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The perfect missing add on for a GM


I love this. I'm giving it 5 stars and these are the reasons:
- It's very well done (it seems who wrote this down was really an expert of Golarion and Pathfinder rules) and sometimes just an adjective is well chosen to create the proper atmosphere and to make expert of Golarion think to a deeper story.
- It's very useful. If you are going to run this AP then buy it. I can just imagine how much useful this will be when the overall campaign arc will be available. To read all the books before starting an AP is not an easy task and Pathfinder Legends could do the job for you in few hours and without any effort. This is also a reason why the choice to have every book represented in just one hour can have also a positive impact. And let's say that who really has the possibility to play all the APs on your shelf... at least in this way you'd have a tast of those.
Also, there are a lot of sections that can be taken from the drama and used directly in your campaigns. And listening to the different NPCs will give every GM extraordinary ideas for role playing.
- It's very funny. It really is. The author and the actors have been able to create a story where the different heroes have strong and funny relations... This should help PCs to learn how to play good RPGs, for me it can be seen as a sort og GM rulebook add on.
- We need this and I hope Big Finish will continue with Pathfinder Legends after RotR so I hope my positive approach with this review will help people to be convinced to try this product. I'm sure no one will be disappointed. All the previous critics done before from other users are probably true but, even if almost every Paizo fans would love a CBO series of our APs, I think what Big Finish gave us is already very much to be enjoyed.

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Best tale for Golarion support


I have just finished re-reading this for the third time. I consider this the best among Pathfinder tales (I have read sixteen of these up to now) from Golarion supporting knowledge point of view. This book made me love Ustalav and the way Dave Gross increase the available data inside Paizo books (Inner Sea World Guide among the others) is wonderful. I really really loved Virholt history and Ustalavic Sczarni. Thanks for this book Paizo!

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For me the best pathfinder fiction of the first sixteen


I don't understand why so few stars. I have read the first 16 and this is my favorite. Very beautiful party, anyone with a scope. Reading it I would like to prepare a rpg adventure on it. For me 5 stars for sure.

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Awesome product - A must buy for RotR Masters


All previously reported errors have been solved and also Barett family (for Monster in the closet) have been added.
I have counted slightly less than one hundred different paper minis...

A must be for every GM especially if you are going, like me, to play this on Virtual Tables...