Nature Warden

Segtikk 'Whisper' Erfow's page

1 post. Alias of Tyeal.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Capprico

Male Gnome Bard - 1 (5 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Grand Lodge Diamon

Male Dwarf Fighter - Lv. 1 (2 posts)
Grand Lodge Rut'hgar

Male Human Cleric - 1 (8 posts)
Giseil Voslil
Grand Lodge Teralan

Male Elf 6th level Wizard (12 posts)
Worshipper of Torag
Grand Lodge Thorin Wildshape

Male Dwarf Monk 7 HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 F: +8 R: +7 W: +8 | Per: +12 | Init: +2 (14 posts)
Ekaym Smallcask
Grand Lodge Ren C.

Human Noble 5 | HP 32| Dmg Threshold 13; Reflex 20; Will 17; Fort 13 | Speed 6; Init +7 (115 posts)


Amon Iados
(21 posts)
Amon lados

Sorc 2| HP: 14/14| AC: 11| Fort: +3| Ref: +3| Will: +3|Init: +1| Arcane Pool: 2/2 (1 post)
Arik Nihlas

Sorc 5 | HP 35/35 | AC 14 | Fort +2 | Reflex +3 | Will +4 | Perception: +7 | Init: +6 (2 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Diamon Erlatt

Male Dwarf Oathbound Paladin 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Reflex +0 | Will +3 | (85 posts)
Eridas Stormeyes

Crimson Fist Librarian Rank I (10 posts)
Expertise Themenos
(1 post)
Glorim 'Specter' Vongar
(1 post)
Holy Guide
Grand Lodge Jordas Brandywen
(9 posts)
Rosie Cusswell
Kalean Calindra
(2 posts)
Korric 'Plasas' Redsmile

Oracle (Wood) 7/Heirophant 1 | HP 30/46 | AC: 21 (14) | Fort: +5 | Reflex: +5 | Will: +8 | Init: +6 | Percep: +11 (10 posts)
Lore Militain

Bluff +7 | Craft (Alchemy) +12 | Kn: Arcana +10 | Kn: Dungeoneering +10 | Kn: Engineering +8 | Kn: Geography +8 | Kn: History +8 | Kn: Local +8 | Kn: Nature +8 | Kn: Nobility +8 | Kn: Planes +8 | Kn: Religion +10
Skills cont.:
Perception +7 | Spellcraft +10 | UMD +4 | Autohypnosis +10
Psion Shaper 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15/T 12/ FF 13 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +8 | Int +7 (9 posts)
Loriana Redsteel
(1 post)
Meria Darkmoon
(1 post)
Warden Rogard Hammerfell
Morvas Silverhand
(1 post)
Friendly Fighter
Ragde Oragif II
(3 posts)
Grand Lodge Raul Corsa

Female Samsaran Investigator 7/Inspired Blade 1 | HP 38/50 | AC 21(25) FF 17 (20) Touch 14 | Saves +4/+11/+5 | Init +4 | Perc +12 (48 posts)
Rommel 'Baur' Serain
(4 posts)
Nature Warden
Segtikk 'Whisper' Erfow
(1 post)
Counterfeit Mage
Styx the Shadow
(2 posts)
Giseil Voslil
Teleran Zultros
(2 posts)
Avahzi Serafian
Throsha Lafara

Female Elf HP 39/39 | AC 22 | Touch 15 | FF 17 | Fort +6 Reflex +9 Will +6 | Init +6 | Perception +12 (5 posts)
Bahor (Glorio Arkona)
Tony Ripley

Agility [d8] | Strength [d6] | Smarts [d8] | Vigor [d6] | Spirit [d6] | Parry 4 | Toughness 5 | Pace 6
Hybrid Tiger
Investigation (Datanet)[d8+2] | Notice (Visual)[d6+4] | Intimidation (Mental)[d6] | Tracking (Urban)[d8+2] | Shooting (Pistol)[d8] | Driving (Car)[d6] | Streetwise (Gang)[d8+2] | Fighting (Krav Maga)[d6]
(2 posts)
Vencarlo Orinsini
Will Gestros

Brawler 10 | HP 84/84 | AC 26 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +7 | Perception +10 (37 posts)
Elvish Fighter
Grand Lodge Yggdrar

Barbarian 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 FF: 15 Touch: 12 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +1 | Perception: +8 | Move: 40' (31 posts)
Yuroak Nalard

Barbarian 1 | HP15/15 [Temp HP 0/2]; Fort +5 Reflex +1 Will +2; Init +3; Darkvision | Str 16[20] Dex 13 Con 16[20] Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8 | AC 16 [14] Touch 11 FF 15 | RAGE: [5/7] (12 posts)