
Sébastien of The City of a Hund's page

311 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

They share an Action Pool of 3. Does that mean that 1 Action DaS and then decide who uses it?

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Hello All!

I am excited that you have decided to join me on this adventure! Please take your time to read through the information in Game Play for ideas for your character.

This will be 1st level. You may choose anything of


Source Core Rulebook pg. 629 2.0
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.

trait. We will be opening up access to Uncommon and beyond, as we go.

This link will help you create your character.

Archives of Nethys

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map


Otari is a small coastal town a few days’ travel from a major city. Otari is a thriving, diverse lumber town and trade port with a storied past and its fair share of sinister secrets. Founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago, the town has weathered attacks from kobolds and strange monsters, economic woes and windfalls, and cycles of prosperity and strife. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the largest settlements along the coast, but outside groups have their eye on Otari’s fortunes, and centuries-old threats still lie buried beneath the cobblestones! Otari is nestled in a coastal valley between two looming cliffs. The Osprey River flows into the sea in the middle of this valley, and the sturdy stone to either side of this river supports hundreds of buildings and a deep harbor.
Otari rarely floods, but the numerous caves, warrens, and channels dug beneath the town do so regularly. Though day-to-day life in Otari resembles that in any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at its eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation, and a stunning library to the west. The town’s location near a major highway and its long history as a home to various adventuring parties lead visitors and travelers alike to seek it out. Lively trade passing through means unusual wares (and even magic items) aren’t too difficult to find. Just over 1,200 people live in Otari, drawn from all over
the world. While most of these residents are humans, some dwarves and elves also live here. Most residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries. For the most part, people in Otari are friendly and welcoming, though they prefer its small-town feel and make lighthearted fun of visitors from big cities. Coffee is a mainstay, a favorite drink among the hardworking and early-rising townsfolk. Oseph Menhemes, a descendant of one of Otari’s founders, has served multiple terms as the town’s elected mayor thanks to his easygoing efficiency and the townspeople’s general deference to tradition. He also runs one of the town’s main lumber companies, making him wealthy as well as influential.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello All!

So, my weekly AoA game is winding down. We are discussing our next AP, which will be SoT.

With the Free Archetype Dedication (wizard of course!), I have been researching the Alchemist. Seems like a good time to take it out for a run! I played 5 different Alchy's in PF1e, so I am (was) excited to finally try PF2e Alchemist!

Now, it would be a true disservice to say that I am not overly blown away by the class at first glance. So, I recall that PF2e is way different than PF1e so I endeavor to really open the Alchemist class up and really dig deep!

And dig. And dig. And dig.

Now, after reading (and even rereading) all the Threads on Alchemist, mentally building different routes, and even adding Witch Dedication (which hurt and helps); I am coming to the conclusion that it will be a bit subpar when comparing what it can do with other classes at the same levels.

I realize that DPS is not truly a measuring stick for any class really. But can we agree that this game is basically based on hp damage and how to get it to zero?
I get the rp, character relationships, and all the esoteric entices involved, but getting down to the base line of the game (and most every game) it comes down to combat.

We all relish the sound of our DMs calling for Initiative! The blood pounds with excitement as we begin scouring our sheets for the perfect opener! Just me? Ha!

Now don't get me wrong, Alchemist has some solid abilities that are certain to make friends at the table. Also, has a few not so friendly to friends. I can deal with that. What I am having a difficult time grasping is why is it so meekly weighed against other classes that may have similar capabilities?

It feels as if the Alchemist is weighed down by previously conceived notions from the former edition? It feels like the Alchemist of PF2e has been saddled with a tether, because of what its predecessor was capable of?

Why are Alchemical Items only at those levels? Because they correspond to Runes?

Why grant a +1/4 of Item's level to damage, if Item levels are 1, 3, 11, 17? That is just hurtful (looking at you Burn It!).

Do I actually have a question for you? Not too certain; most likely needed to just have your ear. Thank you!

I plan to still go with Alchemist for Sot. I just absolutely love a challenge!

As the title asks?

Male Archives of Nethys Human Loot List Roll20

Absalom; City at the Center of the World!

Male Archives of Nethys Human Loot List Roll20

Welcome to the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path!
As a player in this campaign, you’ll get to take on the
exciting role of a city guard in Absalom, the City at the
Center of the World. You’ll be responsible for mediating
interpersonal disputes before they become violent,
protecting the people of your city from nefarious crooks
and rampaging monsters, and arresting criminals who
flout Absalom’s laws. With the safety of the city in your
hands, you’ll need to muster bravery, wit, and heart in
order to see that justice is fairly dealt.
The Adventure Path kicks off at the outset of the
highly anticipated Radiant Festival, Absalom’s once-a century world fair. It’s your first day as members of the
Edgewatch, the newly formed guard unit responsible
for ensuring the safety of not only Absalom’s residents
but also the countless visitors attending the festival.
Your hands might seem full enough at first with just
the matters of the fairgrounds in the partially restored
Precipice Quarter, but as the campaign progresses,
you’ll quickly find yourself visiting many other parts
of the city in order to pursue an increasingly dire
investigation. If you’re looking for adventures full of
high-octane action, intriguing NPC interactions, and
a sprawling urban backdrop, then you’ve come to the
right Adventure Path.

Male Archives of Nethys Human Loot List Roll20

Welcome to the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path!
As a player in this campaign, you’ll get to take on the
exciting role of a city guard in Absalom, the City at the
Center of the World. You’ll be responsible for mediating
interpersonal disputes before they become violent,
protecting the people of your city from nefarious crooks
and rampaging monsters, and arresting criminals who
flout Absalom’s laws. With the safety of the city in your
hands, you’ll need to muster bravery, wit, and heart in
order to see that justice is fairly dealt.
The Adventure Path kicks off at the outset of the
highly anticipated Radiant Festival, Absalom’s once-a century world fair. It’s your first day as members of the
Edgewatch, the newly formed guard unit responsible
for ensuring the safety of not only Absalom’s residents
but also the countless visitors attending the festival.
Your hands might seem full enough at first with just
the matters of the fairgrounds in the partially restored
Precipice Quarter, but as the campaign progresses,
you’ll quickly find yourself visiting many other parts
of the city in order to pursue an increasingly dire
investigation. If you’re looking for adventures full of
high-octane action, intriguing NPC interactions, and
a sprawling urban backdrop, then you’ve come to the
right Adventure Path.

Welcome to the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path!
As a player in this campaign, you’ll get to take on the
exciting role of a city guard in Absalom, the City at the
Center of the World. You’ll be responsible for mediating
interpersonal disputes before they become violent,
protecting the people of your city from nefarious crooks
and rampaging monsters, and arresting criminals who
flout Absalom’s laws. With the safety of the city in your
hands, you’ll need to muster bravery, wit, and heart in
order to see that justice is fairly dealt.
The Adventure Path kicks off at the outset of the
highly anticipated Radiant Festival, Absalom’s once-a century world fair. It’s your first day as members of the
Edgewatch, the newly formed guard unit responsible
for ensuring the safety of not only Absalom’s residents
but also the countless visitors attending the festival.
Your hands might seem full enough at first with just
the matters of the fairgrounds in the partially restored
Precipice Quarter, but as the campaign progresses,
you’ll quickly find yourself visiting many other parts
of the city in order to pursue an increasingly dire
investigation. If you’re looking for adventures full of
high-octane action, intriguing NPC interactions, and
a sprawling urban backdrop, then you’ve come to the
right Adventure Path.

So, I am reading this Feat and it seems as if even if you miss (failure) the Strike, the Target is still Flat-Footed?

And, also, if you are Small and Target is Medium (or larger) does that mean the Strike fails and the Failure kicks in; making Target Flat-Footed?

Does Reach Spell only add to the original casting, or also during the 10 minute duration?

Ok. I have read through all the Threads (a lot btw); and I still need clarification on if ANY Negative Trait spell will do the trick?

I am planning on making a Bard Necromancer and wanted to know if he would have access to paths to heal his minions?


May you use this boon to transfer from a noncore chronicle to a core character?

As level 1 summons Tiny; can you summon it into the target's square?

Ok. So, the Solar Manifestations are either light or dark. How exactly does the darkness work? Does it do anything? What are you turning off with a Standard action?

Stellar Manifestations:
At 1st level, you gain a physical manifestation of your stellar power. The base form of your Solar Manifestation, when not actively in use, is a mote of stellar energy slightly smaller than your fist that hovers near your head. Beyond the solar mote, your manifestation can take one of two additional forms: armor or a weapon. You must pick one Solar Manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your Solar Manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing Solar Manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode, the glow or darkness returns immediately. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.

Only you can interact with your solar manifestation, whether in mote, armor, or weapon form. No other creature or effect can affect your Solar Manifestation in any way, including disarming or sundering it.

Is it shapeable?

Does the chain of SM spells all count as one spell where employing the magical Lineage trait?

Magical Lineage:

Source Ultimate Campaign pg. 57 (Amazon), Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1 (Amazon), Second Darkness Player's Guide pg. 13 (Amazon)
One of your parents was a gifted spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but also developed many magical items and perhaps even a new spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this greatness. Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.


I am planning on playing a Slums spirit Shaman in an upcoming Hell's Rebels campaign.
I found this hex and I have gotten permission from my DM to take it once able.
Now, i read this as saying that I can place a 10' square of difficult terrain any where within 90' of me (line-of-sight assumed).
It also states that I get 1 10' square per level.
Do the squares need to connect to each other?
It doesn't read as if they do.

Thank you.

Swamp's Grasp (Su):
Swamp's Grasp (Su)

The witch can cause an area to become an entangling quagmire.

Effect: One 10-foot square per witch level within 90 feet becomes difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. If the witch uses this hex again before the duration of the previous use has expired, the effects of the previous use of this hex end immediately.

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Tim Akers, Neal Litherland, David N. Ross, and Tork Shaw.

11 people marked this as FAQ candidate.


I am confused as to this paragraph:

The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice.

It reads as if you may exchange feats every round for the one minute duration without expending more than the initial martial flexibility usage?

Hello all

We are having our second annual con and i want to run a module. I have two 5 hour slots available.

Any suggestions?

Hello all,

Making my first PFS cleric, and would like to know if there is any way to grant static damage to negative channels?

Thank yee

Sovereign Court

This is my first foray into anything raging, so I am trying to understand this line.

A bloodrager cannot enter a new bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter bloodrage multiple times during a single encounter or combat.

Does this mean that he can do this?

round 1: rage
round 2: end rage and move to another target.
round 3: rage

thus saving a round of rage?


I was wondering if this allowed your speed for heavy armor to be positively affected if these two revelations are taken?

Armor Mastery (Ex): You become more maneuverable while wearing armor.
You can move at your normal speed in medium armor that is made of metal.
At 5th level, whenever you are wearing metal armor,
you reduce the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and
increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1.
At 10th level, and again at 15th level, these bonuses increase by 1.

Skill at Arms (Ex): You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor.

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Ok, I am building a 3rd level Wizard.
I am planning on going Evocation[admixture] path.
I am thinking Magic Missile combined with Toppling spell, Magical lineage, and specialized spell.

Any more ways to increase damage?


Sovereign Court 1/5

Is the White-Haired Witch archtype legal in PFS?

Can you choose to do non-lethal damage with Natural attacks as you can with Improved unarmed strike attacks?

So, my home group just started RotRL last Friday.
We have:
1/2 elf Syn Summoner (melee)
elf ranger (archer)
1/2 Orc Scarred Witch doctor (caster)
Aasimar Life Oracle (healer)
Aasimar Oracle (melee)
and my character is 1/2 elf drow-blooded Rogue (melee)

This is my advancement plan: Rogue 4/ Alchemist [Vivisectionist] x
Str 18 (10,+2) Dex 15 (7) Con 12 (2) Int 14 (5) Wis 10 Cha 7 (-4)

Traits: bruising intellect, surprise weapon
Rogue1 1. Catch off guard
Rogue2 2. TWF (combat talent)
Alchemist1 3. Extra Rogue Talent (offense/defense)
Rogue3 4. --
Rogue4 5. Bludgeoner, Enforcer (Ninja trick)
Alch2 6. preserve organs (discovery)
Alch3 7. Sap adept

At 7th: +10/+10 umbrella/ books (1d6+4+4d6+8)x2 plus shaken and grants +8 dodge bonus to my AC.

I thought it funny--and cool--to use an umbrella and maybe a satchel with his books as his improvised weapons.

I wanted a fun, but deadly melee build. Any suggestions?

I see that this class has Reflex and Will as its good saves.
While the Alchemist class has Fort and Ref.
I was wondering if this is what you wanted?


(Any chance of an Alchemist/Bard combo?)

Alright. My home group is starting a new campaign in 2 weeks. We are beginning as Apprentice class. The area is advancing technologically.
It will be run close to a Steampunk level.

I am planning to play a Bard. I am extremely torn in which variant to play--if any. I have narrowed it down to Magician, Sandman, or standard.

We can chose from base races, using an 18 point build. Humans and 1/2 Orcs recieve an extra +2 to an ability score. I am leaning human, although I do like 1/2 Orcs too!

I would appreciate it if anyone can teach me the virtues of those particular variants? Thanks!


Are drawbacks available for PFS play?

I think that they achieve a nice character build with some small measure of balanced benefit.

I didn't realize that they may not be available. Any chance, if they are not, that they will be included?

does the 'invisibility' granted from Mislead count as using mythic invisibility when a mythic point is used and if no then how can we make it so?

I was looking over some online campaigns and was intrigued. I wanted to know how does one enter a game and what the proper 'rules' are for joining. Thank you!

We are a biweekly table-top group who r beginning a new campaign in Golarion. Let me know if u r in the area and looking for a group to join. We play in Fraser.

My character is an 8th level Teifling Rogue, who has, thus far, concentrated only on skill-based feats and talents. How do I now create a "feared' combatant out of him?