
Scott Rogganbuck's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Owner of Griffonest Games


Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

If I have this feat, once per round when I take a standard action to grant my creature companion a standard action, does that mean:

a. I do my standard action and it does its standard action (ex. I attack, it attacks)?

b. I spend my standard action to give it a standard action (ex. I spend my action, it attacks)?

Thanks for any insight.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This Tuesday, July 13th, we will be starting organized play groups at GriffoNest Games in Woodstock, Illinois. We have all base sets and seasons available. Should you be in the area and interested, it will run from 7 PM to about 10 PM every other Tuesday. We still have some class decks available, as well. So far, we have about 8 - 12 people, with room for more. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

If you are looking for a ACG focused awesome event, check out the Ruins of Bonekeep. It is the one time we run the Adventure Card Game as a tournament. Teams are still playing cooperative games, but each team goes head to head against the others.

I signed my wife, daughter, and me up for the All for Immortality Part 1 PACS Open. I could not find this other event of which you speak (or are we talking about the same thing?).

Thanks for the info! If there is another event, I am definitely interested.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Last year at Gen Con, there was an amazing event that matched a card game adventure with a huge RPG event. As events unfolded in the RPG, it directly affected our PACG games. I did not see anything listed in the events for this year. Was there a plan for another event like that at Gen Con 2019?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Mike Selinker wrote:

This is why:

** spoiler omitted **

Thank you for this enlightening lore.

Silly Rathos.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

During scenario 3 of adventure 4, it says to examine the top card of your location deck if you defeat a bane by 3 or more. Questions:

1. If I defeat the henchman by 3 or more, do I examine and then attempt to close the location?

2. If I defeat the villain by 3 or more, do I examine and then auto-close?

Bonus Question:
Unrelated, but, why does the henchman, Rathos, a human fighter, look like a crocodile man?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Thank you for this clarification!

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

skizzerz wrote:

You did not roll, so it does not count as a roll. You bypass the roll and automatically succeed. Per the Golden Rules, you ignore any instructions that are impossible, so any powers that deal with the result of the roll are impossible because there was no roll -- you ignore any such powers.

So in terms of the Cultist Charioteers, would that bypass their rule that says to put things into a "Trophy Pile"? In the case I mentioned, would the spell go to my hand instead?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

We have just begun the Shifting Sands adventure. In the first scenario, Muminofrah's Amusement, the first card that we flipped was a Lightning Storm Barrier! The flavor is too rich.

One of the characters we are using is Seltyiel from S&S. He has his Elven Scimitar (P) card from the Battle Iconic sets. The final ability on this weapon says:

If you have the Magus trait, recharge this card to succeed at your check against a spell.

In Mummy's Mask, the value of your rolls matter. In this scenario, your checks to defeat and acquire need to be higher than the Cultist Charioteers. If I use the ability on the weapon to auto acquire a spell, what is my result total considered to be?

Do I get to determine the number? This would also be useful against some of the other cards that require you to be within some specific range.

Does it count as the exact number needed to acquire?

Does it count as no roll whatsoever?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

elcoderdude wrote:

Confirming Longshot.

A check Mavaro makes with a gained skill is not an Intelligence check.

According to Vic

Thank you Elcoderdude and Longshot. That thread helps, too.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

I am using Mavaro in a group with Arueshalae. Her gift allows me to add d4 to checks by a character of the marked skill. My question is:

If I display Arueshalae's Gift in front of Mavaro with intelligence marked, would he roll d10 (considering he has the proper card to display himself) +d4 for those checks? Also, would blessings that pump intelligence add dice to Mavaro's checks in this case?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Thanks for all the replies.

Has anyone used Arueshalae as a starting character? I read a couple of threads about her being potentially overpowered. I would be using her in a three character party.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Vic Wertz wrote:
Keith is saying the rewards that are given out work as written—but you do need to ADDITIONALLY give out a skill feat after the first scenario in each adventure, a power feat after the second, and a card feat after the fourth.

And you get to keep all cards acquired during the scenario?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

I love the new scenarios and story-lines that come out in the organized play. I do not always love the choices I am faced with in between adventures when it comes to selecting upgrades for my characters (I am presently running a solo group of Vika, Raz, and Lem through the Season of the Runelords).

Has anyone attempted a modified version of the organized play adventures and scenarios using regular characters and some type of modified reward system? Like keeping a list of cards gained from that adventure, and adding them to the pool at the end, then adding a card from said pool based on the scenario rewards?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

zeroth_hour wrote:

AFAIK you can assign them to whichever character you wish before the start of the session.

There's no rules governing a maximum number of rewards a character can receive. The PFSRPG guild guide does have wording saying that you cannot assign more than 1 of the same boon to a character, but I honestly don't know if the PFSACG should have the same rule. I'd err on the side of caution and not assign the same boon more than once to a character until that is cleared up.

I keep forgetting to use mine :P. We just finished Season of the Runelords, I should probably think of using some.

I suspected as much, though, I wanted to make sure. They are some interesting effects. Thanks for the info!

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

As I am beginning the Season of the Runelords, I came across some Gen Con 2016 Reward chronicle sheets.

Can I assign these to any character's present chronicle sheet to gain the abilities listed?

Is there a maximum number of rewards one character can receive?

(Not sure if it matters - we have 1, 3A, and 3Cx2.)

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

zeroth_hour wrote:
OP is hard, and I do believe part of the reason is that the deck upgrade path is slightly weaker, even though the class deck characters are pretty strong.

Are these characters too powerful to use along side the regular base deck characters? I got a chance to play the alchemist from the Shackles add-on. He seems insanely good - at least at lower levels, so far. None of the class deck characters really stand out as much more powerful than that.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
While I'm seeing not a lot of upgrades if you continue to win, some of the rewards are allowing for additional upgrades. Disappointed that a Card Feat was not part of the first Adventure.

Isn't the adventure reward for Lost at Sea a card feat + the ability to play Jirelle with the rogue class deck?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

I do like the idea that they have in Indiana of a "Throwback Saturday" where they are replaying past scenarios. I just need to figure out how to do this.

We are having one of these next Sunday. It will be interesting to see how much we are able to catch people up.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I also think it is totally fair to just be honest as a store. I'd have no problem as a player if the store owner said "In order to continue these nights, I need to either see increased sales (aka buy a class deck) or I need to charge a small fee to cover my cost." A dollar or two a night would be fine with me.

I started charging last night. Everyone seemed to be OK with it.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Heck, why not charge a dollar or two each night, and also record how many nights someone came. Then at the end of the season, put your name in a drawing for each time you came and draw a name. That person gets the store's copy of the adventure path.

Hawkmoon, that is a good idea. However, if no one owns the base set, it is not of much value. This is where I think promos that may only be acquired through in-store OP would work tremendously.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

We have just finished the Lost at Sea Adventure at Prime Time Sorts Collectibles in Crystal Lake and, because I am curious how the experience went for others, thought I would share some of my general musings about Organized Play based on the experiences of our 14 players (and myself as a player and organizer).

The Positive:
• More scenarios to play (how do you suppose these would play as normal adventures and rules?)
• Cool story
• 28 new characters for use in Runelords and Shackles base set
• Fun to mix it up with different characters and people

The Negative:
• No one has bought a base set. The store has incurred all costs thus far and will need to start charging. Using a base set in store also ties up the customer copy so that they cannot use conveniently at home or elsewhere for the scenarios included there.
• Many of the characters were unable to make any upgrades to their decks over multiple scenarios. Compared to the regular game, this makes the characters a bit weaker while some of the scenarios feel a bit harder (so many Shark Islands!).
• Miss a week, miss out on adventure rewards. This becomes increasingly harsh when your character is not able to beef up on boons.
• Found a magic leather armor, could not add the same armor to my deck because it has a higher number on it in my class deck.
• The class decks feel like they should have more options for building. Perhaps 1.5 to 2 times as many available cards that it came with.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

zeroth_hour wrote:

Here are some threads for stores charging in PFS: here, here, and here. Costs for PFS are probably slightly lower, but stores that do have to run a lot of tables can and do charge for it.

Pluvia33's alternative of having the community fund is also really good. They're presumably willing to shell out for the class deck itself, which means they're willing to invest significantly enough that a few extra dollars here and there won't hurt. I don't think the store should go out of pocket to provide this type of thing.

I appreciate all of the input from everyone. I am the tournament organizer for PACG at Prime Time. I have been supplying my own copy of the game for use in the store.

Thanks for the links. If anything, those posts illustrate what a fickle crowd gamers can be. Some point out that they have no problem paying while others stand opposed because they already purchased books (or class decks)from the store and feel entitled to play there.

Perhaps it is my background with TCG's that make me hesitant to charge while offering nothing in return. I am also hesitant to rely on others to faithfully show up at the store each week with their copy of the game (not to mention that using my copy in the store prevents me from truly using the base set for the scenarios contained in that box - it can be a pain taking apart and reconstructing decks).

While some of our employed members might have no problem contributing, paying each week might be a deal-breaker for some of our younger members.

Promos or other incentives might ease that pain of charging to play.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

For On the Horizon, characters would get two deck upgrades? One for the stuff they acquired and another as adventure reward?

Also, is a character considered to have completed an adventure if they only do some of the scenarios from it? Must ALL be completed to earn that reward?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

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runescryer wrote:

Nope. I was just wondering if the BotG's were left out of the set I purchased accidentally or if it was intentinal and we're supposed to use the BotG's from Runelords. Which I do have, so I can make do for now.

Also, if they were supposed to be in there, how do I go about getting the missing cards?

I also had missing cards. No character role cards nor the basic character cards. The character tokens were there, along with the Blessing of the Gods.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Buy lots of this first set of Class Decks. :)

Do you get the subscription discount? Are there promos that come with them?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

From the most recent FAQ:

I'm drawing my starting hand, and my favored card is one of the last cards in the deck. After all that discarding, there are only a couple cards left. Do I just start with a smaller hand?

No—just draw the last few cards, which will guarantee you've finally got your favored card type (as long as you remembered to actually put any in your deck!), then shuffle your discards and continue filling your hand.

Resolution: On page 7 of the rulebook, under "Draw Starting Hands," add the following, just before the last sentence:

"If you discard so many cards that you can't draw up to your full hand size, draw all of the remaining cards, then shuffle the discard pile into your deck and draw the rest of your hand."

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Cheez wrote:

Did you add weapons proficiency to Lini as one of the rewards (assuming so since she doesn't have it for starters) so she could start with a weapon in her deck?

The weapon "in the deck" is a card feat. Being able to use it without penalty is a power feat (proficiency). Some weapons do not penalize you for using them without proficiency.

I just looked up Poog. Pretty good - a bit like father Zantus. I may have to look up how much these are out there...

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Lini, as played by Scott's 10-year old daughter:

Greataxe (essentially lots of dice -1 because of lack of proficiency - has been heavy crossbow since bear is dexterous, as well)
Saber-Toothed Tiger (started with dog and two crows)
Blessing of Gorum x2 (makes for some powerful bear claws or axe swings)
Blessing of Lamashtu
Blessing of Desna
Find Traps
Detect Evil
Holy Light
Cure x2
Token of Remembrance
Amulet of Mighty Fists

She shaped it, with little help from me. I play Harsk, wife plays Seoni. A very well-rounded group that compliments each other quite well.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

My daughter plays Lini (and loves the character). As we went along, she chose to add + (up to +2, now) to her strength for skill feats. Later for power feats, she chose to add +1 for revealing animals. When she finally received a card feat, she added a weapon.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

You may keep anything you gain. However, you must reset your deck to be that listed on your card. Basically, you improve your deck by replacing lesser items with new ones you gained.

Any cards that do not make it into another player's deck may be taken by any other player in that scenario. You simply may not go over your deck limits.

Later, after one of the adventures, you gain a card feat, which will allow you to get an extra card type of your choice (based on your character) in your deck.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

After the first scenario, my Harsk wound up with 14 weapons in his deck. I posted a photo over on Boardgamegeek.

We also completed the second scenario - also much fun. Believe we discovered a potential "endless zombie" situation that could eliminate heroes without the magic trait. If the zombies must be defeated with magic trait (as per the "During this scenario" rules), and there were two characters without magic attacks, the first undefeated zombie summons another zombie at that location, which would go undefeated, wash, rinse, and repeat. We managed to blow the second one up with a fireball, fortunately.

Anyway, looking forward to the final scenario in this adventure.

(reposting here - just wanted to make sure you got this feedback)

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

Akasma, I feel the same way about gaining experience and feats. However, I am worried that gaining too many of these things may upset the balance of my characters in the new adventures put out in the adventure path that started with Burnt Offerings.

Perhaps there should be something like what you see on the adventure modules (this module is for levels 4-6, for example), if that would even be possible. Feat levels?

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

After finally finishing a full run through of this adventure, a few changes and clarifications were made in the above post:

*Formatting added for easier reading.

*Adventure Reward adjusted to be more reasonable.

*Check to acquire the Dark Relic adjusted in the Dark Relic scenario.

*More specific rules given on "The Map" in the Dark Relic scenario.

*Rules for Father Zantus clarified in the O Father, Where Art Thou scenario.

*Blessing and double henchmen clarification in the Ghostbusters scenario.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

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The Dark Relic

The Dark Relic Adventure is intended for characters that have completed Burnt Offerings. It uses cards from the Base set, Character Add-On Pack, and Set 1. The number of this adventure is considered to be 1.

Complete the scenarios, in this order:

Dark Relic of the Osirion
O Father, Where Art Thou?

Adventure Reward: Each character picks a boon type of their choice. Draw d4 + 1 cards of that type from the box and keep one.

Scenario: Infiltrated

A jovial night at the Rusty Dragon turns solemn when a hooded Academy messenger places the scroll on the table. It reads: Old friend, I urgently request your aid in dire matters involving the Academy. A group who has infiltrated our ranks has taken a map of great value from us. Kindly find and return it to me. -Banzor Dreamweaver. The messenger quickly fills you in on the details.

An unknown group has infiltrated the Twilight Academy and stolen an antiquated map of great value. Banzor Dreamweaver, an associate of one of the characters and high-ranking official from the Academy, calls upon the heroes to retrieve the map and investigate who is behind this treachery. Academy agents have reported on the possible whereabouts of the criminals.

# of Characters: Location
1: The Academy
1: Nettlemaze
1: The Old Light
2: Warrens
3: Treacherous Cave
4: Woods
5: Wooden Bridge
6: Farmhouse

* Pull one Traitor and Sneak monster from the box before playing to use in encounters.

Villain: Use any brown villain, replace when drawn with Traitor having the additional ability: before encountering Traitor, summon and encounter a Sneak– regular villain rules apply (shuffle the brown villain card back into the appropriate stacks when necessary).

Henchmen: Use any red henchman cards, replace with Sneak when drawn - regular henchmen rules apply if the Sneak is the result of a red henchman card (shuffle in the red card if undefeated).

During this Encounter: If you would encounter an Ally, banish it and encounter a Sneak instead. You may not close a location when defeating a Sneak in place of an Ally.

Reward: The Map - Use the treasure map barrier card. A player may start with this card in their opening hand during the scenario: Dark Relic of the Osirion. The map is essential to the next scenario. It does not count as anything in that player’s deck. It does count as a card in hand as far as hand size is concerned.

Scenario: Dark Relic of Osirion

A concerned Banzor Dreamweaver stands before you. “Osirions.” He utters quietly. “What claim could they possibly have on this map and mysterious treasure to which it leads? And why would they go to such ends to acquire it? We must find this item, before they do. Please, take the map and retrieve it for me. You shall be handsomely rewarded and I in your debt.”

It appears that a rogue sect of the Osirion is behind the theft of the map. They claim it leads to one of their sacred ancestral artifacts, stolen from their people long ago. After years of searching, they traced it to the Twilight Academy. After foiling the Osirion plot, Banzor has employed the heroes to recover the item. The Osirion, after years of searching, are not ready to let their prize go so easily.

# of Characters: Location
1: Treacherous Cave
1: Warrens
1: Thassilonian Dungeon
2: Deeper Dungeons
3: Prison
4: Throne Room
5: Shrine to Lamashtu
6: Desecrated Vault

Please note: Desecrated Vault will always be the last card used in this scenario. If there are less than six players, replace the last card that would be used with Desecrated Vault. Furthermore, the scenario cards must be set up in order. The villain card will always be shuffled into the Desecrated Vault location at the beginning of the game.

Villain: Use any brown villain. This card will represent the Dark Relic.

Dark Relic: Before attempting to acquire Dark Relic, summon and encounter an Ancient Skeleton henchman.
Check to Acquire Dark Relic – Wisdom or Divine 14 / Dexterity or Disable 15

If unable to acquire the Dark Relic, shuffle the villain card into one of the remaining open locations as per a normal undefeated villain (this represents the Osirions gaining the Dark Relic and attempting to escape). Once acquired, the scenario is over. The Dark Relic will not go into any player’s deck.

Henchmen: Bandits (Osirion Rogues)

Map Rules: Reveal the map before exploring at a location. Place a Blessing of the Gods from the box face-up and sideways under the location. This location is “explored with the map”. The Map may not be discarded for any reason until each location has been explored with it.

During this Encounter: You may only move to a location that has been explored using the map. The player with the map may only move to the next location or a location that his been explored using the map.

Reward: Pick a boon type. Draw one random boon of that type from the box.

Scenario: O Father, Where Art Thou

“This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” Banzor mulls over the object a bit more before excitedly exclaiming, “Find Father Zantus! Bring him to me here. And be on the lookout for the Osirions. They are undoubted angry that we now possess what they consider to be theirs!”

# of Characters: Location
1: Temple
1: Academy
1: Garrison
2: City Gate
3: Sandpoint Cathedral
4: Town Square
5: Waterfront
6: Junk Beach

Please note: If Father Zantus is in a deck, remove it. That player may replace it with a basic ally of her choice. Pull two Cultist monsters from the box before playing to use in encounters. The Academy will have 11 cards to start this scenario.

Villain: Use any brown villain. This card will represent the Banzor Dreamweaver. Banzor will be shuffled into the Academy location. If encountered, one of two things will happen:
1. The player encountering him does not have Father Zantus in hand. Shuffle him back into the Academy deck.
2. The player encountering him has Father Zantus in hand. The players win the adventure.

Henchmen: Father Zantus + Bandits (if in a game with 5 locations, use Zantus and 4 bandits). If Father Zantus is not acquired, shuffle him back into that location instead of banishing him. When bandits are encountered, replace with 2 Cultist when drawn (encounter both, one after the other) – both must be defeated in order to close the location. If either is undefeated, shuffle the red bandit henchman card back into the location.

If the check to acquire Father Zantus is failed, shuffle him back in to the location where encountered.

During this Encounter: If you would encounter a Bandit henchman, encounter 2 Cultists instead.

Reward: Draw a random blessing from the box. Father Zantus will stay with the party (if a player can find room for him in her deck).

Scenario: Ghostbusters!

I ain’t afraid of no ghost.

Unearthed, the Dark Relic is having a strange effect on Sandpoint. Once again, the heroes are there to clean up the mess. Unable to control the Dark Relic, Banzor has charged the heroes with arranging a meeting with the Osirion Envoy to work out an agreement on receiving the Dark Relic.

# of Characters: Location
1: Temple
1: Academy
1: Town Square
2: Village House
3: General Store
4: The Rusty Dragon
5: Farmhouse
6: Sandpoint Cathedral

* Pull one Ghost, Shadow, and Spectre from the box.

Villain: Use any brown villain. It represents Egon Spengler, Osirion Envoy.

Egon Spengler, Osirion Envoy
Check to Defeat: Charisma or Diplomacy 18 or Combat 14
Powers: If defeated in combat, Egon will flee to an open location. If defeated with Charisma or Diplomacy, the adventure is over.

Henchmen: Use any red henchman cards. When a henchman card is encountered, roll d6. Replace the henchman with: 1-2 ghost, 3-4 shadow, 5-6 spectre. Two henchmen will need to be defeated at most locations (see special location building rule below). When the first is defeated, place that card face-up and sideways under the location.

Special Location Building Rule: Double the amount of henchman that would normally be used and subtract one. After shuffling the villain and henchmen, add two cards to each location except the Temple. If the villain is defeated, he will run to the Temple if possible (as per normal villain rules). Both henchmen must be defeated in order to close a location. As a result, the Temple will start with only 9 cards in that location.

Temple AT THIS LOCATION addendum: Instead of having an encounter, a character may instead become blessed. Take a Blessing of the Gods from the box and place it face-up and sideways under the blessed character. Blessed characters’ attacks gain the magic trait until they encounter a ghost, spectre, or shadow. After that encounter, the blessing wears off. Return the Blessing of the Gods card to the box.

During this Encounter: The difficulty to defeat monsters with the undead trait is increased by 2.

Reward: If the heroes defeat Egon with combat, there is no reward. If they defeat him with diplomacy/charisma, choose a boon type. Draw a random card of that type from the box until you get a card without the basic trait.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

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Akasma wrote:

We played this scenario and it was close on a couple of occasions. Especially the last scenario "Ghostbusters" where you have to fight two henchmen in every deck. We got SO lucky that the temple was taken care of in one turn (as it is the only location that got one henchman). Or we would have failed to time out.

Overall this adventure path was a whole lot of fun. We liked that it had already made locations and that it had twists to the normal hunt down baddie and kill it theme. Well done!

One other note, as the player who had to carry Father Zantus through the entire scenario was quite limiting and really made me have to think! Thank you so much for the adventure. I hope to see more like it soon.

Excellent to hear! My wife and I are nearly finished. We have Ghostbusters left. We have also enjoyed the play and nearly run out of time on a couple of occasions (and would have if not for the candle that shuffles blessings in).

I look forward to trying the other fan scenarios once done.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

1970Zombie wrote:
My other concern is about acquiring the Dark Relic. A check of Wisdom/Divine sees very high for some groups of characters. Maybe there could be an alternate way to acquire like Dexterity/Disable.

True. But combat checks are hard for some groups. Wanted to mix it up a bit. After testing, perhaps a dex/disable will be added.

And thanks for the feedback!

Just did the Dark Relic scenario. What looked like an easy game wound up going to the last blessing counter.

I believe I would add an additional way to acquire it. Dexterity/Disable 15 ought to do the trick.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

MartyOne wrote:

I like it very mucho.

I like the twists of not only defeating all with combat and the different quest rewards.

Ps. The story is nice too :)

I/we wi l definately give it a try.

Thank you, MartyOne. My wife and I are halfway through the adventure. Challenging and fun thus far.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

1970Zombie wrote:
Are you replacing the traitor's existing ability with "before encountering Traitor, summon and encounter a Sneak" or is this in addition to the existing power?

This was meant to be in addition.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

cartmanbeck wrote:
Yeah, you can't just let them pick any item they want (other than Loot) from the box. Way too powerful. Plus it wouldn't make a lot of sense to be able to just pick an Ally or something like that. I would instead say let them choose one type, then give them 1d4+1 cards of that type. That way they're very likely to get something useful, but you aren't letting them get the most powerful cards in the box for free.

I had not considered the whole ally aspect of it. The 1d4+1 seems reasonable.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

cartmanbeck wrote:
The reward makes it sound like you can just go into the box and pick absolutely any card you want. I think you mean that they get a random card of a type of their choice, correct?

I meant a non-loot item of their choice. Banzor is thankful and has lots to reward the characters for a job well done. Too much?

cartmanbeck wrote:
Also, the name for a group of people from Osirion is "Osiriani". As in "The Osiriani stole the map." :)

Thanks. Pathfinder Adventure cards is my first experience with Pathfinder at all. Tried to find background info to make a scenario work and make sense. Having played this card game and read a bit about the Pathfinder setting, makes me interested in the RPG.

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

1970Zombie wrote:
The only issue I see is the mechanic with the map. As part of a character's hand, it runs the risk of being lost as damage and the scenario cannot be completed without it. I would suggest that it be displayed by the character who is using it (Not sure if by the rules this prevents it from being the target of damage) or have a special rule that this card cannot be lost. Does the map count as an item card?

Did not actually get to test this particular scenario yet. The map is considered to be an item and meant to eat up a spot in a characters hand. It probably should be immune to the effects of damage. Also, not able to discard until all locations have been opened.

1970Zombie wrote:
My other concern is about acquiring the Dark Relic. A check of Wisdom/Divine sees very high for some groups of characters. Maybe there could be an alternate way to acquire like Dexterity/Disable.

True. But combat checks are hard for some groups. Wanted to mix it up a bit. After testing, perhaps a dex/disable will be added.

And thanks for the feedback!

Verdant Wheel Owner - Griffonest Games

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The Dark Relic
The Dark Relic Adventure is intended for characters that have completed Burnt Offerings. It uses cards from the Base set, Character Add-On Pack, and Set 1. The number of this adventure is considered to be 1.

Complete the scenarios, in this order:

Dark Relic of the Osirion
O Father, Where Art Thou?

Reward: Each character picks a boon of their choice from the box.

Scenario: Infiltrated

A jovial night at the Rusty Dragon turns solemn when a hooded Academy messenger places the scroll on the table. It reads: Old friend, I urgently request your aid in dire matters involving the Academy. A group who has infiltrated our ranks has taken a map of great value from us. Kindly find and return it to me. -Banzor Dreamweaver. The messenger quickly fills you in on the details.

An unknown group has infiltrated the Twilight Academy and stolen an antiquated map of great value. Banzor Dreamweaver, an associate of one of the characters and high-ranking official from the Academy, calls upon the heroes to retrieve the map and investigate who is behind this treachery. Academy agents have reported on the possible whereabouts of the criminals.

# of Characters: Location
1: The Academy
1: Nettlemaze
1: The Old Light
2: Warrens
3: Treacherous Cave
4: Woods
5: Wooden Bridge
6: Farmhouse

* Pull one Traitor and Sneak monster from the box before playing to use in encounters.

Villain: Use any brown villain, replace when drawn with Traitor having the ability: before encountering Traitor, summon and encounter a Sneak– regular villain rules apply (shuffle the brown villain card back into the appropriate stacks when necessary).

Henchmen: Use any red henchman cards, replace with Sneak when drawn - regular henchmen rules apply if the Sneak is the result of a red henchman card (shuffle in the red card if undefeated).

During this Encounter: If you would encounter an Ally, banish it and encounter a Sneak instead. You may not close a location when defeating a Sneak in place of an Ally.

Reward: The Map - Use the treasure map barrier card. A player may start with this card in their opening hand during the scenario: Dark Relic of the Osirion. The map is essential to the next scenario and counts as an item in that player’s deck.

Scenario: Dark Relic of the Osirion

A concerned Banzor Dreamweaver stands before you. “Osirions.” He utters quietly. “What claim could they possibly have on this map and mysterious treasure to which it leads? And why would they go to such ends to acquire it? We must find this item, before they do. Please, take the map and retrieve it for me. You shall be handsomely rewarded and I in your debt.”

It appears that a rogue sect of the Osirion is behind the theft of the map. They claim it leads to one of their sacred ancestral artifacts, stolen from their people long ago. After years of searching, they traced it to the Twilight Academy. After foiling the Osirion plot, Banzor has employed the heroes to recover the item. The Osirion, after years of searching, are not ready to let their prize go so easily.

# of Characters: Location
1: Treacherous Cave
1: Warrens
1: Thassilonian Dungeon
2: Deeper Dungeons
3: Prison
4: Throne Room
5: Shrine to Lamashtu
6: Desecrated Vault

Please note: Desecrated Vault will always be the last card used in this scenario. If there are less than six players, replace the last card that would be used with Desecrated Vault. Furthermore, the scenario cards must be set up in order. The villain card will always be shuffled into the Desecrated Vault location.

Villain: Use any brown villain. This card will represent the Dark Relic.

Dark Relic: Before attempting to acquire Dark Relic, summon and encounter an Ancient Skeleton henchman.
Check to Acquire Dark Relic – Wisdom or Divine 14

If unable to acquire the Dark Relic, shuffle the villain card into one of the remaining open locations as per a normal undefeated villain (this represents the Osirions gaining the Dark Relic and attempting to escape). Once acquired, the scenario is over. The Dark Relic will not go into any player’s deck.

Henchmen: Bandits (Osirion Rogues)

During this Encounter: You may only move to a location that has been explored using the map (the exploring player has the map in her hand). The player with the map may only move to the next location or a location that his been explored using the map.

Reward: Pick a boon type. Draw one random boon of that type from the box.

Scenario: O Father, Where Art Thou

“This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” Banzor mulls over the object a bit more before excitedly exclaiming, “Find Father Zantus! Bring him to me here. And be on the lookout for the Osirions. They are undoubted angry that we now possess what they consider to be theirs!”

# of Characters: Location
1: Temple
1: Academy
1: Garrison
2: City Gate
3: Sandpoint Cathedral
4: Town Square
5: Waterfront
6: Junk Beach

Please note: If Father Zantus is in a deck, remove it. That player may replace it with a basic ally of her choice. Pull two Cultist monsters from the box before playing to use in encounters.

Villain: Use any brown villain. This card will represent the Banzor Dreamweaver. Banzor will be shuffled into the Academy location. If encountered, one of two things will happen:
1. The player encountering him does not have Father Zantus in hand. Shuffle him back into the Academy deck.
2. The player encountering him has Father Zantus in hand. The players win the adventure.

Henchmen: Father Zantus + Bandits (if in a game with 5 locations, use Zantus and 4 bandits). If Father Zantus is not acquired, shuffle him back into that location instead of banishing him. When bandits are encountered, replace with 2 Cultist when drawn (encounter both, one after the other) – both must be defeated in order to close the location. If either is undefeated, shuffle the red bandit henchman card back into the location.

During this Encounter: If you would encounter a Bandit henchman, encounter 2 Cultists instead.

Reward: Draw a random blessing from the box. Father Zantus will stay with the party (if a player can find room for him in her deck).

Scenario: Ghostbusters!

I ain’t afraid of no ghost.

Unearthed, the Dark Relic is having a strange effect on Sandpoint. Once again, the heroes are there to clean up the mess. Unable to control the Dark Relic, Banzor has charged the heroes with arranging a meeting with the Osirion Envoy to work out an agreement on receiving the Dark Relic.

# of Characters: Location
1: Temple
1: Academy
1: Town Square
2: Village House
3: General Store
4: The Rusty Dragon
5: Farmhouse
6: Sandpoint Cathedral

* Pull one Ghost, Shadow, and Spectre from the box.

Villain: Use any brown villain. It represents Egon Spengler, Osirion Envoy.

Egon Spengler, Osirion Envoy
Check to Defeat: Charisma or Diplomacy 18 or Combat 14
Powers: If defeated in combat, Egon will flee to an open location. If defeated with Charisma or Diplomacy, the adventure is over.

Henchmen: Use any red henchman cards. When a henchman card is encountered, roll d6. Replace the henchman with: 1-2 ghost, 3-4 shadow, 5-6 spectre.

Special Location Building Rule: Double the amount of henchman that would normally be used and subtract one. After shuffling the villain and henchmen, add two cards to each location except the Temple. If the villain is defeated, he will run to the Temple if possible (as per normal villain rules). Both henchmen must be defeated in order to close a location.

Temple AT THIS LOCATION addendum: Instead of having an encounter, a character may instead become blessed. Blessed characters’ attacks gain the magic trait until they encounter a ghost, spectre, or shadow. After that encounter, the blessing wears off.

During this Encounter: The difficulty to defeat monsters with the undead trait is increased by 2.

Reward: If the heroes defeat Egon with combat, there is no reward. If they defeat him with diplomacy/charisma, choose a boon type. Draw a random card of that type from the box until you get a card without the basic trait.

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