
Sander Skeie aka Smands's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So, basicly, i`m running Carrion Crown atm and we hit kind of a rule problem. Our druid summoned a tiger against a Vilkacis, and as a response i chose to use its Bestial Possession ability on the tiger. The tiger failed its save, and basicly got magic jared.
My question is this:
Can the character that summoned the tiger still dismiss it while the Vilkacis possesses it?

I ruled that the Vilkacis got a will save to resist the dismiss btw, although the tiger would disappear when the summon spell had ended.

Sorry for bad grammar, real late atm :P

Ty for answers! :)

Hey guys

Just asking a couple of question from a friend;
- Why does the bear animal companion stop growing at medium size? is there any rules to make animal companions from scratch?

- The Deaths Kiss ability from the Undead sub-domain states that the creature touched is treated as an undead for the purposes of negative and positive energy effects. Should I assume that this ability is a necromancy effect? My friend tried to use it on a construct, and I ruled that it didnt work, any thoughts?


So I had a session with my players yesterday, and we had a rather lengthy discussion about the distraction ability that swarms have.
The party ran into a Worm that Walks, which is a swarm of sorts, and the druid attacked him with a load of swarms. I ruled that he was immune to the distraction effect, simply because he is a swarm himself.
Then I started wondering if other creatures should be immune to this effect, not everyone should get nauseated by swarms?
Any thoughts on this?