If I cast Brow Gasher on my weapon, does the effect end if I later cast a spell like Shocking Grasp prior to the effect of the Brow Gasher being used?
I know if you cast something like Chill Touch, then cast Shocking Grasp before the Chill Touch is exhausted, the Chill Touch immediately ends. However, Brow Gasher is cast on the actual weapon, and not on myself, so I'd think they'd be exclusive of each other.
Similar question for something like casting Chill Touch, then casting Magic Missile or Acid Arrow or Scorching Ray (etc.); do casting these spells cause the Chill Touch to stop? To me it would seem yes, but again, one of these would not exhaust something like Brow Gasher as it is cast on a separate object (or how casting those does not end Shield or similar).