Dark Ice Brownie

Serpentfang's page

310 posts. Organized Play character for xXCrusaderXx.


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Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

This was a different kind of mission for Vivi and I to go on, I think she deserves a good snack, maybe we’ll go for a eat in the sewerers before we head to our next mission. It was most splendid adventuring with you all good luck and good fortune to you all!
Thanks for your hard work GM and thank you all for sticking through it with us when we stalled. I had a great time!

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivi kill!!! Serpentfang concentrates for a moment, then hurls another Searing Ray at the magical creature.
ray vs touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 224d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 1) + 1 = 11
CL check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne double moves (40ft.) and bases bbg. While serp dismounts and Casts Scorching Ray at the bbg.
Know Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Ray vs Touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 284d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 1) = 11 DC 16 Ref
CLC vs SR: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Crit Confirm?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 104d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 5) = 20

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

I assume this corridor has walls? If so Serp mounts up on Vivi and she’ll climb up the wall to avoid the pit. Double move 40ft. What check would you like us or me to make?

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Doesnt look like there is any room for the snake to move up and attack, so she’ll prepare to attack anything that gets past Thoril, and Serpentfang will just send Magic Missiles out, two at each enemy.

Readied Attack:
Bite: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 261d4 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Magic Missile vs Dark Mantle: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 3) + 3 = 8
Magic Missile vs Croc: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3) + 3 = 9
Thoril if you get overwhelmed just back up and let Vivienne in.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Yea, I know Thoril IRL and he’s going through some stuff right now so I’d say if we’re waiting on him to just go ahead and bot and I’ll try to get in touch with him.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

It’s hard to tell the arrangement of the room but Vivi moves next to Thoril and Serp will cast his spell on the bat looking thing closer to his snake.
Ray of Enfeeblement: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 1 = 171d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 DC 15 or take 5 str dmg

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang commands Vivienne in to the darkness to attack. He then readies a spell for if or when he sees an enemy. Vivi find them and kill them! Readies Ray of Enfeeblement as a ranged touch spell. DM I can’t remember the rule on scent does it negate the miss chance or does it only let you pinpoint the location like a perception check?

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serp will have Vivienne move just behind Althea and prepare to defend her using Scebt to try and pick up the enemies if they approach. Serpentfang moves next to his companion. Vivienne defend us!
I will move my icons when I get off work today.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Very well done pathfinders, good job! I agree with Quinn’s assessment, let’s press on due west!

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne, defend Althea from that blob! Serpentfang then flicks his wrist and sends 4 green missiles sailing at the blob.
Magic Missile: 4d4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 4) + 4 + 1 = 15

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne Attack that one! Serp directs Vivi to the Orange marker 20ft movement. Then 5 foot steps towards orange and sets a searing hot beam towards the creature.
Scorching Ray: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 214d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 3) + 1 = 16

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Greetings, we’ve been sent down here in these sewers to find a vault of treasure left by an old friend. It would seem that your garden just happens to be where our exit is. All we want is safe passage, you have my word as a fey blood.[/b]

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Everyone stand by I think I’ve made a new friend, he might let us by...
Serp turns back to the group with a smile and points to the mushroom man coming from the fungal mass.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Seeing the mass of fungi not reacting to his speech, Serp will pull out some rope, tie himself to Vivienne, pull his wand of CLW out and have his companion climb the wall looking for the exit.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serp draws a vial of acid from his pack. You think we can slip by without alarming the fungus creature? Know Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Excuse Mr. Fungus, my comrades and I need to pass by we mean no harm, and would be willing to help you if you need something.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

So we follow the Gremlin yes? I know I can fit no problem you big people though...I have a wand that can help you get through if you want? It only last for a minute though so we must be fast! DM I’m going to cast Mage Armor on myself and my Snake, then I’ll be standing by to cast Reduce person on everyone who wants it before crawling in the pipe.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Althea I figure it was more appropriate to move to the discussion thread, the DC was 11 I got a 20. I got information for rolling 11 and I beat the DC by 9. For every 5 I beat the DC I got to ask a question. So one question and it was special abilities for my question. Thank you though for checking.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)
Althea Valentyn wrote:


@Serpentfang, I believe you get an additional piece of info for every 5 you beat the DC

Yep and I asked for Special Abilities

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Know Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Special Abilities
Come here Thoril we should patch you up...
UMD: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Sorry all I’ve been kinda consumed with this United States election, and haven’t been checking this game, I apologize for slowing us down.
Serpentfang and his trusty python move up to support Thoril. Serpentfang draws his wand and prepares to use it on Thoril.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Again with a grin Serpentfang flicks his hand forward and 4 green missiles fly through the air at his targets.
MM vs Blue: 2d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 2 + 1 = 9
MM vs Red: 2d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 + 1 = 8

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne slithers up next to her master, as Serpentfang casts Magic Missile and targets two at each enemy. Vivienne to my side!
MM Damage Blue: 2d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 + 1 = 7
MM Damage Red: 2d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 + 1 = 8

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivi and I see opportunity...new friend needs snacks, I’m sure we can take things from those two that we could offer up. Let us talk. Serp has a wide grin on his face but waits to hear what the others want to do before moving.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Oh such an interesting creature yes, wants yummy food, what is yummy to this creature? Living...breathing...??? Vivi defend Althea. Vivienne slithers up by Althea while she places the food and what he’s the creature intently. Vivi will protect Althea until Serp believes the party has successfully passed by the creature.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

As they enter in the sewers Serpentfang will cast light on his spear and will bring up the rear. Every couple minutes he’ll cast detect magic as well. No candle hear, but I do have a light... DM if you will let me know, when I reach an area that Vivienne can’t get through I’ll mark a tic off the wand of reduce person.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

”Okay then let me go get a wand to take care of that minor issue...”
I’ll spend 2pp on a wand of reduce person. I’m ready to go!

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang leaves his large python companion outside in the rain while he runs in for the briefing. He gives her a big hug and says: “You behave now Vivi, I shouldn’t be long, just getting us a mission..” The half long is pale skinned dressed in a silver robe with purple accents, purple face make up and long silver hair pulled back out of his eyes. He walks with a spear out used like a walking stick, and judging by the condition, appears to have never even been used. Serp’s demeanor is usually excited, jovile, and friendly, but most consider him crazy for his love of snakes.
”Oh treasure you say? How lovely, Vivi and just love the shinies. Say do you think my Large Python outside could fit in those sewers? I’d hate to leave her alone, she tends to cause trouble when she’s away from me.”

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Player Name: XxCrusaderxX
Character Name: Serpentfang
PFS#: 29609-2
Faction: Dark Archive

As a note, my laptop is not opening Paizo it just keeps saying it’s unavailable, I’m working on trying to use another laptop to see if it’s just mine or what not. So as of now I’m only able to access the site on my phone, but hopefully not too much longer.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)


Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Well looks like Telaurion never answered, this is Crusader, and I have a level 4 Sylvan Sorcerer with a Constrictor companion I’d like to play then if that’s fine with the group?

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Great game GM, I’ll have to admit it was different with the whole Stuinvolk thing, but enjoyable! You kept things moving when you needed to, and did an overall great job. Thanks for having me, and things for running it!

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang continues with the same actions as before hoping to kill the ant before it takes anyone else’s life. Vivienne attack from the other side! Handle Animal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 Vivienne slithers 15ft NW.
Vivi Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 271d6 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Grab: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34
Agg TCloud: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) = 8
Serpentfang then moves up and casts Burning hands.
Burning Hands: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 4) = 10 Angling the cone away from Sothkoro and Vivienne.
DC:16 & DC 15 Ref save for 1/2 dmg

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne...kill! Serpentfang sends his snake to attack, and summons another storm cloud to go after the Queen.
Vivi’s Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 181d6 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Agg T Cloud: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) = 8 DC:16 Ref for 1/2
Sothkoro hang in there! We’re coming to you.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne protect me from that beast!
Vivienne begins slithering towards the even bigger Ant. AC: 23
Serpentfang then follows behind Untir and combines to make a huge flamethrower.
Burning Hands: 4d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 2) = 8 DC:15 Ref for half

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang and Vivienne are waiting on the others to finish what they are doing before approaching any closer.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Sorry guys for some reason the site wasn’t showing new posts so I figured the holiday was just slowing us down...sorry! Ah, yes deeper in a bet we find what we need, but I’m sure She already knows...Vivienne lead us further in please. Serpentfang sends Vivienne up front if no one else objects using her dark vision and Smell she stealth-fully continues on. Serpentfang will also cast light on his spear and walk towards the back.
Stealth Vivi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Ooh? Yes that sounds marvelous, what a lovely name. What can you tell me about this She-Who Devours? What can we expect from her?
Serpentfang nods as Untir voices his opinion, valuing the Wise man's thoughts. When the gremlin returns Serpentfang perks up a bit, smiles, and takes two generous bites out of the larva, smiling as Ash seems to struggle with it. When the gremln returns he also asks: Oh what proof would you like her head perhaps?

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

We are here to right any wrongs that may have been done you must see that, by the fact that we have not met you with hostility, but genuine kindness. What else must we do to prove this to you?
Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang calls his cloud to him to protect him, and attempts to aid Stuinvolk with slaying the beast.
Okay Stuinvolk it’s your time now, all the pain and grief and regret you felt is at your finger tips now. Slay that beast and get that redemption you so badly need. We are here for you, you can do it!
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Vivienne attempts to distract the cat and aid Stuinvolk in hitting.
Aid: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne continues wrestling with the cat, now more aggressive than usual.
Bite: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 181d6 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Serpentfang plucks another storm cloud from the sky and sends it towards the cat.
Agg T-Cloud: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5) = 9 Ref 16

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Can an animal companion accept the raging song?
Okay Stuinvok you can do it we're right here!
casts Ray of Enfeeblement at the creature.
Ray vs Touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Attack command
-Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 191d6 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Hey guys sorry for my sudden abscence, I was welcoming my second child to the world.
She cane here a little faster than anticipated but is beautiful, and healthy. I’ll be keeping a close eye on my wife next few nights but should be able to post in the evening, bit me as needed.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang moves closer for a better shot at the creature. 30ft

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

GM looks like I was misinformed about how scent works, while I can pinpoint Stuinvolks location it doesn’t negate nor reduce the miss chance from invisibility. I’m sorry for my misunderstanding. Standard Action Diplomacy, Move Action keep Thundercloud on creature.
Stuinvolk listen to me, we’re gonna get you through this, I just need you to trust us.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Agg Thundercloud: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7
Vivienne continues her previous command.
Drag: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
Miss Chance Low=Good: 1d100 ⇒ 23

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

DM Vivienne has scent, does that not allow her to tell where he is, it has a range of 30ft, she knows where he was, and he hasn’t moved so he is literally still underneath her. Your call obviously, but maybe I just misunderstood how scent works. Also just a reminder the cat has a -2 to Att and Dmg still.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne drag Stuinvolk away from that beast! Handle Animal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Drag: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25 Vivienne drags him 5ft away, +5ft for every 5ft he beat Stuinvolks CMD.
Serpentfang then looks up to the sky reaches up and seems to conjure and pluck a storm cloud from the sky, and flicks it at the cat.
Casts Aggressive Thundercloud
Damage vs DC16 Ref save: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) = 14

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Serpentfang continues the same actions as before.
Ray vs Touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 251d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 DC:15 Fort save 1/2
Vivienne tries to get a better grip with her teeth.
Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 251d6 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Grapple: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Vivienne get it, get it don't let it get him again! Stuinvolk hold on!!!

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Yes I intended for Vivienne to be on Stuinvolk but didn’t want to cover his icon.

Dark Archive

Male Halfling (+2Dex, +2Cha, -2Str) 28/28HP, AC:16 T:15 , FF:13, CMD:11, CMB: -1 , F: +4, R: +6, W: +6, Init +5, Pereption +4, Stealth +8, Diplomacy +9, N Male Halfling Wildblooded (Sylvan) Sorcerer 4, Spear: +0(1d6-2, x3)
Vivienne F Constrictor lvl 4 HP:34/34, AC:17, T:12, FF:14, CMB:+10, CMD:23 Attacks: Bite +11 (1d6+10, x2), Constrict(1d6+10)

Vivienne save him! Gives defend command
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Serpentfang will attempt to cast Ray of Enfeeblement on the creature before his friend attacks.
Ray Vs Touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Vivienne will slither up to the large cat and bite the cat.
Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 301d6 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Grab special ability
Grapple: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
Vivienne is a large creature so I believe she can reach the cat that I’m assuming also is large? If not the Vivienne will double move to get right on the cat.

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