
Sander Skeie aka Smands's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Just from the top of my head; personally i like to give "boss battles" some unique spins; for example I had a group fight a Shadow Demon in the darkness of the jungle canopy, their goal quickly became to cut/create holes in the canopy to beam light at the right spot to make him helpless.. Kinda like battleship lol ;)

In this case, the first thing that comes to mind is that you can present an array of fake bosses in the fight, and they have to take down the right one, all the while he skirmishes to sneak attack and do other shenanigans... Use the rules as a guideline, but never be afraid to introduce unique effects that you want, as long as it's not totally unfair.. The fakes can be illusions or henchmen and creates a little mini-game inside the fight itself :)

Mirrel the Marvelous wrote:
Just to throw in my own hat into the arena, and perhaps confuse matters further, the Undead Master feat from Ultimate Magic increases your effective caster level by four for the Animate Dead spell. A wannabe undead raiser with this feat and under a desecrate spell can create an insane amount of undead hit die.

Indeed, he can CREATE (caster level+4)x4 HD of skeletons/zombies, but the feat does NOT increase your controlling ability = stays at 4HD per caster level ;)

Only use this feat has with desecration is if he uses command undead on all the undead beyond the control limit of the spell, or creating higher HD variant undeads:)

CL 9 Cleric, with desecration:
Create (9+4)x4 HD worth of skeletons = 52 HD of skeletons (each single one capped at 20HD)
So creating a 20HD bloody skeleton would cost 40HD of the 52, still 12 HD left for good measure ;)
Max control = 36 HD

PS: Might be wrong about the bloody skeleton creation, but does the double hd at creation count again the 20HD cap? That is; 20HD bloody skeleton costs 40HD at creation, but is 20HD for control purposes, does this break the cap?

HaraldKlak wrote:
Highglander wrote:

Control Summoned Creature

I agree with Drejk, the creature is possessed but can be dismissed by the summoner. I would consider the body dead in order to know what becomes of the possessot.

With a RAW ruling, it seems possible to dismiss the summoned creature even though it is possessed.

The weird thing is that, as written, you could argue that you can dismiss a summoned creature eventhough someone else control it through control summoned creature.

Personally, I think that the situation where a summoned creature is being possessed is so rare that it deserves something GM special to make it fun.

I does make me wonder, though. If the spell is dismissed, the creature returns to its home-plane. The possessing creature, being tied to his body until he actively leaves, is supposedly transported along with the creature. This makes for a wonderful death trap for those players who tend to abuse Magic Jar.

This is a rare case indeed, so I used a lot of time to discuss it with the players :)

Aye, I also thought of the possibility of the possessor being transported with the creature, but I ended up ruling that out...

But, nice to see a discussion on this topic, could we get an official ruling from the game creators? ;)

Lexarius wrote:

Yes, the spell can be dismissed at will. The tiger goes away whenever the caster wants.

A summoned creature is bound to do the caster's bidding. Summoned demons and devils will do as you ask whether they want to or not. Since this is not a compulsion effect and should work on mindless summoned creatures, one might argue that possessing a summoned creature isn't a very good idea. Congratulations, you're driving around a body that's bound to do the caster's bidding.

Thanks for a quick reply :)

So, even though the possessor takes over the creatures body, the caster can still control the creature? Sounds wrong in my mind at least...
The dismissal part, fair enough :)
Anyone else has thoughts about this?

So, basicly, i`m running Carrion Crown atm and we hit kind of a rule problem. Our druid summoned a tiger against a Vilkacis, and as a response i chose to use its Bestial Possession ability on the tiger. The tiger failed its save, and basicly got magic jared.
My question is this:
Can the character that summoned the tiger still dismiss it while the Vilkacis possesses it?

I ruled that the Vilkacis got a will save to resist the dismiss btw, although the tiger would disappear when the summon spell had ended.

Sorry for bad grammar, real late atm :P

Ty for answers! :)

Tetori monk, nuff said :)

Hey guys

Just asking a couple of question from a friend;
- Why does the bear animal companion stop growing at medium size? is there any rules to make animal companions from scratch?

- The Deaths Kiss ability from the Undead sub-domain states that the creature touched is treated as an undead for the purposes of negative and positive energy effects. Should I assume that this ability is a necromancy effect? My friend tried to use it on a construct, and I ruled that it didnt work, any thoughts?


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Lobolusk wrote:
Lobolusk wrote:
Branding Opportunity wrote:

P. 61 Tetori (Archetype)

The Bonus Feats for this archetype contain two feats that don't exist, I believe:

10th level-Twin Lock and 18th level-Backbreaker.

don't forget crushing embrace
also on page 61 graceful grapple says a monk suffers no penalties on attack rolls? is this during a grapple you are referring to?

Most likely he ignores the -2 penalty to attack while grappling:)

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys, I`ve been searching all the forums for this, but can anyone tell me where to find the 2 bonus feats for the Tetori archetype?
Crushing Embrace and Twin Lock?
Sorry if this question has been asked before:/

Liz Courts wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D
They can't, it's not a Paizo product. There's a thread about that around here somewhere.
There is, but I'll quickly recap: We don't control the release schedule on licensed products, so we can't offer a subscription for them.

Thats too bad:/ Well, guess I`ll order them manually then:P

Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D

Thanks for the reply guys!:)
Yeah, this makes sense, and I knew about undeads and constructs though:)
Indeed, my player is actually a blight druid (a goblin none the less) and his distraction DC is a beast of its own so most monster stands nauseated all the time hehe;)
But the swarm vs swarm thing makes sense, thanks:)

So I had a session with my players yesterday, and we had a rather lengthy discussion about the distraction ability that swarms have.
The party ran into a Worm that Walks, which is a swarm of sorts, and the druid attacked him with a load of swarms. I ruled that he was immune to the distraction effect, simply because he is a swarm himself.
Then I started wondering if other creatures should be immune to this effect, not everyone should get nauseated by swarms?
Any thoughts on this?

Mr. Jacobs

Are there any plans for new core classes in the future?

And what is your favourite 3.0-3.5 prestige class(es), and would you like to see any one of them in the Pathfinder rules?:)

My favourite was ofcourse the Inititate of the Sevenfold Veil, although it overpowered as ***:)


Question about the alchemist after reading my book; Deadly bombs is gone? I mean the one where you increase the damage of your bombs by 1d6? My alchemist player aint gonna be happy:P

Edit: Oh, and great book by the way, loads of options and new stuff:)
Loved the anti-paladin!:D

ulgulanoth wrote:
hero points! woop!

mmmmhh... this I like as a GM:) Used it before this book even:)

Star Voter Season 6

Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:

Matthew Morris / Lahamu

Matthew McGee / Ossuary Golem

These are the two I liked the best;)
Still lurking around to spend my last two votes though:)

Well, there goes my last votes:)

Tom Phillips — Slithering Horror
Jim Groves — Skintaker

I agree with you guys, too few votes:) Lots of good concepts this year, looking forward to the next round:)

Star Voter Season 6

Wow! This is, in my oppinion, the best monster I`ve seen here.
I kinda got that "Darkman" feeling, if anyone have seen those movies. Desperately struggling to be human again, though his flesh always melds away in the end. Awesome, just awesome:)

You got my vote for a job well done:)

Star Voter Season 6

Awesome monster! I like the swallow whole design, as many others have mentioned, because it doesnt get the PCs stuck down there forever.
I would like to see some kind of acid spray attack. Just a typical cone spray from the tentacles, or a retributive spray when sliced by weapons (It is a crawling stomach after all:P).

But hey, you get my vote:)

Star Voter Season 6

Nermal2097 wrote:

This is what i came up with for round two. Any and all feedback welcome.

Mud Bane

** spoiler omitted **

Like the name, sounds like one of my fav bands: Mudvayne;)

Some cool monsters you guys have made here:) *puts monsters into his campaign* ;)

Anyhoo, would you guys mind terribly if I post a monster in the next days? Been busy lately, havent thought of making a monster yet, but would like feedback:)

Star Voter Season 6

Hmmm... I actually like this monster:)
However, I would like that the ligaments to control the undead came from his torso or something like that instead. That way he could wield some kind of weapon in his hands.

I can really visualize this monster from your description, and thats great writing:)

Star Voter Season 6

Matthew Morris / Lahamu
Matthew McGee / Ossuary Golem

These are the two I liked the best;)
Still lurking around to spend my last two votes though:)

Star Voter Season 6

Clark Peterson wrote:
Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:

We had issues with the typos. We liked the Aeon Flux vibe, but in the end the amount of checks for falling did this thing in. It just isnt what we wanted in combat.

That combo pretty much means that a GM is going to be constantly rolling Acrobatic checks in damn near every other encounter. Lame. not to mention that the comedic situation this item is going for pretty much undermines any scary villain - Darth Vader looks really lame when he's fallen and he can't get up. If these were single use items, I might be cooler with them, but as is, nuh-uh.

I agreed and wrote:

I like some of this. Nice idea, not bad execution. Unfortunately, Three Stooges combat is not what I want in my epic, heroic fantasy roleplaying. Pass.

Thanks for the feedback Clark;) Really appreciate it:)

I`m gonna sharpen up my english and design next year then;)
Btw: Laughed my ass off at the Darth Vader situation, hehe, should have thought of that;)

Star Voter Season 6

KissMeDarkly wrote:
Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:

Awesomeness. Love the idea.

One thing I'm seeing a lot as I read this thread is a lack of paragraphs and this item suffers from that.

Now, the wording feels clunky and definately is need of polishing. Certain sentences feel like they should've been lumped together. Some words should be changed to represent the Marbles as plural and not singular. Compare what you submitted and what I edited:

Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
As a standard action the marbles may be poured from the bag and directed at an enemy. The marbles will then, at a speed of 50 feet, torment the targeted creature by forcing themselves underfoot. In effect, every 5-feet of movement the target makes requires a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone.

As a standard action, you may pour the marbles from the bag and direct them at an enemy. Moving at a Speed of 50 ft. per round, the marbles will place themselves underfoot, if able. Every move action the target makes requires a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone.

Also this is too much dice rolling. I removed your Acrobatics check per every 5-feet of movement cause assuming it is a Human target with a standard move this causes 6 Acrobatics checks.

Awesome! Thanks for the great feedback:)
Yeah, wording was something i really got stuck at on this item:S

I really like the changes you made, and actually have edited my item with your wording:) Perfect:)

Star Voter Season 6

Just in doing a quick thread read through, I saw this and I IMMEDIATELY wanted to give a set to one of the fae characters in my homebrew game.

I would like to extend a gold star and a most sincerely meant "GREAT JOB!!" These are super cool, keenerdoodles and nifty. Thank you for sharing them!

Might I have your...

Thank you, really fun to hear that someone liked them:)

Use em all you want, the only real doubts i have on this item is:
1. the price; I was really unsure if the price was too high.
2. the mechanic; Just the whole "does it work normally agains bigger creatures" etc.

Just modify them as you see fit, and have fun:D

Star Voter Season 6


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11
Slot-; Price 36000 gp; Weight 1lb.

These small spherical shaped objects, made out of polished agate, are often found as sets of ten inside a finely crafted silk woven bag. Upon opening the bag, a careful listener may hear hushed snickering from the marbles. As a standard action the marbles may be poured from the bag and directed at an enemy. The marbles will then, at a speed of 50 feet, torment the targeted creature by forcing themselves underfoot. In effect, every 5-feet of movement the target makes requires a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone. Even when the enemy is prone, the marbles will continue to harass them, and an audible chuckling can be heard from the agate spheres. Getting up from prone position while the marbles is upon you requires a DC 20 Acrobatics check or fail, wasting the move action. The marbles of mischief has no effect against flying creatures, or creatures without legs. Creatures with more than two legs gets their usual stability bonus, if they have one, on their Dexterity checks. The owner of the marbles of mischief may change their target or command them to return as a standard action. Although persistent, the marbles are easily bored and will return to the silken bag after ten rounds, no matter if their owner commands them otherwise. If the silken bag is not readily available for them to enter, they will whine and rub against their owners foot for a round before going inert. The marbles needs one hour of rest before they can be used again.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects. Cost 18000 gp

Sinvel Menter wrote:

I've been searching for an answer to my question to no avail, so I thought I'd give it a shot here. When using a wondrous item that has power via an infused spell during item creation that allows for spell resistance, do creatures who have spell resistance get to use that ability against the item?

I have seen several past wondrous items that include spells that allow for spell resistance in their creation description, yet there is no mention of overcoming SR in the item description.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Dont know the official ruling, but I would say the item allows for spell resistance, since the item simulates a spell that allows it. Anyone else got some thoughts on this?

Star Voter Season 6

Hey guys! This is actually my first post, and I just entered my submission for this years RPG Superstar. Been playing D&D for 10 years now, and been a GM for two of them. The reason I submitted this early is the christmas rush, and a lot of work. I feel that I have submitted a pretty fun item, but who knows? It might be crap, hehe;)
Anyways, I wish all of you guys the best of luck for this years competition!