizo is doing a great job with the definition of a preliminary backbone of the main plot for their entire APs but some NPC are created just when the first volumes are mainly frozen). I loved reading Eando Kline's journal but this happened a lot of time ago and I wasn't remembering the reference with the hellknight (good to know). As I said before reading your story I was not very taken from hellknights and thanks to you I'm going to recover this gap. Of course I'm very intrigued with every reference with RotR so a Foxglove family member is more than welcome (even if something else is already foreseen from Paizo in the story). I'm sure you'll love Prince of Wolves or Winter Witch even because, from my modest point of view, their way to describe Golarion has some similitude with your. The first tome, settled in Ustalav, is marvelous with so many references and details that will make you desire to play Carrion Crown as soon as possible. The second one is also very good and I especially appreciate the first half of the story that is located in Korvosa (I think you are already describing the Korvosa atmosphere very well but the same could be said by the work done by E.Cunningham), after this part there is a long trip (very well described) to Irrisen and this is very interesting to get a better description (with respect to the one in guide to Korvosa) of Harse-Balswief-Melfesh-Ilsurian-Sanos Forest-the zone near Ravenmoor-The Nolands-Brinewall (very interesting) and remembering me the Eando Kline travel you mentioned from wich I started loving Varisia, the shoanti, Kaer Maga and Belkzen. I strongly suggest you reading both of them (I have Plague of Shadow too but still I have not found time to immerge myself on it). I was asking myself where the speech in Manius's background was coming from (I wrongly supposed in Cheliax guide...). Ok again thanks a lot for your effort and I will not stop myself making promotion for your story hours all around the messageboard because I'm sure that there are a lot of Paizo fans that should love reading these useful summaries. ![]()
![]() I still miss the reading of your last 3 posts (I was away this weekend and I just saw those on the messageboard) but I would like however to tell you my first impressions on your last fatigue... It's wonderful!!! Really I have to thank you again for that... For me it's incredible that it's free... I have read it three times to appreciate every single reference to korvosa guide, AP and RotR campaign... What I really love of your reports are the small details about Golarion that compel me, when I'm not able to fully understand your references, to search as a scholar my vast Paizo biblioteque... And I think I was still not able to find every single reference (difficult to understand which of the NPC you introduced have been taken from Paizo books or from your brain... I hope pathfinder wiki will help me with that). What I feel reading this story was very similar to what I felt reading "Prince of Wolves" or "Winter Witch" (have you read those? If not I suggest you to do that they are very beautiful too and the second one is setted in Korvosa at least on the first part). I think Paizo should ask you to prepare what you did for RotR to be printed in six different Pathfinder tales and I'm sure the same could be said at the end of your CotCT. Here a list of what I appreciated most: Zeeva Foxglove as a member of the party (even if used by the GM), the harrow readings, the characters statistics, the background of Manius (for the first time I read something more on Hellknights and now I'm appreciating them), all the characters you are introducing in the story, Kindrasius background (were all the three parts written by the player or just the first one?), details of Korvosa and side quests, possible openings for future stories... Ok that's all for now... I'm going to open again your RotR story and prepare 6 books for my Paizo collection... they will be wonderful aside the Pathfinder tales one... I have just to find a good online printer... Thanks again mate. ![]()
![]() WOW WOW WOW a new Moonbeam's campaign summary... Something really good to be read for this weekend (yes I know with Paizo and the wonderful community here I have Gigabytes of accumulated wondrous materials for the years to come but this is someway special...).
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
That's true but especially when you have the role of GM and your game is played in italian, or you have previously traslated everything or it's difficult to have a good translation when talking to your players (at least for me it's sometimes complex to remember italian terms for english words even if I know perfectly what they mean). So expecially for the adventures I play to have also the italian version it's very useful.![]()
![]() Gr4ys What I really would like to see is an updating of the wonderful list of useful stuff (with likes) available for this AP you did at the beginning of this post. I think I got everything in a day by day search done during last two years but it could be however useful perhaps starting a new summarizing topic...
![]() massimo cranchi wrote: One thing: I don't understand your opinion about the manuals that are not as wonderful as paizo ones. Why, they have the same features, images, layout ... the only difference is the language ... :) yes of course probable my not perfect English didn't allow me to express myself in a better way... I was just trying to say that if I mainly have never been able to find mistakes in Paizo english books I found some minor typos in your releases... but I have to admit that for me find errors in italian language is simpler than in English and this could be the reason after this... For what regards used paper, colors, layout and so on the quality it's exactly the same, I was not referring to that. ![]()
![]() massimo cranchi wrote: omitted.... I'm an italian Paizo lover and even if I mainly buy everything I need in English (usually by Amazon) I'm however very happy with the work Wyrd is doing and, of the three books I bought in italian, I cannot complain of anything at all. The quality of these manuals is very good, perhaps not as wonderful as Paizo's one but have you ever seen a company better than Paizo around? So I hope Wyrd will continue doing what they started and I'm sure that things will go to improve when people like me will also buy complete APs, when they will need those (starting a new campaign) or when the translation will reach the final volume for collection (as it's happening with Second Darkness).For what regards me I'll continue to support you Wyrd and I thank you for the not easy task you embraced. ![]()
![]() Hi ghaladen, I'm really appreciating your recording effort, this is a great way for me to follow other campaigns and answer my wish to be able to see all paizo wonderful material without being phisically able to find the time to play by myself everything as I would. My group is so slow that we needed about 6 months just to play the price of immortality trilogy, so we'll need at least one year for our first AP (still not clear if it will be Carrion Crown or Curse of the Crimson Throne...). However coming back to my topic I'm really appreciating your work with ROTR, all the PSS and now Kingmaker too... fantastique!! thanks. ![]()
![]() I really like this spreadsheet using it everyday for my campaign... just a small error I found to give my small contribution to you great work kor, hoping before or later you'll finde some time to dedicate again to this, under the coin section of page 4(a) platnium is written instead of platinum. Kind regards ![]()
![]() ghaladen wrote:
Ghaladen your recordings are wonderful and very useful, and I'm following them entusiastically, but the post here is referred to a real theatre play that was performed by an artist school about two years ago if I remember well.