Dwarven Rager

Diamon Erlatt's page

85 posts. Alias of Tyeal.

Full Name

Diamon 'Silverhand' Erlatt


Male Dwarf Oathbound Paladin 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Reflex +0 | Will +3 |



Strength 16
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Diamon Erlatt

Diamon 'Silverhand' Erlatt

Greatsword - +4|2d6+3 19-20/x2|Slashing
Bec De Corbin - +4|1d10+4 x3|Blunt or Piercing
Cold Iron Javelin x5 - +1|1d6+3 x2| 30 ft.|Piercing
Scale Mail - +5 AC|-4 ACP|

Diplomacy - +6
Perception +6

Militant Merchant: +1 Perception and Perception is class skill.

Vexing Defender: You’re trained in fighting opponents that are larger than you, and you are skilled at keeping them on their toes, pestering them from all directions. You gain a 1 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks, and Acrobatics becomes a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a 4 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through an enemy’s space without provoking an attack of opportunity, provided that enemy is larger than you

Diamon is the son of a little-known, but very proud, Dwarven Blacksmith. His father, Karn Erlat, taught his son the craft from a very young age. Showing him how to mold steel, iron, and even stone, to bend to his will and shape it to the exact shape he wanted.

In his teens, Diamon was issued a dare by other up and coming smiths. His town of Brairthorn was known for producing some talented crafters of all kinds. One such Dwarf, Letar, made the outrageous claim he could stick his hand into molten silver and come out unarmed. He demonstrated this trick, dipping his fingers in water, dunking his fingers in, and drawing it out, unharmed.

Diamon felt he could do one better. He stuck his whole arm in a barrel of water and stuck it into the molten silver, and left it there. For too long. He found himself screaming in agony as hot silver dripped from his arm and burned it severely.

After that, the silver had strangely tinted the skin of his left arm grey, and no hair would grow, leaving it smooth as the metal itself. Karn, in disbelief his son would do such an idiotic dare, stopped his teachings and left Diamon to pick up a new craft. But, given the incident, no one would teach him.

Armed with what knowledge he had, and some basic combat training, Diamon set out into the world to make a name for himself and find someone who would be willing to further his knowledge in Blacksmithing.