
Shanvey1's page

15 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Aramis steps around the ooze to give others room to enter the fray and continues to attack, though he suspects it will do little to the creature. He calls out, "Does anyone have some lamp oil we can light this thing up with?

-- Note to DM. I couldn't roll on Roll20 or move our characters. I will look how to roll on here next post.

Aramis continues to attack the ooze, though he suspects it will do little to the creature. He calls out, "Does anyone have some lamp oil we can light this thing up with?"

Aramis, ever ready to enter the fray, springs forward to attack the goblins who shot.

Aramis: "Since the Paladin looks to be capable, I suppose I should render assistance down the hall," Aramis says with a non-chalant shrug. "Please remember to drag our carcasses out of this hole should things turn unseemly," he says to the remaining crew in the chamber.

A motley crew of 3 well dressed adventurers enters the room together. Ash is a large fellow with a large battle ax and shield strapped to his back, and dull gray chain mail covering black sleeves and pants. The armor has been intentional darkened to eliminate reflection and aid stealth. His blonde hair is pulled back with a leather cord in a utilitarian way that suggests function is more important to Ash than form. Despite his intimidating size and equipment, Ash has a freindly and open demeanor and offers a genuine smile to the group.

A tall, thin elf enters just behind the large warrior wearing loose gray paints and a gray wizard's robe. He smiles and bows slightly to the group and says, "Good evening. I am Malkis the Gray at your service. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

The third entrant of the group enters the room with a flourish and a slightly ostentatious bow. He is wearing a silver shirt with puffy sleeves, royal blue pants and tunic to cover leather studded armor, also died blue. He wears a royal blue cape trimmed in silver, with a foppish, plumed hat. "Good evening all, and well met!" he exclaims. "I am Aramis of Trent, here in service to the Various and Sundry Things Merchant House. My commrades and I are most please to meet you."

Ash shakes his head slightly at Aramis' theatrics while Malkis shows a knowing, but warm smirk. All three proceed to the end of the table to be seated.

Asher, Abram and I will all be co-workers and adopted sons to Gandalf who runs the"Various and Sundry Things Trading Company" specializing in rare artifacts research, retrieval and procurement. We have just been trained as a new expeditionary team to quest and retrieve.

I'm in

Ironperenti wrote:
Thread for a pbp run at the Pathfinder 2 rules. The rules as they are in the play test book but no goblins. Can't stand those sneaky evil things.

Test successful!

Aram has remove disease mercy he will use on Grobral.

[B] We can ride through on our phantom steeds while invisible and nab him.

Aram sees the horrendous damage Athos endured and wonders at his survival. He flies toward his companion and channels positive energy to heal some of his wounds. (5d6 (21) +6 Cha bonus).

Athos and Aram move full speed into the nearest opponents (charge for Athos), weilding swords of righteous anger.
[No dive access available]

Athos assails the adjacent giant with extreme prejudice. "I hate being woken up!" He yells while piercing the brute's heart.

Athos via Roll20: Attack 1 = 36 Dg = 55; Attack 2 roll 1 miss; Attack 3 =32 potential critical dg 55, crit confirm roll 25 = not confirmed

Menacing sword play roll = intimidate = 41 roll natural 20

Ethos quickly wakes everyone and stealthy moves around to engage the giants with Padraig in a flanking manuever.

OOC: Did they motion in the direction we "were" sleeping before moving at Celegon's direction, or the direction everyone but Padraig is currently sleeping?

Athos: Snores contently.