Loris Raknian

Sir Hexen Ineptus's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,031 posts (3,962 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.

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Oh SG:U so under-rated. I loved how it got away from the Star Trek formula SG1 got into. Yeah they were lost in space, it has been done before, but wow, language was an issue again, sense of hopelessness, constant threat and fight for resources, and the insecurity. Loved how it used existing content in the show, like the communication stones.

Just totally underrated.

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Pendagast wrote:

I have to hand it to you, I had completely discounted that PrC, and all PrCs entirely before. Jumping into this PrC, with many classes, really helps things out.

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Hama wrote:
Not funny, whatsoever -.-

Actually, yeah a little.

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Scott_UAT wrote:


So we JUST released a book (War Journal II) and a base class was called the Shadow Knight. I seriously was stupefied for a second that someone had written an archetype for it within a day or so.

Anyway, looks like a lot of fun. Much more of a weapon focus.

Little Red

Been working on this one for a while. This was the 12th revision, plus there was a 3.5 version that was a different class at this point.

Figured it was a common idea though, you know, great minds and all. ;)

P.S. When did you publish this?

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A personal creation of mine, the Shadow Knight, has been up on their blog for a little now.

April 25th (Part 1)
April 26th (Part 2)

I hope everyone can enjoy it I am proud of the end product.


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Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

How is this not in the suggestion forum?

I am sorry, but time after-time other product suggestion threads got tossed from here there, but these seem immune. It really makes those other threads seem like they have been tossed in the trash forum.

Tend to think Fairness matters, but I will refrain from further posts here on the subject to not troll/derail the conversation.

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I didn't think you could sell me another Bestairy. Consider me wrong, again.

Sovereign Court

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P.F. Chang's is rather nice place to go out with a date. Hmm get a kick-starter for date money.... Oh wait you mean... Nvm.

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insaneogeddon wrote:

Full casters are FLEXIBLE not broken - when their ready for a single event and pre-warned they are broken.

FYI Flexibility IS power... Imagine if a barbarian could change his feats or rage powers EVERY DAY.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:
There was a FAQ posted about it today in the Core Rulebook section.

Thank you!

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TGMaxMaxer wrote:

in order to make them able to kill skeletons, and bypass certain types of damage reduction.

There is no logical reason, it's a balance mechanical reason.

Bites do all three types of damage.

PS. This also makes it so that cats cant fish any more....

Dark Archive

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GM_Solspiral wrote:
@Bloody Claw kind of wish I was your DM so I could have killed that. I mean anything born in that manned needed to be killed with extreme prejudice (Teifling maybe?)

Yes Tiefling. I understand the rejection of the idea, that is fine. Was just trying to be creative and really get into the character.

I think I have been over exposed to H.P. Lovecraft a bit too much.

Dark Archive

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So I gave a rather flavorful description on a suggestion of how my next character would come into play.

The doctor is looking over the body. A pile of loot is sitting near-by having been stripped for examination. After fondling and cleaning his glasses he sighs. He has a perplexed look on his face, as if he doesn't know what really happened, and/or doesn't know if he wants to say what happened. He turns to look over his medical book with a collection of cut and stab wound diagrams.
Behind his back, a sharp blade spurts out of the dearly departed's chest with a quick jerk it rips down the rib cage, Doc turns around with the noise, and the blade finishes its cut by slowly cuts down through the belly in a single smooth motion. The post-mortem gash spreads to the appearance of an over-sized blackish bloody mound starts to lifts out of the carrion; "nothing THAT big could have fit in such a woman" he thought in horror. The sharp blade retracts from the top of the mound, and spurts out the side sending the blood to splatter like a popped gum bubble all over the room, covering the shocked and mortified doctor. There over the body with both feet placed inside the dearly departed is a new figure hunched over in a partial fetal position with one arm pressed against its legs almost stretching to touch its feet, the other is grasping a rather huge looking scythe just over her other leg.
Doc turns and grasps for the door nob but is unable to open the door due to the gobs of maroon slime has not only covered his hands, but the doorknob as well as making any attempt to run like grasping molasses. Fearful and panicked, he tries to scream for help but is shocked into a quite gibber as the figure starts to move. Doc probably would have found his voice and screamed in just a moment, if it wasn't for the fact that the being started to talk, and in common. He calms himself with a gobble of lightly historical laughter. The figure straightens and steps out of the body.

I think I freaked out my GM a little, as I got a flat no; quickly followed by a comment of "Killed on sight."

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I have to say a lot of what we see today that is called Sci-Fi is not really Sci-Fi its more Sy-Fy. It is fantasy posing as sci-fi.

Sci-Fi is the effects of advancement of technology on the the world's culture, people, the individual etc. Not aliens coming to earth and trying to destroy us.

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I don't know about any of you but I am very interested in re-creating my old FF-XI character. Just hope I get onto a populated server with the name I want!

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IejirIsk wrote:
Scripps wrote:
IejirIsk wrote:

other than my sense of righteousness wincing at a skulking paladin, depending on god/goddess shouldnt be an issue...

How 3 feats at level 3?... and how a feat at 5th? ...

Dude. Skulking paladin = Batmam.
Batman isnt LG...

Batman's Alignment

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LazarX wrote:
Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

I've been ignoring official Aliens "canon" ever since they killed Hicks and Newt in Alien 3 (and that especially includes the AvP films).

Ignoring a game I probably won't even bother to play should be no skin off my back at all.

Hicks bought it in the second movie, no? As to Newt, I understand why it was done, they didn't want a kid element/sidekick to soften the edges of the setting or plot for the third movie.

They probably just didn't want the WRONGNESS of having a little girl with a bunch of inmates...

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Orthos wrote:

We were fed incredible videos with dynamic lighting, rain effects, and other special effects, as well as very realistic textures and appearance, as well as visuals of what appeared as VERY intelligent AIs. What we got in the end was something nothing like that, even in PC form. So.. we got burned, betrayed, and maybe even some false advertising. The practice of no reviews till the game is actually out is the culprit here too.

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Josh M. wrote:
I pre-ordered Aliens Colonial Marines. I've learned a very valuable lesson.

That is what happened to me, and what brought me to this video and same conclusions.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Not exactly seeing it.


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I been watching this, and it makes good points.

Should you preorder videogames?

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Threeshades wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Threeshades wrote:

And the story is a complete disappointment.

You know, when that guy pulls a grenade at the worst possible time, it had me thinking: "Wow this is running like some very poor fan-fic, than cannon material." Also when I heard you actually have to use the loader to fight aliens in the game...? Not sure if that is true, but that would be like fighting a velociraptor with a cat bull-dosser. While it was fine in a pinch in Aliens, it is not something you expected to actually happen with trained marines. Now we will see how they handle this if it even actually happens, but in the short time I have played it seems like the game is just filled with point after point of fan-boy/girl plugs.

You use the power loader twice once to pry open a door and once for a boss fight. You are not really supposed to fight any regular aliens with it. Although i think it would have been cool to actually get to use one like in that scene from that E3 video from two years ago, that was not in the game. The boss fight is just boring and confusing.

I am past first impressions now.

Just finished it, literally watching the credits now as I type this. I have to say I wish the game was a free add-on from the original, same way I felt about ODST. The writing improved slightly, as I think in the start they were trying to get as many fan-boy points as possible to start things off with a bang (Didn't work). The power loader use was meh. What made matters worse was when the boss died in the loader fight, he completely disappeared into some trash, which was horrifically bad considering the size of the thing.

The game would have been good 4-5 years ago, this was just bad. I could over look everything if the game at least ran and look good.

I have been following the game for a while and all I have to say is three things; "What the hell happened?!?!", "OMG BAIT AND SWITCH, SUE!!!!!", and "I am angry"

I got the x-box version, and from what ALL the player reviews on youtube are saying is that my version is the worse of them all. I am thinking about RUNNING to the Game Stop and trading this game in while it is still worth something and save the credit for the special editions of Starcraft II: heart of the swarm, FFXIV, and Elderscrolls Online.

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Phasics wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
I'd say Magus (Hexcrafter) but TWF kinda ruins that I think.
You can do a Magus Spellblade using force athame for TWF force damage but again still not really what he's after

I don't care about the hexes any more really.

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Avianfoo wrote:

A reasonable suggestion. Still duration based though.

The reasons I am against duration based fused eidolons are:

  • removes the option for non-combat synthesists. small stealthy scout/tracking synthesist.
  • the whole point of the archtype. Your character actually gets to be the Angel/Dragon/Demon you have always wanted to play.

But as mentioned earlier, if no other succinct method can be found to prevent gaining too much bonus from dipping (other than house-ruling "no dipping") the duration solution will probably have to go in.

Plus I found it brought the class ability a little too close to barbarian rage as well.

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Weapon Finesse is best bet, your AC options are going to be low, so having a higher Dex for AC will probably be best.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
prototype00 wrote:


(Double Tiger Head Shield technique)
Is it just me, or does it look like he just stuck some heavy metal objects to his arms to build up his upper-body strength while doing kata?

Nope I don't think so. (Different video)

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Davick wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
When the developers talk about changes to the rules, they are by definition *not* homebrew. When anyone else does, they are.

Well now you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. It can't be the "homebrew" forum for developers so nothing they post goes there and the "suggestions" forum for players so everything they post goes there. How a forum for "discussion of the rules as they are" can preclude discussing problems with those rules is beyond me.

And yes, I see lots of suggestions that don't amount to "Paizo should make people play it this way." Sounds like you don't spend a lot of time in the Suggestions forum. Which I think was the problem that caused this anyway....

You may be misinterpreting me. What I'm saying is that if we made a forum where the stated purpose was "propose changes to the official rules", I believe that a very large number of the people who currently post in the suggestions/homebrew forum would choose to post there instead.

Home-brew/Suggestions seems more like making new weapons, armor, prestige classes, and base classes. Not commenting on what you think needs to be changed in general.

I made a thread not too long ago asking for charisma archetypes for the Magus and Inquisitor. I posted this in the Paizo Products section because I saw a very popular Bestiary Wish-List threads in that section, it got shunted to Home-brew. That really didn't seem fair that one could request something in a products section but I couldn't. Was it simply because my thread wasn't as popular?

Even I feel that the current thread in question was more about a rules discussion (aka General Discussion) rather than a home-brew. Yes they might have been making suggestions, but that is only to assist in a purposed problem, not designing an entire new system for alternate play.

My point is, that the line between general discussion, products, etc... and home-brew does seem to be more along the line of the thread's popularity. Which isn't right.

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meatrace wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

It may be how faiths are born. To make them religions, you need:

1) A central, unquestionable dogma.
2) Masses of support for the central dogma, written down and used as evidence.
3) Definitions of Sins (stuff that is supposed to make you feel guilty) and Virtues (strangely never as important as the Sins).
4) A vision of some kind of Paradise that can be reached or approached through the religion's goals, whether they call it Heaven, the Classless Society or the Sustainable Society. This is what motivates the suffering/costs the changes championed will cause.
5) A priesthood hierarchy that profits politically and economically from the religion and its structure.
6) Backing from temporal power.
7) Evangelicism, in the form of dedicated groups to spread specially prepared messages.
8) A system of censure, both to denigrate heathens/unbelievers, and especially to heckle/punish apostates/previous believers.

Yeah. Don't go there.

Hey, look, someone who knows nothing about religions. Let's demolish this nonsense:

1)Not all religions are dogmatic.
2)Not all religions have written tenets.
3)Not all religions have sins.
4)Comparatively few religions have any sort of afterlife.
5)Comparatively few religions are hierarchical.
6)I'd think that Buddhists would disagree.
7)Most religions don't evangelize. Heck, of the "Big 5" only 2 do.
8)This is not true.

*dusts hands off*

From someone of those religions not described in his post, thank you.

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mplindustries wrote:
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
The ends never justify the means.

This makes no sense.

Perhaps you mean that the means must justify themselves, or that the ends do not always justify the means.

No, I mean the ends never justify the means. There is no circumstance in which the ends justify the means. You don't have to like my answer, but it is my answer and I did not mistype.

So using your hands to drink a cup of water is not justified?

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Cat-Folk because I am a sucker for cat people.

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Seranov wrote:
The "oomph" that Battle Clerics had was "I am a full-caster who can also fight as well as, or better than, a Fighter" in 3.5, and that's long gone, likely never to return.

2nd, and thank god for that.

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Least Spawn of Yog-Sothoth wrote:
Lord Deathface wrote:
My ritual was almost complete, when we heard an odd roaring noise, and a blue box materialized. Two meddlers stepped out of the box, attempting to distract me with witty banter: a man with a long scarf and a young woman! This man used some kind of handheld artifact to stop the ritual, and he was resistant to my mind-control powers. Before I could kill them, they got away.

Hey, that sounds a lot like the guy who was messing about with my ritual texts! He replaced the Necronomicon with Peter Pan (just changed the dust jacket) and all the cultists were clapping their hands and chanting "I believe in faeries!" Only he was tall, with glasses, dressed in a pin stripe suit an wearing trainers.

What's going on here?!?!?

Yeah I saw him, he was wearing a Fez hat at first too; till the woman destroyed it.

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I don't know of a summoner build that isn't a half-elf. The bonus Evolution Points is too good to pass up.

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Personally, because a 15 in dex for TWF costs too dam much. WTF, why not 13 like all other feats!?!?

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This has been a re-occurring one with our group.

We heard a squeal from a hall, excited for battle and food we all yelled in tandem "Bacon!"

Our elf wizard critting round 1 with a burning hands spell dropping a dire boar. Having killed the thing so quickly with a fire spell we all yelled "BACON!!" as it is now already cooked.


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master arminas wrote:

Ability Score Limits in Pathfinder

Or How to Restore Sanity to Your Game

I realize that this idea will be considered heretical to many modern gamers, who have known only Pathfinder, 3.5, and 3.0, not to mention on-line games such as World of Warcraft. That being said, the idea that any character (or creature) might constantly improve his or her (or its) ability scores to extreme levels is one of the structural problems in the game today. Back in 1st edition, there was no way to improve one’s ability scores and every single race had hard limits that they could transcend only with magic. It made, at least for me, the game a bit more challenging and a touch more in tune with the real-life capabilities of actual historical people.

Okay, stop right there... I hear often on these threads about how this game has this feature that isn't realistic, or what not, but messing with caps on abilities like this messes with game balance. Unless your willing to about re-write the game or at least EVERY encounter, like my current awesome GM did for 3+ years, then this is a null issue. The game is just that a game, and a fantasy game at that. It goes against the core design aspect of the game mechanics. So I am sorry you don't like things with this game are, perhaps you should go back to these older games and up-date them a little? I just wouldn't suggest trying to mod the current game along these lines.

Best of luck though!

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Toadkiller Dog wrote:

I'd very much like to hear devs' response to these feats. How in the nine hells did they manage to get into print? Ok, I can imagine that whoever made up Prone Shooter didn't know that there isn't a mechanical benefit to it, which is an error of omission, but to actually think of a feat that makes you worse is a different thing entirely. Why would someone with so little knowledge of the system be allowed to make feats? And why wasn't that double-checked?

It boggles me how anyone who read that feat during the writing of Sargava, the Lost Colony didn't recognize the uselessness of it.

It is clear to me. The dev's first response to any feat is "How can we add an action type to this to reduce its power?" They move down the list from full round, to standard, to move, and then to swift. Sometimes swift before move actions for casters. Find which one gives the least functionality while still being functional.

One of the first things the devs did when Pathfinder was being made was an attempt to Nerf feats, specifically "Combat Feats", trying to simplify the rules by making a large quantity of feats require actions. Personally this design concept/tactic was not my a favorite of mine.

So in this case, they accidentally stopped at step 1, standard action, and forgot it was actually supposed to be one of the other 3. Considering how much they seem to judge/hate reach, I would say this is supposed to be a move action.

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Davor wrote:

I love the way this scene is set up.

Paladin and Lich cross paths, and they stop as they pass each other, turning and glaring in a very over-the-top, anime-esque fashion. The Paladin turns to the lich and says "Why don't we step outside?" in a low, menacing voice.

The lich looks around and busts out laughing at the Pally, and tells him there's no way he's going to do that... At which point the Paladin tells the lich that if he sets even one toe outside the premises, he will smite him so hard he'll feel it when his phylactery gets him back up. He tells the Lich that he's free to go about his business, but if he ever even THINKS about threatening the well-being of the townspeople or society, he will gladly put him down.

Then he walks away, because a Paladin warns first, and smites second.

A lich and a paladin walk into the pathfinder guild bar....

That being said, after anime esque over the top scene, I could totally see the other actually keeping close company with each other, perhaps even seeming civil with each other, eating meals at the same time, reading books, charts, and maps, all in the same room. Hell maybe even play a game of chess!

However this would all be a guise, as they are just doing their best to keep an eye on the other, while still getting down with what they need to.

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So I was thinking about making designing a catfolk that just seemed to be the most lucky and survivable possible. I was wondering what others had that might help with this sort of build.

I know a number of the rogue talents seems to represent some extreme luck and general survivability.

Defensive roll
Slippery Mind
Peerless Maneuver
Another Day
Fast Tumble.
Redirect Attack
Hold Breath
Improved Evasion

I know there is feats like
Toughness and Die-Hard

I have no problem multi-classing for other abilities but generally want to keep sneak attacks and finding traps if I go with rogue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you,

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Jabberwocky; because it burned all my stuff, killed me, and I turned around and killed it and turned its skin into my new stuff.

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Gnomezrule wrote:
yes I think a more human shapped face is best, but that is likely the thundercat fan boy in me.

Yeah, as stated already, the B3 were humanoids matching their description; humans with cat like traits. The ones in ARG match more like monstrous humanoids.

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After looking over all the arguments, I think the more human looking face is what it comes down to for me.

And I would like to see a B3-like version for a male.

However again, maybe a better down version of B3 would be nice.

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I would like to add that I do think the Bestiary 3 artwork could have been done better, but I think it matches the concept of catfolk better.

Can we more agree on Bestiary 3 style, but done better?

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Maybe I am just a bit more of an anime fan than I am willing to addmit to myself, but conceptually I think Bestiary 3 captured the caltfolk better than the new Advanced Races Guide.

Now I would like to say that the artwork did look very well done! It just was not what I was expecting.

What I was expecting was basically a thin humanoid with cat like features; cat tail, cat ears, set of claws, and fangs. Like the touch of cat hair pattern on the skin or thin layer of fur in Bestiary 3. So in future products could we please see catfolk in a more this style?

Thank you,

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The panthera are close cousins to the catfolk. While the catfolk resembled the smaller cat races (snow leopards, puma, and house cats) the Panthera resembled the big cats (Tigers, Lions, and Jaguars).

Type: Humanoid (Catfolk)
Size: Medium
Base Speed: Normal
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (+2 Str, -2 Int, +2 Cha)
Languages: Standard
Racial Traits:f
Defense: (1)
-Fearless +2 to fear based saves
Feat & Skills: (7)
-Camouflage: +4 Stealth in fields or forests (pick one, it can not be changed once chosen)
-Beastly nature: Gain Catfolk Exemplar as a bonus feat
-Silent hunter: Reduce stealth penalties while moving by 5, and stealth while running is set to -20.
Movement (1)
-Sprinter: +10ft movement w/charge, run, or withdraw
Senses (1)
- Low Light Vision

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The advanced races guide is here for a lot of us.

So I made this thread for people to share their races inspired by the race builder guide.

- Hexen

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Really? Really people? Does this need to be addressed. Sigh.

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84. You have debated Batman's alignment in Pathfinder.

85. You have debated what class Batman would be in Pathfinder

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Lets make the rouge count again, with some stuff for others, not casters, they got enough in ultimate combat as it is.

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Nicos wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
D&D is not a game for you, then.
So, the game have an issue and is my fault to point it out?

Doesn't sound like the game has an issue, but rather you have a subscription.