NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
Slip begins to wiggle as he hears a tune in his head.
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
Slip moves up to Ohrmizd. As he moves forward he uses his telepathy to communicate to the protean and Ohrmizd. Hi. I am Slip. The human says his name is Ohrmizd and he accepts your invitation. He hunted down the golden ram for his horns as your note indicated. Do you not speak Taldane?
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
I will find them, Samuel. I have blindsense out to 60 feet." Slip takes to the air and begins a circular expanding pattern from the ship. He remains under 60 feet in altitude. He uses telepathy continuously to anyone within range. Slip is here. Slip is here.
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
Slip returns to the ground near Samuel. He uses telepathy to communicate to all. The ram is not intelligent. Well, no more than your average ram. I asked it for a name and there was no response. He cocks his head to one side and inspects the horns. He looks at Ohrmizd's scimitar and uses telepathy to ask. Can you cut the horns off with that big sword of yours master Ohrmizd?
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
Slip takes to the air and when above the ram his ten foot tail applies its stinger. Melee sting: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
Slip lowers his altitude to tree top a good distance from the party while heading away from them. He turns back and settles down beside Samuel. He uses telepathy to inform the party that I saw no statues. Only white apes in the jungle.
NG Dragon (Sky) HP -15/17, AC 20/12/18, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init Samuel, Perc +6 Day 1/7
The wingless dragon takes to the air. It remains low for a long distance before climbing the sky to get a gander. This dragon twists gracefully though the sky, its scales reflecting the shifting hues of the sky and clouds. |