Sajan Gadadvara

Senmont's page

138 posts. Organized Play character for eakratz.

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I decided to replace the yeth hound that the PCs will encounter when confronting Nualia with something a little more sinister and gross. Her Miscarried Dǽmoniac Fetus. It survived and has been whispering to her. And now it has joined her to help spread the wrath of Lamashtu. After mutilating the midwives that spirited it away, it lived off of goblins and travelers until it reunited with its mother.

Miscarried Dǽmoniac Fetus:

Miscarried Dǽmoniac Fetus
Tiny monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 28 (8d4+8)
Speed fly 50ft.

6 (-2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10(+0)

Skills Perception +2, Intimidate +2
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13
Languages understands Abyssal (cannot speak)
Challenge 2 (450xp)

Umbilical Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one target.
Hit: 2d6+3 slashing damage. If the target is bipedal, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or become grappled. If the miscarried dæmonic fetus rolled a natural 20 on the attack roll, the character is also suffocating.
Amniotic Vomit (Recharge 5-6). The miscarried dæmoniac fetus exhales acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 25 (5d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

CR might not be perfect :/

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Hello, I am one week away from finishing up my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign using the D&D 5th edition rules. I figured it might help someone if I posted all of my conversion notes here because when I searched originally, I only found the first book converted which I definitely appreciated. I kept all my notes in Google Docs and my campaign is published on Obsidian Portal so I will link that here as well.

Originally, I had started running the first book using the 1st edition Pathfinder rules, but that campaign petered out, so I decided to try something different. I started off the campaign using the first book of Second Darkness, Shadow in the Sky, which was a blast to run and gave the PCs a nice gambling hall to use as a base of operations which they renamed The Gold Digger. Second, I wanted to keep the whole thing in the city, so after my players escaped from Old Korvosa, I switched the Hell's Rebel's AP, running the first three modules. I am including that conversion here as well. So there is not conversion for A History of Ashes nor for Skeletons of Scarwall.

My approach to the conversion process was similar to how Wizards recommends. I substituted similar creatures where I could, and sometimes I went a completely different route altogether. For example, I use demons and devils interchangeably and sometimes I just used Lovecraftian horrors instead of trying to faithfully convert a monster or find something similar. Also, because I never originally considered publishing these, they may be a bit messy in places.

For some resources, I utilized Frog God Games' Tome of Horrors and 5th Edition Foes as well as Kobold Press' Tome of Beasts and so some of the monsters are merely listed as page numbers in those books. The same is true for monsters from D&D's Monster Manual, Volo's Guide, and the Mordekainen (however you spell it) book.

I used 5e stat block generator for many of my conversions which was immensely helpful.

So with those caveats, I hope someone out there can find some use out of these documents.

Crown of Fangs

Hell's Rebels

Mantis and Maidens

Villains This one is pretty much books two and three.

Under the Gold Goblin I wrote this to replace the last part of Shadow in the Sky to tie it better to CotCT. I changed the final villain to an alchemist type and introduced some Proto-Gray Maidens.

Notes Here is where I kept track of some of my thoughts during planning.

Chaos in Korvosa My Obsidian Portal link.

Here it all is. I appreciate you reading this and I hope some of you are able to use this for your own campaigns. Enjoy!

Last night, my players did a good job sneaking into he Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, until they didn’t and accidentally got the whole place up in arms against them. They basically had to fight every villain in the place, including the good doctor, at the same time. I ended up giving them he opportunity to surrender, which they did but one PC, the bard, got away. I was thinking about either having them start next week in the cells in the temple below, or in G5 (the operating room) where Rolth experiments on them. But I figured I ask the community here if there are any better options. Maybe drop them into “The Dungeons of the Slave Lords?”

So what do you think might be a good option?

Title says it all. I have all the APs through Hell’s Rebels and wandering which one would be best to run as a Star Wars game. Thoughts of the community’s?

Pretty much what’s in the title. How viable would it be if the Big 6 magic items were removed from the game, similar to how it is with the automatic bonus progression, but instead of giving the PCs the bonus, they just went up against lower CR enemies?

If it is viable how low?

Maybe -1 CR every 4 or 5 levels?

I'm about half way through and just had to say to someone:

"Mostly harmless."

Did anyone else think that?

I'm not checking this thread until after I finish. This trilogy is the best series of books I have ever read and I highly recommend it to everyone!

I'm thinking about having just a straight AC for my next game as part of simplifying things, but am wondering the long term implications. Can anyone think of game-breaking or just unfin repercussions please?

Note: the game will be a Spaghetti Western style Kingmaker so lots of guns, both good and bad guys. I'm mostly worried that all the large+ monsters will just be automatically hit.

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In he future, not near because I am running Iron Gods right now, but nonetheless I do plan on running this due to player interest. At least two of those players are ran KM through VV and one was the original DM who lost all his notes. To make a long story short we all dug the kingdoms building and NPC interactions and would love to run it to its completion. With that in mind, I'm taking my time to put together an epic KM campaign keeping in mind that half of us plays through half of the story. Needless to say, I should probably change some things up.

First off, I'm going with a Louis and Clark meets establishing the Silk Road to the east as the impetus to get the ball rolling. I also want to roll back the clock. Davik Nettles will start off alive and the PCs will meet him while exploring. The Stag Lord hasn't established himself yet, and he's not the raging abused alcoholic from before. Instead, he is Akiros Ismort. Akiros was a long time, prominent NPC in our old campaign so it would be fun making him the villain of the first piece. Also, I'm thinking of Ismort growing his own Bandit kingdoms to be quashed.

I am also going to play around with the geography a bit to place the PCs kingdoms right at the only access to eastward mountains.

The above plans are pretty much just notes and statblocks. What comes in my next post will be the the taking of the future Oleg's Trading Post.

These are just my notes but i thought they might be useful to somebody out there.

I'm a a teacher who is helps run a high school club called "The Nerd Herd." Every month we engage in a different "nerdy" theme. Next month, we will be introducing D&D and I will be running an adventure where the kids will rotate in and out so as many as we can get a chance to play.

For now, I just would like to know what a good adventure for this type a set up is. I am thinking dungeon crawling might be best because I want each group to get a chance to fight monsters, I just need a good adventure and am not sure what to play. I own Hoard of the Dragon Queen and the Lost Mines of Phandewhatever. I have almost every Paizo AP and don't mind converting.

So, friends, which adventure sounds best for a round-robin style group of novices? Thank you.

Hello, I am going to be leveling up my PC for next weeks game, and was wandering if there were a good way to up my damage output, or if I even need to. He is currently a slayer 5 monk 2 (master of many styles/of the sacred mountain) and I was planning on staying slayer and using his slayer talent to get weapon focus. What I am wondering is if there is a better way to use my slayer talent to increase my damage output? He's hasn't been focused on damage, just decent amounts and battle field control but at these higher levels I am starting to wonder if he isn't doing enough

Thank you community for your help :)

Build at 7th level:

Male Tian-Varisian slayer 5 monk (mms / msm) 2
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init + 2; Senses Perception + 11 (13 traps)
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 20(+ 2 Dex, + 7 armor, + 1 shield, + 1 deflection, + 1 natural)
hp 70 (10s+ 24s+ 10m+ 14c+ 5fc+ 7t)
Fort + 11, Ref + 11, Will + 8
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 flaming katana + 12/+ 7(1d8+ 6/18-20+ 1d6 fire) or IUS + 10 (1d6+4)
Ranged longbow + 8 (1d8/x3) or throwing axe + 8 (1d6+ 4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks 2nd studied target + 2 hit/dmg move action; stunning fist (3/day, Fort DC 14), sneak attack 1d6
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Atk + 6, CMB + 10(+ 16 grapple), CMD 24 (30 grapple)
Feats Combat Reflexes®, Power Attack1, Improved Unarmed Strike©, Stunning Fist ©, Snapping Turtle Style ©, Improved Grapple3, Grabbing Style ©, Toughness©, Snapping Turtle Clutch 5, EWP: katana©, Greater Grapple7
Skills acrobatics 7/+ 17, bluff 7/+ 9, climb 2/+ 10, disable device 7/+ 15, intimidate 5/+ 7, perception 7/+ 11 (13 traps), sense motive 3/+ 7, stealth 4/+ 11, survival 1/+ 5 (6 track), swim 1/+ 8
Traits Ameiko’s Younger Sibling (+ 1 Will), Armor Expert (armor check + 1)
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ Slayer Talent (trapfinding, combat trick: EWP katana); Favored Target (move)(+ 2 bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival), track + 2

We are going to be playing Hell's Rebels soon, and our GM has generously allowed us to use gestalt builds.

Council of Thieves spoiler:
Our PCs from CoT failed that AP, got locked up in Liebdaga's prison for 100 years and ended up in Slumbering Tsar,
but through a disastrous inclusion of a new player no on had much fun. Basically, our PCs minds are going to be time warped into a citizen of Kintargo, melding minds and giving gestalt abilities.

Soon, my rolls are 17 16 16 15 13 10 which is kind of funny because those were the exact same rolls for my Slumbering Tsar PC, and the mind that is joining with the Hell's Rebels PC.

Long story short, I want my PC to be a Hellknight deserter, and was initially going to go Paladin/Inquisitor, but the GM warned me off of it. So my question to you all is, what might be a more fun / better contributed mix, slayer/warpriest or fighter/inquisitor?

Inspiration from this pic.

I decided to rebuild Birdfood as a Packmaster Hunter at the 11th hour. My party may encounter him tonight. The build is not finished and I have to go pick up my son in 5 mins. Any chance the community here could fill in the gaps please? I think the only thing I am missing is teamwork feats. Thank you.


CR 5 XP 1,600
Human hunter (pack master) 6
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init + 9; Senses Perception + 10
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+ 4 armor, + 5 Dex)
hp 56 (6d8+ 18+ 6)
Fort + 8, Ref + 8, Will + 3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword + 7/+ 2 (1d8+ 2/19–20)
Ranged + 1 composite longbow 10/5 (2d6+ 3/×3)
Special Attacks shock arrows + 1d6 electricity
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration + 9)
2nd(3/day)—animal aspect, barkskin, cat’s grace, summon nature’s ally II, stone call, 1
1st(5/day)—commune with birds, cure light wounds, gravity bow, speak with animals, summon nature’s ally I
0th—create water, detect magic, detect poison, know direction, light, purify food and drink
Before Combat Birdfood casts barkskin, gravity bow and cat’s grace. He uses his animal focus (bear).
During Combat Birdfood favors ranged combat. He sends his pet hawks in to attack his targets unless he’s being attacked in melee, in which case he commands them to support him by attacking anyone who attacks him, while he stays mobile to use his bow.
Morale Birdfood fights to the death.
Str 14, Dex 16(20), Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk + 4; CMB + 6; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Climb +11, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (nature) +9,
Perception +10, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +12, Survival +10
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ hunter’s bond (hawks), improved
empathic link, track + 3, wild empathy + 5
Combat Gear + 1 shock arrows (5); Other Gear + 1
studded leather, + 1 composite longbow with 15 arrows,
longsword, 12 silverdisks, 109 gp

I'm just trying to decide which hurts more, terrible carrying capacity and miserable chance to hit if it comes to that coupled with a poor will save, or an average carrying capacity and poor chance to hit if it comes to that coupled with a worse will save and terrible perception.
Stats were rolled.

What does the wisdom of this community think? Thank you.

Edit: this will be for Skull & Shackles if relevant.


Sandy "Scruffy" Trufflebottom
Female rakshasa-spawn spirit guide oracle 1
CN medium humanoid (native outsider)
Deity Besmara
Init + 2; Senses darkvision, Perception -1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+ 2 dex)
hp 11 (1d8+ 3)
Fort + 3, Ref + 2, Will + 1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Weaknesses oracle’s curse (haunted)
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks
Tiefling Spell-like Ability (CL 1st; concentration + 6)
1/day— detect thoughts (will DC 17)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration + 6)
1st (5/day) — air bubble, cure light wounds, murderous command (will DC 16)
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, purify food and drink
Mystery Heavens
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 20
Base Atk + 0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Bouncing Spell1
Traits Magical Lineage (murderous command), Fast Talker, Buccaneer’s Blood
Skills Bluff 1/+ 10, Diplomacy 1/+ 9, Disguise 0/+ 7, Intimidate 0/+ 6, Knowledge (local) 1/+ 5, Knowledge (religion) 1/+ 5, Profession (sailor) 1/+ 3, Sense Motive 1/+ 5
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal
SQ revelations (awesome display); prehensile tail
Gear 110 gp; 30 lbs
peasant’s outfit 2 lbs
lamellar cuirass 8 lbs 15 gp
dagger 1 lb 1 gp
lt xbow 4 lbs 35 gp
20 bolts 2 lb 2 gp

Pretty soon we are going to be starting up a Skull and Shackles game, and it is pretty much my turn to play the PC that can heal. I've got what sounds like a very fun concept going, a gnome/Halfling/or half elf spirit guide oracle of either heavens or dark tapestry planned out. I'm going with spirit guide so I can use arcane enlightenment to pick up dominate person as well as use the life hex has needed.

What I'm wondering is, is there another way to have both dominate person and murderous command on the same PC that I haven't thought of?

Other ways that I can think of:

  • Oracle 1/sorcerer2+ Not really what I had in mind
  • eldritch heritage (arcane) might do this as well, for a parrot
  • samsaran
  • skald (but won't have MC day one)

Sandy Scruffy Trufflebottom:

Female gnome spirit guide oracle 1
CN medium humanoid (gnome)
Deity Besmara
Init + 3 Senses Perception + 2, low-light vision
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+ 3 dex, + 1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+ 2)
Fort + 2, Ref + 3, Will + 2
Weaknesses oracle’s curse (haunted)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee “Uhm, you do it.”
Special Attacks
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration + 6)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 15), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration + 6)
1st (5/day) — air bubble, cure light wounds, murderous command (will DC 16)
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, purify food and drink
Mystery Heavens
Str 7, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 20
Base Atk + 0; CMB -3; CMD 10
Feats Bouncing Spell1
Traits Magical Lineage (murderous command), Fast Talker, Buccaneer’s Blood
Skills Bluff 1/+ 11, Diplomacy 1/+ 10, Intimidate 1/+ 7, Knowledge (religion) 1/+ 5, Profession (sailor) 1/+ 7, Stealth 1/+ 13
Languages Common, Giant, Gnome
SQ revelation (awesome display)
Race gift of tongues, obsessive (sailor)
Gear 110 gp; 30 lbs
explorer’s outfit 8 lbs
lamellar cuirass 8 lbs 15 gp
buckler 5 lbs 5 gp
dagger 1 lb 1 gp
lt xbow 4 lbs 35 gp
20 bolts 2 lb 2 gp

I am waffling on taking Weapon Finesse on the halfling oracle I am building for an upcoming Skull and Shackles campaign. On one hand, with her strength she will never land a melee attack without it. On the other, she isn't going to use melee weapons, only the "touch of electricity" oracle revelation which is a touch attack. If I can help it :)

We used 4d6 drop lowest, reroll ones as the stat generation method and a house rule that does away with the big 6. Cutting down the 3.5 Xmas tree


Sandy Trufflebottom
Female halfling oracle 1
CN small humanoid (halfling)
Deity Gozreh and Besmara
Init + 4; Senses Perception + 0

AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+ 4 dex, + 2 armor, + 1 shield, + 1 dodge, + 1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+ 1)
Fort + 2, Ref + 4, Will + 2
Weaknesses oracle’s curse (haunted)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee touch of electricity + 5 touch (1d6 electricity)
Ranged light xbow + 5 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks touch of electricty 8/day (1d6 electricity)
Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration + 5)
1st (5/day)—air bubble, cure light wounds , murderous command
0 (at will)—detect magic, purify food and drink, read magic, spark
Mystery Wind

Str 7, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 20
Base Atk + 0; CMB -3; CMD 11
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits Peg Leg, Fast-Talker, Dangerously Curious
Skills Acrobatics 1/+ 8, Bluff 1/+ 10, Linguistics 1/+ 7, Swim 1/-1, UMD 1/+ 9
Languages Common, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, Polyglot
SQ revelation (touch of electricity)
Race fleet of foot, underfoot, polyglot
Gear light crossbow, 20 bolts, lamellar cuirass, buckler

1. weapon finesse; rev: touch of electricity
2. [1st Ability] +1 dex
3. [2nd Ability] +1 cha, Prowess +1; extra revelation invisibility; rev: air barrier
4. AC +1, Saves +1; levitate and minor image; + 1 cha
5. [1st Ability] +1 dex; extra revelation: windsight
6. [2nd Ability] +1 cha, Versatile Metamagic
7. AC +1, Saves +1, Prowess +1; extra revelation : gaseous form; rev: wings of air
8. [1st Ability] +1 dex, [3rd Ability] +1 con; telekinesis; + 1 wis
9. Prowess +1
10. AC +1, Saves +1; reverse gravity
11. [1st Ability] +1 dex, [2nd Ability] +1 cha, [3rd Ability] +1 con, Prowess +1; rev: thunderburst
12. AC +1
13. [1st Ability] +1 dex, Saves +1, Prowess +1
14. [2nd Ability] +1 cha, AC +1
15. [1st Ability] +1 dex, [2nd Ability] +1 cha, [3rd Ability] +1 con, Prowess +1; rev: lightening breath

Sorry if this is hard to follow. I am including feats, spells gained from the haunted curse, and bonuses from the Xmas tree.

So, can anyone think of a better use of my 1st level feat? Much appreciated thank you.

Edit: If relevant, my rolls were 18 17 13 12 11 9

I was thinking it might be fun for my slayer to take improved and greater grapple. He would grapple and then pin the enemy who then loses its dexterity bonus. Then, my slayer will make sneak attacks. Studied target would negate the penalty for attacking while in the grapple position.

How viable a strategy does this sound?

I am currently updating all reoccurring villains for The Final Wish, including granting wishes for a few of them. Some of them backfired*, including the one granted to The Witch who is described in the Gnolls of the Brazen Peaks. I decided her wish would be to become the ruler of all the tribes of the Brazen Peaks. Jhavul decided that to do that, she would have to be The Carrion King, so he fused her to the Carrion King's back and now they act as a pseudo ettin. Anyway, I had to share.

The Carrion King Witch:

The Carrion King Witch

These are clearly the remains of The Carrion King, whom you have defeated earlier. However, when he turns around, fused to his back in a sickly, twisted and gory mess is a woman. She screams in insane anger and recognize her as the woman who killed Melaku.

Male and female advanced HD elite mohrg warrior 1 witch 9
CR 14
CE Large undead
Init + 8 (roll for each seperately)
Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception + 23
Aura overwhelming chaotic evil; overwhelming undead

AC 29, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+ 4 armor, + 4 Dex, + 1 dodge, + 11 natural, –1 size, -1 witch, + 1 deflection)
hp 132 (20 HD; 19d8+1d10+40)
Fort + 12, Ref + 12, Will + 12
Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee + 1 wounding battleaxe + 25/+ 20/+ 15 (1d12+ 13/19–20/×3), slam + 21 (2d10+6 plus grab) or
2 slams + 16 (2d10+ 12 plus grab), tongue + 21 melee touch (paralysis) or
Vital Strike: + 1 wounding battleaxe + 25 (2d12+ 13/19–20/×3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks create spawn, paralysis (1d4 minutes, DC 22)
Arcane Spell-Like Abilities
Hexes Cackle, Charm, Evil Eye, Flight, Misfortune,
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 9th, concentration + 13)
5th—baneful polymorph, cure critical wounds
4th—dimension door, enervation, black tentacles
3rd—magic vestment©, dispel magic, lightning bolt, suggestion, hostile levitation
2nd—martyr’s bargain©, invisibility, mirror image, misdirection, nondetection, touch of idiocy
1st—charm person, color spray, mage armor, magic missile, ear-piercing scream, mudball
0—detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic
Patron Devotion (Rovagug)
Familiar cythnigot qlippoth

Str 35, Dex 19, Con —, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk + 15; CMB + 28 (+ 32 grapple); CMD 44
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (battleaxe), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (battleaxe); Improved Familiar, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Great Fortitude, Scribe Scroll, Still Spell.
Skills Acrobatics + 20, Bluff + 7, Climb + 14, Craft (alchemy) +6, Craft (trapmaking) +11, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate + 24, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Linguistics +10, Spellcraft +18, Perception + 23, Stealth + 19
Languages Kelish, Gnoll, Abbyssal, Ignan, Ancient Osiriani, Taldane, Aklo, Infernal, Terran
Gear Large hide armor, Medium + 1 wounding battleaxe, amulet of natural armor + 1, ring of protection + 1, pearl of power (1st level), bag of holding (type 1) 112 pp, 510 gp and 7 tiger eyes (125 gp each).


Create Spawn (Su)
Humanoid creatures killed by a mohrg rise immediately as fast zombies under the mohrg’s control. The sudden bloom of unlife when a mohrg’s victim dies and becomes a zombie causes a surge of negative energy to flow through the mohrg. Whenever a mohrg creates a zombie in this manner, it is healed 1d6 hit points per HD possessed by the slain creature and acts as if hasted for the round immediately following the spawn’s creation.

Duel Mind and Body
The Carrion King and The Witch each act separately on their own initiative order. The Witch’s body is fused to the Carrion Kings back facing rearward. Her portion is unarmored giving the creature a -1 to its AC, but The Witch does not suffer spell failure. It gains the benefits of all feats from both The Witch and The Carrion King

Wish: The Witch’s wish was to be ruler of all of the gnoll tribes in the region. Jhavul fused her body with that of the Carrion King, and now they are a disgusting amalgamation of undead morhrg fused with an attractive human female.

In addition to the spells above, The Witch’s familiar has: 0—all remaining cantrips; 1st—alarm, grease, divine favor©, endure elements, protection from good, reduce person, shocking grasp; 2nd—arcane lock, invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, protection from arrows, rope trick, summon swarm; 3rd—fireball, flame arrow, stinking cloud, summon monster III, greater magic weapon; 4th—charm monster, dimensional anchor, Evard’s black tentacles, illusory wall, minor creation, phantasmal killer, polymorph; 5th— cloudkill, dismissal, mirage arcana, passwall, teleport, wall of force.

*Pact of the Stone Pyramid spoiler:

Khymrasa wished to have all the powers of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension, so Jhavul turned her into a mummy.

The Sand Sage wished to learn the secrets of the planet Aucturn first hand, so Jhavul teleported him to the planet where he preceded to die of asphyxiation in the hostile atmosphere. That is, if he wasn't crushed by the pressure first.

Hi there fellow role players, I am currently playing Slumbering Tsar and my character, an 11th level sensei seeker sage sorcerer was just obliterated. He had lasted for two levels. My previous character was an urban Druid who had died twice and whose soul is now powering our imp magician bard who is now small sized. I also played a wizard while he was dead who lasted for one round of combat before the druid (and imp) were resurrected by a wish granted by Asmodius.

What I am saying is I'm not terribly good at playing mages and am looking to the Paizo community for ideas. Our party does need an arcane caster.

Here are my rolls: 17 16 16 15 13 10

I have been looking through the various guides and will probably be taking Augment Summoning. I was thinking maybe a dwarf void elementalist, but am very open to all ideas. Thank you all very much :)

11th level Dwarf Void wizard:

Str. 13
Dex 18
Con 21
Int. 22
Wis 18
Cha 8

F 12 r 11 w 14 (+9 vs spell & spell like, +5 poison)

Glory of old
6 Feats: steel soul, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning,
bonus feats: Scribe Scroll, fast study, opposition research

1. -
2. [Int]+1
3. [2nd Ability] +1, Prowess +1
4. {Int} +1; AC +1, Saves +1
5. [Int] +1
6. [2nd Ability] +1, [1st Attack] +1
7. AC +1, Saves +1, Prowess +1
8. {Wis} +1; [Int] +1, [3rd Ability] +1
9. [1st Attack] +1, [2nd Attack] +1, Prowess +1
10. AC +1, Saves +1
11. [Int] +1, [2nd Ability] +1, [3rd Ability] +1, Prowess +1


1st - 8
2nd - 4
3rd - 4
4th - 4
5th - 4
6th - 2

The party:
7th level Ogre Invulnerable Rager
9th level human evangelist cleric of Aroden (part time PC)
11th level halfling Urban Ranger 4/Ninja Knife Fighter 3/Invisible Blade 4
10th level teifling sword sage
7th level Imp (giant template) magician bard (the Druids cohort that I usually run)
8th level halfling cleric of Thamir Gixx (the halfling's cohort)

Edit: btw, our next game is Wednesday.

Edit: we do use a house rule that gives us the listed bonus found here as well as a revised wealth by level giving me 21,500 gp to spend.

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When last we met, my players opened up the Scroll of Kakishon and were sucked into the demi-plane. Due to precautions they have taken, as well as suggestions from others who have played this AP, when they do escape, they will find themselves back in Katapesh where they will find Kelmarene taken over by Jhavul's forces. This leaves me in the position to add enough to End of Eternity to bring them up the the proper level. Time on Kakishon will be wibbly-wobbly.

Right now they are all 10th level. In addition, we have a new player joining us. He is going to be playing an amniastic Andrathi who lost his memory and some of his powers due to the beatdown that Jhavul gave him.

I have started laying groundwork for what I will be adding to each isle, but I have stalled a bit so I figure I'll just post my notes up here for anyone else to utilize if they wish; or for any of you to comment or contribute to my ideas. Also, there are spoilers from the Savage Tide adventure path in the spoilers.

Thank you :)

Instead of wanting the PCs to kill all nonnatives, they can be talked into repairing the plane. I kind of want the PCs to have access to Kakishon in case they need to evacuate Kelmarene to someplace quickly when Xotani explodes from Pale Mountain. Yes, I plan on having them fight it eventually :D

This is where the adventure begins.

The hydra will be advanced and have 10 heads. CR 10, Hps: 110, AC 22 (t11, ff19), Melee: 10 bites +13 (1d8+5)

Use "Here There be Monsters" from the Savage Tide adventure path Dungeon # 142

PCs land on Sorror as described in the AP and encounter the hydra, except they will land on the northwest coast opposite the waypoint. New PC joins the fight.
Use parts 1, 2, and 3 from Here There be Monsters (leave out Fogmire, well maybe)
Lahapreset contacts the PCs sometime along the Cliffs of Dread. I added a mountain ranger just above the tan portion of the island for the "Dark Mountain Pass" portion of the adventure. The cliffs on the eastern edge of the island running just north of the waypoint for about a centimeter.

Aranea's Nest - Lithira can give some information about the history of Kakishon. She knows Jhavul and his forces just left. Shaiten's are trying to take over, but there is a schism with two factions. There is an unknown third party involved (the proteans). She is a kakishon native but craves stories from the outside world.


Use "Tides of Dread" from Dungeon #143
Phanatons - If the party makes the phanatons helpful, they will be willing to help the PCs find the Golden Ram. This gives them a +5 bonus on all survival and spot checks related to searching for the ram. The village is on the northern portion of the island. The tar pits on the line where the dark and light green meet.


Use City of Broken Idols Dungeon #145

Lizardfolk - know that "The Builders" of the islands live on the "other side" of the plane. If asked, they don't indicate a direction, just know that it is the other side or under. Instead of having conflicts with skinwalkers, they had conflicts with genies (efreet and shaitens)

The Isle of the Formians

Long ago, Nex had brought a Formian queen for his menagerie. After Nex abandoned Kakishon, the pregnant queen escaped and started her brood. They took over the isle of Rukhsana, but due to the unique nature of the plane they could not dig under the waters to spread to other islands.

Initially they will come across a party of workers harvesting food.
Next a warrior patrol actively seeking them out.
Patrols of warriors as a random encounter.
After encountering two patrols, a hunting party led by a myrmarch searches out the PCs for destruction.

This is all I have now. When I have more time I will add more.

I put several on sale APs into my shopping cart for $6, but when I clicked to put them in my sidecart to ship with my subscription they turned into $16.99 items. Is that supposed to happen or a glitch? Because I would prefer to get them with my regular subscription.

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Earlier today, while pondering a story I plan on writing to include in the adventure log of Obsidian Portal, it dawned on me that my little group of friends not only enjoys playing the game, but writing supplemental stories for it as well. Each of us spends quite a bit of our time writing these logs for an audience of four. I then remembered that Paizo has a section of the boards dedicated to campaign journals so I thought this would be a good place to increase our audience to five, or maybe even six people reading our stories.

In case you are wondering why I named it "part I", it is because I am playing the AP as the first half of the campaign, and then we will play City of Brass as the "part II".

These posts will not be a complete account of everything that happens in the story arc but features highlights and behind the scenes actions. Also, the stories are each written by one of five of us. And finally, this campaign has several side adventures thrown in for added fun. I hope someone out there enjoys these. I certainly did and do.

My players just killed the Carrion King, found the Scroll of Kakishon, and now are in the middle of escaping the House of the Beast. One of my players joking said something like "Legacy of Gnolls" or something of the sort. I was in the middle of something so not exactly sure but it was something to the effect of a lot of gnolls. I think they may have gnoll fatigue. At this point, they have fought gnolls throughout Howl of the Carrion King, Broken Chains, and now House of the Beast. Because they are a little ahead in levels, they are fighting many more gnolls than written. I'm prepping The Jackal's Price and realized that they are fighting more gnolls in the ambush fight and Father Jackal is a jacklewere which they had already fought one as well. I decided to make some changes.

I got lucky in some off-game adventure journals. My group likes to write up side stories on Obsidian Portal and we use them to help flavor the game. One of my players decided to write up a little story about how his character, Mustafa, was having an affair with a powerful merchant's wife. Well guess what. That powerful merchant wants Mustafa dead. I decided to replace the "Sons of Carrion" with a group of assassins still led by Shiz. I decided to write up Shiz as an android sorcerer/assassin instead because, well. Why the hell not? Here she is.

Female android sorcerer 7 assassin 3
LN Medium humanoid (android)
Init + 11, Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception + 20

AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+ 4 armor, + 1 deflection, + 1 natural, + 4 Dex, + 4 shield)
hp 72
Fort + 8, Ref + 8, Will + 10 (+ 4 vs mind-affecting effects, paralysis, and stun, + 6 poison)
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge; constructed; Immune disease, emotion-based effects, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, sleep

Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk short sword + 11 (1d8/19-20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow + 11 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attacks + 2d6, death attack DC 17, nanite surge + 13
arcane bolt + 10 (1d4+ 3) 7/day
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 6th, concentration +18), ranged touch + 10
3rd (5/day)—dispel magic©, fly, mad monkeys
2nd (7/day)—invisibility©, blur, scorching ray, touch of idiocy
1st (7/day)— identify©, mage armor, ray of sickening, shield, true strike, vanish
0 (At will)—acid splash, mage hand, ghost sound (DC 14), message, prestidigitation, detect magic, open/close
Bloodline arcane (sage)

Tactics Shiz casts shield on herself before stepping onto the field of battle. Shiz lets her allies engage foes in melee while she provides support with scorching rays and magic missiles. In melee, she relies her short sword and sneak attack unless she has a chance to try a death attack. Shiz fights until she thinks she can only take two more hits, then she casts invisibily and fly and tries to escape.

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk + 6, CMB + 6, CMD 24
Feats Combat Casting©, Improved Initiative, Eschew Materials©, Iron Will, Skill Focus (perception), Defensive Combat Teaining, great fortitude
Skills Intimidate 9/+ 10, Acrobatics 10/+ 17, Disguise 10/+ 11 Escape Artist 10/+ 17, Perception 10/ + 19, Sense Motive + 10, Stealth 10/+ 17, Spellcraft 9/+ 18
Languages Kelish, Taldane, Gnoll, Ignan, Auran
SQ metamagic adept

12,750 gp
Combat Gear headband of vast intelligence + 2(sense motive), masterwork light crossbow, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection + 1, amulet of natural armor + 1;
Other Gear 45 gp, scroll of teleport, Sleeves of Many Garments, Eyes of the Eagle, potions: CMW x2, CLW x2, lesser restoration x2

Her gear isn't completely balanced but we are using an alternate treasure system which eliminates the Xmas tree effect. She is also a higher level because the party can handle it and I would like her to be reoccurring.

Additionally, Obsidian Portal has a feature where you can keep track of PCs and NPCs with write ups. Because I am doing quite a bit of conversion I like to use it to keep my NPCs updated. I wanted to get Father Jackal up there, but didn't want to give away what he was. Then I was thinking maybe change what his race was. Maybe genie themed. Maybe even make him Pazhvann. I have not decided for sure yet, but I do know that I think Denzel Washington's Alonzo Harris character from Training Day is how I want to portray Father Jackal.

My players will probably be 9th level when they do HotB so I figured that Ghartok needed to be upgraded. I know he is pretty much a beast as is, but the AP has him at 2+ APL so I decided to stick with that.

First, I added a level of humanoid pretty much just to up his saves by one. Then I waffled around trying to figure out a good class to add to him. I didn't want to add any more Unholy Warrior levels to him and even though he is immune to mind affecting effects I wanted his Will save to be higher. I thought about an oracle of battle, but decided I just wanted him to be a brute so I went with two levels of monk and took Improved Grapple and Throw Anything as his bonus feats. I think it will be fun to have him grapple a PC one round, then throw him at another PC the next. I also changed the great axe to a bardiche for the greater reach.

This will be the first time I GM at higher levels, so if this looks too brutal or not tough enough please chime in with your suggestions.

Here he is:

CR 10
Male unchosen unholy warrior 4 (Book of Fiends 205) martial artist monk 2
CE Large humanoid (gnoll)
Init + 5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch, scent; Perception + 9
Aura strong chaotic evil
AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22 (+ 7 armor, + 1 deflection, –1 Dex, + 2 insight, + 6 natural, –2 rage, –1 size)
hp hp 167 (12 HD; 8d8+ 4d10+ 72)
Saves Fort + 20, Ref + 5, Will + 12
Defensive Abilities Fearsome resolve, Foresighted; Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Goreshred + 20/+ 15 (2d8+ 16/×3), bite + 13 (2d6+ 6) or
Power Attack: Goreshred + 17/+ 12 (2d8+ 25/×3), bite + 10 (2d6+ 11)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks ferocity, loathsome strike 1/day, rage 16 rounds/day, roaring fury 1/day; humanbane bardiche + 2d6 damage
Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration + 3)
1st—divine favor
The Carrion King’s rage is included in these statistics.
Base Statistics: AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 24; hp 108; Fort + 14, Will + 3; Melee Goreshred + 16/+ 11 (1d12+ 13×3), bite + 9 (2d6+ 4); Str 26, Con 22; Skills Climb + 14
Ability Scores
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk + 9 CMB + 20 (+ 22 bull rush & grapple)); CMD 29 (31 vs. bull rush & grapple)
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bardiche), Imp Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist (4/day DC 18), Imp Grapple, Throw Anything
Skills Acrobatics + 3, Climb + 17, Intimidate + 9, Perception + 9, Stealth –5; Racial Modifiers + 4 Perception
Languages Common, Gnoll
SQ fast, unholy warrior domains (hate, wrath)
Gear Large + 1 breastplate, Goreshred (large + 1 human bane bardiche), belt of mighty constitution + 2, ring of protection + 1
Fast (Ex) The Carrion King gains a +5 foot bonus to his base land speed.

Fearsome Resolve (Su)Once per day when his hit points are at 58 or less, the Carrion King can attempt a Fort save (DC = 10 + the HD of the last opponent that struck him) to heal 2d8+5 points of damage as a free action.

Frenzy (Su)The Carrion King is too angry to die. He may continue to fight until his negative hit points exceed his Constitution core.

Loathsome Strike (Ex) Once per day, the Carrion King may add his Charisma bonus to his attack roll—on a successful hit, in lieu of normal damage, he deals 1d8 points of temporary Charisma damage.

Rage (Ex) The Carrion King can enter a rage (as a barbarian) for up to 16 rounds per day.

Roaring Fury (Su) Once per day, as a move-equivalent action, the Carrion King may emit a fierce roar that forces all living opponents within 30 feet to make a DC 13 Will save or become panicked. This is a mind-affecting Fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Ferocity (Ex) An unchosen becomes enraged if mortally wounded. It continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying, and as long as it has less than 0 hit points, it gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and all weapon damage rolls.

Foresighted (Su) An unchosen’s trepanation has partially unlocked an almost psychic ability to sense peril. It gains a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks and to its armor class.

A friend of mine is GMing a once per month game for two of his friends that don't get to play RPGs often. One of them is new to the game and wants to play a fighter. The other one has been excited to play a cavalier for a long time and now is his chance. I am game for whatever because I am in another of the GMs game, and in another game that is on sabbatical until I finish GMing my own game. So with our relative opportunities in mind to play, I don't mind making something that will fill out the party.

I have been playing around with a cleric build. Which I will put in a spoiler below. I just wanted to know if there was anything better I could make to help since I am the only source of magic. I was thinking about bard or inquisitor at first, but was thinking that with me being the only caster I should be a full caster class.

Point buy was very generous and I rolled 18 16 16 14 12 12 and for wealth 4 1 5 5 5. (I know clerics use 4d6, I rolled five and am taking them in order to account for variances in class starting gold.

My question is, what would be the best choice to be as the third man in a party with a cavalier and a fighter?

Thank you all.

Here he is as he stands now:

Half Orc cleric of Milani

STR 12
DEX 16 AC 16
CON 16 hps 11
INT 14
WIS 18
CHA 12(14)

F+6 R+4 W+7

Racial traits: city born, sacred tattoos, skilled, shaman's apprentice
Traits: outcast, dangerously curious, bad reputation
Domains: liberation, good(azata)
Feat: Endurance, Scribe Scroll

6 skills (fc)
Diplomacy 1/+6
Intimidate 1/+8
K. Arcane 1/+6
K. Religion 1/+6
Survival 1/+8
Spellcraft 1/+6
UMD 0/+3

Equipment 150 gp = 27 gp left
lomgsword 15 longspear 5
scalemail 50 cold iron punching dagger 4
hvy stl shield 20 morningstar 8
cleric’s kit 16
5 javelins 5

feats: skills
2 heal, history, sense motive, perception, spellcraft, umd
3 weapon focus nobility, planes
5 spell focus
7 augment summons

Outcast - Driven from town after town because of your heritage, you have become adept at living apart from others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival skill checks, and Survival is always a class skill for you.

Bad Reputation - The reputation of the Sczarni precedes your arrival. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate becomes a class skill for you.

One of my players requested a gladiator fight in Kelmarane and I think it sounds like a great idea. They have just defeated Old Bonegrinder, the Mamba, and the peryton, cut a deal with Undrella and rescued Felliped. They haven't encountered any gnolls yet, but know of the existence of Kardswann and have seen Kezurkian from a distance. They have the key to the north gate as well.

They will probably be entering the battle market soon and I would start with having more gnolls than is listed. There are supposed to be 29 total. 2 will likely be killed when they storm the gatehouse, 1 is the bartender, 4 in area 7, 4 in area 12,and Ugruk on the platform leaving 17 left assuming they maintain their luck avoiding random patrols.

I haven't worked anything out, yet, but I have some idea of what might be fun and feasible. I am posting here fishing for more ideas as well as putting the idea out there for those GMs who might want to try something like this.

I was thinking that in the bar area would be a few off-duty gnolls drinking it up with the bugbears. PC's will walk in, get a few dirty looks but that would be about it. They would remain unmolested, but one of the gnolls will send word to Kardswann that strangers are in there mist. If they do get on the stage, Kardswann will address them as written, but many more gnolls and other spectators will begin to congregate, filling the arena and taunting the PCs calling for fights. If they don't go on stage, then a group of gnolls led by Ugruk will accost the PCs and direct them to the stage to meet with Kardswann, with all of the taunting a congregating of spectators.

One of the PCs is an exgladiator that goes by the name Mustafa the Fist, and I figure I'd start off by having loads of crossbows pointed at the heroes holding them hostage as Mustafa faces of against Hurvank the Strangler. Mustafa is a monk/fighter (brawler) and might be enlarged at the time so I think it will be awesome.

That is about as far as my imagination has taken me at this point. I really would like ideas in how to fill the crowd. How big should I make it. Races of spectators and so on. The challenge is to make Kelmarane more populated than originally intended, but still sparse enough that a group of adventures can guerrilla warfare there way through the place.

Thanks for any tips/advice.

Edit: BTW, I gave Hurvank a level of Tetori monk just for the extra pain.

Hurvank's stats:
CR 4 (XP 1200)
Male ogre tetori monk 1 (Bestiary 220)
LE Large humanoid (giant)
Init + 1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception + 9
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+ 2 Wis, + 1 Dex, + 6 natural, –1 size)
hp 41(5d8+ 15 + 1 f.c.)
Fort + 9, Ref + 3, Will + 7
Speed 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike + 7 (1d8+ 6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Str 21, Dex 12 Con 17, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk + 3; CMB + 9 (+ 12 grapple); CMD 19 (22 vs. grapple)
Feats Improved Grapple(m), Iron Will(1), Imp. Unarmed strike(m), Stunning Fist(m) (DC 14 1/day), Intimidating Prowess(3), Imp. Natural armor(5)
Skills Climb + 7, Perception + 9, Intimidate + 10

I was thinking about allowing characters to stand from prone with a chance of not provoking an AoO and came up with this.

Kip-up: If prone, make an acrobatic check vs opponents CMD to spring to your feet without provoking an AoO as a standard action. If the check fails you provoke as if you were standing. If it fails by 5 or more, you remain prone and provoke.

I did a quick search and a couple posts mentioned a kip-up feat, but I haven't been able to find it on the d20pfsrd.

I am looking for opinions on this house rule. Thank you.

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I am playing a currently 8th level urban druid in Council of Thieves. I am having trouble deciding which spells are best to use to be a more effective spellcaster. This is the highest level caster I have ever played and I think that is part of the problem. Also, our party doesn't have an arcane caster other than my cohort bard so I am filling that role. Until the paladin joined us, I was doing double duty as the healer as well, but wasn't very good at it.

I would appreciate any advice that these boards could give me to be a more effective caster.

Our party:
8th lvl tiefling urban druid w/a magician bard imp cohort
7th lvl human divine defender paladin w/a hospitaler paladin cohort
8th lvl human monk of the sacred mountain
9th lvl urban ranger/knife fighter/invisible bladw w/a mastiff cohort named Rufus

My normal spell choices:
8th lvl Niko’s spell lists: 4-0th; 6-1st; 4-2nd, 4-3rd, 3-4th

Storm Domain: Obscuring Mist (1st), Fog Cloud (2nd), Call Lightning (3rd), Sleet Storm (4th)

Urban Standard:

0th: Spark, Detect Magic, Create Water, Light
1st: Burning Disarm Hydraulic Push Produce Flame CLW (1d8+5) Faeirie Fire 1 open
2nd: Burning Gaze Flaming Sphere Stone Call Tar Ball
3rd: Mad Monkeys* Aqueous Orb SNA III CMW (2d8+8)
4th: Geyser Air Walk CSW (3d8+8)

Against Devils

0th: Spark, Detect Magic, Create Water, Light
1st: Hydraulic Push Ray of Sickening Ray of Sickening Faerie Fire CLW 1 open
2nd: Barkskin Bull’s Strength Resist Energy Lesser Restoration
3rd: Aqueous Orb SNA III Mad Monkeys CMW (2d8+8)
4th: SNA IV Bloody Claws CSW (3d8+8)

Rural Standard

0th: Spark, Detect Magic, Create Water, Light
1st: Hydraulic Push Entangle Produce Flame Liberating Command CLW 1 open
2nd: Flaming Sphere Greensight Soften Earth and Stone Wilderness Soldiers
3rd: Mad Monkeys* SNA III Plant Growth CMW (2d8+8)
4th: Geyser Obsidian Flow CSW (3d8+8)

Herd of Cats is a reflavoring of the spell Mad Monkeys - Summons a herd of yowling, mischievous cats. Behaves exactly as the spell and statistics are the same as for Primate, Monkey Swarm.
** Summon Swarm - Summons feral chickens as well (treat as bats)

character sheet:
Nicolaus Tornikos

8th level Oni-Tiefling Urban Storm Druid

Str 14/16 (Athletic and well muscled)
Dex 19/21 (Nimble and quick)
Con 17 (Tough and healthy)
Int 7 (Uneducated and doesn’t think things through)
Wis 21 (A child of the streets; always on the lookout for trouble)
Cha 8 (No one listens to him)
Fort: +11 (Can still catch filth fever, though :)
Ref: +11 (Pretty freakin nimble for a druid)
Will: +12 (Mind of stone…literally)

Racial Traits
60-ft darkvision
Oni-Spawn +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Skilled: Tieflings have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Telepathic Communication Range touch. Accidental contact causes the other person to hear the sounds of tortured souls from the underworld.
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.

Druid Abilities
Nature Sense (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Lorekeeper At 2nd level, an urban druid adds Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) skills. She also receives a +2 bonus on these skill checks.
Resist Temptation (Ex): At 4th level, an urban druid gains a +2 bonus on saves vs. divinations and enchantments. This replaces the resist nature’s lure ability.
A Thousand Faces – Alter self spell at will. Favorite faces: Bugbear, goblin, and halfling.
Wild Empathy
Gale Aura – 30 ft aura of gale-like winds that slows enemies down.
Wild Shape – 1/day

Fiendish Presence
Your family routinely held court with pit fiends and erinyes when you were a child and, as a result, you learned to manipulate people better than most. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Fast-Talker: You had a knack at getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Fiendish Heritage – Oni-spawn and telepathy
Improved Initiative – add 4 to initiative
Combat Casting – add 4 to concentration checks in combat
Leadership – Livia cohort; score 9

Natural Armor +2
Fast Healing 1 as a standard action
Brain Damage (-1 Cha)

Bluff 10 (Some he believes himself when he lies…)
Sense Motive 12 (…or not.)
Climb 6 or 7 (Just enough.)
Diplomacy 9 (He can be convincing when he needs to be.)
Perception 12 (You gotta keep an eye open when you live on the streets)
Profession (Porter): 8 (usually as a dockworker, but sometimes at hotels, mansions, or just general labor)
Survival 12 (How else is he to get his food)
Knowledge (History) 4 (Hopefully he doesn’t repeat any mistakes.)
Knowledge (Nature) 4 (He’s a druid. Duh.)
Knowledge (Local) 4 (He can get around town.)
Knowledge (Nobility) 4 (He pays attention.)
Knowledge (Religion) 4 (That’s a zombie or a vampire. I get those two confused.)
Swim 6 or 7 (So he don’t drown.)
Linguistics 0 (At least he can speak halfling and goblin.)


Legacy Items
Ring of the Artful Dodger (adds 2 to Reflex saves)
Keen Scimitar +1
MW Devil’s hide boots

MW Acheron Shortspear
MW Acheron Dagger
MW Adamantium Dagger

MW Hide shirt

HIs ability scores were rolled and modified using the "Cutting down the xmas tree effect" on the enworld boards.

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I want to incorporate some Al-Qadim elements into an upcoming Legacy of Fire game I'll be running. I spent the day converting the prestige classes written by Dean Poisso in Dragon Magazine #321 and I figured I would share it on here. Any critique is welcome.
Thank you.


Mamluk Requirements
To qualify to become a mamluk, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Any lawful
BAB: +5
Base Fort Save: +4
Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will

Hit Die: d10

Class Skills: The mamluk class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis) Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography)(Int), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis)

Skill Points at Each level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the mamluk prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mamluks gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Hardened (Ex): Mamluks train in the harshest desert environs. At first level, a mamluk gains a +4 bonus on saves to resist the effects of heat. Due to their constant training, they may move at their full speed when wearing medium armor. If the mamluk has armor training from another class, this extends to heavy armor.

Authority: A mamluk gains a bonus equal to +1 per mamluk level on all profession (soldier) checks and Charisma checks made agains mamluks of lower ranks (including cavaliers and samurai flavored as mamluks). This bonus is one-half her mamluk level against other soldiers of lower ranks (such as city guards or mercenaries). Either character level or in game ranking are used, which is higher.

Endurance (Ex): At 2nd level, a mamluk gains Endurance as a bonus feat. If he already has this feat, he instead gains Diehard. If he has both, he gets Fight On or Fast Healer even he his doesn’t meet the requirements

Rally (Ex): At 2nd level, a mamluk learns to fight beside his allies with ferocious tenacity. When fighting within 10 feet of an ally, he gains a +1 morale bonus on his attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against mind-affecting effects. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 8th level.

Tactician (Ex): At 3rd level, a mamluk receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the mamluk can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the mamluk possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The mamluk can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, plus one additional time per day at 8th level. This stacks with tactician from another source.

Iron Focus (Ex): Mamluk training cultivates fanatical loyalty. A mamluk of 4th level or higher gains a +4 morale bonus on all saves against fear effects.

Toughness (Ex) At 4th level, a mamluk gains Toughness as a bonus feat.

Heroic Recovery (Ex): At 5th level, an unbreakable gains the Heroic Recovery feat as a bonus feat, if he does not have it already. If he already has this feat, the unbreakable can choose any combat feat instead. In addition, he may use this feat one additional time per day at 9th level. This stacks with the Unbreakable fighters ability of the same name.

Zealot (Ex): The mamluk’s intense training grants him powerful resistances to certain effects. At 6th level, a mamluk gains a +2 bonus on all saves against mind-effecting, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and death effects.

War-hardened (Ex): When a mamluk reaches 7th level, his single-minded drive allows him to complete the most difficult training imaginable. At this point he can move his normal speed in heavy armor. If he already has this ability from another class, his armor check penalty is reduced by 1 in any armor.

Diehard (Ex): At 7th level, a mamluk gains Diehard as a bonus feat. If he already has Diehard, he gets Fight On or Fast Healer even if he doesn’t meet the requirements.

Heroic Defiance (Ex): At 8th level, an unbreakable gains the Heroic Defiance feat as a bonus feat, if he does not have it already. If he already has this feat, the unbreakable can choose any combat feat instead. This stacks with the Unbreakable fighter ability of the same name.

Desert Survivor (Ex) The intense survival training of the mamluks allows them to ignore the desert’s harshest effects. Beginning at 9th level, a mamluk is immune to the nonlethal damage dealt by hot environments. In addition, whenever the mamluk makes a Fortitude save for which he gains the bonus granted from the Endurance feat, he does not automatically fail on a roll of natural 1 (he might still fail the save if his bonus isn’t enough to meet or exceed the DC).

Fanaticism (Su): Due to the fanatical mind of a 10th level mamluk, he is able to shrug off some wounds. Because of this, he gains damage reduction 2/-.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +0 +0 Hardened, Authority
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Rally, Endurance
3rd +3 +2 +1 +1 Tactician
4th +4 +2 +1 +1 Iron Focus, Toughness
5th +5 +3 +2 +2 Heroic Recovery, Rally +2
6th +6 +3 +2 +2 Zealot
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Diehard, War hardened
8th +8 +4 +3 +3 Heroic Defiance
9th +9 +5 +3 +3 Desert Survival, Rally +3
10th +10 +5 +3 +3 Fanaticism

I want to incorporate some Al-Qadim elements into an upcoming Legacy of Fire game I'll be running. I spent this morning converting the Barber prestige class written by Dean Poisso in Dragon Magazine #321 and I figured I would share it on here. I decided to give it spellcasting as a bard as part of the conversion. Any critique is welcome.
Thank you.


Barber Advancement
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Gentle touch, craft tonics, Poison use
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Charm person, +1 saves vs poison,+1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Chameleon, +2 saves vs poison, +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +1 +1 +2 Potent tonics, +3 saves vs poison, +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +2 +2 +3 Suggestion, +4 saves vs poison, +1 level of existing class

Barber Requirements
To qualify for a barber, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
BAB: Bonus: +3
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Heal 2 ranks, Profession (barber) 2 ranks
Feats: Investigator or Negotiator

Barber Class Skills
The barber’s class skills (and the ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int). Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all)(Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Sleight of Hand (Dex).

Skills Ranks at Each level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the barber prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Barbers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Gentle Touch (Ex): The touch of the barber is the hallmark of their trade. At 1st level, she learns to calm her clients with a caress that is soothing yet not intrusive. Whenver a barber can make physical contact with a creature of Intelligence 3 or higher, the barber doubles her Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform checks against the creature. A barber also gains a +2 on any Sleight of Hand checks made against the person she is touching.

Craft Tonics (Ex): In their mundane jobs, barbers must make hair tonics, lotions, and shaving creams. They are able to apply this talent to such a degree that they gain a +2 bonus to Craft (alchemy).

Poison Use: Barbers are trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a blade.

Save Bonus against Poison: Barbers train with poisons and slowly grow more resistant to their effects. At 2nd level barbers gain a +1 bonus on saving throws vs poisons. This bonus increases every additional barber level.

Spellcasting: At levels 2–5, the barber gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class she belonged to before. She adds the level of barber to the level of whatever other spellcasting class she has for the purposes of determining her caster level. If she does not have levels in a spell casting class, she gains spells as a bard of her barber level -1.

Charm Person (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a barber’s tongue is sharper than her blade. A barber of this level or higher may use charm person as a spell-like ability. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (at least once per day). If the barber touches her target when using this ability, the save DC increases by +2.

Chameleon (Ex): The barber can fall into the role of whatever disguise she may adopt, and can aid those whom she disguises to act more believably in their adopted roles. The barber receives a +2 morale bonus on Disguise checks to act in character. Furthermore, anyone wearing a disguise the barber creates also gains a +2 morale bonus on Disguise checks to act in character, as the barber ably details how to act when in the disguise.

Potent Tonics (Su): By 4th level, a barber’s poison mastery has reached its peak. She knows how to brew more potent poisons and also how to apply them for maximum effect. Damage-dealing poisons the barber creates and applies deal additional samage equal to 1 point per die rolled. Thus, a poison that normally deals 3d6 points of Constitution damage instead deals 3d6+3 points of Constitution damage when created and applied by a barber. A damage dealing poison that only deals 1 point of ability damage deals 2 points instead. Poisons with non-damaging effects have their duration increased by one additional die. Thus, paralysis from a potent tonic poison lasts for 3d6 minutes or unconsciousness lasts for 2d3 hours, instead of the normal 2d6 minutes or 1d3 hours, respectively. For poisons with a set duration and frequency, the time is doubled. this ability does not work with poisons the barber uses that she didn’t create, nor for others who might use poison she creates.

Suggestion (Sp): At 5th level, a barber’s guile and wordcraft is so strong she can ably coerce others. A barber of this level or higher may use the spell suggestion as a spell-like ability. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (at least once per day). If the barber touches the target when using this ability, the save DC is increased by +2.

I'm thinking about allowing characters to give up armor proficiency class features in exchange for certain feats and am wondering what kind of effect this may have on my game. If relevant, this will be for the Legacy of Fire adventure path; with desert themed sidequests including adding in the Desert of Desolation from 1st edition. Will this be like a bag of worms, or have very little effect?


Fighter gives up Heavy Armor Proficiency for Ironhide

Paladin gives up Heavy Armor Proficiency for Dodge, and Medium Armor Proficiency for Acrobatics.

Characters would lose that feature for every class in the case of multiclassing and PrCs.

Exception example:

Cleric gives up Medium Armor Proficiency but later takes a level in fighter. He gains Medium but not Heavy armor proficiency.

I'm also going to houserule that an armor's Armor Check Penalty is applied to Fort saves for hot environments instead of the blanket -4 penalty.

Yes, I want to encourage the use of light armor.

Would the +1 DC for conjuration spells from Spell Focus (conjuration) increase the Distraction ability of a Summoned Swarm?

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for a 5th level feat for an Urban Druid other than Spell Focus (conjuration) leading to Augment Summoning for 7th. Here is a link to my character if that helps.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Do all of a wizard's mirror images get attacked by scatter ammunition? My gut says yes, since all of the images as well as the wizard itself would be within the cone.

July 12th 2011

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Why is TWF a prereq for Shield Slam? It don't see why a big burly, not so nimble brawler couldn't slam his shield into someone and knock him over.

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Next week I am running an assault on a fortress for the PC's. I wanted to use the gritty feel of a lot of enemies going down quickly so I imported the 4th ed. minions to the campaign. I was wondering if anyone here has done this or if any 4th edition players could pipe in and tell me about how minions are working for them.

Would the Two-weapon fighting feat reduce the -4 penalty to a magus' attacks to -2 when using the Spell Combat feature?

That may sound silly, but if a character is wearing armor, do they also need to wear clothing as well?

Just in case you were looking for the "Spiked Chain Underwater," it is here!

As far as the "Spiked Chain Underwear," well, I don't want to link what i've found.

I am trying to understand the weapon sizing rules. A wielder gets a -2 penalty to attack roles when using an inappropriately sized weapon per category difference. But it also says that a small sized version of a weapon is considered one category smaller than a normal sized weapon. When does the inappropriate size penalty kick in? Is a small sized longsword considered a light melee weapon, an inappropriately sized weapon, or both light and inappropriate when wielded by a medium sized creature?

In a few weeks, we should be reviving a Savage Tide campaign that included some extra adventures. Where we left off, the entire party except my Swashbuckler/Rogue was killed. My swashbuckler was already on a path of revenge, thinks his wife and child are dead, and had accidentally killed one PC by knocking him off of a cliff and drowning him. In our last adventure, he ended up under the control of a mind flayer. While under control, he killed another PC and remains under the control of the mind flayer. The DM is going to allow my character to remain in the game, but with certain psychological issues due to being captured by an illithid for months doing unknown depravities, including, I imagine, cannibalism. I am trying to find a good source in the D20 games for some kind of game mechanics for psychosis. All I have found is some minor stuff in the Black Company CS w/out game mechanics, and some major attribute damage in Ravonloft. Does anyone have any ideas?

I am in no position to DM this, but I would love to play a pbp game in the Black Company Campaign Setting. I am just seeing if there is any interest in this out there.

And for anyone who hasn't read Glen Cook's Black Company or Dread Empire novels, you are missing out big time.

The Exchange

I just can't get my head around wanting to trek around in any type of heavy armor for long periods of time. I used to have to wear armor while in the Marines. Kevlar flak jackets and a bullet proof vests consisting of a IIRC 10 lb kevlar vest and a 20 lb steel "breast" plate. The vest without the plate was fine, but as soon as you dropped that plate in there it went from fine to near tortuous.

Donning this armor for short drills and training exercises wasn't bad, but wearing it all day was. I just can't see even a fighter type wearing more than light armor for general adventuring. I can see strapping on the banded mail for a quick, couple hour scenario but not for an adventure that might last for days or weeks.

Now I am relatively new at fantasy rpgs. I played as a kid and am getting back into it now. I am just musing right now but what do others think?

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Event Page

Under construction Obsidian Portal page

PFS events starting 1/2/2010. First day is two sessions of tier 1-2 or tier 3-4. We hope to eventually have two tables going eventually to accommodate high and low levels of play.

Contact information is on the events page. I hope to see some of you here.



The Exchange

I am going to be DMing for the first time next week, and decided to roll the bad guy perception checks ahead of time so the players won't see me rolling and wonder what's up next. Is that rude?