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Scott Nelson 52's page

10 posts (30 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Stefan Hill wrote:
totoro wrote:

The characters really did play like units on a battlemap.

My $0.02

One number and one word...

5' step

Correct me if I'm wrong but of the AD&D family 2e was the only one that didn't recommend the use of "wargaming" figures (i.e. miniatures).

I think it's fairer to say that 4e streamlined the battle-mat mentality that 3.5e cemented into my beloved game.


Well I got news for ya, were do you think D&D came from, hummmm. Chainmail a wargame.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

Why didn't you just use the 3E monster manual? The changes between it an the PF monsters aren't really that significant in most cases.

Scott Nelson 52 wrote:
I don't know, I have 4e had PF and sold it off because they waited too long to bring out a Bestiary. I was ready to run it but got tired of the wait so sold the PF book on ebay. Well then 2 months later they bring out the PF Bestiary, figures.... I still play 4e and have not re-invested into PF, instead I picked up a copy of Fantasy Craft and I have to say, its far better than both combined, I think FC has hit the mark, oh and all the monsters are in the book plus a monster design feature and conversion rules from standard d20, its an all in one game. They also fixed the bloody Armor rules, armor has a DR now, no bonus to AC which has always been a thorn in my side in any version of D&D. IMO I say dump PF & 4e and go FC!

Well, I don't have a copy for one and when I tried to find one for sale, everybody wanted 10oz of gold for one.

Kolokotroni wrote:

There really isnt a reason for the edition wars. The idea that 4E is bad design is nonsense. Every system has strengths and weaknesses and that includes pathfinder.

If you want to discuss the differences to try to help people make a choice for the right game for them thats one thing. But to openly attack a game system just makes you look like a troll.

The edition wars are over, we all won. Pathfinder exists and is going strong. 4E exists and will be supported by wizards of the coast for a long time coming. Its over, leave the hostility at home.

Sorry, not trying to be hostile, just stating a fact, thats all..

Vic Wertz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Wenin wrote:
I purchased the PDF version of the rulebook last year, and this year I obtained Foxit Reader which allows for adding notes, bookmarks, and hyperlinks to PDFs. I was wondering if Paizo would consider modifying their PDFs to allow for the addition of custom bookmarks and hyperlinks.
We have no plans for unlocking our PDFs for various security and other reasons.

We would *love* to allow that. Sadly, PDF security options don't currently offer us the ability to allow those kind of things without also allowing for extremely easy removal of our watermarks and other forms of protection.

Should Adobe's security controls ever attain the level of granularity we need to allow you to add notes and such while still offering us the protection we need, we'll do our best to allow it. (I'm not terribly hopeful.)

What does it matter, I see your game files all over the torrent lists, all de-watermarked. They also have programs that unlock PDF's as well. Although I have the rules, mine are watermarked with my name and legal. Just stating a fact....

I don't know, I have 4e had PF and sold it off because they waited too long to bring out a Bestiary. I was ready to run it but got tired of the wait so sold the PF book on ebay. Well then 2 months later they bring out the PF Bestiary, figures.... I still play 4e and have not re-invested into PF, instead I picked up a copy of Fantasy Craft and I have to say, its far better than both combined, I think FC has hit the mark, oh and all the monsters are in the book plus a monster design feature and conversion rules from standard d20, its an all in one game. They also fixed the bloody Armor rules, armor has a DR now, no bonus to AC which has always been a thorn in my side in any version of D&D. IMO I say dump PF & 4e and go FC!

Tanis wrote:

Do you add the levels of Druid and Ranger to determine the abilities of your companion? They both have it and the Ranger entry says that it's effective Druid level is Ranger lvl -3.

It doesn't say that it stacks so it doesn't.

However, you would get LoH uses/day which allows you to channel. Plus you get channel/day from Cleric. So you could do it more often. But not more damage per use.

Are you suggesting that you get more uses/day + more damage per use?

This is why I ban multiclassing...

The magic is just like d6 space's psionics system, you build your own spells, depending on what you want it goes from easy success chance's to very hard or heroic chances of success. The stronger and more options you put into the spell, the harder it gets to cast, its all detailed in chapter 12 and chapter 13 has several premade spells as examples, you can also augment these spells per the rules in chapter 12.

We had a d6 campaign my brother was running, but I moved 300 miles away from him and we never finished it. He was running an Oblivian setting from the video game, quite fun.

Its a great little system, it is based off OGL 3.5 somewhat, you can even use 3.5 modules and Monster manuals with minor adjustments. The saves are a bit different though, your primaries have a base of 12 to save and your secondary stats have a base 18 to save, same for skill like abilities for the classes, there's also more than for classes, they also have Knight as a class which I like, the levels are unlimited but most are listed only up to 10 to 13 or so but give you what you need to continue on after that. It has a AD&D 1e & D&D 3e feel to it, without allot of bogged down rules.