Greycastle |

We are looking for 1-3 new players for our ongoing adventures set in Icewind Dale. Using the Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure path and seasonal content as a guide, we started with a small adventure a couple years ago and we’ve kept rolling past that.
Adventure Scenario
For the next segment, we move into the Spine of the World, a massive mountain chain, searching for a fortress known as Sunblight.
We are looking for 6th level character applications. This can be a new character or an existing character that you want to expand upon their story. We are friendly toward new players to 5e and can help guide you through the character creation process if needed.
We started with AL content but have since moved away so character creature is less limited. If you are playing an existing character, present it as is and we can discuss their equipment. For newly created characters, you can begin with starting equipment from character generation plus one uncommon magic weapon or implement, and one uncommon item of choice (dm discretion applies).
The group currently consists of
Turq, a human fighter with deep ties to Icewind Dale, who has returned after some years to settle but, the adventuring life keeps pulling him back in.
Umikh, a dwarf fighter running from his past in the south, and looking to build his future in Ten Towns.
Rodalas, an Eladrin Assassin of the Fey Wild’s Winter Court with an unknown mission to the material plane.
Baldrick, a dwarf soldier haunted by mysterious wild magic who recently trained with the berserkers of can Battlehammer.
Khitt, an NPC goblin Ranger exploring the people and cultures of Icewind Dale
The group is pretty heavy with melee, and could use a little class diversity but we are flexible and can work most ideas. I will keep recruitment open until Feb 21st but I’d like to get started sooner if we get some good applicants, so I will reserve the right to end recruitment as early as Feb 17th. I look forward to checking out the submissions.