Krun Thuul

Sir Gorum's page

221 posts. Alias of Greycastle.

We are looking for 1-3 new players for our ongoing adventures set in Icewind Dale. Using the Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure path and seasonal content as a guide, we started with a small adventure a couple years ago and we’ve kept rolling past that.

Adventure Scenario
For the next segment, we move into the Spine of the World, a massive mountain chain, searching for a fortress known as Sunblight.

We are looking for 6th level character applications. This can be a new character or an existing character that you want to expand upon their story. We are friendly toward new players to 5e and can help guide you through the character creation process if needed.

We started with AL content but have since moved away so character creature is less limited. If you are playing an existing character, present it as is and we can discuss their equipment. For newly created characters, you can begin with starting equipment from character generation plus one uncommon magic weapon or implement, and one uncommon item of choice (dm discretion applies).

The group currently consists of
Turq, a human fighter with deep ties to Icewind Dale, who has returned after some years to settle but, the adventuring life keeps pulling him back in.

Umikh, a dwarf fighter running from his past in the south, and looking to build his future in Ten Towns.

Rodalas, an Eladrin Assassin of the Fey Wild’s Winter Court with an unknown mission to the material plane.

Baldrick, a dwarf soldier haunted by mysterious wild magic who recently trained with the berserkers of can Battlehammer.

Khitt, an NPC goblin Ranger exploring the people and cultures of Icewind Dale

The group is pretty heavy with melee, and could use a little class diversity but we are flexible and can work most ideas. I will keep recruitment open until Feb 21st but I’d like to get started sooner if we get some good applicants, so I will reserve the right to end recruitment as early as Feb 17th. I look forward to checking out the submissions.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

the following post will both set the scene and start the action as well. You have been traveling together now for over a ten day, so you have all had some time to get to know each other. Feel free to give us an opening post on how your character has handled the rough environs of the north and perhaps spotlight some of the personality that drives them. This is PBP however so in the thread of keeping things moving, I have also posted the first bit of action that will begin the adventure. Enjoy!

Darkness looms over the entire area. To the south, you can see the remanence of light as if the sun were setting, though the direction is all wrong. To the north, dark purple skies roil with storm clouds. Those of you from Ten Towns know this darkness to be called the Everlasting Rime. You have spent the last ten day, marching north through harsh conditions and now find yourself forging through a treacherous mountain pass.

Your travels north through the Spine of the World have been fraught with danger but something seems different now. The ominous northern skies promise darkness and isolation, almost ensuring that to continue forward is a perilous mistake. Thunder rolls down from the mountain tops accentuating that danger and you feel rumbling beneath your feet as an avalanche breaks free and begins it's decent toward you.

As snow and rocks crash down the mountainsides either side of you, you can’t help but wonder if this is how everything ends for you. What brought you here, navigating these dangerous mountain passages, heading north into the frozen lands of Icewind Dale? An opportunity for wealth and power? A dark secret you’re trying to escape? A fresh start? An old connection? Whatever brought you here, it seems the rumors might be true. Strange, weather-related phenomena are shutting down travel through the Spine of the World mountain range. Several passes have been blocked, and you thought this one might be clear. And it was, until now.

As certain death descends swiftly toward you, movement at the corner of your eye draws your attention. A snowy-white muskrat gestures frantically, its clawed paws beckoning you to follow. It slides into a fissure in the ground that was hidden under snow and ice.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Discussion will take place here.

Join us as we explore the newest adventure league mod set in the Forgotten Realm’s frozen north.

Icewind Dale has been subsumed in permanent darkness, and the citizens of Ten-Towns struggle to survive what they’re calling the Everlasting Rime. This curse, leveled by the goddess Auril, brings even greater hardship than usual to the denizens of the frozen lands of the North.

An awakened walrus called Mother Tusk has brought a group of animals to the safety of the Spine of the World, hoping to protect them from being used by an evil druid to wreak further havoc on the civilized areas of Icewind Dale. Mother Tusk fights against civilization, nature, and otherworldly forces to keep her family safe, and she requests the heroes’ help to stem the threats against everyone.

This module is designed as a 4 part series of 1 hr adventures with a prologue. Due to PBP, each one will take us a few weeks depending on posting rates. It is designed for three to seven players and acts as a primer for the new HC adventure, Rime of the Ice Maiden. I’d prefer everyone to be 1st level, but if you have a 2nd level AL character you’re dying to play, that can be accommodated.

Being Adventure League (AL) there are some character creation guidelines that can be found HERE.

If you’re new to 5e or AL, this is a great time to try it out. I look forward to seeing your character submissions. Cheers!

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Tick Tary Tanner is a controversial gnome in Faerûn. He is the Archmage of the High Forest, a chosen of Shiallia (an exarch of Mielikki), and a vocal member of the Emerald Enclave. Believing Thayan expansionism to be a dire threat, Tick rallied the Enclave and other factions to declare war on the lich ruler of Thay, Szass Tam, and his Red Wizards. This
action cost him his life. Tick was assassinated by the Red Wizards shortly thereafter. Some viewed Tick as a brave martyr to a noble cause, while others saw him as a disruptive fool.

Debate erupted within and between the factions on how to best deal with the Red Wizards. Forces converged upon Mulmaster where the Thayans
maintain great influence. After Tick’s funeral, one of his companions delivered the ashes to the Golden Oak, a shrine in Silverymoon. A day later, a Red Wizard stole the urn containing Tick’s ashes. Shiallia called upon Soleil Finchfib, one of her faithful priestesses, to follow the Red Wizard and retrieve the ashes.

It just so happened that our group of adventurers had found themselves in Silverymoon. While enjoying the sites and sounds of the place, Uriah couldn't help but tell the story of how our party had cleared the way for the dwarves of Khundrukar to return, that the Forge of Fury was now clear for the retaking. With a fair amount of embellishment the story made it's way to the ears of the Emerald Enclave leadership in the large city and our heroes were asked to join Soleil in her quest to return the ashes to the Golden Oak.

This journey led Soleil and our adventurers far from Silverymoon to Mulmaster, where the so called “Red War” rages as a result of the gnome’s actions.

Welcome all to the new adventure thread. A new thread for a new Tier. I will reiterate that these modules will be significantly more challenging and to make sure that all of our party are working together. Are there any last minute questions or preparations to resolve before we find ourselves in the war torn city?

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Welcome, please check in with all of the tabs.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Any further discussion of the game can be here.

On a side note, I've invited two new PbPers to the group. Raiden is my wife and Osgood is a personal friend of mine that I convinced to try out PbP. They are both experienced with 5e just not PbP. Ive played with a few of you before and have faith the you will be patient with them and help them learn the ropes. :P

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

You find yourselves on the southern hills of the Spine of the World. While possibly having other personal reasons to come to this area, you've all been hired out of Luskan by a predominate caravan boss named Harlan Carhog. Harlan has heard of kobold raids on the road in this area and has sent you ahead of the caravan to clear the threat as he makes his way to Blasingdell and then on to Mirabar for his final destination.

The road you have been traveling cuts through rolling hills covered by thick forests and rocky crags covered with undergrowth. The combination of failing light and heavy cloud cover has washed away the color of the sky and replaced it with dismal shades of grey.

You are all soaked and chilled from traveling this day through the cold misting rain. The rain seems to have subsided for now though only to be replaced with a cool mountain wind whipping through boughs, rustling leaves, and carrying the sound of rolling thunder from a distant storm. Lighting occasionally rolls through the sky but other than that, your light is all but gone and the party has found a shallow break in the trees. While not ideal, this small amount of protection seems to be the best shelter from the wind, if not the rain, to be found.

As you set up camp why don't you take this time to introduce your characters since you all know one another and have been traveling with one another for over a ten day.

For additional background on the area

History DC 12:

Blasingdell (BLAY-sing-dell). A small town located to the
northwest of Mirabar and due south of the Stone Tooth.
This small mining town sustains itself on incomes
generated by farmed goods sold to Mirabar.

History DC 15:

The Stone Tooth. This rocky crag stands in stark contrast
to the rolling, forested hills that surround it. The stronghold
of Khundrukar hidden away within.

Khundrukar (KOON-druh-car). This dwarven stronghold
was a closely-held secret until its fall about a century ago.
Since then it has become home to monstrous humanoids.

Hello and welcome.

Kobolds have been growing bolder on their raids near the human settlement of Blasingdell. They have found a home below the ancient dwarven stronghold of Khundrukar. If they're not stopped, Blasingdell will no doubt be their next target.

This is an adventure for level 1-4 adventure league characters
I will take the first 7 submissions OR however many we have by Saturday 2/17th

On a side note, this will be my first time DM'ing both a PbP and Adventure League so bare with me through some growing pains. I do expect to post at least once a day and would like to keep a relatively good pace. I look forward to your submissions.